Bring data of DataFrame back to local node for further actions (count / show) in spark/scala - scala

I'm using Spark 1.6 in Scala.
I know it's some of the ideas behind the Spark Framework. But I couldn't answer it to myself by reading different tutorials.. (maybe the wrong ones).
I joined two DataFrames to a new one (nDF). Now I know, it's not yet proceeded, as long I say show, first or count.
But since I want to do exactly this, I want to inspect nDF in different ways:
..and so on, it would each time take a long time, since the original DataFrames are big. Couldn't I bring/copy the data to this new one. So I could solve these new actions as quick as on the original sets? (First I thought it's 'collect', but it only returns a Array, no DataFrame)

This is a classic scenario. When you join 2 Dataframes spark doesn't do any operation as it evaluates lazily when an action called on the resulting dataframe . Action mean show, count, print etc.
Now when show, count is being called on nDF, spark is evaluating the resultant dataframe every time i.e once when you called show, then when count is being called and so on. This means internally it is performing map/reduce every time an action is called on the resultant dataframe.
Spark doesn't cache the resulting dataframe in memory unless it is hinted to do so by doing df.cache / df.persist.
So when you do
val nDF = a.join(b).persist
And then call the count/show it will evaluate the nDF once and store the resulting dataframe in memory. Hence subsequent actions will be faster.
However the fist evaluation might be little slower also you need to using little more executor memory.

If the memory available to you is good with respect to the size of your dataset, what you're probably looking for is df.cache(). If the size of your dataset is too much, consider using df.persist() as it allows different levels of persistence.
Hope this is what you're looking for. Cheers


Pyspark Dataframe count taking too long

So we have a Pyspark Dataframe which has around 25k records. We are trying to perform a count/empty check on this and it is taking too long. We tried,
Converted to Pandas and tried pandas_df.empty()
Tried the arrow option
df.cache() and df.persist() before the counts
Tried writing the df to DBFS, but writing is also taking quite a long time(cancelled after 20 mins)
Could you please help us on what we are doing wrong.
Note : There are no duplicate values in df and we have done multiple joins to form the df
Without looking at the df.explain() it's challenging to know specifically the issue but it certainly seems like you have could have a skewed data set.
(Skew usually is represented in the Spark UI with 1 executor taking a lot longer than the other partitions to finish.) If you on a recent version of spark there are tools to help with this out of the box:
spark.sql.adaptive.enabled = true
spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.enabled = true
Count is not taking too long. It's taking the time it needs to, to complete what you asked spark to do. To refine what it's doing you should do things you are likely already doing, filter the data first before joining so only critical data is being transferred to the joins. Reviewing your data for Skew, and programming around it, if you can't use adaptive query.
Convince yourself this is a data issue. Limit your source [data/tables] to 1000 or 10000 records and see if it runs fast. Then one at a time, remove the limit from only one [table/data source] (and apply limit to all others) and find the table that is the source of your problem. Then study the [table/data source] and figure out how you can work around the issue.(If you can't use adaptive query to fix the issue.)
(Finally If you are using hive tables, you should make sure the table stats are up to date.)

Map on dataframe takes too long [duplicate]

How can I force Spark to execute a call to map, even if it thinks it does not need to be executed due to its lazy evaluation?
I have tried to put cache() with the map call but that still doesn't do the trick. My map method actually uploads results to HDFS. So, its not useless, but Spark thinks it is.
Short answer:
To force Spark to execute a transformation, you'll need to require a result. Sometimes a simple count action is sufficient.
Ok, let's review the RDD operations.
RDDs support two types of operations:
transformations - which create a new dataset from an existing one.
actions - which return a value to the driver program after running a computation on the dataset.
For example, map is a transformation that passes each dataset element through a function and returns a new RDD representing the results. On the other hand, reduce is an action that aggregates all the elements of the RDD using some function and returns the final result to the driver program (although there is also a parallel reduceByKey that returns a distributed dataset).
All transformations in Spark are lazy, in that they do not compute their results right away.
Instead, they just remember the transformations applied to some base dataset (e.g. a file). The transformations are only computed when an action requires a result to be returned to the driver program. This design enables Spark to run more efficiently – for example, we can realize that a dataset created through map will be used in a reduce and return only the result of the reduce to the driver, rather than the larger mapped dataset.
By default, each transformed RDD may be recomputed each time you run an action on it. However, you may also persist an RDD in memory using the persist (or cache) method, in which case Spark will keep the elements around on the cluster for much faster access the next time you query it. There is also support for persisting RDDs on disk, or replicated across multiple nodes.
To force Spark to execute a call to map, you'll need to require a result. Sometimes a count action is sufficient.
Spark Programming Guide.
Spark transformations only describe what has to be done. To trigger an execution you need an action.
In your case there is a deeper problem. If goal is to create some kind of side effect, like storing data on HDFS, the right method to use is foreach. It is both an action and has a clean semantics. What is also important, unlike map, it doesn't imply referential transparency.

