Press key to perform action when ScrollLock is on AutoHotKey - autohotkey

I am trying to make a script that when press x to cut, c to copy and v to paste if the ScrollLock is on.
Here is my script that is not working, it will perform cut, copy and paste no matter ScrollLock is on or off.
KeyWait, ScrollLock
GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
If ScrollLockState = D
x:: Send, ^x
c:: Send, ^c
v:: Send, ^v
And for the script below, I cannot type x, c and v when ScrollLock is off, but can cut, copy and paste when ScrollLock is on.
KeyWait, ScrollLock
GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
If ScrollLockState = D
Send, ^x
If ScrollLockState = D
Send, ^c
If ScrollLockState = D
Send, ^v

You can do it in the following way:
#If GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T")
x::Send, ^x
c::Send, ^c
v::Send, ^v


I have an AHK script to extract a folder using 7-zip. Why does it not work?

The AHK script below should use 7-zip to extract a folder when ctrl+ALT+Left is pressed. When you manually right-click on a folder and then type "7eee" and then press enter, the folder extracts. I'd like to mimic this without the right-click and instead use the keyboard shortcut. I tried to do this two ways:
;alt + ctrl
blockinput on
send {LButton}{RButton}7eee{enter}
blockinput Off
I also tried:
;alt + ctrl
temp = %clipboard%
KeyWait, LButton, D
send {LButton}
Send, {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
file = %clipboard% ;get file address
clipboard = %temp% ;restore clipboard
outdir := getdir(file)
if (A_Is64bitOS = 1)
runwait, "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%file%" -o"%outdir%" -y,,hide
runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%file%" -o"%outdir%" -y,,hide
msgbox, 7zip has finished extracting "%file%".
SplitPath, input,,parentdir,,filenoext
final = %parentdir%\%filenoext%
return final
I have found something that works:
#IfWinActive, AHK_EXE Explorer.exe
temp = %clipboard%
Send, {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
file = %clipboard% ;get file address
clipboard = %temp% ;restore clipboard
outdir := getdir(file)
if (A_Is64bitOS = 1)
runwait, "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%file%" -o"%outdir%" -y,,hide
runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%file%" -o"%outdir%" -y,,hide
msgbox, 7zip has finished extracting "%file%".
SplitPath, input,,parentdir,,filenoext
final = %parentdir%\%filenoext%
return final
But I do not like the message box and I wish there were a progress bar or indication that it is in the process of extracting.
This is an old question and you're probably fine with the workaround you've found, but if you're still looking for a simple script that mimics the mouse/keyboard procedure, here it is:
^#!z:: ;// Ctrl + Alt + Win + Z
blockinput on
Sleep, 300
SendInput, {AppsKey}
Sleep, 100
SendInput, 7
Sleep, 100
SendInput, e
Sleep, 100
SendInput, e
Sleep, 100
SendInput, e
Sleep, 100
SendInput, {Enter}
blockinput on
I did not try your code but in general, using the context menu key (AppKey) is more reliable than mouse button clicks, and also adding some sleep time between key strokes helps. If the script doesn't work, you may need to increase the sleep time intervals, 100 ms at a time, till it works.

Send only if key was pressed alone

I'd like to remap my windows key to something else, but also I'd like to keep all windows key based shortcut.
In pseudo code it would be something like this:
when LWin Down
until LWin Up
if not LWin down
execute command
Release the left windows key within 0,3 seconds after pressing it, to do something else (e.g. to send a):
KeyWait, LWin
~LWin Up::
Send {LWin Up}
If (A_PriorHotKey = "~LWin" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 300)
Send, a
; else ; another action after long press (not recommendet)
; Send, b
Try also this:
LWin up::
If (A_PriorKey = "LWin")
Send a
; In this case its necessary to define a custom combination by using "&" or "<#"
; to avoid that LWin loses its original function as a modifier key:
<#d:: Send #d ; <# means LWin

