Unresolved inclusion: <boost/python.hpp> in Eclipse - boost-python

I have installed Boost Python in C:\boost in which the installation was run from C:\Program Files\boost_1_65_1 as the root directory.
|--|Program Files
C:\MinGW\bin has been added to system's PATH. In Eclipse, the #include <boost/python.hpp> or anything relating to <boost\[directory]> keeps returning 'Unresolved inclusion' error.
I have added C:\MinGW\bin to system's 'Path'. In Eclipse I added the following to GNU C++ 'Include directories' in 'Paths and Symbols':
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_65_1\libs
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_!_65_1\boost
What are the settings that need to be edited?

bjam --debug-configuration has to be run from the root folder
C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_65_1
At the end of the compilation, go to
Project Properties > C/C+ Build
and add the links to the compiler include paths (in my case it was Cross G++ Compiler > Include). The boost library should now be accessible from #include <boost/whatever>.


Conan.io and netbeans - howto setup a project

I'm trying NetBeans as my new IDE for c++. I would love to use conan.io as package manager.
My conanfile.py looks like this (from the conan site):
class MyConanTestProj(ConanFile):
settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
requires = "Protobuf/3.1.0#inexorgame/stable", "Boost/1.64.0#conan/stable" # comma separated list of requirements
generators = "cmake", "txt"
default_options = "Poco:shared=True", "OpenSSL:shared=True", "Boost:shared=True"
def imports(self):
self.copy("*.dll", dst="bin", src="bin") # From bin to bin
self.copy("*.dylib*", dst="bin", src="lib") # From lib to bin
# self.copy('*.so*', dst='bin', src='lib')
def build(self):
cmake = CMake(self)
My CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)
add_executable(testProj testProj.cpp)
target_link_libraries(testProj ${CONAN_LIBS})
testProj.cpp: (just to see it compile and link...)
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main(void) { return 0; }
When I create a build dir and run conan install and so on it works:
mkdir build -p && cd build && conan install .. && cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build
But in NetBeans it shows me an unresolved include (netbeans has no idea there conan has stored the boost files).
How to configurate netbeans to use the include paths generated by conan?
Conan created conanbildinfo.cmake and conanbuildinfo.txt with the full paths included but i don't know how to use them in netbeans.
Hope someone could tell me how to setup this correctly (or give me a short example project for netbeans) - Thanks!
Netbeans might be using a particular build folder layout, as previous versions of CLion did in the past, just putting the "temporary" build folders somewhere in the system.
I guess that the CMake execution is complaining about not finding the conanbuildinfo.cmake file, not the Boost headers.
So, the first thing is to know which folder is being used by Netbeans as CMake binary dir. You could add to your CMakeLists.txt:
if(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Missing conanbuildinfo. Move to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} folder, and run conan install there")
Then, just cd to that folder, conan install with the respective configuration (note that this process may need to be run for different configurations, like Debug/Release).

cmake to eclipse project conversion issue

I am trying to create an eclipse project from a cmake project .
I used the following command
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ./`
it gives the following error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:119 (find_package):
By not providing "FindGlib.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Glib", but
CMake did not find one.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Glib" (requested
version 2.28) with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Glib" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
"Glib_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Glib"
provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
I have glib installed . actually it couldn't resolve the path i guess. wherever find is there in cmake file , it is giving the smiler errors. please i suggest a way out, i badly need to load this project in cmake. Thanks.
Here is line 119 where error message is pointing
find_package(Glib 2.28 REQUIRED)
When you call find_package(MyPackage) in a CMake file, it tries to find a FindMyPackage.cmake configuration in its system path (/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules on my Ubuntu box), or in the directory you did specify as CMAKE_MODULE_PATH).
The solution to your problem is to create a directory for modules in your source tree (e.g. CMakeModules), put in it a FindGlib.cmake file that you can find using Google, and add
in your CMakeLists.txt before the actual call to find_package.
(your problem is not related to the Eclipse generator, you could remove that from the title of the question).

Issues with g++ and Eclipse on Linux - unresolved symbols

I am running Ubuntu 64bit version, and downloaded the latest 64bit Eclipse.
Installed g++ along with build-essential. Tested g++ to make sure it works from terminal, and it works fine.
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ g++ test.cpp -o test
alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ./test
Hello World!alex#ubuntu:~/Desktop$
However, trying to build simple C++ Hello Word project(one of the default projects that comes with Eclipse), I am getting error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Program "g++" not found in PATH Preferences, C++/Build/Settings/Discovery, [CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings] options C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem
I have added Environment variable named g++ with value /usr/bin/g++ and the above error went away, however, now I am getting unresolved errors, though project compiles and in the Console shows !!!Hello World!!!
Description Resource Path Location Type
Symbol 'endl' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'cout' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 13 Semantic Error
Symbol 'std' could not be resolved test_hello.cpp /test_hello/src line 10 Semantic Error
Have I correctly entered Environmental variable ?? How can I get fix the "unresolved" error ?? Thanks !
When compiling there are two important things to consider:
1.) Is my path up-to-date with executables?
2.) Is my library path correct?
It appears you satisfy 1.) but not 2.)
The unresolved symbol error means that Eclipse cannot find your library via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or some other medium. It's attempting to locate the standard compiled C++ library.
How did you install g++?
Kindly do this and post the results:
Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment
If everything there appears nominal, you can try
which should hopefully re-parse your system library paths and might update your environment.

