Perl IO::Socket::INET + IO::Async::Stream reconnect to TCP server when disconnected - perl

for the life of me, i can't seem to figure out how to get a standard TCP socket connection to reconnect after a disconnect, particularly in the context of an IO::Async::Loop
some basics:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use IO::Async::Stream;
use IO::Socket;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
# standard event loop
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
# notification service socket connection; we only write outgoing
my $NOTIFY = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerHost => $a_local_network_host,
PeerPort => $comm_port,
Proto => 'tcp',
ReuseAddr => 1,
Blocking => 0
) or warn("Can't connect to NOTIFY: $!\n");
# main interface element via IO::Async
my $notifystream = IO::Async::Stream->new(
handle => $NOTIFY,
on_read => sub {
my ( $self, $buffref, $eof ) = #_;
# here's where we need to handle $eof if the remote goes away
if($eof) {
# i have tried several things here
usleep(200000); # give the remote service some milliseconds to start back up
# process fails if remote is not back up, so i know the timeout is 'good enough' for this test
# attempt to reconnect. have also tried recreating from scratch
# this doesn't seem to have any effect
$loop->add( $notifystream );
# kickstart the event loop
### -- Meanwhile, elsewhere in the code -- ###
$notifystream->write("data for notification service\n");
in reality, there are many more things going on in the loop. i also have more sophisticated ways to test for socket closed or broken, further error handlers on the $notifystream, and a better timeout/backoff for reconnecting to the remote service, however this should show the main crux of what i'm doing.
when the remote server goes away for any reason, i'd like to attempt to reconnect to it without disrupting the rest of the system. in most cases the remote sends eof cleanly because it's intentionally rebooting (not my choice, just something i have to deal with), but i'd also like to handle other communication errors as well.
in practice, the above code acts as though it works, however the remote service no longer receives further write calls to the $notifystream. no errors are generated, the $notifystream happily takes further writes, but they are not delivered to the remote.
i have a feeling i'm doing this wrong. i'm not looking to rewrite the rest of the application's event loop, so please no 'just use AnyEvent'-type responses -- really hoping to gain a better understanding of how to reconnect/reuse/recreate the variables in use here (IO::Socket::INET and IO::Async::Stream) to compensate when a remote server is temporarily unavailable.
Any suggestions or references towards this goal are welcome. Thanks!
to summarize errors i have (and have not) received:
if i leave no usleep, the reconnect (or recreation) of the base socket will fail due to the remote service being unavailable.
if i attempt to recreate the socket from scratch and then 'configure' the stream, i get 'can't call method sysread on undefined' which leads me to believe the socket is not recreated correctly.
at no time do the stream's built in 'on_read_error' or 'on_write_error' handlers fire, regardless of how much i write to the socket with the current code, although if i destroy the socket entirely these will generate an error.
the socket simply seems to still be active after i know it has closed, and a reconnect does not seem to change anything. no errors are generated, but the socket is not being written to.
is there different syntax for reconnecting to an IO::Socket::INET socket? so far calls to ->connect() or rebuilding from scratch seem to be the only options for a closed connection, and neither seem to work.

You simply cannot connect an existing socket multiple times. You can only close the socket and create a new socket. This has nothing to do with IO::Socket::INET, IO::Async::Stream or even Perl but this is how the sockets API works.
In detail: The local socket actually never got disconnected, i.e. it is still configured to send data from a specific local IP address and port and to a specific address and port. Only, that the sending will no longer worked because the underlying TCP connection is broken or closed (i.e. FIN exchanged). Since there is no API to unbind and unconnect a socket the only way is to close it and create a new one which is unbound and unconnected until connect is called. This new socket then might or might not get the same file descriptor as the previous one.


can't detect closed connection with $sock->connected() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to detect when socket connection is lost?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm trying - and failing - to get a perl server to detect and get rid of connection with a client who broke the connection. Everywhere I looked, the suggested method is to use the socket's ->connected() method, but in my case it fails.
This is the server absolutely minimized:
use IO::Socket;
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET (
Listen => 7,
Reuse => 1,
LocalAddr => '',
LocalPort => '11501',
Proto => 'tcp',
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $server;
print "Waiting for clients\n";
while ($client = $server->accept()) {
print "Client connected\n";
do {
print $received;
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); # wait 0.1s before next read, not to spam the console if recv returns immediately
print ".";
} while( $client->connected() );
print "Client disconnected\n";
I connect to the server with Netcat, and everything works fine, the server receiving anything I send, but when I press ctrl-C to interrupt Netcat, 'recv' is no longer waiting, but $client->connected() still returns a true-like value, the main loop never returns to waiting to the next client.
(note - the above example has been absolutely minimized to show the problem, but in the complete program the socket is set to non-blocking, so I believe I can't trivially depend on recv returning an empty string. Unless I'm wrong?)
connected can't be used to reliably learn whether the peer has initiated a shutdown. It's mentioned almost word for word in the documentation:
Note that this method considers a half-open TCP socket to be "in a connected state". [...] Thus, in general, it cannot be used to reliably learn whether the peer has initiated a graceful shutdown because in most cases (see below) the local TCP state machine remains in CLOSE-WAIT until the local application calls "shutdown" in IO::Socket or close. Only at that point does this function return undef.
(Emphasis mine.)
If the other end disconnected, recv will return 0. So just check the value returned by recv.
while (1) {
my $rv = $client->recv(my $received, 64*1024);
die($!) if !defined($rv); # Error occurred when not defined.
last if $received eq ""; # EOF reached when zero.
Additional bug fix: The above now calls recv before print.
Additional bug fix: Removed the useless sleep. recv will block if there's nothing received.
Performance fix: No reason to ask for just 1024 bytes. If there's any data available, it will be returned. So you might as well ask for more to cut down on the number of calls to recv and print.
Note that even with this solution, an ungraceful disconnection (power outage, network drop, etc) will go undetected. One could use a timeout or a heartbeat mechanism to solve that.

