Swift String into formula - swift

This may be the wrong place to ask this but I am aware of NSExpression, but it seems it can only do primitive mathematics - am I wrong about this? I am able to do something like this: #Value-2/3+9-6 ect easily, but I would like to incorporate Max's, Min's, and possible a few other operations (instead of just multiplication, division, subtraction, and addition. Is that possible in the same equation, does it have to be converted multiple times? Any advice would be appreciated!

You could try to use a "function" expression but that requires a rather unwieldy syntax in the expression string and is probably a stretch of the intended purpose of NSExpression unless you are actually implementing an aggregate type MIN/MAX function for predicates on a dataset.

I figured it out.
For anyone who needs this - you can take any string and use:
functionName(x) for most of the functions like sqrt, multiplyby, trunc, ceiling, ect
And then for the six with multiple variables (max, min, count, average, sum, ect) you use functionName({x,y}).
All can be used in a string with expressionValue(with: nil, context: nil)


kdb/q: apply the function, pass the return value to the function again, multiple rounds

I have a list of symbols, say
. I have a table tab0; A function that takes in a table plus a string as arguments.
tab1: f[tab0;`A]
tab2: f[tab1;`B]
tab3: f[tab2;`C]
I only care about the final values. But my list of symbols can be long and can have variable length, so I don't want to hardcode above. How do I achieve it?
I think it has something to do with https://code.kx.com/q/ref/accumulators/ but I really struggle to figure out the syntax.
This is exactly the use case for the binary application of over (/) (https://code.kx.com/q/ref/accumulators/#binary-application)
So you should use:

Comparing String in Rescript

After browsing through Rescript's API, it seems like there is no function that compares 2 strings that returns a boolean. The best option is localeCompare but it behaves somewhat different from the JS's ==. Why does localeCompare return a float instead of an integer?
You can compare strings using == in rescript as well. Alternatively there is a String.equal as well if you need a function restricted to strings specifically, The "native" (non-Js) standard library modules such as String unfortunately seems to be left out of the rescript documentation entirely.
localeComapre probably returns a float because it might be possible for it to return non-integer numbers. JavaScript unfortunately has no integer type, which makes it hard to know if it could return floats even if it seems obvious that it shouldn't. I've seen several of this kind of bugs myself in various bindings.

Should I ever prefer operators overloading over functions/methods?

I feel like using operators overloading adds unnecessary complexity and ambiguity to the code.
Does it have its benefits in real-world cases where it's worth to use custom operators or overload existing operators instead of using functions or object methods?
Is it used on a regular basis or more just a funny exotic stuff to add a language a bit more hipness?
The main reason for overloading is comfort of using custom class with mathematic or logic background
complex numbers
finite fields
big-numbers (arbnum,biginteger,bigdecimal...)
custom precision floating and fixed formats
predicates,boolean,fuzy and probabilistic
and much much more
If coded right you can write math equations directly and not bother to convert to set of function calls. The reading and understanding math code is much simpler and straightforward with operators.
Sometimes even non strictly math classes are used this way for example images or signals. In DIP/CV there are usually math/physics equations applied on those and overloaded operators make that more simple.
For the non-math classes
are operators usually useless/meaningless (as you feel) except for special operator= which is crucial for any class/struct with dynamic allocation members. Without it things like std:vector<> will not work properly.
Another example are comparison operators which are sometimes implemented for non math classes to make sorting easier.
from wiki
operator overloading—less commonly known as operator ad hoc polymorphism—is a specific case of polymorphism, where different operators have different implementations depending on their arguments
Swift has over 40 operators, all of them are overloaded and we are using them on regular bases. Do you prefer let sum = value.plus(anotherValue) over let sum = value + anotherValue ?? I am sure, you don't! If the value is custom type conforming to protocol Equatable, == operator must be overloaded and we do it regularly.
Is it a good idea to use custom defined operators (like ±, <*> etc ...)? In that area I am not sure. I am not big fan of this ...
Is it a good idea to overload + operator for something else than sum ? No, definitely not!

Where would custom subscripts be suited over methods/functions and why?

I've researched this in Swift and am confused on where custom subscripts are useful compared to methods and functions. What is the power in using them rather than using a method/func?
It's purely stylistic. Use a subscript whenever you'd prefer this syntax:
myObject[mySubscript] = newValue
over this one:
myObject.setValue(newValue, forSubscript: mySubscript)
Subscripts are more concise and, when used in appropriate situations, clearer in intent.
Which is an easier, clearer way to refer to an array element: myArray[1] or myArray.objectAtIndex(1)?
Would you like to saymyArray[1...3], or would it by just fine if you had to say something like myArray.sliceFromIndex(1).throughIndex(3) every time?
And hey, you know what? Arithmetic operators are also just functions. So don't we abandon them, so we'd have to say something like
let sum = a.addedTo(b.multipliedBy(c))
Wouldn't that be just the same really? What's the power in having arithmetic operators really?

Simplify boolean expression i.t.o variable occurrence

How to simplify a given boolean expression with many variables (>10) so that the number of occurrences of each variable is minimized?
In my scenario, the value of a variable has to be considered ephemeral, that is, has to recomputed for each access (while still being static of course). I therefor need to minimize the number of times a variable has to be evaluated before trying to solve the function.
Consider the function
f(A,B,C,D,E,F) = (ABC)+(ABCD)+(ABEF)
Recursively using the distributive and absorption law one comes up with
f'(A,B,C,E,F) = AB(C+(EF))
I'm now wondering if there is an algorithm or method to solve this task in minimal runtime.
Using only Quine-McCluskey in the example above gives
f'(A,B,C,E,F) = (ABEF) + (ABC)
which is not optimal for my case. Is it save to assume that simplifying with QM first and then use algebra like above to reduce further is optimal?
I usually use Wolfram Alpha for this sort of thing.
Try Logic Friday 1
It features multi-level design of boolean circuits.
For your example, input and output look as follows:
You can use an online boolean expression calculator like https://www.dcode.fr/boolean-expressions-calculator
You can refer to Any good boolean expression simplifiers out there? it will definitely help.