Missing properties/methods in ReceiptItem - facebook

I've created a simple bot using MS BotFramework, it's enabled to the following channels: WebChat, Skype and Facebook.
The bot allows the user to select or search some products to add to an order, the issue is about the properties to pass to the receipt when it's created.
According to the Facebook Docs: Receipt Template, it accepts the currency, payment_method and some other properties, but I can't find them in the MS BotFramework Docs: ReceiptItem.
There is any way to add this properties?

The ReceiptItem are going to be the items of the ReceiptCard. The ReceiptCard also have a collection of facts, which is the place to provide additional things to display to the user, for example, the payment_method.
Here is an example of how to use the facts collection:
var receiptCard = new ReceiptCard
Title = Resources.RootDialog_Receipt_Title,
Facts = new List<Fact>
new Fact(Resources.RootDialog_Receipt_OrderID, order.OrderID),
new Fact(Resources.RootDialog_Receipt_PaymentMethod, creditCardOffuscated)
Items = new List<ReceiptItem>
new ReceiptItem(
title: order.FlowerCategoryName,
subtitle: order.Bouquet.Name,
price: order.Bouquet.Price.ToString("C"),
image: new CardImage(order.Bouquet.ImageUrl)),
Total = order.Bouquet.Price.ToString("C")
Just in case, here is the same but for C#.


Update presence member status causing presence member list to display updated user as only member

In Ably, Im using
Ably React hook
In the documentation, there is a way to update member status when monitoring what users have entered a room.
const [presenceData, updateStatus] = usePresence("your-channel-name", "initial state");
// The `updateStatus` function can be used to update the presence data for the current client
updateStatus("new status");
This is where I'm having an issue. I take the presence Data and generate a list of users like this.
const [presenceData, updateStatus] = usePresence(
id: user.id,
name: user.name,
isModerator: false,
(presenceUpdate) => {
presenceUpdate.action === "update" && console.log({ presenceUpdate });
So my list generates correctly. In the callback, I see that the data(presenceUpdate) is updated correctly. When a user enters the room they are displayed correctly. When I start updating the status (ie: change the isModerator flag to true), the presenceData list shows the incorrect user data. It shows the updated user twice (assuming two users are in the room).
updateStatus({...user, isModerator: true})
When using channeling with presenceMember data together, updateStatus has weird side effects.
const [channel] = useChannel("your-channel-name", (message) => {
When you use updateStatus, are you just supposed to pass the updated member data or is there something else you need to do so your presenceMember data shows the correct information?
What Im expecting:
presenceData = [{id: 1, name: 'John', isModerator:false},{id:2, name: 'Steve', isModerator: true}]
What Im getting when I try updating Steve by setting isModerator to true:
presenceData = [{id:2, name: 'Steve', isModerator: true},{id:2, name: 'Steve', isModerator: true}]
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
I figured it out. You cant update anyone else's member data besides your own. I assumed I can have one user update the status of other users but what ends up happening is everyone's status is updated with the object in updateStatus(object). To make sure you dont update other users' data property, have some check that lets you decide if you are the user that is updating your status. This way, the updateStatus function is only called for that user and not for everyone else.

Add array object to minimongo

I have a chat app, that is using Ionic 2 and Meteor with MongoDB. It works perfectly.
However, everything is stored in the MongoDB on the server, so each time a user wants to view their messages, they need to be connected to the Meteor/Mongo Server running in the cloud. Also, if one user deletes their chat, it will delete the chat on the MongoDB, and the corresponding other user will also have their chat deleted.
I would like similar functionality as WhatsApp where the messages are held locally on the device (I am using SQLite), and only new messages are held in the cloud until both users download them.
Currently my app iterates over a Mongo.Cursor<Chat> object. It also observes this object (this.chats.observe({changed: (newChat, oldChat) => this.disposeChat(oldChat), removed: (chat) => this.disposeChat(chat)});).
I get chat data from SQLlite that I have stored locally (Array<Chat>).
Is it possible to add the SQLite data (Array<Chat>) to the Mongo.Cursor<Chat>? When I do so, I want to just add to minimongo and not MongoDB on the server.
Asp per advise below, I do the following:
let promise: Promise<Mongo.Cursor<Chat>> = new Promise<Mongo.Cursor<Chat>>(resolve => {
this.subscribe('chats', this.senderId, registeredIds, () => {
let chats: Mongo.Cursor<Chat> = Chats.find(
{ memberIds: { $in: registeredIds } },
sort: { lastMessageCreatedAt: -1 },
transform: this.transformChat.bind(this),
fields: { memberIds: 1, lastMessageCreatedAt: 1 }
this.localChatCollection = new Mongo.Collection<Chat>(null);
chats.forEach(function (chat: Chat) {
console.log('findChats(): add chat to collection: ' + chat);
Will update if it works.
When I do the following, it inserts the chat object:
let promise: Promise<Mongo.Collection<Chat>> = this.findChats();
promise.then((data: Mongo.Collection<Chat>) => {
let localChatCollection: Mongo.Collection<Chat> = new Mongo.Collection<Chat>(null);
data.find().forEach(function (chat: Chat) {
console.log('==> ' + chat);
However, if I define the localChatCollection globally, it does not insert the chat object. There are no errors but the process just stops on the insert line.
private localChatCollection: Mongo.Collection<Chat> = new Mongo.Collection<Chat>(null);
Any ideas how I can get this to insert into a globally defined collection?
Is it possible to add the SQLite data (Array) to the Mongo.Cursor? When I do so, I want to just add to minimongo and not MongoDB on the server.
Meteor itself knows nothing about SQLite, but it sounds like you have that part of it working.
To just add to minimongo and not the mongodb server, you're looking for a client-side collection. Just pass null in as the first parameter to the call to create your collection i.e.
var localChatCollection = new Mongo.Collection(null)
You can then insert to localChatCollection the same way you would with a synchronized collection.
Source: Meteor docs

