How to set baudrate on TwinCAT3 PLC for EL6002 or EL6001 comport? - plc

I cannot find how to set baudrate for the Beckhoff EL6002. I got a hint that I should use CoeWrite block for that but as I am bit new to TwinCAT I cannot find the correct function block. Could someone send a code example (on structured text) how to do that?

An alternative to programming it would be to configure it directly via the IO configuration. If you add a Startup value, it will be set every time the IO changes from a specified state to another. In the pic below, PS means when going from Pre-Op to Safety. So it will work, even if you replace the IO.

Another solution is to change it under the IO configuration and COE-online tab. When you update it there, it will always remember the value.
In code, you can update it through CoE (Can over EtherCAT) too. You can find the index number of the setting variable from documentation. For channel 1, it seems to be 8000:11 so index = 8000 and subindex = 11.
Then by using mailbox writer block (FB_EcCoESdoWriteEx) from Tc2_EtherCAT library it is possible to write a value to that parameter. So when your PLC program starts, first run the code that updates the variable to desired baudrate.
For example, something like this:
TargetValue := 1; //WORD, Check documentation for correct value
//MailBoxWriter = Instance of FB_EcCoESdoWriteEx
sNetId:= **AmsNetId of the EtherCAT master**,
nSlaveAddr:= **Serial interface terminal port**,
nSubIndex:= 11,
nIndex:= 8000,
pSrcBuf:= ADR(TargetValue),
cbBufLen:= SIZEOF(TargetValue),
bExecute:= TRUE,
tTimeout:= T#500MS,
bCompleteAccess:= FALSE,
bBusy=> ,
bError=> ,
The sNetIdis AmsNetId of the EtherCAT bus master. It can be linked from IO configuration, see Master->Infodata->AmsNetId.
The nSlaveAddr is terminal port from EL6002 and it can be linked from IO configuration, see Terminal->InfoData->AdsAddr->port.


How do I use system time as a trigger in codesys ladder?

Programming a raspberry pi with codesys, using mostly ladder, basically I need to write all data that is currently in a couple arrays to a csv file at midnight, so i'd like to be able to use a dt value as a trigger. I can't figure out how to use that value in ladder, however. I can display the local time on visualizer, but if i wanted something like "if localTime=#value" then coil 'Write' turns on, where is the actual variable for system time?
As far as I know, you need to read the clock from local system using function blocks, for example GetDateAndTime from CAA DTUtil Extern Library. Then you need to keep it up-to-date by using a function block, for example RTC from Standard libary
The following reads the system local time and then updates it with a RTC function block. Works at least on Windows, couldn't test with Raspberry. Please note that if the local time changes for some reason, this won't update it again. So you need to run the GetDateAndTime call every now and then, for example.
First, a program that updates and provides the local time:
PROGRAM PRG_UpdateSystemTime
SystemDateTime : DT;
ReadLocalTime : DTU.GetDateAndTime; //Reads local time from system
RtcBlock : RTC; //Real-time clock - updates the previously received local time
//NOTE: Output is UTC time
//The block that reads local time. NOTE: Error handling is missing
ReadLocalTime(xExecute:= TRUE);
//Running real-time clock
EN := ReadLocalTime.xDone AND NOT ReadLocalTime.xError,
PDT := ReadLocalTime.dtDateAndTime,
CDT => SystemDateTime
And then one example for ladder. I think there are millions of ways. Note that the "DoSomething" will be TRUE for the whole second, so you should probably use rising edge detection.

