Using Spring Batch to write to a Cassandra Database - spring-batch

As of now, I'm able to connect to Cassandra via the following code:
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Session;
public static Session connection() {
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
.addContactPoints("IP1", "IP2")
.withCredentials("user", "password")
Session session = null;
try {
session = cluster.connect("database_name");
session.execute("CQL Statement");
} finally {
return session;
The problem is that I need to write to Cassandra in a Spring Batch project. Most of the starter kits seem to use a JdbcBatchItemWriter to write to a mySQL database from a chunk. Is this possible? It seems that a JdbcBatchItemWriter cannot connect to a Cassandra database.
The current itemwriter code is below:
public JdbcBatchItemWriter<Person> writer() {
JdbcBatchItemWriter<Person> writer = new JdbcBatchItemWriter<Person>();
writer.setSql("INSERT INTO people (first_name, last_name) VALUES
(:firstName, :lastName)");
return writer;

Spring Data Cassandra provides repository abstractions for Cassandra that you should be able to use in conjunction with the RepositoryItemWriter to write to Cassandra from Spring Batch.

It is possible to extend Spring Batch to support Cassandra by customising ItemReader and ItemWriter.
ItemWriter example:
public class CassandraBatchItemWriter<Company> implements ItemWriter<Company>, InitializingBean {
protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CassandraBatchItemWriter.class);
private final Class<Company> aClass;
private CassandraTemplate cassandraTemplate;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { }
public CassandraBatchItemWriter(final Class<Company> aClass) {
this.aClass = aClass;
public void write(final List<? extends Company> items) throws Exception {
logger.debug("Write operations is performing, the size is {}" + items.size());
if (!items.isEmpty()) {"Deleting in a batch performing...");
cassandraTemplate.deleteAll(aClass);"Inserting in a batch performing...");
logger.debug("Items is null...");
Then you can inject it as a #Bean through #Configuration
public ItemWriter<Company> writer(final DataSource dataSource) {
final CassandraBatchItemWriter<Company> writer = new CassandraBatchItemWriter<Company>(Company.class);
return writer;
Full source code can be found in Github repo: Spring-Batch-with-Cassandra


Uploading retrieved files in a FTP server to mongodb collection using spring boot

I have implemented a springboot application to retrieve files from an FTP server and to download them into my local directory.
Following is the code which I used to do that.
public class FTPConfiguration {
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "ftpMGET")
public FtpOutboundGateway getFiles() {
FtpOutboundGateway gateway = new FtpOutboundGateway(sf(), "mget", "payload");
gateway.setLocalDirectory(new File("./downloads/"));
gateway.setFilter(new AcceptOnceFileListFilter<>());
return gateway;
public MessageChannel fileResults() {
DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();
return channel;
public WireTap tap() {
return new WireTap("logging");
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "logging")
public LoggingHandler logger() {
LoggingHandler logger = new LoggingHandler(LoggingHandler.Level.INFO);
logger.setLogExpressionString("'Files:' + payload");
return logger;
public DefaultFtpSessionFactory sf() {
DefaultFtpSessionFactory sf = new DefaultFtpSessionFactory();
return sf;
#MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "ftpMGET", defaultReplyChannel = "fileResults")
public interface GateFile {
List<File> mget(String directory);
Now I need to upload these files to my MongoDB automatically, when I run this program.
Can anyone please help me or guide me the steps I should follow?
Please, take a look into a MongoDB support in Spring Integration:
You probably need to think how to make some POJO from files of that MGET result and send it to that MongoDB channel adapter for storing as documents in some collection.

