tesseract output is in single line instead of multiple lines - tesseract

i tried to use tesseract for ocr and the recognation is fine.
i want to recognize adresses from letter. when i read it in the following happens:
Name Name
Code City
Name NameStreetCode City
i tried all -psm variaties with no effect. after googling i think -psm 4 would be the right one, but i get an error:
`set_count == gridheight():Error:Assert failed:in file ..\..\textord\colfind.cpp, on line 648`
This effect comes only on windows - on my macbook the lines are correct.
can anybody help me?

Use Unix2dos to convert the file into the correct format.


Error using text2image Font Exocet Light failed with 223518 hits = 99.94% when trying to build image file using Diablo 2 font

I am running tesseract on windows 11 using the command prompt.
The text file is my training data. Words that I want to turn into images.
The output is the next step in the Tesseract process for training my font.
I am saying find fonts but I only have one font in the folder.
text2image --text="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\text.txt" --outputbase="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\Output\Dia.font.exp0" --fontconfig_tmpdir="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont" --find_fonts --fonts_dir="C:\PythonProjects\DiabloTesseractTrainFont\Diablo Fonts"
The result:
Total chars = 223645
Font Exocet Light failed with 223518 hits = 99.94%
Not sure why it fails. I have built something similar to this before. I have tried with a font file that I know has worked and it does the exact same thing.
Any help would be appreciated.
I solved it. In the text file, there were some characters that had been changed when I read them into python. I believe they used to be bullet points but when I read the file I had implemented in python ASCII encoding and ignore errors. I figured that those characters would be removed. I was wrong. Those bullet points were replaced with text that said PAD. I found it in notepad++ and highlighted one of them and then replaced them with a space. Note in Notepad++ when I did the replace it did not have anything in the find field but it still replaced all of them. Now it compiles just fine. I was stuck for many hours I hope this helps someone.

How to save a .mat file using a name with a :

If I do x='bob:.mat' and then try to save it as a mat file like so:
I get an issue where it can't be saved, and I am assuming this is the case because: is a special character. I looked up online how to use it, and an example told me to put a ' mark before it, but that didn't work. Any help would be appreciated.
It should be: save('bob.mat', 'number');
save bob number
save('bob', 'number'); also works.
save('bob:', 'number'); results an error (in Windows):
Error using save
Unable to open file "bob:" for output.
A file name with : is not allowed, because it's reserved for drive letters like C:.
A workaround is described here: How to get a file in Windows with a colon in the filename?
Following code actually does work:

pytesseract results different from tesseract command line results

I am trying to convert a scanned page to text using both pytesseract and tesseract command line on Ubuntu. The results are remarkably different (pytesseract performs way better than tesseract command line) and I am unable to understand why. I looked at the default values for the parameters and tried altering some of the parameter values in tesseract command line (like psm ) but I am unable to get the same result as pytesseract. Due to lack of proper documentation in pytesseract I am not able to figure out what default values for parameters are used.
Here is my pytesseract code
Looking at the source code of pytesseract, it seems the image is always converted into a .bmp file.
Working with a .bmp file and psm of 6 at the command line with Tesseract gives same result as pytesseract.
Also, tesseract can work with uncompressed bmp files only. Hence, if ImageMagick is used to convert .pdf to .bmp, the following will work
convert -density 300 -quality 100 mypdf.pdf BMP3:mypdf.bmp
tesseract mypdf.bmp -psm 6 mypdf txt
In tessaract v5 3.0+
Pytessaract does not convert images to BMP. You can verify this by commenting out cleanup(f.name) in the save context manager, which is found within the source code /pytesseract/pytesseract.py. The filename of the temp file will also need to retrieved (Pytessaract was saving files within temp files directory of the user, ie. "[path-to-user]\AppData\Local[file-name]". I found what Pytesseract is actually doing is in the prepare function.
Basically, taking the temp file and using that same file with the tesseract command directly will yeild the same results

Tesseract: Short words are not detected

I'm trying to detect names with Tesseract 3.02.
The detection works perfectly without any error on long names like "Peggy Scott-Adams" and "Jonathan Miller".
However, if the names are too short, like "Jim Lee" the ocr detection won't work any more.
Note how the image looks like:
The first name stands in the first line, the last name stands in the second line. Nothing else on the image.
What can I do?

What other diagnostic methods can I use to solve this particular Perl problem?

After a lot of experiments, I still can't get the following script working. I need some guidance on how to diagnoze this particular Perl problem. Thanks in advance.
This script is for testing the use of Office 2007 OCR API:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Const;
Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Microsoft Office Document Imaging 12\.0 Type Library")
die "Cannot use the Office 2007 OCR API";
my $miDoc = Win32::OLE->new('MODI.Document')
or die "Cannot create a MODI object";
#Loads an existing TIFF file
#Performs OCR with the OCR language set to English
$miDoc->OCR(LangId => 'miLANG_ENGLISH');
#Get the OCR result
my $OCRresult = $miDoc->{Images}->Item(0)->{Layout}{Text};
print $OCRresult;
I did a small test. I loaded an .MDI file containing the OCR information. I deleted the OCR method line and ran the script and I got the expected text output of "print $OCRresult". But otherwise, Perl throws me the error saying
Use of uninitialized value $OCRresult in print at E:\OCR-test.pl line 15
I'm suspecting that something's wrong with the line
$miDoc->OCR(LangId => 'miLANG_ENGLISH');
I tried leaving the parens empty or using three paraments, like 'miLANG_ENGLISH',1,1 etc but without any luck.
I also tried using Microsfot Office Document Imaging to test if the TIF I'm experimenting with was text recognizable and the result was positive.
So what other diagnostic methods do I have?
Or can someone who happens to have Office 2007 test my code with a whatever jpg,bmp or tif pictures that have text content and see if something's wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Haha, I've finally figured out where the problem is and how I can solve it. #hobbs, thank you for leaving the comment :) Things are interesting. When I was trying to respond to your comment, I added the link of the url of Office Document Imaging 2003 VBA Language Reference and I took yet another look at the stuff there. And the following information caught my eyes:
LangId can be one of the following MiLANGUAGES constants.
I changed the following OCR method line:
to this:
A few notes:
1. I'm running ActivePerl 5.10.0 on Windows XP (Chinese version)
2. Before this, I already tried $miDoc->(9) but without luck
And suddenly and kind of magically that pesky ERROR saying "Use of uninitialized value $OCRresult in print at E:\OCR-test.pl line 15" disappeared completely and the OCRed text appeared on the screen. The OCR result was not satisfying but the parameter "2052" refers to Chinese and the TIF image contains all English. So I changed the parameter to
$miDoc->OCR(9,1,1) but this time without luck. Windows threw me this error:
unknown software exception (0x0000000d)
I changed the TIF image to one that contains all Chinese characters and changed the parameter to "$miDoc->OCR(2052,1,1);" again and this time everything worked just like expected. The OCR result was satisfying.
Now I think there's something weird about my Office 2007 OCR API and if someone who happens to run Windows XP (English version) and have installed Office 2007 would probably not encounter that exception error with the parameter
Anyway, I'm really happy that I've finally get things working :D
For starters I would try dumping the value of $miDoc->{Images} -- does it exist? If it exists and it's a collection does it contain anything? If it contains anything, what is it? An error? Or maybe just a different structure than you're expecting? warn, Dumper, and a little exploration can go a long way.
Incidentally, if you want to do the "modern" thing and don't mind grabbing a nifty tool off of CPAN, try Devel::Dwarn -- it makes dumping to stderr even more fun than it was already :)