ReduxForm select value option is removed by filter, but option remains selected - select

I'm using Redux-form and I have a normal dropdown
there are 3 options in the list.
option 1
option 2
option 3
I select option 3.
I then go into my filter input field and type 1.
Now the list just contains option 1.
but option 3 is still selected in the form state.
How do I get the form to update and realize that that option isn't in the list anymore and go to default?
There's a couple ways I've though about doing it but not sure what's best.
I could write some state change logic in formReducer.plugin with an /CHANGE action type and filter field.
I could perhaps call onChange event on the select whenever I type in filter field.
I could always check in the select component render function if the current states selected value is in the list and if not, call a redux-form change action on the select to undefined.
r something better???

If you are using some component for your select, then you need to override the onChange prop to make sure your component gets the onChange event as well as the redux-form field input.
export const renderSelect = ({input, meta: { touched, error },}) => {
return <Form.Select {...input} {}
onChange={ (event, data) => { input.onChange(data.value);}}
const MyFormComponent = (props) => {
const {brandData, productData, groupData} = props.optionsData;
return (
<Field name='brandData' options={brandData} component={renderSelect}/>
<Field name='productData' options={productData} component={renderSelect}/>
<Field name='groupData' options={groupData} component={renderSelect}/>
You can see a similar thing done in the redux-form example for integrating with 3rd party form components in their material-ui example.


How can I fall back to the default behaviour when using mui datagrid rendereditcell

I'm using MUI 5 data-grid (basic, not pro, etc.) and I need a custom renderEditCell function, which I know how to use, but the cell content can be either a plain string or an object. If its an object I want to use a custom editor but if its a plain string I want the user to be able to edit in-place as a normal cell.
So how can I return a value from my renderEditCell function that invokes the default behavour? Can I import the default function and return it?
You can use the GridEditInputCell component to fall back to the default.
renderEditCell: (params) => {
if (customCondition) {
return (
<CustomEditComponent />
return <GridEditInputCell {...params} />;

React-Bootstrap-Typeahead: Capture moment before setting selection into box (to allow conditional rejection)

In React-Boostrap-Typeahead, I need to capture the moment after the mouse has been clicked, but before the menu selection gets loaded into the Typeahead's box.
This is because I need to check items being selected, and for some of them, I need to display an alert with a Yes/No warning. Only if Yes is clicked can I proceed with setting that value into the box. Otherwise I need to reject the selection and keep it whatever it was prior to the mouse click.
I can't use onChange because by that point the selection is already in the box.
I can't use onInputChange because that is for typing rather than for menu selection. I need the post-menu-select, pre-box change.
If there are any workarounds please let me know.
You should be able to achieve what you're after using onChange:
const ref = useRef();
const [selected, setSelected] = useState([]);
return (
onChange={(selections) => {
if (!selections.length || window.confirm('Are you sure?')) {
return setSelected(selections);
Working example:

How to deselect row when clicked outside the table? [used: Material-UI DataGrid]

I'm using Material-UI tables for showing my data, and I'm stuck when it comes to deselecting selected row.
So when user clicks outside the table, row should be deselected.
This is my code
const showData2 = (e,data) => {
<div style={{ height: 180, width: "100%", backgroundColor:'white' }}>
onRowSelected = {(e)=>{showData(e)}}
onSelectionChange= {(e)=>{showData2(e)}}
Selection works perfectly but it seems impossible to deselect row when clicked outside the table
I would appreciate any idea and help.
Thank you!!
Use ClickAwayListener to detect if a click event happened outside of an element. It listens for clicks that occur somewhere in the document.
Deselect Row Example using the ClickAwayListener with Typescript
Import GridRowId type in addition to whatever other types or components you need from data-grid
import { DataGrid, GridColDef, GridRowId } from '#material-ui/data-grid';
Set local state for the selectionModel prop on the DataGrid and init as an empty array.
const [selectionModel, setSelectionModel] = useState<GridRowId[]>([]);
Add DataGrid component as child of ClickAwayListener... plus your other DataGrid props.
<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={() => setSelectionModel([])}>
checkboxSelection // <= works with or without checkbox selection
onSelectionModelChange={({ selectionModel }) =>
Of course you can just remove the types if you're not using Typescript.
Good Day,
Like #Omar EL KHAL said a ClickAwayListener works perfectly.
Step One: Define your onSelectionModelChange and handleClickAway function.
const handleSelection = (newSelection) => {
if (newSelection)
const handleClickAway = () => {
Step Two: Define your selectionModel as State
For this step I chose to set selectionModel in the component state to allow for other functions to set values.
const [selectionModel, setSelectionModel] = React.useState([]);
Step Three: Set the onSelectionModelChange and selectionModel props
Set the props props in the Data Grid as follows.
<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={handleClickAway}>
Once you save and let NPM do its thing you it should work.
I personally tested this on a single selection model but it should work with multiple as well.
P.S. I also did this with functional components and not classed components. The theory would be the same just instead of using useState you would use this.setState.
Happy Coding!
There is no need for extra state. You could simply call the setSelectionModel function on the ClickAwayListener like so:
<ClickAwayListener onClickAway={() => apiRef.current.setSelectionModel([])}>
// your Data Grid

React bootstrap typeahead clearButton icon (X) does not appear for a single selection

I have tried selecting clearButton prop for a single selection input. However it does not work as expected. The clear (x) icon does not appear with a default selected input. It appears only once there is an event change, that is if I select some other input. My problem is that removing the input manually does not trigger a change in the selected value. Any pointers would be appreciated.
onChange={(selected) => handleCityFieldChange(selected[0], props)}
placeholder="Choose a city"
Here's the handleCityFieldChange function:
handleCityFieldChange = (selected, props) => {
const newFieldValues = Object.assign({}, props.fieldValues, {"city": selected});
Use defaultSelected, not defaultInputValue:
onChange={(selected) => handleCityFieldChange(selected[0], props)}
placeholder="Choose a city"
The clear button only appears when there is a selection. defaultInputValue sets the value of the input, without actually selecting an option, which is why you weren't seeing the button.
Note: defaultSelected expects an array, so if is an object, you'll need to pass [].

chosen jquery not working dynamic html options

I have two select dropdowns,
When i change first select, onchange function will execute but options not updated in chosen 2nd dropdown. But options populated in orginal select.
Onchange function generate dynamic options for second select, when i inspect element original select updated, chosen results area not updated.
I follow below code.
<select id="account" onchange="changePackage()">
<select id="package">
$("#account"). on('change',function(){
If I understand your question correctly, this should help you. You just need to add the callback function which will be executed after the select is updated:
function changePackage(){
changePackageChosen(function(success) {
if(success) {
function changePackageChosen(callback){
/* binding options*/