In Application Programming issue

I'm working on project on STM32L152RCT6, where i have to build a mechanism to self update the code from the newly gated file(HEX file).
For that i have implemented such mechanism like boot loader where it checks for the new firmware if there it it has to cross verify and if found valid it has to store on "Application location".
I'm taking following steps.
Boot loader address = 0x08000000
Application address = 0x08008000
Somewhere on specified location it has to check for new file through Boot loader program.
If found valid it has to be copy all the HEX on location(as per the guide).
Than running the application code through jump on that location.
Now problem comes from step 5, all the above steps I've done even storing of data has been done properly(verify in STM32 utility), but when i'm jump to the application code it won't work.
Is there i have to cross check or something i'm missing?
Unlike other ARM controllers that directly jump to address 0 at reset, the Cortex-M series takes the start address from a vector table. If the program is loaded directly (without a bootloader), the vector table is at the start of the binary (loaded or mapped to address 0). First entry at offset 0 is the initial value of the stack pointer, second entry at address 4 is called the reset vector, it contains the address of the first instruction to be executed.
Programs loaded with a bootloader usually preserve this arrangement, and put the vector table at the start of the binary, 0x08008000 in your case. Then the reset vector would be at 0x08008004. But it's your application, you should check where did you put your vector table. Hint: look at the .map file generated by the linker to be sure. If it's indeed at 0x08008000, then you can transfer control to the application reset vector so:
void (*app)(void); // declare a pointer to a function
app = *(void (**)(void))0x08008004; // see below
app(); // invoke the function through the pointer
The complicated cast in the second line converts the physical address to a pointer to a pointer to a function, takes the value pointed to it, which is now a pointer to a function, and assigns it to app.
Then you should manage the switchover to the application vector table. You can do it either in the bootloader or in the application, or divide the steps between them.
Disable all interrupts and stop SysTick. Note that SysTick is not an interrupt, don't call NVIC_DisableIRQ() on it. I'd do this step in the bootloader, so it gets responsible to disable whatever it has enabled.
Assign the new vector table address to SCB->VTOR. Beware that the boilerplate SystemInit() function in system_stm32l1xx.c unconditionally changes SCB->VTOR back to the start of the flash, i.e. to 0x08000000, you should edit it to use the proper offset.
You can load the stack pointer value from the vector table too, but it's tricky to do it properly, and not really necessary, the application can just continue to use the stack that was set up in the bootloader. Just check it to make sure it's reasonable.
Have you changed the application according to the new falsh position?
For example the Vector Table has to be set correctl via
SCB->VTOR = ...
When your bootloader starts the app it has to configure everything back to the reset state as the application may relay on the default reset values. Espessially you need to:
Return values of all hardware registers to its reset values
Switch off all peripheral clocks (do not forget about the SysTick)
Disable all enabled interrupts
Return all clock domains to its reset values.
Set the vector table address
Load the stack pointer from the beginning of the APP vector table.
Call the APP entry point.(vertor table start + 4)
Your app has to be compiled and linked using the custom linker script where the FLASH start point is 0x8008000
for example:
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000 + 32K, LENGTH = 512K - 32K
where FLASH_BASE's value must be equal to the address of your IROM's value in KEIL
#define FLASH_BASE 0x08004000
Keil configuration

serial monitoring method to test communication via com ports without a serial communication device

I have a Verilog code simulated and synthesized on ISE design toolkit. I've got an FPGA spartan 6 device which is to be used for the implementation. But there is a problem with the device (probably a power issue) which makes the device unavailable in any of the COM ports when I connected it to my PC. So I want to check whether my Matlab code which I made for serial communication through the device does the desired job. So I need a method to test serial communication via any of the COM ports without connecting a serial com device to the PC. Is there any such method that I can Tx Rx serial data from Matlab to COM ports? Any software or any other method would be highly appreciated :)
I found a way to test Matlab serial communication using virtual serial ports.
Download "Freeware Virtual COM Ports Emulator" from:
I installed it in Windows 10, and it's working (as trial).
Add a pair of two serial ports:
Execute the following Matlab code sample to verify it's working:
s3 = serial('COM3','BaudRate',115200);
s4 = serial('COM4','BaudRate',115200);
fwrite(s3, uint8([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
%fprintf(s3, '12345');
RxBuf = fread(s4, 5)
clear s3
clear s4
The output is:
RxBuf =
Bypassing the problem "it only stays for a single test session".
There is a problem when creating a pair of virtual ports using the software, it only stays for a single test session.
I guess it's a problem with the COM port emulation software.
The following solution, is not a good practice (and not a true solution).
Declare the serial object as global, keeping the object persistent.
Create the serial object only if it's not created.
Don't delete and don't clear the serial object.
See the following code sample:
global s3 s4
if isempty(s3)
s3 = serial('COM3','BaudRate',115200);
if isempty(s4)
s4 = serial('COM4','BaudRate',115200);
fwrite(s3, uint8([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
RxBuf = fread(s4, 5)
%clear s3
%clear s4
You can also look for a better virtual COM port software.
As Rotem suggested, if you need to communicate via serial line between 2 program of your PC you need a virtual COM port emulator.
It seems you are running on Windows OS so I would recommend a completely free emulator (not a trial one). For Windows I use com0com Null-modem emulator (from SourceForge).
In the example below I will show how to communicate with "another" device so Matlab will not handle both side of the communication. The other device will be simulated by a simple terminal. For windows I use RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal (also from SourceForge).
Execute the setup of both program with all default options. by default com0com will create a virtual pair COM3/COM4 but if these port already exist on your system the program may assign other numbers. Check the numbers before you run the example. (it will also create a CNCA0/CNCB0 pair but you can ignore this one for now).
For RealTerm, once installed (don't forget to activate the server registration at the end of the setup, it should be ticked by default though), it will look like below. Keep all default options, just set the port number and the baud rate if they need to be changed.
Test MATLAB -> Terminal
You are ready to send Ascii characters or binary values from MATLAB to your device. The animation below shows you an example of both option:
you can click on the picture to see it full size. It is running in loop so you may want to wait until it restart from the beginning.
Test Terminal -> MATLAB
Below animation shows you how to test the communication in the other way:
Don't forget to tick [CR] [LF] on RealTerm when you send Ascii characters and want to use the '%s' format specifier on MATLAB, as it needs these characters to detect the end of the string.
If you have another terminal program that you are more used too, it
will work the same.
If the RealTerm option does not suit you, or if you want to handle
both sides of communication from Matlab, then you can use the code
provided by Rotem in his first answer. Just install com0com but
ignore all the RealTerm part.

How can I save output from Simulink?

I'm a student learning to use MATLAB. For an assignment, I have to create a simple state machine and collect some results. I'm used to using Verilog/Modelsim, and I'd like to collect data only when the state machine's output changes, which is not necessarily every time/sample period.
Right now I have a model that looks like this:
RequestChart ----> ResponseChart ----> Unit Delay Block --> (Back to RequestChart)
| |
------------------------> Mux --> "To Workspace" Sink Block
I've tried setting the sink block to save as "Array" format, but it only saves 51 values. I've tried setting it to "Timeseries", but it saves tons of zero values.
Can someone give me some suggestions? Like I said, MATLAB is new to me, please let me know if I need to clarify my question or provide more information.
Edit: Here's a screen capture of my model:
Generally Simulink will output a sample at every integration step. If you want to only output data when a particular event occurs -- in this case only when some data changes -- then do the following,
run the output of the state machine into a Detect Change block (from the Logic and Bit Operations library)
run that signal into the trigger port of a Triggered Subsystem.
run the output of the state machine into the data port of the Triggered Subsystem.
inside the triggered subsystem, run the data signal into a To Workspace block.
Data will only be saved at time point that the trigger occurs, i.e. when your data changes.
In your Simulink window, make sure the Relative Tolerance is small so that you can generate many more points in between your start and ending time. Click on the Simulation option at the top of the window, then click on Model Configuration Parameters.
From there, change the Relative Tolerance to something small... like 1e-10. After that, try running your simulation again. You should have a lot more points in your output array that you can now save.

Qt: Preferences not restored through signal and slot mechanism

In my Text Editor application, I save the users font format selection as a preference.
Signals and slots are first set up in the constructor, and then the preferences are read as in the code below:
void TextEditor::readUserPreferences()
QSettings userPreferences(QSettings::NativeFormat,QSettings::UserScope,ORGANIZATION_TITLE,APPLICATION_TITLE);
this->boldAction->setChecked( userPreferences.value("appearance/bold").toBool() );
this->italicAction->setChecked( userPreferences.value("appearance/italic").toBool() );
this->underlineAction->setChecked( userPreferences.value("appearance/underline").toBool());
//other code.
Now, in the readPreferences function, when boldAction->setChecked(true);, shouldn't the text become bold because the signal and slot mechanism has already been defined? If so, then why isn't it working on my application? The bold function itself works perfectly fine.
Is there a better way of doing this than what I'm doing? Thanks for your help
There appear to be two things wrong here.
Firstly, you are connecting to the wrong signals. The changed signal does not pass a value indicating the action's checked state, and triggered is not emitted at all when setChecked is called. You need to connect to the toggled signal.
Secondly, the signal will only be emitted if the checked state has changed. So if the action is already checked and the user preference evaluates to true, nothing will happen. You probably need to take steps to ensure the appropriate default state is set before connecting the signals.