How to make custom item in minecraft bukkit [plugin] - plugins

I just started making my first bukkit plugin. I wanted to make eggs that explode when they hit the ground, and I successfully made this. But now I want to have normal eggs and eggs that explode when they hit the ground. How can I create this?
I tried naming them differently, but entities don't have item names. How can I detect which thrown egg was is an egg that should explode and which is a normal egg?
If anything wasn't clear enough please ask me to explain it better, Thanks!

You can have an EventHandler for when a player throws the Egg you want, and add some MetaData to it:
public void onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent e){
Projectile projectile = e.getEntity();
if (//This projectile should be an explosive egg) {
projectile.setMetadata("explosiveegg", new FixedMetadataValue(plugin, "explosiveegg";
Then recover your Metadata whenever the Egg hits an Entity or the Floor and check if it's Metadata is "explosiveegg"
if (projectile.hasMetadata("explosiveegg")) //Explode


Unity scaling an object when duplicating (not wanted)

I'm making a mining game, where you have a rest area, and a mine area (all of this stuff works well) but when I "hire a new worker" the main miner clones, and is put in the starting area. When I clone the main miner, the cloned miner's size goes to 6k something something.
public void moreMiners(){
if (gm.Diamonds >= gm.mmcost){
gm.Diamonds -= gm.mmcost;
GameObject newplr = GameObject.Instantiate(plr);
newplr.gameObject.transform.localPosition = plr.transform.position;
duplicating code ^
help is appreciated
Make sure that "plr" reference is the original Prefab from your assets folder and not from your scene, then what you can do is to check your original prefab inside your assets folder and see if the scale is the one that you want to have.
Also when you Instantiate an object you can parse the position too as a parameter like this:

Checking raycast hit on tagged collider

I'm trying to make a shooting game and I wanted to check if an enemy is hit using a raycast. Here is the code:
void CheckForShooting()
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
RaycastHit2D bulletCheck = Physics2D.Raycast(gunPoint.position,Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos), gunRange);
if (bulletCheck.collider.tag =="Enemy")
However, even if the raycast is right on top the red enemy the console doesn't print "Hit" and I get the error "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object", the line that is getting this error is this one bulletCheck.collider.tag =="Enemy".
Here is a ss:
You need to make a raycast everytime you click the Fire1
Look at this official unity site: its explained how to shoot with raycasts.
I wish i could help you directly but i haven't entered Unity in over a year. I hope this helps but for such simple questions its faster to make a google search in my opinion
You just need to check if collider you were supposed to hit is null or not (if it was actually hit). You shoot the ray and expect it to always hit the target in your current code. Just check:
if(bulletCheck.collider != null)
and the code will only run if there was a hit. Only then you can check what was hit.
Also follow the advice and learn about NullReferenceException, it is the most common and basic exception, also one of the easiest to solve.

How would I detect if my player is touching a game object?

Okay so basically im working on this test project that relies heavily on movement and momentum to complete levels, with a bit of parkour. I need a collider for two reasons, 1. The player touches an object at the end and gets put back into the menu. 2. If the player falls out of the map they die.
I tried a bit messing around with Colliders and at the Docs and while usually id figure it out ive been stumped for 20 minutes looking at Unity's docs and a few questions from here.
public GameObject objectCollider;
public GameObject anotherCollider;
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (CollisionDetection.IsTouching(objectCollider.gameObject, anotherCollider.gameObject))
This is what I got so far. I get an error from here and if I switch it to if collider object == the other it errors out.
Basically what I want (If you perfer to just post the answer code but comments on it would still be helpful so i learn!) is for one gameobject (player (but in code its objectCollider)) to be detected if it touches the other (a cube (in code its anotherCollider)) and to execute code (for example Destroy(playerObject))
Thank you for any help you bring here, links, code anything!
Hopefully this is what you're looking for:
public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if ( == "endObject")
//put back into the menu
Once your player enters a collision, it checks the name of whatever object it collided with. Then you can execute what code you want in the if statement.
You can use collision.collider for many other things, such as collision.collider.tag, but this should give you a start.

Can 1 gameobject (screw) detect another gameobject (screw nut) and then create animation?

I'm building an engineer Augmented reality app,.
Basically I want 1 game object which is the screw, detect another game object which is the screw nut, then if the two detected each other they will connect. (create animation that it is connecting like the screw is rotates through the hole).
So the questions are:
1) how will the one object (active) will detect the another object (passive)?
2) how can i set it to real time size detection like if this screw is not fitted then it will not connect to each other.
Add a proper tags to your objects, e.g. tag diameter_5mm. Add a collider with isTrigger enabled to one kind of items and attach a script with something like that:
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){
if (other.tag == transform.tag){
//let the magic begin!

Unity clone objects don't include scripts

Does anybody know how can I include scripts when my objects clone. In my game, I need to make that when my ball hit moving wall, then there is need to show new wall including my moving scripts. MY CASE: new wall is shown, but it is not moving.
Please help.
Kind regards
Well it is very easy.
First case: if you are using the prefab to instantiate, be sure to assign on the prefab your scripts.
Second case: if you are taking the template to instantiate directly from GameObject of wall, it should create the GameObject with exatly same scripts.
If it is still not moving, check in Inspector the cloned wall, if the scripts are enabled, and double check how the scripts work (maybe needs some initializing or whatever)
If your script is not on your prefab (for any reason), you can add via a script:
void CreateWall(){
GameObject obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallPrefab);
NewScript ns = obj.AddComponent<NewScript>();
The only advantage I could think about that way is that you can add specific components based on a specific situation. Say you want to add Script A if condition A or Script B if condition B:
void CreateWall(){
GameObject obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(wallPrefab);
case A:
case B: