Visual Studio Team Services "Link" button is disabled - azure-devops

I am following instructions to link my account to TFS:
It says to go to Team Services accounts, then to choose the account, and click on "Link" but that button is disabled for me. I tried a different account (different credentials, etc.) and I always see the Link button disabled.
Is it a permission issue? What can I do about it?
Image of disabled Link button

If you are not the team services owner, you won't have permission to link azure subscription.
For more possible reasons you can refer:
Q: Why can't I link my Team Services account?
A: This might happen
You're not the Team Services account owner.
You're not at least Co-administrator on the Azure subscription that
you want to link.
If you don't see any Team Services accounts, your account might
already linked to another Azure subscription.
If your Team Services account uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
to authenticate users, you might have a different directory selected
in the Azure portal than the directory that's connected to your Team
Services account.
To select the directory that your Team Services account uses, open the
Azure portal's Subscriptions list:
More details in


Issue in team members access to azure devops project

I have added multiple team members to two different teams in Azure Devops project. But team members are not able to see organization, project and dashboards when they login to devops account?
team members are not able to see organization, project and dashboards
Users cannot see the organization, you can first check whether these users have been added to the organization in Users of Organization Settings.
Then you can check whether the user has the permission to access the project on the Manage user page.
Regarding that users cannot see the projects, you can check whether the “View project-level information” permission of the team is set to Deny in the Permissions of Projects Settings.
Regarding that the user cannot see the dashboard, there should be no permission to restrict it. All users in the project should be able to see the dashboard. Can you share the screenshots about this issue?
In addition, you can try to let users log in with incognito window to see if the problem exists. Check if your organization is connected to AAD.
This is the answer for my additional questinos.
To get an access to Devops project user must be added in the organization either as stakeholder or owner
Once they are owner or stakeholder they are able to access all the features.

DevOps Organisation Not Appears in My Account

My Account(AAD) is Linked with 2 DevOps Organisation(personal organization & Business orgnaization)
I am unable to view Business orgnaization on DevOps Profile but able view personal organization.
I am able to access both via Url
I can't able to Connect DevOps Business Organisation with Visual Studio also.
Please try the following steps:
Please enter in browser and login to again to see if the issue still exists.
If your organizations are in different AADs, please select the right directory in the dropdown list.
Please use other PCs to sign in and check if it works.
If you sign in this organization, can you see the projects in it? Please click specific projects in Web UI, or add project name in organization URL to get access to it.
Please ask your AAD admin to remove your MSA account from Azure Active directory and re-add you again to check if the issue still exists.

User named "Azure Boards" in Azure Devops org

In hardening our ADO projects for security, we found that an org-level user named "Azure Boards" has been granted access to all area paths. We haven't yet found documentation on this user, so we're assuming that this is a built-in user that should not be altered. However, as part of hardening we do need to understand more about this user.
The question is: Where is the documentation for the org-level ADO user named Azure Boards (if any)?
Update per comment request:
I cannot find doc to describe this service account, I have raised a new feedback ticket in the GitHub and report it to Microsoft Doc teams, you can follow the ticket to get the latest news, I will continue to check the ticket and If have any achievements, I will inform you here.
This account Azure Boards gets created when you connect Azure Boards to GitHub. It works in the background to support the features that the GitHub connection supports.

Can I use my Visual Studio Enterprise License in Azure DevOps for multiple AAD accounts?

When I'm working for external organization that owns Azure DevOps project, they usually create new AAD account for me in their organization.
Is it possible to use my Visual Studio (MSDN) Enterprise license with the account as well? (as well as with my own account, since I work on multiple projects)
In Azure DevOps, there are 5 users for free, additional licenses have to be bought unless the users have MSDN Subscription.
I have MSDN Subscription which shows as a user with Visual Studio Enterprise license in Azure DevOps.
However, when working for customers, I usually have to use different AAD account, which means they have to pay 5$/month even when I have the MSDN
From your description, you want to use an account that’s different from the one that your subscription is assigned to. You may go to, click on Subscriptions, and then Add Alternate Account to add new account.

Visual Studio Team Services account issue

I'm TFS admin, I'm trying to add none hotmail account to Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) but it seems that members can't recieve invitations, is that possible to add none hotmail accounts in VSTS.
Thank you
You must add email addresses for "personal" Microsoft accounts unless your Team Services account uses your organization's directory to authenticate users and control account access through Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). If your users don't have Microsoft accounts, have them sign up.
If your Team Services account is connected to your organization's directory, all users must be directory members and sign in to Team Services with "work or school accounts" that are managed by your organization's directory. If they're not members, have a directory administrator add them to the directory. That way, you can find them in this directory when you add users by searching for their email addresses or display names.