Spring Batch, JpaRepository and Rollback

I have a Spring Batch application(Spring Boot 2.3.5.RELEASE) that uses a JpaRepository to insert some custom log messages into a database as Spring Batch is processing. This is separate from the out of the box Spring Batch tables. Seems that when I throw an exception from my ItemProcessorAdapter, it is caught by the ItemProcessListener onProcessError() method. In this method I am performing a JpaRepository save() and flush(). No errors are logged, but once I leave this method the JpaRepository does a rollback.
Is this normal behavior? How can I get around it?
When using JpaRepository, is there a way to set a #Transactional(noRollbackFor = {xxxException.class})? I tried this and it seemed to have no effect.
Sample code snippet is below.
public class BatchJobConfiguration {
//Omitted for clarity....
public CompositeItemProcessor<Decision,Decision> itemProcessor() {
CompositeItemProcessor<Decision,Decision> itemProcessor = new CompositeItemProcessor<>();
return itemProcessor;
} // end itemProcessor()
public BeanValidatingItemProcessor<Decision> decisionValidatingItemProcessor() {
BeanValidatingItemProcessor<Decision> beanValidatingItemProcessor = new BeanValidatingItemProcessor<>();
return beanValidatingItemProcessor;
} // end decisionValidatingItemProcessor()
public ItemProcessorAdapter<Decision,Decision> myItemProcessor(DecisionProcessingService service) {
ItemProcessorAdapter<Decision,Decision> adapter = new ItemProcessorAdapter<>();
return adapter;
public DecisionItemProcessListener decisionItemProcessListener() {
return new DecisionItemProcessListener(mpJpaRepository);
public class DecisionProcessingService {
public Decision processDecision(Decision decision) throws BatchException {
throw new BatchException("An error occurred");
public class DecisionItemProcessListener implements ItemProcessListener<Decision,Decision> {
private MyJpaRepository mpJpaRepository;
public DecisionItemProcessListener(MyJpaRepository mpJpaRepository) {
this.mpJpaRepository = mpJpaRepository;
public void onProcessError(Decision decision, Exception e) {
MyEntityObject obj = MyEntityObject.builder()
// after this, the insert above is rolled back.
} // end onProcessError()
The callback you are using here ItemProcessListener#onProcessError is called with-in a transaction (driven by Spring Batch) that is going to be rolled-back due to the exception thrown by the item processor.
If you want to save data in that method, you need to use a new transaction (use the REQUIRES_NEW propagation).
EDIT: I shared a minimal complete example here:

Use multiple mongo DBs in same application for same model & same Repository

I need to implement Spring boot - MongoDb application where There are 2 mongo DBs which have exact same database name & collections. Based on User making a request, i need to choose whether to fetch data from DB1 or DB2 (only difference in mongo URI host - IP).
E.g. I need some way to create 2 mongoTemplates like mTempA & mTempB in my Repository & based on some condition, use either of the template to execute query as below:
public class MyCustomRepository {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyCustomRepository.class);
private MongoTemplateA mongoTemplateA;// Need to know if this is possible & how
private MongoTemplateB mongoTemplateB;// Need to know if this is possible & how
public List<MyModel> findByCriteria(MyRequest request) {
List<MyModel> result;
//Query query = <build query based on request>
if (request.getUserType().equals("A")) {
result = mongoTemplateA.find(query, MyModel.class);
} else {
result = mongoTemplateB.find(query, MyModel.class);
logger.debug("Result fetched with {} records", result.size());
return result;
I don't want to have 2 separate Repo (Class or Interfaces) or different models to be used. Just want to have 2 different mongoTemplates to be injected in single repo.
Is this possible? If yes, please give some example code.
I have followed below tutorial:
As rightly pointed out by #Lucia, below is how it can be done:
Have 2 different configuration placeholders
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "com.snk.repository", mongoTemplateRef = "mongoTemplateA")
public class MongoConfigA {
// Configuration class for DB 1 access
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "com.snk.repository", mongoTemplateRef = "mongoTemplateB")
public class MongoConfigB {
// Configuration class for DB 2 access
Get one class which will help in reading custom properties for mongo db properties in
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mongodb")
public class MultipleMongoProperties {
private MongoProperties adb = new MongoProperties();
private MongoProperties bdb = new MongoProperties();
public MongoProperties getAdb() {
return adb;
public MongoProperties getBdb() {
return bdb;
Add a configuration class to create mongoTemplates:
public class MultipleMongoConfig {
private MultipleMongoProperties mongoProperties = new MultipleMongoProperties();
#Bean(name = "mongoTemplateA")
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplateA() {
return new MongoTemplate(aDbFactory(this.mongoProperties.getAdb()));
#Bean(name = "mongoTemplateB")
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplateB() {
return new MongoTemplate(bDbFactory(this.mongoProperties.getBdb()));
public MongoDbFactory aDbFactory(final MongoProperties mongo) {
return new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI(mongo.getUri()));
public MongoDbFactory bDbFactory(final MongoProperties mongo) {
return new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI(mongo.getUri()));
Add below decelerations to your service/repository:
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplateA;
private MongoTemplate MongoTemplateB;
Add below properties in your
If you have mongo rplica set, URL can be set as:
Based on your logic, use either of the template.
Thought, there are few catches:
Notice the #Primary annotation, one bean needs to be marked as primary. I haven't find any solution if no template is marked primary.
If any of the mongo DB is down & application is started/restarted, application will not start/deploy. to avoid this, #Autowired needs to be changed to #Autowired(required = false).
If any of the mongo DB is down & application is already running, it automatically uses 2nd mongo BD (which is not down). So, even if you want to use A DB, if it's down, requests are processed with B DB & vice-versa.