pyspark dataframe writing results

I am working on a project where i need to read 12 files average file size is 3 gb. I read them with RDD and create dataframe with spark.createDataFrame. Now I need to process 30 Sql queries on the dataframe most them need output of previous one like depend on each other so i save all my intermediate state in dataframe and create temp view for that dataframe.
The program takes only 2 minutes for execute part but the problem is while writing them to csv file or show the results or calling count() function takes too much time. I have tries re-partition thing but still it is taking to much time.
1.What could be the solution?
2.Why it is taking too much time to write even all processing taking small amount of time?
I solved above problem with persist and cache in pyspark.
Spark is a lazy programming language. Two types of Spark RDD operations are- Transformations and Actions. A Transformation is a function that produces new RDD from the existing RDDs but when we want to work with the actual dataset, at that point Action is performed. When the action is triggered after the result, new RDD is not formed like transformation.
Every time i do some operation it was just transforming, so if i call that particular dataframe it will it parent query every time since spark is lazy,so adding persist stopped calling parent query multiple time. It saved lots of processing time.

Spark: understanding the DAG and forcing transformations

Hello stackoverflow community.
I ask your help in understanding if my thoughts are correct or I'm missing some points in my Spark job.
I currently have two rdds that I want to subtract.
Both the rdds are built as different transformations on the same father RDD.
First of all, the father RDD is cached after it is obtained:
val fatherRdd = grandFather.repartition(n).mapPartitions(mapping).cache
Then the two rdds are transformed.
One is (pseudocode):
son1= rddFather.filter(filtering_logic).map(take_only_key).distinct
The other one is :
son2= rddFather.filter(filtering_logic2).map(take_only_key).distinct
The two sons are then subtracted to obtain only the keys in son1:
I would expect the squence of the transformations to be the following:
Then, starting from cached data, map filter map distinct on both rdds and then subtracting.
This is not happening, what I see are the two distinct operations running in parallel, apparently not exploiting the benefits of caching (there are no skipped tasks), and taking almost the same computation time.
Below the image of the dag taken from spark ui.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
You are correct in your observations. Transformations on RDDs are lazy, so caching will happen after the first time the RDD is actually computed.
If you call an action on your parent RDD, it should be computed and cached. Then your subsequent operations will operate on the cached data.

