I would like to build a new struct that inherits from other multiple structs, something like that:
struct new_struct like struct_a, struct_b, struct_c is {
// The new_struct supposed to have all the fields of struct a/b/c
Is there a way to inherit from multiple structs in E?
Thank you for your help
No, there is no multiple inheritance in e. However, not long ago interfaces were added, this is probably the closest thing.
What is exactly your purpose? In some cases 'struct_member' macro or when subtype can do a job expected from multiple inheritance.
Is the following use of Generics "allowed"/unproblematic in swift? I mean, it compiles, but could this cause problems in some cases? It feels strange to use something from within a class while defining that class.
class MyGeneric<A> {}
class MyClass: MyGeneric<MyClass.NestedType> {
enum NestedType {}
This question might be kind of stupid and the answer might very well be "it compiles, so yes" but it feels quite strange to write it like this. But it would also be nice if it was fine. Makes the code much more organized and concise.
It's fine.
MyClass.NestedType doesn't get any special attachment to MyClass, MyGeneric or A. It's just a naming thing.
Constrast this with say, Java, where non-static inner classes are parameterized by their containing classes generic type. E.g. Foo<A>.Nested is a different class from Foo<B>.Nested.
I have a class "Vertex" with 4 attributes and a class "Vertex_" with one attribute. The one attribute in Vertex_ is also in Vertex. Is it a good design to keep the two classes or is it better to program just the class Vertex, although there will be 3 variables, which are not used, when I instantiate an object which needs just the one attribute?
Class Vertex_ is actually somewhat a duplicate of Class Vertex.
I would suggest using inheritance and having Class Vertex inherit the attribute from the parent Class Vertex_ while having the 3 other attributes Class Vertex_ does not have.
This is a question that deserves a very long answer.There are two reasons for inheritance and the reason for doing it can depend on the language being used. One reason is for code reuse. Without knowing anything else about your situation, it would seem you are inheriting simply to reuse an attribute (but I suspect there could be more you will be reusing). But, there are other ways of getting code reuse without inheritance, for example containment, which is often a better way.
A powerful feature of object-oriented programming is the ability to substitute one type of object for another. When a message is sent to that object, the correct method implementation is invoked according the actual type of object receiving the message. This is one type of polymorphism. But in some languages the ability to substitute one object for another is constrained. In Java I can only substitute an instance of class B for an instance of class A if B is a descendant of A. So inheritance becomes important in Java to support polymorphism.
But what does it mean to be able to substitute a B instance for an A instance? Will it work? Class A has established a contract stating what each of its methods requires before you can successfully call it and at the same time states what each method promises to deliver. Will the methods of class B live up to that contract? If not, you really cannot substitute a B for an A and expect the program to run correctly. B may be a subclass of A but it is not a subtype of A (see Liskov substitution principle]).
In a language such as Python, inheritance is not required for polymorphism and coders are more apt to use it as code-reuse mechanism. Nevertheless, some people feel that subclassing should only be used to express subtyping. So, if Vertex_ is only using one of the four attributes it has inherited, I am doubtful that an instance of Vertex_ could be safely substituted for an instance of Vertex. I would not do the inheritance unless the language were C++ and then I would use private inheritance.
This is my naive thought process. I appreciate when anyone points out any discrepancies.
I know that in Java it is possible to create private nested classes. But in PHP (calling itself an "OOL") no such thing is easily possible.
However, there may be an instance where I need to use a helper class within only one other class.
This naturally led me to consider using composition about which I think its supposed to actually solve this kind of a problem, for the following reason:
It is only called composite, if the objects it refers to
are really its parts, i.e. have no independent existence.
Aggregation differs from ordinary composition in that it does not imply ownership.
In composition, when the owning object is destroyed, so are the
contained objects. In aggregation, this is not necessarily true.
So since in composition the components aren't supposed to exist without the other composite object, I assume there is basically only one way of accomplishing this by using private nested classes, otherwise I will need to have the Component class visible, making it instantiable also somewhere else, violating the creation/destruction-of-components-within-the-composite-class rule.
Now I came across PHP where it is not possible at all to create nested classes (or maybe with some magic) which may lead to a question why do we need nested classes at all?
Compelling reasons for using nested classes include the following:
It is a way of logically grouping classes that are only used in one
place: If a class is useful to only one other class, then it is
logical to embed it in that class and keep the two together. Nesting
such "helper classes" makes their package more streamlined.
It increases encapsulation: Consider two top-level classes, A and B,
where B needs access to members of A that would otherwise be declared
private. By hiding class B within class A, A's members can be declared
private and B can access them. In addition, B itself can be hidden
from the outside world.
