Why I need to explicitly specify credentials for remote PowerShell execution - powershell

I created a VSTS task PowerShell on Target Machines which executes a power shell on remote machine. This task is created as a part of release definition.
Logically speaking when I trigger a new release then build agent executes this power shell on remote machine. Let's say target machine is M1 & my build agent is running under a user account u1. I made u1 as administrator on M1.
If the account under which service agent is running is an administrator on target machine, then why do I need to explicitly mention the credentials again. If I do not specify the credentials, then it throw error.
Logically speaking when build agent execute any task then it would have the same identify under which build agent service is running. If that application is an administrator on target machine, then why do I need to pass credentials explicitly. Should it internally pass the identity.
Atul Sureka

Because it isn’t use the current user (build agent running account) for Resource UserName (uses Admin username) and it fails before deploying machine.
In other words, the check Resource Username action will be passed (will be failed if don’t specify the admin username) if you specify any user for Resource Username (Admin login name) even through the user isn’t existing in target machine. (You can set system.debug to true, then queue builds and compare the log)
I submit a user voice here: VSTS build PowerShell on target machine default user, that you can vote.


Azure CI Pipeline runs WPF Application in background

I have create Azure CI Pipeline using Classic Editor where I have Command Line task which open WPF Application, now the issue is when I configure Agent as Service this WPF Application runs in background not showing interface on front, but the same task is running properly when Agent is not running as service.
I require to open WPF Application when running Agent as Service.
I have also tried configuring agent with User Account but still facing same issue. WPF application runs in background. In task manager its showing application running but not appearing on screen.
For e.g :- Below Command I am writting to open exe in Command Line Task of azure devops CI pipeline.
**cd /D D:\Application_Build\Executable
start Sample.exe**
Above command works properly when agent is not running as service, but fail when configure agent as service.
Above command works properly when agent is not running as service, but fail when configure agent as service.
Based on your description, when you run the Agent as interactive mode. Agent will run using the account of the user who run the Agent. Then it will have enough permission to run the script.
When you run the Agent as service, it will use the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account.
The permissions of this account are restricted. So it could cause this issue.
You could create an agent with the admin account or the your user account.
.\config.cmd --unattended --url https://myaccount.visualstudio.com --auth pat --token myToken --pool default --agent myAgent --runAsService --windowsLogonAccount myDomain\adminccount --windowsLogonPassword Password
On the other hand, you could navigate to local system -> Service and find the running agent service.
Then you could change the logon account as admin account.
Here is a doc about create agent.

Azure devops interactive agent as admin

I have a Windows 10 Enterprise VM running an Azure Devops Agent in Interactive mode. The agent runs using the only user the machine has, and it is an Administrator with UAC disabled. However, when executing tasks that require an elevated command prompt, as registering dlls, the command fails with the following error message:
##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '5'.
And this message is when I'm trying to COPY files into Windows\SysWow64
##[error]Error: Failed cp: cp: copyFileSync: could not write to dest file (code=EPERM):C:\windows\SysWow64\test.txt
My testes also fail with the following error message:
Test method TestesRegressaoPGB.Autenticacao.AutenticarNoPGBL02 threw exception:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The requested operation requires elevation.) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The requested operation requires elevation.
TestCleanup method TestesRegressaoPGB.Autenticacao.Cleanup threw exception. System.NullReferenceException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object..
How do I run all commands while elevated?
In the Azure DevOps, If you want to access local file in the azure devops pipeline via self-hosted agent, It accesses the file via service account instead of Personal account.
We could open check the file permission and configure the service account permission. service account format User/Administrator/Administrators({Agent.ComputerName}\User/Administrator/Administrators)
Also, we could change the agent service account to your owner account.
Steps: Open service on the agent machine and search the agent service account, check the pic below, just change the account name and password to yours, then It will use this account to perform the operation.
I just added permissions on each and every folder the pipeline agent needed to open. As I said to Vito, the agent was not running using a service account.