(Why) do we need to call cache or persist on a RDD

When a resilient distributed dataset (RDD) is created from a text file or collection (or from another RDD), do we need to call "cache" or "persist" explicitly to store the RDD data into memory? Or is the RDD data stored in a distributed way in the memory by default?
val textFile = sc.textFile("/user/emp.txt")
As per my understanding, after the above step, textFile is a RDD and is available in all/some of the node's memory.
If so, why do we need to call "cache" or "persist" on textFile RDD then?
Most RDD operations are lazy. Think of an RDD as a description of a series of operations. An RDD is not data. So this line:
val textFile = sc.textFile("/user/emp.txt")
It does nothing. It creates an RDD that says "we will need to load this file". The file is not loaded at this point.
RDD operations that require observing the contents of the data cannot be lazy. (These are called actions.) An example is RDD.count — to tell you the number of lines in the file, the file needs to be read. So if you write textFile.count, at this point the file will be read, the lines will be counted, and the count will be returned.
What if you call textFile.count again? The same thing: the file will be read and counted again. Nothing is stored. An RDD is not data.
So what does RDD.cache do? If you add textFile.cache to the above code:
val textFile = sc.textFile("/user/emp.txt")
It does nothing. RDD.cache is also a lazy operation. The file is still not read. But now the RDD says "read this file and then cache the contents". If you then run textFile.count the first time, the file will be loaded, cached, and counted. If you call textFile.count a second time, the operation will use the cache. It will just take the data from the cache and count the lines.
The cache behavior depends on the available memory. If the file does not fit in the memory, for example, then textFile.count will fall back to the usual behavior and re-read the file.
I think the question would be better formulated as:
When do we need to call cache or persist on a RDD?
Spark processes are lazy, that is, nothing will happen until it's required.
To quick answer the question, after val textFile = sc.textFile("/user/emp.txt") is issued, nothing happens to the data, only a HadoopRDD is constructed, using the file as source.
Let's say we transform that data a bit:
val wordsRDD = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split("\\W"))
Again, nothing happens to the data. Now there's a new RDD wordsRDD that contains a reference to testFile and a function to be applied when needed.
Only when an action is called upon an RDD, like wordsRDD.count, the RDD chain, called lineage will be executed. That is, the data, broken down in partitions, will be loaded by the Spark cluster's executors, the flatMap function will be applied and the result will be calculated.
On a linear lineage, like the one in this example, cache() is not needed. The data will be loaded to the executors, all the transformations will be applied and finally the count will be computed, all in memory - if the data fits in memory.
cache is useful when the lineage of the RDD branches out. Let's say you want to filter the words of the previous example into a count for positive and negative words. You could do this like that:
val positiveWordsCount = wordsRDD.filter(word => isPositive(word)).count()
val negativeWordsCount = wordsRDD.filter(word => isNegative(word)).count()
Here, each branch issues a reload of the data. Adding an explicit cache statement will ensure that processing done previously is preserved and reused. The job will look like this:
val textFile = sc.textFile("/user/emp.txt")
val wordsRDD = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split("\\W"))
val positiveWordsCount = wordsRDD.filter(word => isPositive(word)).count()
val negativeWordsCount = wordsRDD.filter(word => isNegative(word)).count()
For that reason, cache is said to 'break the lineage' as it creates a checkpoint that can be reused for further processing.
Rule of thumb: Use cache when the lineage of your RDD branches out or when an RDD is used multiple times like in a loop.
Do we need to call "cache" or "persist" explicitly to store the RDD data into memory?
Yes, only if needed.
The RDD data stored in a distributed way in the memory by default?
And these are the reasons why :
Spark supports two types of shared variables: broadcast variables, which can be used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and accumulators, which are variables that are only “added” to, such as counters and sums.
RDDs support two types of operations: transformations, which create a new dataset from an existing one, and actions, which return a value to the driver program after running a computation on the dataset. For example, map is a transformation that passes each dataset element through a function and returns a new RDD representing the results. On the other hand, reduce is an action that aggregates all the elements of the RDD using some function and returns the final result to the driver program (although there is also a parallel reduceByKey that returns a distributed dataset).
All transformations in Spark are lazy, in that they do not compute their results right away. Instead, they just remember the transformations applied to some base dataset (e.g. a file). The transformations are only computed when an action requires a result to be returned to the driver program. This design enables Spark to run more efficiently – for example, we can realize that a dataset created through map will be used in a reduce and return only the result of the reduce to the driver, rather than the larger mapped dataset.
By default, each transformed RDD may be recomputed each time you run an action on it. However, you may also persist an RDD in memory using the persist (or cache) method, in which case Spark will keep the elements around on the cluster for much faster access the next time you query it. There is also support for persisting RDDs on disk, or replicated across multiple nodes.
For more details please check the Spark programming guide.
Below are the three situations you should cache your RDDs:
using an RDD many times
performing multiple actions on the same RDD
for long chains of (or very expensive) transformations
Adding another reason to add (or temporarily add) cache method call.
for debug memory issues
with cache method, spark will give debugging informations regarding the size of the RDD. so in the spark integrated UI, you will get RDD memory consumption info. and this proved very helpful diagnosing memory issues.