How to let another user access my kubernetes on IBM Bluemix? - kubernetes

I created a kubernetes cluster under my user account on IBM Bluemix, and added another into my organization. But he can't see my cluster. Is there any other configure?

To manage cluster access, see this link from the IBM Bluemix Container Service documentation. Summarised here:
Managing cluster access
You can grant access to your cluster to other users, so that they can
access the cluster, manage the cluster, and deploy apps to the
Every user that works with IBM Bluemix Container Service must be
assigned a service-specific user role in Identity and Access
Management that determines what actions this user can perform.
Identity and Access Management differentiates between the following
access permissions.
IBM Bluemix Container Service access policies
Access policies determine the cluster management actions that you can
perform on a cluster, such as creating or removing clusters, and
adding or removing extra worker nodes.
Cloud Foundry roles
Every user must be assigned a Cloud Foundry user role. This role
determines the actions that the user can perform on the Bluemix
account, such as inviting other users, or viewing the quota usage. To
review the permissions of each role, see Cloud Foundry roles.
RBAC roles
Every user who is assigned an IBM Bluemix Container Service access
policy is automatically assigned an RBAC role. RBAC roles determine
the actions that you can perform on Kubernetes resources inside the
cluster. RBAC roles are set up for the default namespace only. The
cluster administrator can add RBAC roles for other namespaces in the
cluster. See Using RBAC Authorization in the
Kubernetes documentation for more information.


Workload identity to connect a GKE cluster to a different GCP project

Is it possible to use workload identity to access from a GKE pod to a GCP service of another project? A project that is different from the one in which the GKE cluster is created.
Yes, you can. If the service account bind with your K8S service account is autorize to access to resources in other projects, there is no issue. It's the same thing with your user account or other service accounts: Grant the account the access to the ressources and that's enough!

How to check existing users and groups in kubernetes cluster?

We can check the service accounts in Kubernetes Cluster. Likewise, Is it possible to check the existing users and groups of my Kubernetes cluster with Cluster Admin privileges. If yes then how ? If no then why ?
NOTE: I am using EKS
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This won't answer everything, however there are some concepts and ideas.
In short words there's no easy way. It's not possible to do using kubernetes itself. Reason for this is:
All Kubernetes clusters have two categories of users: service accounts
managed by Kubernetes, and normal users.
It is assumed that a cluster-independent service manages normal users
in the following ways:
an administrator distributing private keys
a user store like Keystone or Google Accounts
a file with a list of usernames and passwords
In this regard, Kubernetes does not have objects which represent normal
user accounts. Normal users cannot be added to a cluster through an
API call.
More details and examples from another answer on SO
As for EKS part which is mentioned, it should be done using AWS IAM in connection to kubernetes RBAC. Below articles about setting up IAM roles in kubernetes cluster. Same way it will be possible to find which role has cluster admin permissions:
Managing users or IAM roles for your cluster
provide access to other IAM users and roles
If another tool is used for identity managing, it should be used (e.g. LDAP)

Kubernetes service account role using OIDC

I am trying out the capability where 2 pods deployed to the same worker node in EKS are associated to different service accounts. Below are the steps
Each service account is associated to a different role one with access to SQS and other without access.
Used eksutil to associate OIDC provider with cluster and also created iamserviceaccount with service account in kubernetes and role with policy for accessing SQS attached (implicit annotation of service account with IAM role provided by eksctl create iamserviceaccount).
But when I try to start the pod which has service account tied to role with SQS access, I am getting access denied for SQS, however if I add SQS permissions to worker node instance role, its working fine.
Am I missing any steps and is my understanding correct?
So, there are a few things required to get IRSA to work:
There has to be an OIDC provider associated with the cluster, following the directions here.
The IAM role has to have a trust relationship with the OIDC provider, as defined in the AWS CLI example here.
The service account must be annotated with a matching
The pod must have the appropriate service account specified with a serviceAccountName in its spec, as per the API docs.
The SDK for the app needs to support the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API call. Weirdly, the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK doesn't currently support it at all (the "old" aws-sdk-go does).
It's working with the node role because one of the requirements above isn't met, meaning the credential chain "falls through" to the underlying node role.

Connect Kubernetes service account to Google Cloud service account

I'm developing a service running in Google Kubernetes Engine and I would like to use Google Cloud functionality from that service.
I have created a service account in Google Cloud with all the necessary roles and I would like to use these roles from the pod running my service.
I have read this:
and I was wondering if there is an easier way to "connect" the two kinds of service accounts ( defined in Kubernetes - defined in Google Cloud IAM ) ?
I don't think there is any direct link. K8s service accounts are purely internal. You could try granting GIAM permissions to serviceaccount:name but that seems unlikely to work. More likely you would put the Google SA credentials in a secret and then write an RBAC policy giving your K8s SA read access to it.
Read the topic which I have shared. You need to enable Workload Identity on your cluster and then you can annotate Kubernetes service account with IAM on google.

Can Namespace level permissions be set with Google Cloud IAM on GKE?

Kubernetes RBAC can be used to give permissions to a subject in a particular Namespace. Can the same be accomplished with Cloud IAM?
Not at the moment, no. IAM is used to assign and verify permissions when interacting with GCP APIs. IAM can only provide access to the GKE API, which does not take into account namespaces.
As you mentioned, RBAC is your option for more granular permissions within the cluster
If I got your point correctly that:
The IAM roles for a GKE kubernetes cluster are very simple, "Admin, Read/Write, Read".
But you need more fine-grained control over the kubernetes cluster.
In this case:
There's a new "Alpha" feature in Google Cloud's IAM which wasn't available previously.
Under IAM > Roles
You can now create custom IAM roles with your own subset of permissions.
You can create a minimal role which allows for example gcloud container clusters get-credentials to work, but nothing else, allowing permissions within the kubernetes cluster to be fully managed by RBAC.
It will allow you to get more fine-grained access configurations for kubernetes cluster.