azure devops local agent pipeline permission denied

I have a python script that execute an automation script on remote SUT. and given that the script is working when execute locally with user tester and password xxx.
when I build the DevOps Azure pipeline I have checkout from GIT the project into the agent and then try to execute the code from the command line .
cd .\MatrixPro\TestFramework
python .\main.py -t profaund_tests.matrix_pro_rf_energy_across_impedances
this code gave me an error
E PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied:
seems that this script try to create report file on the SUT and doesn't have permission.
more over that the azure user agent have admin permission but I suspect that I need to change into the local user before execute the command.
note: I'm working on windows 10 .
what is the right method to solve this issue ? how can I figure out way this error occur ?
is their a simple way to change the pipeline permmision to work on local agent with local user and password?
When you run the build pipeline on Azure DevOps.
It's actually the build service account which is running the script. You should make sure the build service account have sufficient permission to Access: '//\c$\'
To change the identity of the build agent, just go into Windows Services and change the identity of related Build service (service name is " Azure Pipelines Agent").
In the Services pane, right-click Azure Pipelines Agent.
Under Service Status, click Stop.
Click the Log On tab.
Specify the account you want to use for the service in the This
account text box.
Type the new password in the Password text box, and then type the
new password again in the Confirm password text box.
Under Service Status, click Start.
You should use a user to remote to that the server hold build agent and manually run the script to perform the deploy process. If that user is able to deploy succeed without any permission issue. Simply use this user as your build service account of Azure DevOps agent.
Hope this helps.

VSTS Deployment to a deployment group from a UNC share

I am using visualstudio.com Teams Services to build and deploy an ASP.NET website to two Azure VMs.
I have a build which on completion triggers a release to my two servers in a deployment group. When you configure a Deployment Group for Visual Studio Team Services you create an agent that by default runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
If I publish my build artifacts to Azure (the server option) then everything works fine and deployment succeeds to both my VMS. However when using a file-drop I get the following error:
The artifact directory does not exist:
\\MACHINE1\drop\RRStore\20170517.20. It can happen if the password of
the account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM is changed recently and is not updated
for the agent.
This is basically saying MACHINE2 cannot access \\MACHINE1\drop due to permissions. In windows I can bring up this folder just fine, but since the agent is running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM it cannot access it.
I want to use a filedrop because my website is about 250MB (although in the meantime I am using the 'publish to server' option and deploying via team services.)
I am unclear how to give permissions to the file drop though as the agent is running as SYSTEM. I am running as a WORKGROUP and giving permissions to 'Everyone' does not seem to work.
What is the correct way to configure access to a VSTS drop folder so that the deployment agent can access it?
Few possible options:
Set up a domain (I tried doing this but then I need a new network interface and it sounds klunky)
Continue using teamservices to deploy the artifacts (or reduce the website size!)
Save to a storage account, but again I'm not sure how to configure that.
Run as a different user account
I have similar problems when deploying with VSTS. Instead I chose to:
Run VSTS agent on the deployment group VM as a local user with limited access.
Impersonate the account on the deployment group VM to test its access to the drop folder.
Save/cache a different credential to access the drop folder if applicable.
(So the sensitive information stays on the VM.)
The cached credentials can be a different local user account created on the drop server just for this purpose.
Grant the local user access to various parts of the file system explicitly to limit access permission of this VSTS agent service runner account.
This should work in most cases. In fact, this same way is used in my VSTS, Jenkins and TFS instances. This should prevent you from setting up a domain to solve this problem.
This may not be the best practice, but at least it should get you started in the right direction.

Visual Studio Team Services - release definition - run task (PowerShell) as admin

In VSTS I have a release definition, which needs to run a PowerShell script as administrator.
The release agent is configured to run as an account, which is a local administrator and has the required permissions, but UAC is restricting those permissions, unless PowerShell is executed "as administrator".
Can I run PS as admin from VSTS without disabling UAC completely on the server?
I don't think there is a way to do that using PS task. Can you try "Run PS on target servers" and provide admin creds. You will need to provide the machine name of the agent (so this is not ideal) as an input to the task. That might not require UAC. We will file this as a feature request.
I ran into this same problem. To fix it I did this (YMMV):
I uninstalled the Azure DevOps agent
Verified that the agent user was an admin
Reinstalled the Azure DevOps agent
When I originally installed the agent, the user the agent was running as was not an admin (I added that user to the Builtin\Administrators group after I installed the agent). I'm not sure if that caused a problem, but uninstalling/reinstalling solved it for me.
I do not think that the Inline or Path options are the issue. Maybe installing an Agent in the Deployment Environment Machine, assigning in the installation process the credentials of a user you are sure has administrative privileges on the SharePoint farm could help you. Then in VSTS verify that the agent is Online and working in the Deployment Group Section.
We got around not being able to use elevated Powershell commands by creating a light .Netcore Worker service with http request capability running in an elevated service privilege state. You can send a Invoke-RestMethod command from a regular Powershell YML task and it will trigger your custom logic on the other end of the ASP controller. We use it to remove Appx packages before re-installing for our Unit tests. The repo is located at, AzureAdmin