Postgres - LIKE ANY UPPER() - postgresql

Is there a way to use UPPER with a LIKE ANY()?
I have the following example:
where skus.number like any ('{"%00130204%", "%00130202"}')
Unfortunately the skus I'm checking here can be of different cases, so I tried doing this:
where UPPER(skus.number) like any UPPER('{"%00130204%", "%00130202"}'))
Which doesn't work, is there any way to get this working in the query itself?

No need to use upper. Use the case insensitive version of like, "ilike" instead.
where skus.number ilike any ('{"%00130204%", "%00130202"}')

along with being totally with #Joe on his answer as better for you query (and skipping phylosophy behind idea to represent digits in uppercase), I decided to answer the topic of your post
Is there a way to use UPPER with a LIKE ANY()?
yes - here it is:
t=# select UPPER('110013020411') like any (UPPER('{"%00130204%", "%00130202"}')::text[]) comaprison;
(1 row)
after you upper text in array represented as text you need to cast it back inorder to use with ANY (array)


Grafana (V7) adding variable in table name

I need to be able to use variables in table names - I basically have the same set of tables used for different types of data, so I would like to just have one dashboard and swapping between all types instead of always having to set up multiple identical dashboards.
My query is something like:
select * from table_$variable_name;
Where my list of possible variable is something like cat, dog, bird
I can seem to make this work, if I only put the variable as shown above I get the following error
Error 1146: Table 'table_$variable_name' doesn't exist
If I enclose it in curly brackets, I get this error instead.
Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{bird}' at line 1
(i.e. with the selected variable actually being visible this time)
I'm not sure if the issue is having underscores in the table names, I tried putting underscores around my variables too to check and I had no luck with that.
Another thing I tried was gradually adding on to the table name, so e.g.
select * from table_$variable;
Still returns an error, but I can see the table name starting to form correctly
Error 1146: Table 'table_bird_' doesn't exist
However, as soon as I add another underscore, the variable is not picked up abymore
```Error 1146: Table 'table_$variable_' doesn't exist``
I'm sure it's something silly I am missing in the syntax of the query - anyone has any suggestions?
Using this for reference
As #arturomp suggests, use
At least in my case, this was the solution that worked.
I found double square brackets work. e.g.
Rather than
select * from table_$variable_name;
select * from table_[[variable_name]];

prometheus doesn't match regex query

I'm trying to write a prometheus query in grafana that will select visits_total{route!~"/api/docs/*"}
What I'm trying to say is that it should select all the instances where the route doesn't match /api/docs/* (regex) but this isn't working. It's actually just selecting all the instances. I tried to force it to select others by doing this:
visits_total{route=~"/api/order/*"} but it doesn't return anything. I found these operators in the querying basics page of prometheus. What am I doing wrong here?
May be because you have / in the regex. Try with something like visits_total{route=~".*order.*"} and see if the result is generated or not.
Try this also,
If you want to exclude all the things that has the word docs you can use below,
The main problem with your original query is that /api/docs/* will only match things like /api/docs and /api/docs//////; i.e. the * in your query will match 0 or more / characters.
I think what you meant to use was /api/docs/.*.

How to convert "like each" into a functional form?

Let's say I have a column of a table whose data type is a character array. I want to pass in a functional select where clause, where the column is in a list of given strings. However, I cannot simply use (in; `col; myList) for reasons. Instead, I need to do the equivalent of:
max col like/: myList
which effectively gives the same result. However, I have tried to put this in functional form
(max; (like/:; `col; myList))
And I am getting a type error. Any ideas on how I could make this work?
A nice trick when dealing with this problem is using parse on a string of the select statement you want to functionalize. For example:
q)parse"select from t where max col like/: myList"
Or specifically in your case you want the 3rd element of the result list (the where clause):
q)(parse"select from t where max col like/: myList")2
max ((/:;like);`col;`myList)
I even think using this pattern in your actual code can be a good idea, as functionalized statements like max ((/:;like);`col;`myList) can get pretty unreadable pretty quickly!
Hope that helps!
(any; ((/:;like); `col; enlist,myList))
it should be: (max;((/:;like);`col;`mylist))

how to use for each loop in Progress?

Basically i'm trying to do a simple join. I'm a beginner in progress and even if i'm reading always the same things... my problem still unresolved ! :'(
I'm using unixodbc to communicate with my base and this is working like a charm when i'm using simple command like : SELECT * from PUB."Art"
I understood I have to do something who looks like that to join 2 tables :
FOR EACH PUB."Art" WHERE (PUB."Art".IdArt = 16969) ,
EACH PUB."ArtDet" WHERE (PUB."ArtDet".IdArt = PUB."Art".IdArt)
But this only return me [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLPrepare
I then try to simplify the thing with :
for each PUB."Art": display PUB."Art".IdArt end.
I try to put colon (or not) after the for each loop, using point / comma etc... but I never use the right syntax apparently... or I'm missing a thing to execute this command !
Is anyone can advice me ?
Thx a lot !
You appear to mixing SQL and 4GL syntax.
"FOR EACH" is 4GL. The SQL equivalent is "SELECT".
(If you are using 4GL you do not need then "PUB" prefix and quoting table and field names will not work.)
To do a join with SQL (or the 4GL) use a "," between the table names. For SQL your syntax would look something like:
SELECT * from PUB."Art", PUB."ArtDet"
Gory details regarding WHERE clauses, SQL INNER & OUTER joins etc. can be found in the online documentation:
You will want to navigate to your specific release and then find the "SQL" guide.

ssrs expression to split string possible?

so in my query i have select columnx from tblz
it returns 001.255556.84546
I want to be able to split this via '.' and put it into three columns.
column1 = 001
column2 = 255556
column3 = 84576
is this possible?
For info, in 2008 these dont work, you have to do the following:
=Split(Fields!returnedValue.Value, ".").GetValue(0)
Create three calculated fields with the following expressions:
=(Split(Fields!columnx.Value, ".")).GetValue(0)
=(Split(Fields!columnx.Value, ".")).GetValue(1)
=(Split(Fields!columnx.Value, ".")).GetValue(2)
I'm not sure it works or not, maybe give it a try. You might need to use IIF() statement to check values before getting them.
In SSRS you reference the field name, tell it the delimiter to use. Since you are not assigning to a variable, per se, you then need to tell it which part of the split string to use. In your example
You would replace returnedValue with whatever the actual field name is, and place each one of those into your columns 1 - 3, respectively.
This answer was originally posted in the question instead of being posted as an answer: