How to create a rest api in app maker? - rest

Is there a way to create a REST API in a server side script in app maker?
I need to call a server side function from an iOS app passing some parameters and have a response without having to go to a page in the app.
I know that for regular google apps script it’s possible trough the Execution API but I don’t know how to do it inside app maker.

You cannot use App Maker via Execution API at this time
I tried to use App Script Execution API with App Maker and here are my findings:
You can enable Execution API for App Maker app deployment in Google Cloud Console, just go to Settings -> Deployments -> Select deployment -> View Logs (these steps will navigate you to associated Cloud Project), then follow these instructions to enable API itself and create credentials:
Next goes deal breaker for combining App Maker and Execution API... To use App Script app as API you need to deploy it as 'API executable', but App Maker publishes its deployments as 'web app'... I'm not sure, if one can have App Script app simultaneously published both as 'web app' and 'API executable', but even if it is possible App Maker doesn't allow you do it at this time.


Can we invoke an exe of client machine through ChatBot application which is hosted on azure and channel to access the chatbot is MS Teams

I am working on a chatbot application developed in .net core 3.1, this application is hosted on azure, and all users of the company can interact with this chatbot through MS Teams app, on both platforms through mobile and desktop. So I want to do some automation on user machine, for this, I want to invoke cmd and some exes of client user machine, but I have no idea how to achieve this directly through my chatbot application. I don't want to inkove exe through the client machine browser with some registry changes on user's machine.
This would be a massive security risk, so no, there's no way to do this without installing or implementing things on the user's machine.
Some options are:
Write a custom chat client using directline-js, that executes those commands when it receives data from the bot.
Register a custom URI Protocol handler and have the bot send a URL link in teams. When the user clicks it, the handler grabs it and sends it to the program registered with the handler to execute the appropriate action.
There's probably some other ways to do this but again, it's not possible without the client installing something or making some registry edits.

Bot SDK with facebook channel - outside Azure deployment

I have a question related to channels and using bot SDK outside azure, Is there a sample code which shows how to connect the bot SDK with facebook channel without deploying it to Azure? ex: running as a standalone node app and connect facebook callback?. The reason is I checked this sample and inside the logic I can't see it has a facebook channel specific connector is used. So my question is does bot SDK core automatically understand how to interpret messages coming from any channel (in this case facebook) or does this conversion done by the channel connectors only available in Azure deployment?
I would like to use botframework mainly because it has, dialogs and session state already implemented instead of I re-do it again. But I want to use it outside Azure and with facebook channel

Backup configuration page not loading

I upgraded my app service to Standard a few days ago. However, when I go to the backup configuration page, it never finishes loading. I just get the dots across the top of the screen forever.
According to your description, I have checked this issue. Per my test, I found I could not configure my backups for my mobile app on Azure Portal as follows:
While for web app, I could configure the backups via Azure Portal as follows:
Then I Use REST to back up and restore App Service apps and Use PowerShell to back up and restore App Service apps to check this issue. After configure the backup for my mobile app, I could see the Configure button on Azure Portal, but when I try to change the backup configuration, I encountered the same issue as you mentioned.
Per my understanding, you could leverage the powershell command Edit-AzureRmWebAppBackupConfiguration for a simple way to edit your Backup Configuration, you could refer to here for more details.

Install or connect Google Home to a third party "Action"

I am developing an action using "Google Action". I have deployed the action as given in the deployment documentation.
Now I want other users to integrate or connect their Google Home device to this action. How can I do that?
See the section Confirm Your Deployment under the page you have linked to. Your Action will be reviewed and, once approved, will be Deployed and available for others to use.
Until it has been approved, you can only let others test it using the same scheme you are using to test it.
Pro Tip: You can deploy your action to the public by using as your fulfillment endpoint.

Unable to Publish .Net backend Service Project into Mobile App service

I have recently migrated my .NET backend Mobile service to App Service, then I tried to publish the updated Service Project to the App Service but it is failing and getting an error saying
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Web deployment task failed. (Connected to the remote computer ("******") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at:
I have downloaded the Publish Profile from the portal Mobile app command Get Publish Profile option.
Then I imported it to my service project under publish wizard using Import option, I got two profiles one is FTP another one is Web Deploy I tried both option but no luck.
According to the error message it is saying UNAUTHORIZED so, where can I get/see the user name and password of my Mobile App in Azure Portal?
Narendra Macha.
This is a known issue for which a fix is in progress. You can workaround this by adjusting the publish settings to use the scm endpoint for your site, as captured here.