Proper use of IO::Socket::INET for TCP client in perl

I have a question about how I should be using IO::Socket; I have a script that should run constantly, monitoring an Asterisk server for certain events. When these events happen, the script sends data from the event off to another server via a TCP socket. I've found that occasionally, the socket will close. My question is whether I should be using a single socket, and keep it open forever (and figure out why + prevent it from closing), or should I open and close a new socket for each bit of data sent out?
My experience with this sort of thing is very minimal, and I've read all the documentation without finding the answer I'm looking for. Below is a sample of what I've got so far:
use Asterisk::AMI;
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => '1234',
Proto => 'tcp',
sub newchannel {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
if ($event->{'Context'} eq "from-trunk") {
my $unique_id = $event->{'Uniqueid'};
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
$this_call->{caller_name} = $event->{'CallerIDName'};
$this_call->{caller_number} = $event->{'CallerIDNum'};
$this_call->{dnis} = $event->{'Exten'};
$call{$unique_id} = $this_call;
sub ringcheck {
my ($ami, $event) = #_;
if ($event->{SubEvent} eq 'Begin') {
my $unique_id = $event->{UniqueID};
if (exists $call{$unique_id}) {
my $this_call = $call{$unique_id};
$this_call->{system_extension} = $event->{Dialstring};
$this_call->{dest_uniqueid} = $event->{DestUniqueID};
printf $sock "R|%s|%s|%s||%s\n",
$this_call->{status} = "ringing";
There's a bit more to it than that, but this shows where I feel I should be starting/stopping a new socket (within the ringcheck sub).
Let me know if you need me to clarify or add anything.
Whether it is better establish a new connection for each message or to keep the connection open depends on a few factors:
Is the overhead associated with establishing connections significant? This depends on factors such as the frequency with which messages need to be sent, and the quality of the network connection.
If the remote end is 'localhost', as in your sample script above, then this is not likely to be an issue, and in fact in that case I would recommend using a Unix domain socket instead anyway.
Is the remote end sending anything back? Much harder to manage sporadic connections if either side may have asynchronous messages to send. Does not sound like it is the case for you though.
Are there any significant resources which you would be holding up by keeping the connection open?
Note that I don't consider random connection dropouts are a good reason to argue for making a new connection each time. If possible, better to diagnose that problem in any case. Otherwise, you might get unreliable performance no matter what approach you take.
In my experience a very common reason for seemingly random dropouts in long held TCP connections is intermediate tracking firewalls. Such firewalls will drop a connection if they don't see any activity on it for a period of time, to conserve their own resources. One way to combat this, which I use in some of my tools, is to set the socket option SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket, like this:
use Socket;
setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
This has a couple of benefits - it results in the Kernel sending keepalive messages on your connection at regular intervals, even if all is quiet, which by itself is enough to keep some firewalls happy. Also, if your connection does drop, your program can find out straight away instead of next time you want to write to it (although you may not notice it unless you are regularly checking for errors on your sockets).
Perhaps your best approach might be to set the SO_KEEPALIVE, and keep your socket open, but also check for errors whenever you try to write to it, and if you have an error, close and re-open the connection.
This question may also be of use to you.

Sending Multiple Payloads Over Socket in Perl

Edit: the problem is with IIS, not with the Perl code I'm using. Someone else was talking about the same problem here:
Long-time reader here, first time posting.
So I'm working on some existing code in Perl that does the following:
Create socket
Send some data
Close socket
Loop back to 1 until all data is sent
To avoid the overhead of creating and closing sockets all the time, I decided to do this:
Create socket
Send some data
Loop back to 2 until all data is sent
Close socket
The thing is, only the first payload is being sent - all subsequent ones are ignored. I'm sending this data to a .NET web service, and IIS isn't receiving the data at all. Somehow the socket is being closed, and I have no further clue why.
Here's the script I'm using to test my new changes:
use IO::Socket;
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $hostname, PeerPort => 80, Proto => "tcp", Timeout => "1000") || die "Failure: $! ";
my $sent = $sock->send($basic_http_ping_message);
print "$sent\n";
So this doesn't work - IIS only receives the very first ping. If I move $sock's assignment and closing into the loop, however, IIS correctly receives every single ping.
Am I just using sockets incorrectly here, or is there some arcane setting in IIS that I need to change?
I think your problem is buffering. Turn off buffering on the socket, or flush it after each write (closing the socket has the side-effect of flushing it).
What output are you getting? You have a print after the send(), if send() fails, it will return undef. You can print out the error like:
my $sent = $sock->send($msg);
die "Failed send: $!\n" unless defined $sent;
print "Sent $sent bytes\n";
My own guess is that the service that you're connecting to is closing the connection, which is why only one gets through, and also why creating a new connection each time would work.