#EnableMongoAuditing for MongoDB on Cloud Foundry / mongolab

My setup works on my local but not when I deploy it to CloudFoundry/mongolab.
The config is very similar to the docs.
My local spring config
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "")
public class SpringMongoConfiguration extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
protected String getDatabaseName() {
return "myDb";
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
return new MongoClient("localhost");
public AuditorAware<User> myAuditorProvider() {
return new SpringSecurityAuditorAware();
This is the cloud foundry setup
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = "")
public class SpringCloudMongoDBConfiguration extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
private Cloud getCloud() {
CloudFactory cloudFactory = new CloudFactory();
return cloudFactory.getCloud();
public MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory() {
Cloud cloud = getCloud();
MongoServiceInfo serviceInfo = (MongoServiceInfo) cloud.getServiceInfo(cloud.getCloudProperties().getProperty(""));
String serviceID = serviceInfo.getId();
return cloud.getServiceConnector(serviceID, MongoDbFactory.class, null);
protected String getDatabaseName() {
Cloud cloud = getCloud();
return cloud.getCloudProperties().getProperty("");
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
Cloud cloud = getCloud();
return new MongoClient(cloud.getCloudProperties().getProperty(""));
public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
return new MongoTemplate(mongoDbFactory());
public AuditorAware<User> myAuditorProvider() {
return new SpringSecurityAuditorAware();
And the error I'm getting when I try to save a document in Cloud Foundry is:
OUT ERROR: - Unexpected error
OUT java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported entity! Could not determine IsNewStrategy.
OUT at
OUT at
OUT at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle(
Any ideas? Is it my config file etc..?
Thanks in advance
This is usually caused if the Mongo mapping metadata obtained for entities does not scan entities at application startup. By default, AbstractMongoConfiguration uses the package of the actual configuration class to look for #Document annotated classes at startup.
The exception message makes me assume that SpringCloudMongoDBConfiguration is not located in any of the super packages of There are two solutions to this:
Stick to the convenience of putting application configuration classes into the root package of your application. This will cause your application packages be scanned for domain classes, metadata obtained, and the is-new-detection work as expected.
Manually hand the package containing domain classes to the infrastructure by overriding MongoConfiguration.getMappingBasePackage().
The reason you might see the configuration working in the local environment is that the mapping metadata might be obtained through a non-persisting persistence operation (e.g. a query) and everything else proceeding from there.

Whether Replication Possible With Spring Data Couchbase?

HI i just want to know whether the XDCR replication is possible with spring data Couchbase. If possible how can i achieve that .please help .
My Code Sample
//configuration class
public class ApplicationConfig {
public CouchbaseClient couchbaseClient() throws IOException {
return new CouchbaseClient(Arrays.asList(URI
.create("http://localhost:8091/pools")), "xxxw", "");
public CouchbaseTemplate couchbaseTemplate() throws IOException {
return new CouchbaseTemplate(couchbaseClient());
public class Person {
String name;
String id;
public Person(final String personId, final String personname,
final int personIdAge, final JSONObject personData) { = personId; = personname;
this.age = personIdAge;
this.body = personData;
//main Test class
public class Test {
public static void main(String s[]) {
try {
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
CouchbaseTemplate template = context.getBean("couchbaseTemplate",
} catch (Exception e) {
How can i achieve repltcaion to elastic search index through spring data couchbase . with this sample classes ..??
Using elastic search in Couchbase is not dependent on what you client application looks like or whether or not it uses Spring. As long as you are storing data in Couchbase in JSON format things should work fine.
Setting up elastic search is more of an operations task than a development task. Take a look at the instructions at the link below and then run you application code as is. If you have configured everything properly then your data should end up in elastic search.