want to show average rating and total reviews of product

I am beginner and following a tutorial to make a review products application and rather than just copy pasting the code trying to do some experiment with it to get more depth knowledge. I have two questions regarding my app
1) I added some more functionality to my app and wrote some code in includes.js and reviews.html to show average rating and total review of a product .How i can show average rating and number of reviews for the product thats been clicked?
2) I added product categories list to show in side bar(e.g Electronics , Fashion, Books) through chrome console by adding them manually e.g like this
So i have deployed this app on free meteor hosting and every time some one run this app he has to write this above code manually in chrome console to get list of categories.Even if some one clone my project from gitHub also can not see list of categories in left side bar and he also have to write the same code in console.So what is the solution for it how i can show list of categories in my side bar with out writing above code in console?
You can check gitHub repository for source code.
1) Show average rating and review count
<p>Average Rating: <img class="stars" src="/img/star{{averageRating}}.png"> ({{countReviews}})</p>
I've moved this code into reviews.helpers section
'reviews': function () {
return Reviews.find({productId: Router.current().data()._id})
countReviews: function(){
return Reviews.find({productId: Router.current().data()._id}).count();
averageRating: function() {
var reviews = Reviews.find({productId: Router.current().data()._id}); //get all reviews for productId
//var ratings = reviews.map(function(player){return player.score;}); // get just the ratings, or use _.pluck
var ratings = _.pluck(reviews, 'ratings'); // get just the ratings i.e. [1, 5, 3, 2, 5]
var sum = ratings.reduce(function(pv, cv){return pv + cv;}, 0); //sum ratings i.e. 14
var avg = sum / ratings.length; // i.e. 2.8
return Math.round(2.8); // round avg to ensure only integer values are returned
2) Seed database
Docs Add a Meteor.startup block to seed database
// On server startup, if the database is empty, create some initial data.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Categories.find().count() === 0) {

YouTrack email notification using custom fields

I've added a custom field for 'interested parties' (users) in a particular issue, not project specific, and it works fine.
I would like YouTrack to generate emails to their email address on update or change of the issue, like they do to the person who it is assigned to, is this possible?
Let's say you want to send notifications by e-mail when a ticket is ready to be reviewed. People responsible for the review are set via a Reviewer custom field (which can contain multiple values). Then you can send notifications as follows:
var entities = require('#jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.stateMachine({
title: 'Workflow',
fieldName: 'State',
states: {
'To Be Reviewed': {
onEnter: function(ctx) {
var issue = ctx.issue;
issue.fields.Reviewer.forEach(function(user) {
user.notify("Reminder", "This is a reminder", true);
transitions: {}
requirements: {
Reviewer: {
type: entities.User.fieldType,
multi: true
You can create a custom workflow like the following one:
when {
if (Interested Parties.isNotEmpty) {
for each user in Interested Parties {
user.notify("subj", "body");
Another point is that you probably do not need this field since you can 'star' an issue on behalf of a user and the user thus will be notified about any changes. Just type star user_name in the command window.

Node.js - Mongoose/MongoDB - Model Schema

I am creating a blog system in Node.js with mongodb as the db.
I have contents like this: (blog articles):
// ---------------------------------------
var Comments = new Schema({
author: {
type: String
content: {
type: String
date_entered: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
exports.Comments = mongoose.model('Comments',Comments);
var Tags = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
exports.Tags = mongoose.model('Tags',Tags);
// ---------------------------------------
exports.Contents = mongoose.model('Contents', new Schema({
title: {
type: String
author: {
type: String
permalink: {
type: String,
unique: true,
sparse: true
catagory: {
type: String,
default: ''
content: {
type: String
date_entered: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now
status: {
type: Number
comments: [Comments],
tags: [Tags]
I am a little new to this type of database, im used to MySQL on a LAMP stack.
Basically my question is as follows:
whats the best way to associate the Contents author to a User in the
Also, whats the best way to do the tags and categories?
In MYSQL we would have a tags table and a categories table and relate by keys, I am not sure the best and most optimal way of doing it in Mongo.
Couple of ideas for Mongo:
The best way to associate a user is e-mail address - as an attribute of the content/comment document - e-mail is usually a reliable unique key. MongoDB doesn't have foreign keys or associated constraints. But that is fine.
If you have a registration policy, add user name, e-mail address and other details to the users collection. Then de-normalize the content document with the user name and e-mail. If, for any reason, the user changes the name, you will have to update all the associated contents/comments. But so long as the e-mail address is there in the documents, this should be easy.
Tags and categories are best modelled as two lists in the content document, IMHO.
You can also create two indices on these attributes, if required. Depends on the access patterns and the UI features you want to provide
You can also add a document which keeps a tag list and a categories list in the contents collection and use $addToSet to add new tags and categories to this document. Then, you can show a combo box with the current tags as a starting point.
As a final point, think through the ways you plan to access the data and then design documents, collections & indices accordingly
[Update 12/9/11] Was at MongoSv and Eliot (CTO 10gen) presented a pattern relevant to this question: Instead of one comment document per user (which could grow large) have a comment document per day for a use with _id = -YYYYMMDD or even one per month depending on the frequency of comments. This optimizes index creation/document growth vs document proliferation (in case of the design where there is one comment per user).
The best way to associate the Content Authors to a User in the MongoDB, is to take an array in Author Collection which keeps an reference to User. Basically Array because One Content/Book may have multiple Authors i.e. you need to associate one Content to many Users.
The best way for category is to create a different collection in your DB and similarly as above keep a array in Contents.
I hope it helps at-least a little.