unresolved external symbol - Error using Matlab API

I'm trying to read a .mat-file in C++ with MSVS 2008 but when building a simple program I get the following error:
1>ex3.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _matClose referenced in function _main
1>ex3.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _matOpen referenced in function _main
I've researched Google as well and it seems that the compiler can't link to the libraries needed for using this functions (matOpen and matClose). I never used an external library before but I tried everything I found in Google to add the Matlab libraries. I did the following:
TOOLS --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> VC++ Directories --> Show directories for: include files --> then I added the path of the matlab include directory --> C:\Program Files\MATLAB\extern\include
I did the same with the library files: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\extern\lib\win64\microsoft
I also did that for the project:
Right click on the project --> Properties --> Configuration Properties --> C/C++ --> General --> Additional Include Directories --> and added "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\extern\include\win64"
Then I did the same at Linker --> General --> Additional Library Directories --> and added "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\extern\lib\win64\microsoft"
So I really don't know where the problem is. Here is the source code I'm trying to build:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mat.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const char *file = "mozart_part1.mat";
MATFile *pmat;
pmat = matOpen(file, "r");
if(pmat == NULL)
std::cout << "Error: could not open MAT-file!";
Can you see or guess any mistakes I made
Take a look here.
Go through the steps.
What I think you've missed is step 7:
7.Locate the .lib files for the compiler you are using under matlabroot\extern\lib\win32\microsoft or matlabroot\extern\lib\win64\microsoft. Under Linker Input properties, add libmx.lib, libmex.lib, and libmat.lib as additional dependencies.
Both Matlab and Visual C++ should be either 32bit or 64bit. There are two options:
Find these 3 lib files from another Matlab which is 32bit. Direct your linker there instead.
Make your Visual C++ 64bit. See here how it's done.
What eventually worked was option 2, using this link with instructions.
I solved the Problem!
#Michael Litvin: you were right! I didn't know that you have to switch MSVS 2008 to x64 platform.
As the Matlab libraries are provided as x64 binaries you have to switch your MSVS compiler to x64 as well. I followed these steps to do that: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/configuring-microsoft-visual-studio-for-64-bit-applications/
Thanks for you help!

Eclipse Indigo CDT: Function could not be resolved

This feels silly, but its been 2 days...somewhere after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.11 and from Eclipse Helios to Eclipse Indigo, I got stuck with the following problem:
Problem Description:
I'm trying to use a function in math.h called isinf(), but the problem also occurs with things like isnan(). The program compiles fine on the command line using make and fine in eclipse using build. But if I open the program file in eclipse it reports that it cannot reolve the isinf() function call. If I just insert the program contents into a new project and new source file, the error appears immediately. This problem did not occur under 11.04 with Eclipse Helios CDT
Why are these errors only reported when the program file is opened and not on when the program is compiled; why are the errors not detected make is run from the command line? Is there a solution/workaround available?
Version Info
Linux Ubuntu 10.11 64-bit
Eclipse CDT Indigo, Service Release 1, Build id: 20110916-0149
(Also using Eclipse EE Indigo – if that makes a difference)
GNU Make 3.81
gcc 4.6.1-9Ubuntu3
To Duplicate:
Please find the two files you'll need to replicate below:
Step 0. Verify that everything is fine outside of Eclipse
Copy the attached source file and make file
create a directory e.g. Mkdir FunTest
Save the source file a 'Test.cpp' and the makefile as 'makefile'
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory e.g. FunTest
Enter 'make'
Enter ./TestOut
Program responds “is not infinite”
Step 1. Create the project in Eclipse
Open Eclipse
Select File|New|MakeFile Project with Existing Code
Click Browse – navigate to the directory (FunTest) and click ok
Select 'Linux GCC' from the Toolchain selector
Click Finish
Step 2. Find the Error
Click Build All (Ctrl-B) – project builds without errors
Open the project in the project explorer to display the file in the directory
Double click on the file “Test.cpp”
Note the error icon next to line testing for infinity
Note the 2 error messages:
Semantic error: Function _isinff could not be resolved
Semantic error: Function _isinfl could not be resolved
include <math.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int TestNum = 10;
if (isinf(TestNum) == 0)
printf("Not infinite\n");
return 0;
# Specify the compiler
CC = g++
# Specify the compiler flags
CFLAGS += -c
# Specify the files making up the application
SOURCES = Test.cpp
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
#echo "Build complete!"
I have experienced similar problems of the CDT reporting errors even though the code compiled fine within Eclipse Indigo.
Project > Properties > Settings > Binary Parsers > "GNU Elf Parser"
helped in my case. I had the "Elf Parser" checked.
That looks like a problem that many others have had with eclipse CDT before. Sometimes shutting eclipse down and then starting it back up again is enough to help. If that isn't the case, take a look at what I have below:
Compilation ok, but eclipse content assist having problems
Check your includes: if you're using include<math.h> change it to include<cmath>. The same for stdio.h and stdlib.h, you should replace by cstdio and cstdlib. Another option may be change you project to a C project instead of a C++.
You are missing -lm option in your build preferences.
Project->Properties->Settings->Miscleanous->Other (linker) flags[]
For me, it was solved by adding a specific ‘Source Location’ folder, and removing the default. In Luna, it is under:
Project > Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > Source