I already have a messaging app, and I would like to implement Siri to send a message. I have added the Intents extension and everything, I am just having problems figuring out how to send the message. I have tried to use the same function for sending the messages in the ChatVC, and copy and paste that into the IntentHandler.swift file but it gives me a bunch of compiler errors. Is there some type of framework that I should use to communicate to the app to do it or something? I am using Firebase as my database if that information is needed.
Updated code:
note, this code is the send function that I have when a user sends a normal message, and this is what I copied and pasted into the SiriIntent...
func handle(sendMessage intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: #escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void) {
// Implement your application logic to send a message here.
let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INSendMessageIntent.self))
let response = INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: userActivity)
func sendMessage(text: String?, date: Date, picture: UIImage?, location: String?, video: NSURL?, audio: String?) {
var outgoingMessage: OutgoingMessage?
if let text = text {
let encryptedText = EncryptText(chatRoomID: chatRoomId, string: text)
outgoingMessage = OutgoingMessage(message: encryptedText, senderId: FUser.currentUser()!.objectId, senderName: FUser.currentUser()!.firstname, date: date, status: kDELIVERED, type: kTEXT)
Thank you so much for all the help!
Imperial trying to perform a request to a website using alamofire and my problem is the following:
When I use the corresponding code in an ViewController cocoaTOuch class viewDidLoad() function everything works fine.(here is the code)
let loginActionUrl = url
let parameters = [
"p_password": password
AF.request(loginActionUrl, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseJSON
{response in
if let header = response.response?.allHeaderFields as? [String: String],
let responseUrl = response.request?.url{
let sessionCookies = HTTPCookie.cookies(withResponseHeaderFields: header, for: responseUrl)
If I repeat the same code inside a private function on a swift (non cocoa touch) class, then,I have no response, While debugging it tries to perform the request task twice and then jumps out of the {response in code block.
The code is the following:
private func checkInWithAeA(withLogIn: String, password: String) -> (Bool){
var companyUSerRecognized: Bool = false
var startIndex: String.Index!
let loginActionUrl = url
let parameters = [
"p_user" : withLogIn,
"p_password": password
AF.request(loginActionUrl, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseJSON
{response in
if let header = response.response?.allHeaderFields as? [String: String],
let responseUrl = response.request?.url{
let sessionCookies = HTTPCookie.cookies(withResponseHeaderFields: header, for: responseUrl)
companyUSerRecognized = true
I don't now what is happening but is the second time I have the same problem. What I'm dong is trying to avoid to set up to much code in the viewController using other support classes, following best practices, but I already tried to do this with firebase, and I have the same problem, the query to the database only worked in UIViewcontroller classes (in certain) and now is the same, I am not able to obtain any result when I execute the code in the clean swift file.
Is there any kind of limitation on this. Why I cannot do anything like an alamofire request or a firebase query to the realtime database out of a UIViewController class?
Here I add some information:
var myConnectionController: ConnectionController = ConnectionController()
let (companyUSerRecognized, error) = myConnectionController.chekUserIDandPassWord(forTheCompany: self.companyName, logInName: self.companyLogIn, password: self.companyPassword)
This call to the ConnectionController class (that is a swift plain class) asks for a connexion to a web page. If the response is good, then a true is obtained and the process is continued.
The function called has a switch statement:
public func chekUserIDandPassWord(forTheCompany: String, logInName: String, password: String) -> (Bool, String){
var companyUSerRecognized: Bool!
var error: String!
switch forTheCompany {
case "(AEA)":
companyUSerRecognized = checkInWithAeA(withLogIn: logInName, password: password)
This is what calls Check in With AeA. (The function I just mentioned before). What I want to is get the cookies of the connection in return check them and if they are good, true is returned.
I already have done this in the viewDidLoad() function of a ViewController, In fact I can parse the response with SwiftSoup, etc. But If I do it this way I am not able to do it.
Thanks again
I finally made up the solution by reviewing some bibliography. I did not notice that, any alamofire call opens a pipeline. That is, we are obviously talking about asynchronous operations. There are two ways to handle with this kind of operations in swift. One is the use of future objects. This option allows the continuation of the execution by substituting the results from the async call when they are ready. Depending on the situation this is not so good. The other is to make the execution wait for the response of the async call. This is done with a closure. I took this lastoption.
