Autoscaling service from single async client (one connection) - kubernetes

I have a client that makes asynchronous calls to a gRPC service managed by kubernetes. The function calls are computationally expensive and they each take a while to complete. Therefore many of the calls wait for response in a queue (as shown in this tutorial or more specific What I notice is that all the calls are served by the same pod and other pods remain unused on my cluster.
If I launch multiple instances of the client it picks up different nodes or pods, but I'm interested in this happening for calls from one async client connection.
Is this possible and if so, does it require some specific configuration?
(I realize that I could open many connections from one script, but this does not seem optimal??)
I should also mention that I'm running a local kubernetes setup with just a few nodes which is setup using kubeadm.

kube-proxy is an L4 load balancer so it's not able to distinguish between separate http requests (L7) in one stream. Depending on what you are trying to achieve an L7 proxy (that supports HTTP/2) could be a solution.
There is a nice overview in this document:


Kubernetes-services load balancing

I have read this question which is very similar to what I am asking, but still wanted to write a new question since the accepted answer there seems very incomplete and also potentially wrong.
Basically, it seems like there is some missing or contradictory information regarding built in load-balancing for regular Kubernetes Services (I am not talking about LoadBalancer services). For example, the official Cilium documentation states that "Kubernetes doesn't come with an implementation of Load Balancing". In addition, I couldn't find any information in the official Kubernetes documentation about load balancing for internal services (there was only a section discussing this under ingresses).
So my question is - how does load balancing or distribution of requests work when we make a request from within a Kubernetes cluster to the internal address of a Kubernetes service?
I know there's a Kubernetes proxy on each node that creates the DNS records for such services, but what about services that span multiple pods and nodes? There's got to be some form of request distribution or load-balancing, or else this just wouldn't work at all, no?
A standard Kubernetes Service provides basic load-balancing. Even for a ClusterIP-type Service, the Service has its own cluster-internal IP address and DNS name, and forwards requests to the collection of Pods specified by its selector:.
In normal use, it is enough to create a multiple-replica Deployment, set a Service to point at its Pods, and send requests only to the Service. All of the replicas will receive requests.
The documentation discusses the implementation of internal load balancing in more detail than an application developer normally needs. Unless your cluster administrator has done extra setup, you'll probably get round-robin request routing – the first Pod will receive the first request, the second Pod the second, and so on.
... the official Cilium documentation states ...
This is almost certainly a statement about external load balancing. As a cluster administrator (not a programmer) a "plain" Kubernetes installation doesn't include an external load-balancer implementation, and a LoadBalancer-type Service behaves identically to a NodePort-type Service.
There are obvious deficiencies to round-robin scheduling, most notably if you do wind up having individual network requests that take a long time and a lot of resource to service. As an application developer the best way to address this is to make these very-long-running requests run asynchronously; return something like an HTTP 201 Created status with a unique per-job URL, and do the actual work in a separate queue-backed worker.

Load balancing onto replicas of pods

We have an AKS cluster and we want to achieve below two points in our architecture:
We have replicas of pods and we want to have only 1 request served by one pod. basically one pod - one request design.
When all pods are busy, then next coming request should not be queued at POD level, instead it should be queued at service level and once any of busy pod become idle or available then only queued request should be dispatched on idle pod.
How to achieve above things?
Generally, this could be achieved by creating a custom proxy that creates pods on demand, but in practice it will be very difficult and performance will be poor. This was very well explained by David Maze in his comment:
You need to write a custom proxy with access to the Kubernetes API that can create new pods on demand; this is not a standard Kubernetes setup. This is also an extremely heavy-weight setup (if it takes tens of seconds to pull and deploy a new pod you can hit HTTP request timeouts very easily) and every Web framework supports handling multiple requests per process.

