ISPConfig change "Document Root" for specific domain - ispconfig

How to change the Document Root for a specific domain/subdomain inside ISPConfig 3.
I need to point my subdomain to a different directory than the standard client3 web6 roots.
And in "ISPConfig 3" this field isn't editable, neither during creation nor afterwards.

The solution was pretty simple, All I had to do is, once the domain was created, I had to navigate as below..
Select that domain > Options > Apache Directives
And paste the following line where the root of the domain/subdomain would be adjusted accordingly. I wanted to point the domain to rainloop installation which was outside the Default Web Root directory /var/www/html.
DocumentRoot "/var/www/rainloop/"
Have written this Q/A as a documentation as in-spite of it being so simple, this solution isn't documented anywhere.

Hey yeah you can put this as directive snippsel:
in complete that shows something like this in your /etc/apache2/sites-available/ in the lower, isp config put this in:
DocumentRoot /var/www/clients/client10/web72/web/YOURNEWFOLDER


HAPROXY, general rule for redirecting a subdomain to a directory

I'm new to HAPROXY's advanced ACLs and I need your help.
I would like to create a redirect based on the subdomain used.
Example :
I have one directory per site on my host.
If someone enters the URL, I would like them to be redirected to the test1 directory on the host.
The directory on my host will always be identical to the subdomain.
Example : --> folder /test2 --> folder /test3
I would like to create a general rule that redirects to the right folder depending on the subdomain.
I don't know if I was clear enough?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Mamp Pro 4 HTTP and HTTPS

Is it not possible in Mamp Pro 4 to have both http and https? The application I am working on requires both depending on the page.
I must be missing something as it makes no sense when I enable SSL only https works and http then stops working.
I tried going through the http.conf, but really have no idea whats causing this.
I think it just generates the vhost for https only and then removes http. Doesn't even look like you can manually edit it.
Any suggestion would be great.
Well to update my own post and if anyone else has this problem.
The software is currently not capable of this on the same hostname.
According to Mamp support you have to create two hosts with the same name (e.g. and
Enable one of the "" hostnames to use SSL
Enable the second host entry "" to not use SSL. (Don't forget to hold Alt or Option when clicking on +)
Point both to the same directory.
Mamp will highlight this in red, as its warning that you have two of the same hostnames.
So currently this is the only solution I am aware of for this issue.
Hope they resolve this in future updates as a lot of applications, especially ecommerce rely on the ability to switch between http and https.
You can see this on the Mamp Pro documentation here.
I got a simple solution by edit template:
Open Mamp Pro
File > Edit Template > Apache > httpd-ssl.conf
Add these line after
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_ServerName_MAMP
DocumentRoot MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_DocumentRoot_MAMP
Mamp Pro 5 in 2020 Update
To tag onto MrDuy's great response, as the Alt Click on the + doesn't seem to work in V5, editing the httpd-ssl.conf template seems to be the way to go.
However MrDuy's answer assumes you're using port 80 for HTTP inside MAMP, which is not the default 8888. Additionally, and I can't speak for MAMP PRO 4 users, the snippet needs to be placed before the MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_iteration_end_MAMP line at the bottom of the file, as obviously this is the end marker that MAMP uses to conduct its iteration of the hosts in the GUI.
Follow the first two steps in MrDuy's answer:
Open MAMP Pro
File > Edit Template > Apache > httpd-ssl.conf
Then, at the bottom of the file, locate the line with MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_iteration_end_MAMP Before this line, paste the following:
<VirtualHost *:8888>
ServerName MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_ServerName_MAMP
DocumentRoot MAMP_SSLVirtualHost_DocumentRoot_MAMP
It would've been niced to use the placeholder markers MAMP uses in it's non SSL config file (MAMP_VirtualHost_IP_MAMP, MAMP_VirtualHost_Port_MAMP etc) but obviously these aren't passed in the file. Which means that if you decide to change the HTTP port, you must also manually update this file.
#MAMP, can't we make this a default? :`(

base url redirecting for absolute urls

I'm dealing with an annoying problem. I have to make some changes to a large website, which source code is not under my control (sub-contracting). As usually I try to rebuild a local copy of the site to test my changes. The problem is now that almost all paths used in URLs for images, css, links etc. are relative paths pointing to the root directory, like
This is a problem because I develop on an intranet server and I put this project into a nested directory, so the URL to the project files is sth. like
What happens is that the paths from the first example don't resolve correctly. So I tried using the base tag to set the directory from which links should be resolved as
That works fine when the path is
without the slash at the start, but fails when the slash exists, because (I think) the link is resolved from the server host, not from the URI in the tag.
So... is there any possibility to make the "/dir/file.html" links resolve from a root othe than the server root? Or do I have to manually remove all prepending slashes from the paths (urgh)?
Thanks in advance. :)
If you're doing local development on a web site you can do either of the below. Both involve moving your project in a base folder instead of working with sub folders inside your document root.
Virtual host on different port
In your web server, create another listening port and virtual host.
After restart, you can access your web server as http://localhost:81 or whatever port number you choose.
Virtual host on same port
Only create another virtual host (like above), but make sure to use named virtual hosting.
After restart, you have to add another entry in your hosts file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or /etc/hosts) using a simple text editor: localhost
The above line should already exist, so you can keep adding more names to it: localhost
Personal preference
I like the second option, because I don't have to mess with ports and stuff like Facebook API keeps working as you expect.
I hope this all makes sense, let me know otherwise.

How to hide Zend's application.ini from the public?

I am using the Zend Framework for construction of my site, which uses the application.ini file to store database info (such as username and password). I discovered that typing /application/configs/application.ini in the web browser plainly shows all the contents of the applications.ini file.
How can I prevent this? I tried setting the chmod public access to nothing, but then the website couldn't function anymore because of access rights. Anyone familiar with this?
Your document root setting in your web server configuration should point to the subdirectory that has your index.php in it, not the top-level directory of the whole application install.
E.g., you have something like:
Set your document_root to myapp/public and not myapp.
I solved this problem by writing the following in the .htaccess file:
<Files application.ini>
order allow,deny
deny from all
If you don't have access to change your document root and you are using the Apache web server, the "quick and dirty" approach might be to create a ".htaccess" file with the following contents, created in:
deny from all

"URL not found" error at my localhost setup of TYPO3 website.

I have setup TYPO3 successfully on my local server. But I am having problem when clicking on any menu item: It's showing "url not found on server".
When I type in the URL manually into the browser it shows the page. It's only having problems when redirecting after clicking on a page item at any frontend website page.
That might be related to the domain config or RealURL... or both ;)
Do you use RealURL? Or do you use the standard url config?
If links to sub pages look like index.php?id=12345 you are using the standard config.
My guess is that the local DNS ("hosts file") is not configured correctly.
With the hosts file you can simulate how the web site will appear when it's online, hooked up to a "real/global" DNS. (Not quite, but in a nutshell)
So if you set up Typo3 to be reached under you need to tell your local DNS ("hosts file") to route a request to to your local host e.g. . In that case your host file needs an entry like so:
What Domain do you enter to reach your web site? Where do the links from the menu link to?
If you wanna know mor about the "hosts file" look here:
If you can log in into the TYPO3 backend (/typo3/) and can access the frondend through /index.php, but not through the generated menu links, then RewriteRules for mod_rewrite don't apply.
Usually TYPO3's installer should detect this configuration and disable RealURL, which is responsible for generating such nice looking URLs (instead of index.php?id=123). It seems like this failed (or you copied everything afterwards without the .htaccess file?).
Make sure that you have TYPO3's .htaccess file in place in the root directory of your installation. If this is the case, make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled in your Apache config.