It can lead to more readable and maintainable code: Nesting small
classes within top-level classes places the code closer to where it is
So in my opinion, as nested classes increase encapsulation (and thus allowing for implementation of a composite concept) it should be always possible to create a nested class in a proper OOL.
I also looked up the definition of an OOP and it only mentions the support for Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism concepts.
Encapsulation means that the internal representation of an object is generally hidden from view outside of the object’s
Abstraction is the development of classes, objects, types in terms of their interfaces and functionality, instead of their implementation details. (e.g. instead or creating a single sequence of commands to work with a radius and points we would abstract a concept of a circle. So we define a class Circle and a its attributes/functions in such a way that it reflects this abstract concept.)
Inheritance is supposed to be the is-a relationship between abstractions (allowing for code reuse).
Polymorphism allows for overriding and overloading methods.
A guy asked a question here which actually complies exactly with my understanding of the problem and IMHO received quite inaccurate answer, being told to be really confused and being provided with a code sample which IMO is not a proper composition, as it is not really possible in PHP. In addition someone may argue that composition isn't about inner classes.
So am I understanding something really wrong?
Those concepts like composition are generic and their implementation may vary depending on the programming language.
In the other hand, I wouldn't say that the definition of composition which includes [...] have no independent existence refers to being able to create instances or not from different scopes.
No independent existence is a more conceptual than practical rule. It means that a wheel can never be the composition root because the root is the car. That is, a wheel can't exist independently of a car.
Therefore, the conclusion is nested classes are just an implementation detail and they have nothing to do with composition. Note that objects aren't created from classes in all programming languages but composition and many other features are still possible. Would you say that object composition isn't possible in JavaScript?
var car = { manufacturer: "Ford", model: "Focus" };
// I can create the wheel after the car
var wheel = { color: "black" };
// but it'll be always tied to some car
car.wheel = wheel;
Anyway, practically all systems implement aggregation, which is a flavor of composition. Take a look at this Q&A at Software Engineering.
While a wheel is useless without being part of a car, wheels are still sold apart as one of the many mechanical pieces of which a car is built, hence a wheel can live alone yet it's useless as just a piece.
Generic definition of composition in OOP
The OP is too concerned and focused on the formal definition of composition in terms of UML: composition, association, direct association, aggregation...
BTW, the term composition in OOP has a more simple meaning which is often used, for example, when discussing when to use inheritance or when to avoid it, we talk about composition over inheritance. See for example this Q&A from 2010: What is composition as it relates to object oriented design? on which basically all answerers have a consensus about the definition of composition.
At the end of the day, the term composition is the approach to create an object graph: simple types are associated together to create more complex types.
Thus, as I've already explained in the first part of this answer, nested classes are just a programming language implementation detail and they're not crucial to implement any flavor of composition.
OP said on some comment:
But conceptually in order to implement it properly as a composition,
I'd prefer something like partial classes (as in C#) allowing me to
separate code into multiple files but restricting the instantiability
to the main class only. I know you don't agree with me, I have to
express my view somehow.
This is a wrong example because partial classes are just a syntactic sugar to glue multiple files defining the same class and later everything is the same class.
C# has nested classes:
public class A
public class B
But you need to understand that type definitions have nothing to do with objects from a conceptual point of view because an object-oriented language may or may not have a type system and classes, but yet it can support composition and all its flavors.
In wikipedia, there's also the following example of composition without using private nested classes.
class University
std::vector<Department> faculty; //this is composition
std::vector<People*> people; //this is aggregation
University() // constructor
// Composition: Departments exist as long as the University exists
For a true composition we don't have to make the whole class private as long as we treat instances of departments appropriately, i.e. we need to make sure that all departments will actually get deleted when the university ceases to exist.
An analogous ways of implementing different compositions in JavaScript would be as follows:
/*this is a component's "class"*/
function Text(txt){
this.txt = txt;
/*this is a composite's "class"*/
function Hello(begining){
/*public object*/
this.begining = begining;
/*this is like making an instance from a nested function which is a composite*/
var Middle = new (function Middle(txt){
this.txt = txt;
})(" - ");
/*private object - also a composite, even though it's made of the public class Text*/
var Ending = new Text("that's all.");
/*The use of the private property Ending*/
this.Say = function(){
var msg = this.begining.txt + Middle.txt + Ending.txt;
This txt variable will be the "begining" text. It could still be a composite, but
only if it's not used in another composite when purpose is to be
"an untransferable part" and not a "visitor".
var txt = new Text("Dan");
var say1 = new Hello(txt);
var say2 = new Hello(new Text("To be or not to be"));
say1.Say() /*Dan - that's all.*/
say2.Say() /*To be or not to be - that's all.*/
But even the transferability is often a neglected rule when people see "cars" having "wheels" as parts (rather then "visitors")
Instead of perhaps "neural network" and "neurons" or "forest" and "trees". Trees don't get replanted to a different forest so often.
