Where can I get list of default images for Liferay <liferay-ui:icon> tag? - liferay-7

Can someone tell me where can I find a list of default images that I could use in image attribute?
<liferay-ui:icon image="add" />
This above one is working. But for example : 'list' is not.

I think this is the list
liferay theme github


AEM-6.4 Original Value of sling:resourceSuperType for /libs/foundation/components/redirect

I have accidentally make changes to the sling:resourceSuperType value of /libs/foundation/components/redirect in CRXDE. I have tried to google from AEM site like https://www.aemcomponents.dev/ to get the answer, but still no avail.
I would like to know the original value that set to the sling:resourceSuperType. It will be good if someone can share the value here, or will even better if able to share any other site and guide that can get the original properties of each AEM components.
foundation/components/page is the sling:resourceSupertype for /libs/foundation/components/redirect
(The 'redirect' component refers to a page. Hence, its super-type is 'page')
Also you can always copy your jar with a new name and port and extract it. It will create a vanilla system and there you can check it.

How to download files from tx_news listView?

i'm currently working on a TYPO3 6.2 site using tx_news.
My goal is that a user can use the listView directly to download a related file, like it was possible in TT_news with type download.
The problem is in TX_news is only type news, internal page, external page available.
I dont really want to extend news that much to generate a new news type.
I got two possible solutions:
Use external page as link to file
I dont really want the user to type the external file link
into these fields, since its a bigger project with many files.
Use sys_category and link the "more" field to related file
I need a hardcoded check in the template files for the "File
Download Category" UID. What if this changes, or in a year some new
people need to maintain this.
This is possible with some template like this, but as is said before, this is an ugly hardcoded check in a template file:
<f:for each="{newsItem.categories}" as="category" iteration="catIterator">
Any help is very appreciated, if someone knows a better, cleaner solution.
To clarify: With 'listView' you mean a list of news items?
If so,
You could add a TemplateLayout to display only the URLs of the related files.
tx_news provides the news type "Internal Link", too.
With this type, it is possible to create a direct link to a file (on your webspace), page, folder or email.

TYPO3: Custom options for "insert plugin" in backend

I am learning TYPO3 and extensions, for now, I've created a test extension about image uploading, handling and showing.
I have done the Backend for upload a new image, show a list, and edit image properties (once selected). This part is already implemented and working.
Now I am missing the "include" part, I mean, to insert an image in page via Insert Plugin on BackEnd.
My problem: When I select insert plugin, and I manually select my registered plugin, I want to render there a fluid template with options, image list, and so.
These options are for the user to select an image, a size, and so, for it to be shown in selected page.
I don't know which method have typo3 for showing templates in that part, so I am requesting a hint from where to config a template to be used there by TYPO3.
Note: This is not about asking implementations, just a hint to start and implement it myself.
You should not code that on your own.
I guess you are looking for TCA. In special for your Plugin you are looking for "flexforms". I guess this wiki page can help you get started with some examples.

How to include a subdirectory filter on the Activity feed?

Does anyone know how to use filter "Activity Feed" ?
For instance on this page I want to display only french entries (links on the website that include the subdirectory /fr/):
The problem is if I put the filter="/fr" then nothing is displayed whereas they exist.
Here is the code:
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/fr_FR/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:activity site="www.alexandra-lloyd.com" width="428" height="260" header="true" font="verdana" border_color="" recommendations="true" filter="/fr"></fb:activity>
Thank you
There's no filtering in that free Activity Feed plugin. You will need to write your own to do filtering. Start here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs
I don't know if its the same issue but it appears there are more people with the same issue.

how to get image-reflection in joomla?

i found one plugin, i installed in my joomla site. but can't get reflection eventhough i put the relative path in between tags. please give appropriate solution and be greatfull by giving an answer!! thanx in advance!!
in html5 there is already define tags for shadow of image..but html5 is not supported by all browsers.. you have to wait till all browser support html5..
you need to change to type of the image from gif to png.