The closer is to be performed by using a completion handler function that is called at the end of the async call block to return any value you need from the async call. In this case. This is what I called completion
private func checkInWithAeA(completion: #escaping (Bool)-> Void){
let loginActionUrl = url1
let postLoginUrl = url2
let parameters = [
"p_user" : logInName,
"p_password": password
AF.request(loginActionUrl, method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseData
{(response) in
if let header = response.response?.allHeaderFields as? [String: String],
let responseUrl = response.request?.url{
let sessionCookies = HTTPCookie.cookies(withResponseHeaderFields: header, for: responseUrl)
let cookieToSend = sessionCookies[0]
That's it. Hope it helps
BTW. I think that this is the same problem with the firebase queries.
The code within the function is executed in a different order than it is expected. I wanted to change the state of the login Boolean variable inside the if statement, but the function returns the initial value before if statement is completed.
Code sample:
class ClassName {
func loginRequest (name: String, pwd: String) -> Bool {
var login:Bool
//Initial value for login
login = false
let task = session.uploadTask(with: request, from: jsonData) { data, response, error in
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
if (httpResponse.statusCode) == 200 {
//Change the value of login if login is successful
login = true
if let data = data, let dataString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
do {
} catch {print(error.localizedDescription)}
//Problem return false in any case because return is completed before if statement
return login
Completion Handlers is your friend
The moment your code runs task.resume(), it will run your uploadTask and only when that function is finished running it will run the code where you change your login variable.
With That said: That piece of code is running asynchronously. That means your return login line of code won't wait for your network request to come back before it runs.
Your code is actually running in the order it should. But i myself wrote my first network call like that and had the same problem. Completion Handles is how i fixed it
Here is a very nice tutorial on Completion Handlers or you might know it as Callbacks :
Link To Completion Handlers Tutorial
If i can give you a little hint - You will have to change your function so it looks something like this: func loginRequest (name: String, pwd: String, completionHandler: #escaping (Bool) -> Void)
And replace this login = true with completionHandler(true)
Wherever it is you call your function it will look something like this:
loginRequest(name: String, pwd: String) {didLogIn in
print("Logged In : \(didLogIn)")
One last thing... You're actually already using Completion Handlers in your code.
let task = session.uploadTask(with: request, from: jsonData) { data, response, error in
... ... But hopefully now you understand a little bit better, and will use a completion handler approach when making network calls.
we're using Locksmith to save user data for Keychain. In our end everything works as it should but for some reason we receive crashes with the error Locksmith.LocksmithError.interactionNotAllowed.
Follows the code where the crash happen:
func updateUserAccessToken(forAccount account: String, token: String) {
var userAccessToken = Locksmith.loadDataForUserAccount(userAccount: account) ?? [String: Any]()
userAccessToken[“token”] = token
try! Locksmith.updateData(data: userAccessToken, forUserAccount: account)
Why is the code above crashes for other users? 'til . now we can't replicate the said crash. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!
So we finally able to replicate this crash, and it's because we're accessing the keychain while the device is locked. I found out you can change the Keychain's "accessibility option" but I'm not sure how to do it in Locksmith. Anybody?
I found out that if you're using a protocol base approach changing the accessibility option is much more easier. But unfortunately our app doesn't use it. So what I did was I created an extension as follow:
extension Locksmith {
fileprivate static func loadDataForUserAccount(userAccount: String,
inService service: String = LocksmithDefaultService,
accessibleOption: LocksmithAccessibleOption) -> [String: Any]? {
struct ReadRequest: GenericPasswordSecureStorable, ReadableSecureStorable {
let service: String
let account: String
var accessible: LocksmithAccessibleOption?
let request = ReadRequest(service: service, account: userAccount, accessible: accessibleOption)
return request.readFromSecureStore()?.data
fileprivate static func updateData(data: [String: Any],
forUserAccount userAccount: String,
inService service: String = LocksmithDefaultService,
accessibleOption: LocksmithAccessibleOption) throws {
struct UpdateRequest: GenericPasswordSecureStorable, CreateableSecureStorable {
let service: String
let account: String
let data: [String: Any]
var accessible: LocksmithAccessibleOption?
let request = UpdateRequest(service: service, account: userAccount, data: data, accessible: accessibleOption)
return try request.updateInSecureStore()
NOTE: changing the "accessibility option" may loss your access to the data previously saved with the default "accessibility option". If you need those data you may need to handle it separately.
How should I approach doing async HTTP call inside a for-loop?
I’m using Alamofire’s SessionManager because I need to maintain a session during the iteration of the loop. Due to this, I don’t think I can use the shared session manager SessionManager.default.
However, if I were to create a new SessionManager every time, my requests will get cancelled finished with error - code: -999. An assumption that I’ve came up with is because the SessionManager is getting released from memory, therefore it is cancelled.
How should I approach this? I feel that it would be better to do synchronous calls instead. But there is no easy way to do synchronous HTTP calls with Alamofire. I don't mind using a different library.
Some additional info:
NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is set to true in the info.plist.
My app requires nested api calls, where the completion of the HTTP
call triggers another one, while still using the same session.
Controller class
class CheckinController {
private let sessionManager = SessionManager(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default)
// status is an enum such as .connectionFailed and .success
func checkin(id: String, password: String, completion: ( (status) -> Void)) {
self.login(id, password, completion: { (status) in
self.sessionManager.request(…).responseString(completionHandler: { (response) in
// Check for response, then calls completion
func login(id: String, password: String, completion: ( (status) -> Void)) {
let params = [“id” : id, “pass”, password]
self.sessionManager.request(LOGINURL, method: .post, parameters: params).responseString(completionHandler: { (response) in
// Check for response, and then calls completion.
for 0..x {
CheckinController().checkin("someId", "somePassword", completion: { status in
I am trying to generate .aiff files using NSSpeechSynthesizer.startSpeakingString() and am using GCd using a serial queue as NSSpeechSynthesizer takes in a string and creates an aiff file at a specified NSURL address. I used the standard for loop method for a list of strings in a [String:[String]] but this creates some files which have 0 bytes.
Here is the function to generate the speech:
func createSpeech(type: String, name: String) {
if !NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath("\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/\(name).aiff"){
try NSFileManager().createDirectoryAtPath("\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/", withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
let URL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/\(name).aiff")
print("Attempting to save speech \(name).aiff")
self.synth.startSpeakingString(name, toURL: URL)
print("error occured")
And here is the function that traverses the dictionary to create the files:
for key in self.nodeLibrary.keys{
let type = self.nodeLibrary[key]?.0
let name = key.componentsSeparatedByString("_")[0]
if !speechCheck.contains(name){
mixer.createSpeech(type!, name: name)
The globalBackgroundQueue is an alias to the GCD queue call _T for readability.
The routine runs fine, creates folders and subfolders as required by another external function then synthesizes the speech but in my case I always get one or some which don't load properly, giving 0 bytes or a too small number of bytes which makes the file unuseable.
I read the following post and have been using these GCD methods for a while but I'm not sure where I'm wrong here:
Any help greatly appreciated as usual
edit: Updated with completion closure and found possibly a bug
I have created a closure function as below and use it in another helper method which checks for any errors such as sourceFile.length being 0 once loaded. However, all files exhibit a 0 length which is not possible as I checked each file's audio properties using finder's property command+i.
func synthesise(type: String, name: String, completion: (success: Bool)->()) {
if !NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath("\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/\(name).aiff"){
try NSFileManager().createDirectoryAtPath("\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/", withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
let URL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "\(dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/\(name).aiff")
let success = self.synth.startSpeakingString(name, toURL: URL)
completion(success: success)
print("error occured")
func loadSpeech(type: String, name: String){
synthesise(type, name: name, completion: {(success: Bool)->Void in
if success{
print("File \(name) created successfully with return \(self.synthSuccess), checking file integrity")
let URL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "\(self.dataPath)\(type)/\(name)/\(name).aiff")
let source = try AVAudioFile(forReading: URL)
print("File has length: \(source.)")
print("error loading file")
print("creation unsuccessful, trying again")
self.loadSpeech(type, name: name)
The files are generated with their folders and both the method startSpeakingString->Bool and the delegate function I have in my class which updates the synthSuccess property show true. So I load an AVAudioFile to check its length. All file lengths are 0. Which they are not except for one.
When I say bug, this is from another part of the app where I load an AVAudioEngine and start loading buffers with the frameCount argument set to sourceAudioFile.length which gives a diagnostic error but this is out of context right now.
startSpeakingString(_:toURL:) will start an asynchronous task in the background. Effectively, your code starts a number of asynchronous tasks that run concurrently. This may be the cause of the problem that you experience.
A solution would need to ensure that only one task is active at a time.
The problem with startSpeakingString(_:toURL:) is, that it starts an asynchronous task - but the function itself provides no means to get notified when this task is finished.