Can Kubernetes work like a compute farm and route one request per pod

I've dockerized a legacy desktop app. This app does resource-intensive graphical rendering from a command line interface.
I'd like to offer this rendering as a service in a "compute farm", and I wondered if Kubernetes could be used for this purpose.
If so, how in Kubernetes would I ensure that each pod only serves one request at a time (this app is resource-intensive and likely not thread-safe)? Should I write a single-threaded wrapper/invoker app in the container and thus serialize requests? Would K8s then be smart enough to route subsequent requests to idle pods rather than letting them pile up on an overloaded pod?
Interesting question.
The inbuilt default Service object along with kube-proxy does route the requests to different pods, but only does so in a round-robin fashion which does not fit our use case.
Your use-case would require changes to be made to the kube-proxy setup during the cluster setup. This approach is tedious and will require you to have your own cluster setup (not supported by cloud services). As described here.
Best bet would be to setup a service-mesh like Istio which provides the features with little configuration along with a lot of other useful functionalities.
See if this helps.

how sockets or communication channels are maintained in distibuted system

I am new to distributed systems, and came to this problem once needed to deploy a gRPC service to kubernetes (GKE). As far as I know, when a client initiate an rpc, it creates a long lasting http2 connection and further calls are multiplexed on it. I like to send/push notifications or similar messages to the client through this connection. If I deploy to multiple pod, then the connections are spread across them, and not sure what is the best way to locate the instance where the channel is registered to the client. A possible solution could be, as soon as user initiate a connection, keep a reference of clientId and pod ip (or some identification) in a centralized service and other pods lookup the pod and forward the message to it. Is something like is advisable or is there an existing solution for this? I am unfamiliar with this space and any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Edit: (response to #mebius99)
While looking at deploying option, I stumbled upon GKE, and other cloud deployment options were limited because of my use of gRPC/http2. Thanks for mentioning service discovery , and that or service mesh might be an option. With gRPC, client maintains a long lived connection to a single pod. So, I want every pod to be able to query, based on unique clientId (clients can do an initial register rpc call), which pod is it connected, so can make use of this connection and also a way pods to forward the message between them. So, something like when I get a registration call from client, I update the central registry about the client and pod ip, then look it up from any pod and forward package to it so it further forward to client through the existing streaming connection. You guiding me to the right direction, please let me know above is possible in container environment.
thank you.
Another idea, You can use Envoy proxy.
If you are using GKE, these posts are helpful.
I'd suggest to start from the Kubernetes Service concept and Service discovery. The External HTTP(S) Load Balancing should fit your needs.
In case you need something more sophisticated, Envoy proxy + Network Load Balancing could be a solution, as is mentioned here.
It sounds like you want to implement some kind of Pub-Sub system.
You must do some back-of-envelop calculation of the scale, such as how many clients, how many messages per second first.
Then you can choose whether to implement yourself or pick an off-the-shelf system, such as
I just want to add more explanations to the existing answers here.
Since requests in HTTP/2 is multiplexed (multiple requests can be active on the same connection at any point in time), requests will be just pinned to a single Kubernetes pod. Hence, we need to configure a service mesh to shift from connection-based balancing to request-based balancing. Envoy Proxy mentioned here is one example.
I'd recommend everyone to read this good article from Kubernetes blog

Notify containers of updated pods in Kubernetes

I have some servers I want to deploy in Kubernetes. The clients of those servers will also be in Kubernetes. Clients and servers can independently be deployed or scaled.
The clients must know the list of the servers (IPs). I have an HTTP endpoint on the clients to update the list of the servers while the clients are running (hot config reload).
All this is currently running outside of Kubernetes. I want to migrate to GCP.
What's the industry standard regarding pods updates and notifications? I want to get notified when servers are updated to call the endpoints on the clients to update the list of the servers.
Can't use a LoadBalancer since the clients really need to call a specific server (business logic are in the clients).
The standard for calling a group of pods that offer a functionality is services. If you don't want automated load-balancing or a single IP address, which regular services do, you should look into headless services. Calling headless services returns a list of DNS A records that point to the pods behind the service. This list is automatically updated as pods become available/unavailable.
While I think modifying an existing script to just pull a list from a headless is much simpler, it might be worth mentioning CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions) as well.
You could build a custom controller that listens to service events and then posts the data from that event to an HTTP endpoint of another Service or Ingress. The custom resource would define which service to watch and where to post the results.
Though, this is probably much heavier weight solution that just having a sidecar / separate container in a pod polling the service for changes (which sounds closer to you existing model).
I upvoted Alassane answer as I think it is the correct first path to something like this before building a CRD.