Ionic onSlideChanged events delay - ionic-framework

I am using the ion-slides, and I get some events via:
I use this function to get the last slide:
onSlideChanged() {
this.lastSlide = this.slider.isEnd();
Than I use this.lastSlide in another directive [hidden] to show or hide some stuff in the next slide.
However there is a slight delay right after the next slide is shown, so after 1 second or less than one second the content is hidden as soon as slider reach to this last slide.
I have tried to use (ionSlideWillChange) instead (ionSlideDidChange) but I it has a delay still.



After using the !D/EGL_emulation filter to hide the app time stats in flutter I get this annoying label next to the filter text field that tells me how many lines have been hidden in the console log |Showing 122/444| , is there any way to remove this ?!
It's ticking every second and I want to remove it.

In what circumstances would I need to use Protractor ExpectedConditions to wait for an element

I'm new to working with Protractor and I was wondering in what circumstances would you need to use ExpectedConditions (example below) when using Protractor. I thought that Protractor automatically determine when an AngularJS page is fully loaded.
let EC = ExpectedConditions;
let condition = EC.presenceOf(element("something")));
browser.wait(condition, 10000);
Thanks, Eric
From my experience working with Protractor, the use of ExpectedConditions depends on the behavior of the page you are automating. It's mostly used due to failing if the condition doesn't comply in the specified time.
These conditions will also return a promise that you can handle to your liking.
I'll give you a few scenarios so you can understand where to use them.
alertIsPresent(): This condition will wait till an alert appears.
e.g.: After clicking a button, there will be an alert appearance; however, there's an API call which makes the pop-up take longer and also a small animation, so we want to wait a few seconds and no more than that.
// will click on a button
// will wait for the condition
let EC = ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.alertIsPresent(), 5000);
The following code will wait for 5 seconds after clicking the button, to see if the alert is present, else it will throw an error.
invisibilityOf(): This condition will wait till the specified element is not being displayed.
e.g.: There's a loader that appears for every single action that is triggered in the page. For this we want to wait till this loader disappears so we can continue with the automation process. By business requirements, this loader shouldn't take longer than 10 seconds.
This loader locks the whole page, so other elements are not interactable while it is up.
// trigger random action on page so loader appears
// will wait for the condition
let EC = ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf(element('loader'))), 10000);
After clicking a button, we will give a 10 seconds grace for the loader to disappear, else the condition will throw an error.
elementToBeClickable(): This condition will wait till the specified element can be clicked.
e.g.: The button to the login form is disabled by default, so it can't be clicked unless we complete the username and password textfields. The button being enabled after filling the textfields has a fast animation, either way we want to give it 1 second to complete and check if we are able to click it.
// complete both textfields required for the button to be enabled
// will wait for the condition and then will click the button
let EC = ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(element('loginButton'))), 1000);
After completing both textfields, the condition will wait for 1 second for the element to be clickable, if it is, it will procede with the next line and click it. On the other hand, if it doesn't, an error will be thrown.
presenceOf(): In this case, the condition will check if the element is present in the DOM (Document Object Model) but it won't check if the element is visible or not.
e.g.: On a page with a radio button group containing 3 flavors: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Depending on which you choose, you will be shown different questions. Developers mentioned that the questions are in the page at all moments, but are hidden due to which radio button is selected at the moment. In this situation, we just want to check that all questions exist in the DOM, whether or not they will be shown by a radio button being selected.
// check all questions directly, without selecting any radio buttons
let EC = ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element('question-1'))), 1000);
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element('question-2'))), 1000);
browser.wait(EC.presenceOf(element('question-3'))), 1000);
The time is pretty irrelevant here; nonetheless, using this conditions we will be able to check that the questions, even though hidden, exist in the DOM. If one is missing, an error will cut the test immediately.
These were a few examples I've had to deal with in the past. The use of the conditions is situational and mostly they are useful when you want to use the existing conditions since they save you the time of building them yourself.
PD: More information can be found in the Protractor API.