Disable/Block a Key with another Key while its pressed and held down

So in this game im moving my charachter with the WASD keys, but if i hold down the A and D key at the same time,
the game register that as a forward movement (W key |) so the charachter starts to move forward instead of the strafe actions (Left) \ (right) /.
So i need a code which is prevents the A and D key simultaneous pressing.
I want A and D override each other (Im not using the W key), because if i hit both A and D at the same time my character moves forward, not like this \ /
and i want to avoid the forward movements.
I want insantly changed fast Left \ and Right / strafing only.
Here is the code what i got so far:
If (GetKeyState("d", "p"))
Send {d up}
d = 0
If (GetKeyState("a", "p"))
Send {a up}
a = 0
a up::
If (d)
Send {d down}
d = 0
d up::
If (a)
Send {a down}
a = 0
Basicly this code almost working.
The problem is if i don't change the numbers i can't change directions continuously i need to let go the keys. It stops after 1 direction change. If i change the numbers its working, but after a few direction change its getting toggled either left or right. Even if i let it go its moving left or right....
Any ideas? thx
This should work. Try it and let me know.
SendInput, {a Up}{d Up}
StringReplace, hk, A_ThisHotkey, % "$*"
SendInput, {%hk% Down}
KeyWait, % hk
Send, {a Up}{d Up}
EDIT: You can play around with the code below. Maybe it will help you out
#SingleInstance, force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 1
~a & d::
~d & a::
Send, {a up}
key := "d"
SetTimer, pressdown, 10
~d::key := "d"
~a::key := "a"
~a up::key := "d"
~d up::key := "a"
if GetKeyState(key, "p")
SendInput, {%key% down}
SetTimer, pressdown, 30
else {
SetTimer, pressdown, Off
SendInput, {%key% up}
This script cannot allow A, or D to be simultaneously pressed.

Autohotkey, Step by Step Execution

This may be a very simple code but I am not able to find how to do it.
I have this
Send, Hi
Send, How Are you
Send, I am Fine
I want to do it like this
Hi How Are you
Right now with the below code
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, Hi
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, How Are you
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, I am Fine
I get
HiHow Are YOuI Am Fine as soon as I press Capslock.
I want it to wait to execute the next command. THanks for your help.
KeyWait, Capslock
Send {Capslock} ; Tap it again to reset it and force it to be released
; or Send {Capslock Up} to force it to be released
; or SetCapslockState Off to disable it completley
Send, Hi KeyWait, Capslock{Enter}
Send, How Are you KeyWait, Capslock{Enter}
Send, I am Fine{Enter}
If you want it in a hotkey, you could do something like this.
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, Hi {Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, How Are you{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, I am Fine{Enter}
(It's glitching on my computer, but it may be because I'm on a virtual machine.)
Sorry if it is too late,but i did it anyways for everyone searching the solution for it,i assume you want to change it every time u press capslock to be different text:
SendRaw Hi
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock1
SendRaw How Are you
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock2
SendRaw I am Fine
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock0
Explaination for Sleep,it is used because if you would press CapsLock without it then 2 of the command blocks would be executed,it is especially needed.
How about this...
Send, Hi{Enter}
Sleep, 400 ; sleep briefly to allow the CapsLock key to be released
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, How Are you?{Enter}
Sleep, 400
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, I am fine Thank you.{Enter}
How about this...
Send, Hi{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, U
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, How Are you?{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, U
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, I am fine Thank you.{Enter}

Autohotkey: re-map arrow keys

I'm trying to re-map the arrow keys to a combination of Alt-key to get them more centered on the keyboard. The problem is that I cant get the combination with shift to work (for selecting text while moving the cursor).
This is a starting point:
lalt & ö:: Send, {left}
lalt & å:: Send, {up}
lalt & -:: Send, {down}
lalt & ä:: Send, {right}
Any tips would be appreciated.
This only fixes it for Shift.
lalt & ö::
If GetKeyState("Shift", "D") = true
Send, +{Left}
Send, {Left}
lalt & å::
If GetKeyState("Shift", "D") = true
Send, +{Up}
Send, {Up}
lalt & -::
If GetKeyState("Shift", "D") = true
Send, +{Down}
Send, {Down}
lalt & ä::
If GetKeyState("Shift", "D") = true
Send, +{Right}
Send, {Right}
You can declare alt modifier with ! and shift with +
Combine them to give alt + shift
!ö:: Send, {left}
!å:: Send, {up}
!-:: Send, {down}
!ä:: Send, {right}
+!ö:: Send, +{left}
+!å:: Send, +{up}
+!-:: Send, +{down}
+!ä:: Send, +{right}