Get a list of who has what access to git repositories - azure-devops

Using VSTS APIs, I'm trying to get a list of who has what access to each of our git repositories in VSTS.
I have the security namespaceId for Git and I pass this namespaceId to the Security -> Access Control List API described here:
Drilling into the response, I can see it is listing the permissions for each repo, along with ref and tags.
Each object contains "acesDictionary", which itself is an object with keys that look like this:
How do I decipher a ClaimsIdentity? My first thought was that the UUID in the ClaimsIdentity is the UUID of the user in my VSTS project, but it is not. I know the email address is there so I suppose I could use that, but now I'm curious what the UUID in ClaimsIdentity represent. The VSTS API docs dont mention this.
Is Security -> Access Control Lists even the right place where I should be looking? My main goal is trying to get a list of who has what access to VSTS git repositories.

Through tech support, I was able to reach a Microsoft representative who shared with me that the documentation for mapping identity descriptors isn't available yet but will hopefully be released soon. In the meantime, there is an endpoint to crosswalk identity descriptors which looks something like this:
GET {account}{commaSeparatedDescriptorsList}&api-version={apiVersion}
Note that this call is made through SPS {account} and not through your account instance {account}
Using my example, it would look something like this (uuid obfuscated):;ffead5b1-5121-4e0e-a439-bbecb4999eba:Build:c4bfb762-a246-46c9-ba9a-7e6c53386b11&api-version=4.0
Also, if the descriptor is of type Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity, then you'll likely have escaped backslashes in your descriptor which you'll need to un-escape. For example, if you have:
You'll need to un-escape this descriptor so that it looks like this:


How to give write permission to a team for a repository using Octokit/GitHub API?

I'm using JavaScript and Octokit to dynamically create repositories in an organization and set a series of options.
Everything works, except adding write permissions to a team for the repository created.
Just to be clear, by write permission I mean the ones that can be set through the repository settings:
Settings > Collaborators and teams > Manage Acccess > Role: Write
What I've been trying to use so far, was the function in Octokit, documented here, like this:{
org: "org-name",
team_slug: "team-name",
owner: "owner-name",
repo: "repo-name",
permission: "write",
When doing this, I receive a Validation Failed error.
Checking the relative documentation on the GitHub API docs, it effectively seems that the valid values for permission are: pull, push, admin, maintain, triage
So I guess that I'm simply using the wrong function.
But what's the correct one to change that kind of permission?
I managed to make it work: apparently, the push permission in the API corresponds to the write permission in the GitHub web interface.
FYI: this seems like a discrepancy, so I opened an issue.

I hit the permissions api and I want to decipher the Descriptor id

I want to know, how to get an API URL which displays the
displayName & permissionDisplayString values.
I want to know the details of Azure DevOps --> Project --> Project settings -->repositories --> Security for all Git repositories.
I am able to retrieve data of access control list by using the below API URL.
In the output I am able to find something like descriptor ID, will I be able to get my required details by deciphering that or do we have any other way through which I can get the required details.
Kindly let me know if we have any options apart from using F12 in google chrome.{organization}/_apis/accesscontrollists/{securityNamespaceId}?api-version=5.0
"descriptor": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-0-1",
This issue discussed here, the solution is to use this Rest API:{organization}/_apis/identities?descriptors={descriptor}&api-version=5.0
The {descriptor} is with the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity;.
In the response you get a property providerDiaplyName.

Azure DevOps/VSTS REST API does not get changes of a changeset

I'm trying to to get the changes of a changeset but it returns 404. I used this:
changeset exists
without the '/changes' it works, returns the changeset info but I also need the merge sources
tried to specify the API version (e.g.: api-version-5.0)
I created a full control Personal Access Token for the client app but no luck. I tried to use this link in the browser and I got the same result: it works only without '/changes'.
What did I wrong?
As this is an old Q, this is for anyone else who has same problem, The projectname needs to be removed from the request.
You look at the docs and sure enough it's not there but most other REST calls require a project name, so it can be confusing.
Also the docs are not very clear that you can interchange https://{myName} for the documented{organization}