And since the wheels can still be understood as parts of a composite, it doesn't have to differ from aggregation in code.
In swift, what is best practice for having several functions common to more than one class, where inheritance between those classes isn't feasible?
I'm new to programming so please don't condescend. Its just when I first started learning a few months ago I was told its terrible practice to repeat code, and at the time I was coding in Ruby where I could create a module in which all the functions resided, and then just include module in any class where I wanted to use those functions. As long as all variables in the module's functions were declared in the classes the code worked.
Is there a similar practice in swift, or should I be doing something else like making a bunch of global functions and passing the instance variables to those functions? Please be as specific as possible as I'm gonna follow your advice for all code I write in swift going forward, thanks!
simple answer to your question is protocol
define protocol
protocol ProtocolName {
/* common functions */
func echoTestString()
extension ProtocolName {
/* default implementation */
func echoTestString() {
print("default string")
class conforming to protocol with default implementation
class ClassName: ProtocolName {
ClassName().echoTestString() // default string
class conforming to protocol with overriden implementation
class AnotherClass: ProtocolName {
func echoTestString() {
print("my string")
AnotherClass().echoTestString() // my string
While an opinion, I think this is the right route - use a Framework target. Protocols work too. But with a Framework, you can:
Share across projects
Keep everything local in scope what you need or not
Be agnostic in many ways
If you want to use the "include" Swift verb (and all that comes with it), you pretty much need to use a Framework target. If you want complete splitting of code too. Protocols are used when you are within a single project, do not want to "repeat" code pieces, and know you will always be local.
If what you want is to (a) use protocols across projects, (b) include true separate code, (c) have global functions, while (d) passing instance variables... consider a separate target.
EDIT: Looking at your question title ("using same functions") and thinking about OOP versus functional programming, I thought I'd add something that doesn't change my solution but enhances it - functional programming means you can "pass" a function as a parameter. I don't think that's what you were saying, but it's another piece of being Swifty in your coding.
Is there any technical reason I am missing for which e doesn't have static fields/methods?
I've looked up the LRM and there is no mention of anything like this. There are workaround (like this one: http://www.specman-verification.com/index.php?entry=entry060612-105347), but I don't find it a particularly clean approach as it's not nicely encapsulated.
Good question. There should be no such technical reasons to not have it, and it might be a good idea to add static members to e structs. Its semantics would just need to be carefully considered, because of the aspect-oriented features of e, which are irrelevant to some other languages that have static members (for example, one question that would need to be answered is whether static methods can be extended, e.g., with is also or not).
However, it doesn't seem very critical to me, because a static field is, effectively, no more than a global field (or method, or any other kind of struct member) that belongs to a given struct's namespace. So, even without having static members, an easy workaround is to add such a member to global (or to sys), and make sure that its name has a prefix that makes it clear to "belong" to a given struct.
There is an important point, though, which does make static members more than just a member of global. In e, like in C++, there are template types. A static member of a template would be something that, on the one hand, is shared by all instance objects of a given template instance type, but on the other hand, would exist separately for each template instance (each one of which being a separate struct).
Not sure if the port-based workaround suggested at the above link is any better. I see it as an overkill.
Actually, in my previous answer I am missing an important point, which does make static members more than just a member of global.
In e, like in C++, there are template types. A static member of a template would be something that, on the one hand, is shared by all instance objects of a given template instance type, but on the other hand, would exist separately for each template instance (each one of which being a separate struct).
By the way static struct members were added to the language in Specman v15.2. They are handy especially in configuration structs that are well, static:
extend packet_s {
static max_address : uint = 0x1000;
-- Change max_address for all instances
on xxx { packet_s::max_address = 0x2000; };
A static field can't be generated, physical(%) or used in when subtypes. Here's some comments from the teamspecman blog : Static members in e
I think the main reason why e doesn't have static struct members yet is the fact that you always have global and sys singletons as well as top unit of your specific module (which means better encapsulation), where the 'static' information can be placed. There is no special technical reason for that, besides some complexity in defining exact semantics.
As a syntactic sugar for the unit access, you can always wrap it with very basic single-word macro - it will not be completely seamless, because this magic word will always be required vs. natively visible static struct members of 'me', but still very easy to use.