How can I test TCP socket status in Perl?

I've got a TCP socket which reads data. When an error occurs when reading the data, I return an undef (NULL) value. Errors can be caused by badly formatted messages or broken sockets. Can someone tell me if there is a specific function which returns the status of a socket?
There are three ways to detect whether the socket is open or closed, but neither of them are 100% full proof.
The first is to attempt a read on the socket as follows:
my $ret = recv($sockfd, $buff, 1, MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOWAIT);
If the socket has went through an orderly shutdown, i.e. the peer called shutdown for writing or called close AND the FIN packet has arrived then this call will result in a 0 length read indicating a closed socket. This also helps if your peer application crashed since the OS will close the connection and send a FIN. However, if your peer machine has crashed or your peer application has locked up this won't help you since each end of the connection maintains independent state.
A second way to detect a broken connection is by probing your peer. If you send a 0 length packet to your peer ( which is should be able to handle ) and the application has crashed then you send a second 0 length packet your application will get the SIG_PIPE signal indicating a broken pipe.
Another way to deal with this issue is to use an application level heartbeat in which the peers periodically send a heartbeat packet to each other indicating that they are alive and functioning properly.
One last option is to use the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option, although this is of limited use since it will only detect a broken socket after approximately 2 hours of inactivity.
If you really must know fairly quickly when a connection is broken, then the most reliable option is probably going to be the application level heartbeat.
doh!, the answer was obvious in retrospect, use the connected call.
$socket = IO::Socket::INET(localhost, 1000);
die "no connection" unless $socket -> connected();
$socket -> send("your face here for $20");
die "socket is dead" unless $socket -> connected();
$socket -> recv($data);

How do I use raw sockets in Perl?

How can you get a raw socket in Perl, and then what's the best way to built a packet for use with it?
The same way you do in C... by setting the socket type when creating the socket.
In the example on CPAN use SOCK_RAW rather than SOCK_DGRAM (UDP) or SOCK_STREAM (TCP).
NOTE: creating raw sockets typically requires administrative privileges (i.e. root on UNIX). Windows OS's may have disabled ability to create raw sockets, you'll just have to test it and see.
Perhaps searching CPAN might help? IO::Socket comes to mind.
At first I was thinking that most previous answers were not responsive to the question.
After further thought, I think the author is probably not asking the right question.
If you're writing an application, you don't usually think of "building packets". you just open sockets, format up the data payload, and it's the protocol stack that builds packets with your data. OK, if you're using datagrams, you do need to define, generate and parse your payloads. But you typically let the kernel encapsulate it at the network level (e.g. add IP header) or link layer (e.g. add Ethernet framing). You usually don't use pcap. Sometimes just pack and unpack and maybe vec is enough.
If you're writing an unusual packet processor such as an active hostile attack tool, a man-in-the-middle process, or a traffic shaping device, then would be more likely to be "building packets" and using pcap. Maybe Net::Packet is for you also.
As austirg and others said, Socket will do this just fine:
use Socket;
socket my $socket, PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 0 or die "Couldn't create raw socket: $!";
send $socket, $message, $flags, $to or die "Couldn't send packet: $!";
my $from = recv $socket, $message, $length, $flags or die "Couldn't receive from socket: $!";
Looks like Net::RawIP was what I was looking for:
use Net::RawIP;
$a = new Net::RawIP;
$a->set({ip => {saddr => '',daddr => ''},
tcp => {source => 139,dest => 139,psh => 1, syn => 1}});
$a->ethset(source => '',dest =>'');
$p = $a->pcapinit("eth0","dst port 21",1500,30);
$f = dump_open($p,"/my/home/log");
loop $p,10,\&dump,$f;
The basic call to get a socket is... socket(). It comes standard with perl 5. perl 5 basically gives you the standard socket(), bind(), listen(), accept() calls that traditional UNIX does.
For a more object oriented model, check out IO::Socket.
Be aware that if you're trying to use raw sockets to send a pile of SYN packets, and you just "use Socket;" that's going to fill up your ARP tables and bomb out with "No buffer space available" and a stack of "CLOSE_WAIT" entries in "netstat" (which stops your machine doing any more connections of any kind until some of them free up).
Or in other words - you do really need Net::RawIP - it makes a difference.