However, there's a delegate which you need to setup in order to be notified.
So, your solution will require to define a NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate.
You may want to create your own helper class that exposes an asynchronous function which has a completion handler:
func exportSpeakingString(string: String, url: NSURL,
completion: (NSURL?, ErrorType?) -> ())
Internally, the class creates an instance of NSSpeechSynthesizer and NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate and implements the delegate methods accordingly.
To complete the challenge, you need to search for an approach to run several asynchronous functions sequentially. There are already solutions on SO.
I setup my own project to either confirm or neglect a possible issue in the NSSpeechSynthesizer system framework. So far, may own tests confirm that NSSpeechSynthesizer works as expected.
However, there are few subtleties worth mentioning:
Ensure you create a valid file URL which you pass as an argument to parameter URL in method startSpeakingString(:toURL:).
Ensure you choose an extension for the output file which is known by NSSpeechSynthesizer and the system frameworks playing this file, for example .aiff. Unfortunately, the documentation is quite lacking here - so I had to trial and error. The list of supported audio file formats by QuickTime may help here. Still, I have no idea how NSSpeechSynthesizer selects the output format.
The following two classes compose a simple easy to use library:
import Foundation
import AppKit
enum SpeechSynthesizerError: ErrorType {
case ErrorActive
case ErrorURL(message: String)
case ErrorUnknown
internal class InternalSpeechSynthesizer: NSObject, NSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate {
typealias CompletionFunc = (NSURL?, ErrorType?) -> ()
private let synthesizer = NSSpeechSynthesizer(voice: nil)!
private var _completion: CompletionFunc?
private var _url: NSURL?
override init() {
synthesizer.delegate = self
// CAUTION: This call is not thread-safe! Ensure that multiple method invocations
// will be called from the same thread!
// Only _one_ task can be active at a time.
internal func synthesize(input: String, output: NSURL, completion: CompletionFunc) {
guard _completion == nil else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)) {
completion(nil, SpeechSynthesizerError.ErrorActive)
guard output.path != nil else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)) {
completion(nil, SpeechSynthesizerError.ErrorURL(message: "The URL must be a valid file URL."))
_completion = completion
_url = output
if !synthesizer.startSpeakingString(input, toURL: output) {
fatalError("Could not start speeaking")
internal func speechSynthesizer(sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer,
willSpeakWord characterRange: NSRange,
ofString string: String)
internal func speechSynthesizer(sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer,
willSpeakPhoneme phonemeOpcode: Int16)
internal func speechSynthesizer(sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer,
didEncounterErrorAtIndex characterIndex: Int,
ofString string: String,
message: String)
internal func speechSynthesizer(sender: NSSpeechSynthesizer,
didFinishSpeaking finishedSpeaking: Bool)
assert(self._url != nil)
assert(self._url!.path != nil)
assert(self._completion != nil)
var error: ErrorType?
if !finishedSpeaking {
do {
error = try self.synthesizer.objectForProperty(NSSpeechErrorsProperty) as? NSError
} catch let err {
error = err
let url: NSURL? = NSFileManager.defaultManager().fileExistsAtPath(self._url!.path!) ? self._url : nil
let completion = self._completion!
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)) {
if url == nil && error == nil {
error = SpeechSynthesizerError.ErrorUnknown
completion(url, error)
_completion = nil
_url = nil
public struct SpeechSynthesizer {
public init() {}
private let _synthesizer = InternalSpeechSynthesizer()
public func synthesize(input: String, output: NSURL, completion: (NSURL?, ErrorType?) -> ()) {
_synthesizer.synthesize(input, output: output) { (url, error) in
completion(url, error)
You can use it as shown below:
func testExample() {
let expect = self.expectationWithDescription("future should be fulfilled")
let synth = SpeechSynthesizer()
let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/me/Documents/speech.aiff")
synth.synthesize("Hello World!", output: url) { (url, error) in
if let url = url {
print("URL: \(url)")
if let error = error {
print("Error: \(error)")
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1000, handler: nil)
// Test: output file should exist.
In the code above, check the result of the call to synth.startSpeakingString(name, toURL: URL), which can return false if the synthesiser could not start speaking. If it fails, find out why, or just retry it.
Plus, add [NSSpeechSynthesiserDelegate][1], and look for the speechSynthesizer:didFinishSpeaking: callbacks there. When the synthesiser thinks it has finished speaking, check the file size. If it is zero, retry the operation.