Can't create working Shared Access Signature for Azure Files

I need to create a SAS so I can create an Azure SQL Extended Event session. The event session needs a file data storage target via SAS and I can't create one that works. Here's what I've tried:
Identified a storage account that's not blob; just general. I'm pretty sure I need general so I can create files directly.
Created a file share therein.
Using azure storage explorer, right clicked on that file share and selected, "Get Shared Access Signature."
Checked Read, Write, List and created.
This gives me the URL
If I just try to follow this URL or create a CloudFile object with it in code, I get the oft-seen error, Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature. Signature did not match. String to sign used was rwl 2018-12-25T16:29:51Z 2018-12-29T16:29:00Z /file/cs7f0fbc5104d4ax435dx883/$root 2018-03-28
Tried adding in comp=list&restype=container as suggested here. No joy.
Ensured I have no access policy in use.
Went to the azure portal and created a different SAS at the storage account level (couldn't see a way to create it on the file share). That gave me this "File service SAS URL":
If I try that URL I get Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid. I don't know which parameter is in question, they look fine to me, but I don't know what the value srt=sco indicates. Based on this doc srt is resource type, but I don't know what the value sco indicates.
Very confused, looking for suggestions.
For any future readers, extended event sessions confusingly (because they write a file) require blob containers, not general/file/queue containers. At least I could only get them to work that way.
You are probably confused by how the SAS URLs are presented. In fact, the SAS URLs you got just provide examples of how to use the SAS token, they can't be used directly. Hence you saw those errors occur.
Service-level SAS URL, i.e. the one you got from Storage Explorer.
It's in the format of fileEndPoint/fileShareName?SASToken. The SASToken gives us permission to operate on all files inside the specified file share. To leverage the token, we need to add fileName in the URL, i.e. fileEndPoint/fileShareName/fileName?SASToken.
comp=list&restype=container is to list blobs in Blob Container, not for File Share.
Account-Level SAS URL, the one you got form Azure portal.
It's in the format of fileEndPoint/?SASToken. Likewise, we need to complement the URL to make it valid, i.e. fileEndPoint/fileShareName/fileName?SASToken. Note that this SASToken has all permission on all Storage resources because all choices are checked.
sco means we have permission to operate on service, container, and object, which indicates the scope of permission, check doc for details.
I am not familiar with Azure SQL Extended Event session, but if you only need to work with files inside one file share, 1st is enough.

Downloading and Moving OneDrive files from shared link directory

I am looking for assistance to find out how I can download and move a OneDrive file that is accessed through a shared directory, via the shared link method of sharing.
I have two users:
user 'A' who is a Microsoft Consumer and has a regular OneDrive account and will host a csv file 'test.csv' in a folder 'toshare'
and user 'B' who is also a regular Microsoft Consumer who should use the graph API to download test.csv and then move the file to a subdirectory /toshare/archive
Aside: I am currently using the chrome app "advanced REST client" to manually make the REST calls, and am getting Authenticated OAuth BEARER tokens by inspecting network traffic from Microsoft's online "Graph Explorer" tool. After we understand the calls, we'll integrate it into our Java app.
I have succesfully followed the instructions here:
to view the folder contents.
To be more explicit, user 'A' has went into OneDrive and has right clicked the folder 'toshare' and selected shareLink. I have converted the shareLink to a share token and then used the following API call with the Graph API as user 'B':
this shows me all the files in the directory, which includes 'test.csv'
Now, using this information, how can I download test.csv? Assuming user 'B' doesn't know the name of the file, but can identify it by being a .csv file (we can do this in code). There does not appear to be much documentation on how to download the files through a share.
The closest I've gotten was to take the "webUrl" attribute of the children object for my file, and then turn that into a share token and call
This will show me the file meta-data. and then I try to download it by roughly following the api documentation to download
This is interesting because this works if I make the call with user 'A' but does not work for user 'B' who instead gets a 403 in advanced REST client. (If I run it in Graph Explorer, I get "The site in the encoded share URI is invalid." instead, which I've discovered with other experimentation, really means there's an authorization issue.)
Also does not work, it returns: "400 Bad Request" with message: "Resource not found for the segment 'root:'." It seems like the path style file navigation does not work for shared directories?
At this point I'm rather stuck. After downloading the file, I also would like to move it into a subdirectory, denoting that it has already been read in. I'd also like to get this working for OneDrive for Business, but that seems to be another set of challenges that I'll leave for another day.
Any insight would be great thanks,
It's best to consider the shares/{id} segments to be similar to drives/{id}, at which point all of the previous documentation around children access is applicable. Given your scenario I'd use the path syntax:<share-token>/root/children/test.csv
This obviously necessitates knowing the file name, but it sounds like you already have an algorithm to do that.
Theoretically your approach for creating a child-share-token would work, but it would now require that User B both provide authentication as well as to have explicit permissions. Since your share-token was a sharing link User B is most likely getting permission by virtue of the fact that they have the URL, in which case generating a new one is probably removing the special token that allows this to work. That's why it's best to always use the original share-token where possible.
Similar rules will apply to move the file. First off, we'll assume that the sharing link provides the ability to "Edit" otherwise none of this will work :). Second, we'll assume that the archive folder already exists (if it doesn't you'd need to create it using a POST to<share-token>/root/children that looks like what we've documented here).
To move the file you'd want to PATCH to<share-token>/root/children/test.csv and provide a new parentReference as documented here. It's always best to use id values if you have them, but you should also be able to provide the path to the parent in the form of /shares/<share-token>/root/children/archive.