Content Offset Not Updating in Swift

I have an app in Swift 4.0 in which I have a wide scrollview containing multiple images that are each as wide as the screen. Currently the user can swipe through them, which works perfectly. I'm in the process of adding buttons for paging left and right. The code for one of the buttons is below (the left button has the same structure).
When I use the buttons to page right or left, the content offset does not change at all. For example, if I start out on page #1, the horizontal content offset is 0. When I run the scrollRight function, the content offset remains 0, even though it's showing page #2 (it prints "content offset = 0"). If I swipe instead, it displays page #2, but the content offset updates to UIScreen.main.bounds.width (it prints "content offset = 414")
func scrollRight(){
let currentX = sectionScroll.contentOffset.x
let newX = currentX + UIScreen.main.bounds.width
sectionScroll.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: newX, y: 0), animated: true)
print("content offset= ", sectionScroll.contentOffset.x)
What am I doing wrong? Do I just not understand how UIScrollViews function? Is there a way to use the button to display the next page and also update the content offset in the same way that scrolling would? I end up using the content offset in later code to determine which page the user is looking at, so I'd like it to be able to update whether the user swipes or clicks through the pages.
I found the solution in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.
When the animation is set to "true", it takes time to move to the new offset. Therefore, you have to take that into account-- I just built in a short delay before running the rest of my code, although I'm sure there are other ways around it.

Code to click a radio button does not work the second time in my Protractor script

I am calling a function twice to execute a piece of code in my protractor script. A snapshot of the code of my function that is failing when called the second time is below. sessionNo is an argument passed to this function. It could be either 0 or 1. Depending on the value of this argument, either the radio button with index 0 will be selected or the radio button with index 1 will be selected.
function sessionBegin(sessionNo)
element.all(by.repeater('type in types')).all(by.css ("input[type='radio']")).isPresent(). then(function()
var sessionType = element.all(by.repeater('type in types')).all(by.css ("input[type='radio']")).get(sessionNo);;
This code works great when this function is called for the first time. But when it is called the second time with a different value for sessionNo, it fails with "Failed: element not visible" error. I can't figure out why is the above code unable to locate the same element for the second time as it did for the first time with the exact same code.
It depends on your application code, may be your element becomes invisible between it's found and click action, or it's not visible yet. For the first case you should investigate what happens in application side, for second case (if it's not visible yet), you can wait until it became visible, for example: browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(element), 5000, Element not visible: ${element.locator()});
it will wait for for element 5 seconds.

Specific element on top oflist CellTable/ Pager

is it possible to have a specific element on top of the list?
I have an event app, where new events are constantly added. The events are orderd by date. If an event passes, it is still on top of the page. Now that some time passed, the first elements are all over, so the first paged doesn't display any necassery data anymore. To get to events which will happen, the user has to click on the pager button.
I want this events to be displayed on top, and if the user want's to see previous events, he has to click the back button of the pager.
What have I tried:
cellTable.setVisibleRange(overElements, (overElements + totalEementCount));
this mixes up the whole pager logic, and the user can't switch from pager to page anymore.
SingleSelectionModel<JSEvents> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<JSEvents>();
selectionModel.setSelected(nextEvent, true);
this selects the right element, and moves the pager to it, but the other elements are still visible, so if I have a few "over" events and in the worst case, only have a single "comming" event in the table. Also it is the usability is bad, since the user has to look which event is next and doesn't have it on top of the page...
If you're using a ListDataProvider, you can add the new event to the front of the list. Everything depending on that dataprovider will be notified and should redraw.
If you're using a different kind of data provider, you may have to call CellTable.redraw yourself, but I think AbstractDataProvider takes care of that for you.
As a first investigative step, you might just try calling cellTable.redraw() after your new event has been logged to see if that gets you anywhere.
found a solution:
the celltable has a method setVisibleRange. This method is used in the examples when a pager involved:
int start = display.getVisibleRange().getStart();
int end = start + display.getVisibleRange().getLength();
end = end >= data.size() ? data.size() : end;
List<JSEvents> sub = data.subList(start, end);
updateRowData(start, sub);
the updateRowData tells the celltable, which data is displayed and on which position this data starts.
Now if we want to have a speciffic element on top of the page we can use the same function. This is how I end up using it:
int end = start + PAGESIZE;
end = (end >= data.size()) ? data.size() : end;
List<JSEvents> sub = data.subList(start, end);
dataProvider.updateRowData(start, sub);
cellTable.setVisibleRange(start, sub.size());