I am getting below error in Fuse log :
`Sep 14, 2017 5:21:57 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock
INFO: locking
Sep 14, 2017 5:21:58 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock
INFO: locking
Sep 14, 2017 5:21:59 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock
INFO: locking
Sep 14, 2017 5:22:00 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock
INFO: locking
Usually this happens because there is already another Fuse instance running, with the same current directory. If you started Fuse in a way that doesn't create a console, it's not difficult to forget that you did so, and try to start it again. Fuse is designed to work this way -- it's not an error to try to start multiple instances with the same working directory: this is often done for redundancy. But it can be hard to spot if you've done it by accident. Use "jps" or something to see if another JVM is running.
There are other potential causes of this problem that can be explored, but it's worth ruling out the simple explanations first.
I am trying to run list classes from the console:
orientdb {db=mydb}> list classes
But it hangs here indefinitely and then when I interrupt it:
Jul 07, 2020 10:02:27 AM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
WARNING: Received signal: SIGINT
Jul 07, 2020 10:02:27 AM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: Orient Engine is shutting down...
Jul 07, 2020 10:02:27 AM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: - shutdown storage: wdb2...
It works fine if I ssh to the server and run the console there but if I run the console locally then it doesn't work.
Selecting the classes from the schema metadata works in both cases:
orientdb {db=mydb}>select expand(classes) from metadata:schema
The only thing that I can think of is perhaps I am missing something on the classpath as I am running the orientdb-tools JAR myself.
Any ideas?
I download the 2020-03 Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary (v4.15 from eclipse-platform-4.15-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz), then invoke the p2 director to install CDT package, but I'm always getting multiple caught exceptions of http://download.eclipse.org not responding (http/https switch doesn't have effect on this).
./eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -profile SDKProfile -noSplash -roaming -repository http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-03,http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2020-03/202003181000/,http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.15/,http://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest,http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/9.11 -installIU org.eclipse.cdt.feature.group/
I tried it with Oracle JRE 8 and with Oracle JDK 14, I tried it on Debian and RHEL machines, tried different network connection (3 different IPS locations), removed all other plugins I install to nail it down to the CDT plugin. I do not know why or what is causing it, and searching for this problems shows to people that ISP fixed or some similar solution. While mine is consistent for about a year. I always eventually finishes, but it will will print out multiple messages:
Installing org.eclipse.cdt.feature.group
Apr 22, 2020 1:44:29 P.M. org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request to {}->http://download.eclipse.org:80: The target server failed to respond
Apr 22, 2020 1:44:29 P.M. org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: Retrying request to {}->http://download.eclipse.org:80
Apr 22, 2020 1:44:36 P.M. org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request to {}->http://download.eclipse.org:80: The target server failed to respond
Apr 22, 2020 1:44:36 P.M. org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: Retrying request to {}->http://download.eclipse.org:80
Operation completed in 44091 ms.
Using the HTTPS repositories has similar output:
INFO: I/O exception (org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException) caught when processing request to {s}->https://download.eclipse.org:443: The target server failed to respond
Apr 22, 2020 4:02:50 P.M. org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: Retrying request to {s}->https://download.eclipse.org:443
Operation completed in 46934 ms.
It's not critical as it eventually completes and the end result works, but I would like to understand it better what is happening, what has effect on this behaviour. When I shrink the list of repositories to these two, it will still install, but the messages will be present:
Is there maybe a resource/documentation which probably I missed and is explaining more in the detail what is happening and why?
When running a build pipeline with maven and docker-maven-plugin sometimes(more than 50% of the time) it throws following error and pipeline fails.
Jun 18, 2019 1:57:12 AM org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
INFO: I/O exception (java.io.FileNotFoundException) caught when processing request to {}->npipe:// \\.\pipe\docker_engine (All pipe instances are busy)
Jun 18, 2019 1:57:12 AM org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RetryExec execute
I can see in the log that multiple retry attempts, but all fails. Is there any way that I can overcome this?
I just solved this problem:
I added the right version of docker-maven-plugin 1.4.10
This fails:
$ sudo service orientdb stop
This fails as well:
$ sudo /data/db/orientdb/bin/shutdown.sh
Sending shutdown command to remote OrientDB Server instance...
Dec 19, 2015 6:50:09 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE=991MB (heap=869MB os=3,909MB disk=175,894MB)
Dec 19, 2015 6:50:09 PM com.orientechnologies.common.log.OLogManager log
INFO: Loading configuration from: /data/db/orientdb/config/orientdb-server-config.xml...
Error: Read timed out
The file permissions are correct:
12K -rwxrwx--- 1 orientdb orientdb 9.6K Dec 19 18:05 orientdb-server-config.xml
If have tried commenting out script that refers to "orientdb-server-config.xml" in the the shutdown.sh file and it makes no difference.
The System:
Ubuntu v14.04
OrientDB v2.1.8 (I upgraded from v2.1.6 to see if it would fix this problem)
Java v1.8
You may want to try this command. This worked for me when shutting down normally.
sh shutdown.sh localhost 2424
To stop a running server, press Ctrl+C in the open shell that runs the server instance, or soft kill the process to be sure that the opened databases close softly. Soft killing on Windows can be done by closing the window. On Unix-like systems, a simple kill is enough (do not use kill -9 unless you want to force a hard shutdown).
I'm able to deploy my grails 2.0.3 app with the cloud foundry grails plugin and cf-push to the cloud and everything works fine.
Now i want to use the sts/eclipse cloud foundry extension to deploy with eclipse (not with grails command cf-push!) and see the server instances in server view and so on.
I create a new cloudfoundry instance with the eclipse plugin and it deploys but aborts with error message:
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-19036
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 377 ms
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm setContainer
INFO: Set JAAS app name Catalina
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.35
May 14, 2012 10:39:21 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory ROOT
Configuring Spring Security Core ...
... finished configuring Spring Security Core
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Error listenerStart
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext start
SEVERE: Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager#1edb587] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [projectBee.Requestmap.data] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [projectBee.Role.data] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache.data] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
May 14, 2012 10:39:32 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [] appears to have started a thread named [org.hibernate.cache.StandardQueryCache.data] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
Stopping Tomcat because the context stopped.
Is here somebody who knows a solution for this problem? Thank you!
You need to look at the real log files which will have the stacktrace and detailed error messages. Use the vmc commandline client or STS. There is a /logs folder which probably doesn't have what you want, but also a /tomcat/logs which probably does. Also check out stacktrace.log.