in atom editor on mac, there is
Atom > Install Shell Commands
but on windows, there is no anything like that
i find the cmd files for atom in this folder
in this directory the atom line work in command line. but in other directories it not work
i find solution for my problem
first i reinstall atom with this command
$ choco install atom
you need to install Chocolatey before use choco command
then i find cmd files of atom in
then i set this PATH by this command
$ setx path "%path%;C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\atom\bin"
now i can use atom and apm commands
i hope that can help anyone
Is there any instruction on installing Devel::Repl? I use cpan Devel::REPL command to have it installed but I cannot launch it using the command (as suggested
My cpan command comes from the perl v5.36 installed from homebrew. Is there something I have to do in order to be able to run Like adding ~/.cpan to my system $PATH?
I used the cpan Devel::REPL command to have it installed but I cannot launch it using the command
Is there something I have to do in order to be able to run ?
Yes, is installed in the bin directory of the perl installation directory. This directory is not automatically added to the search path by homebrew, so you need to add it manually. Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc file:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/perl/5.36.0/bin${PATH+:$PATH}"
then open a new terminal. You should now be able to type at the prompt to enter the REPL.
I used the hyper terminal to open my project folder in Atom. The commands I tried were atom . and atom -n <folder>.The command was executed and the folder opened in Atom, but both of these methods led to my terminal hanging.
I tried using Ctrl + C to exit the command, but it didn't help. I had to restart the terminal to finally exit the ongoing command. Is there any other way I can open project folders in Atom using the terminal?
you change your user name. So the atom path is still with the older name. You need to mutch it .
You can simply do this by opening the run dialog (win + r), type "SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe" and hit enter. Here you should select "Environment Variables..." and edit the Path for your user (because atom is probably installed only for you).
Is there a way to point to a windows feature list in a script or run a PowerShell command where I would point to a file that contains a list of windows features? for those who use python, i'm inspired by the pip install -r requirements.txt method where the requirements.txt just contains a list of packages.
I am trying to install nano editor. From all the previous posts, I am stuck on path. What is path? How do I fix put my path?
I have:
$ mv nano ~/path/to/git/share
$ nano abc
bash: nano: command not found
You can add it via chocolatey.
choco install nano
PATH is the environment variable which is used to locate an executable you want to run.
See "How to permanently set $PATH on Linux?": you can add the folder where nano is in your .bashrc (which you can create directly under %USERPROFILE%, used by Git bash as $HOME)
Add to ~/.bashrc:
export PATH=$PATH:~/path/to/git/share
Then type
source ~/.bashrc
If you don't want to add it to your PATH, you can follow this step-by-step procedure, which does include the installation of nano-git-0d9a7347243.exe.
If your ultimate goal is to have and use nano on Windows 10, you can download the nano installer from here and just install the .msi file the usual Windows way. No manual path configurations required.
I have some code to review and the files have extensions of .ipynb in the end. I install IPython using the command sudo pip install ipython. Now, when I type ipython in the terminal, I get the return -bash: ipyhton: command not found.
What I could do now to review those files? Python is installed in the system. I read the I need to use the command ipython notebook file_name.ipynb to run those files from the terminal.