Does pg promise support WITH clause in query file? - pg-promise

If I put this in one query file how will pg promise handle it?
WITH regional_sales AS (
SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales
FROM orders
GROUP BY region
), top_regions AS (
SELECT region
FROM regional_sales
WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM regional_sales)
SELECT region,
SUM(quantity) AS product_units,
SUM(amount) AS product_sales
FROM orders
WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions)
GROUP BY region, product;
Is there a need to use WITH at all? I want to have the following use case,
SELECT * FROM balance WHERE bank_id = 1 FOR UPDATE (force all bank id 1 record to be locked)
SELECT * FROM balance WHERE bank_id = 1 AND amount = 500 (just get rows with bank id 1, but still making sure all bank id records 1 are locked`

pg-promise doesn't care what your SQL is made of, simply sending it into the server as is.
...which makes your question irrelevant/invalid.


can you use max in this query?

From this table, I'm trying to determine the nation (s) that have the highest number of teams (a nation X has a team if it has at least one athlete from that country X).
driver(id,name, team, country)
This solution restores all countries in descending order. Would it be possible to ensure that only the one (s) with the most team (s) return and not all of them? I think you should use the 'max' command but I'm not sure.
SELECT (country) ,count(distinct team)
FROM driver
GROUP BY country
order by count(distinct team) DESC;
I would use your query as a CTE and then select from it like this -
SELECT country, count(distinct team) cnt
FROM driver
GROUP BY country
SELECT country, cnt FROM t
WHERE cnt = (SELECT max(cnt) FROM t);
You can combine this with a window function:
with counts as (
SELECT country,
count(distinct team) as num_teams,
dense_rank() over (order by count(distinct team) desc) as rnk
FROM driver
GROUP BY country
select country, num_teams
from counts
where rnk = 1;
If you are using Postgres 14, you can use fetch first with the option with ties:
SELECT country,
count(distinct team) as num_teams
FROM driver
GROUP BY country
order by count(distinct team) desc
fetch first 1 rows with ties
If two countries have the same highest number of drivers, this would return both. Without the with ties option (which was introduced in Postgres 14) only one of them would be returned.

Find the next oldest row in Redshift

I have a table called user_activity in Redshift that has department, user_id, activity_type, activity_id, activity_date.
I'd like to query a daily report of how many days since the last event (of any type). Using CROSS APPLY (SQL Server) or LATERAL JOIN (Postgres 9+), I'd do something like...
SELECT, a.last_activity_date
FROM date_table d
SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM activity_table
) u
SELECT TOP 1 activity_date as last_activity_date
FROM activity_table
WHERE user_id = u.user_id AND activity_date <=
ORDER BY activity_date DESC
) a
For now, I write it similar to the below, but it is a bit slow and I am afraid it'll only get slower.
with user_activity as (
select distinct activity_date, user_id from activity_table
select, u.user_id,
max(u.activity_date) as last_activity_date
from date_table d
inner join user_activity u on u.activity_date <=
where between '2020-01-01' and current_date
group by 1, 2
Can someone suggest a good alternative for my needs or for CROSS APPLY / LATERAL JOIN.
As you are seeing cross joining and inequality joining will slow down as you data grows and are generally not the approach you want in Redshift. This is due to the data size increase that comes with this type of action when applied to large data tables that are typical in Redshift.
You want to use window functions to perform this type of analysis. But you will need to step back and rethink how you will structure the SQL. A MAX(activity_date) window function, partitioned by user_id and ordered by date and with a frame clause of all preceding rows, will find the most recent activity to any activity.
Now this will produce only rows for user_ids and dates that exist in the data table and it looks like you want 1 row for each date for each user_id, right? To do this you need to UNION in a frame of data that has 1 row for each date for each user_id ahead of the window function. You will need NULLs in for the other columns so that the data widths match. You will also want the dates in a separate column from activity_date. Now all dates for all user ids will be in the source and the window function will give you the result you want.
You also ask ‘how is this better than the joins?’ Well in the joins you are replicating all the data records by the number of dates which can get really big. In this approach you just have the original data records plus one row per user_id per date (which is the size of your output) and as the number of records per user_id grows this approach doesn’t.
——— Request to modify asker’s code per comments made to their approach ———
Your code is definitely on the right track as you have removed the massive inequality join of your original. I made 2 comments about it. The first is that I believe you need GROUP BY user_id, date to prevent multiple rows per user_id per date that would result if there are records for the same user_id on a single date with differing activity_types. This is a simple oversight.
The second is to state that I intended for you to use UNION ALL, not LEFT JOIN, in combining the actual data and the user_id/date framework. Your approach works fine but I have found that unioning with very large amounts of data is generally faster than joining but you do need to make sure the columns match up. Either way we end up with a data segment with 3 columns - 2 date columns, one with NULLs for framework rows, and 1 user_id. Your approach is fine and the difference in performance is likely very small unless you have huge tables.
Since you asked for a rewrite, here it is with both changes. (NOTE: my laptop is in the shop so I don’t have ready access to Redshift at the moment and this SQL is untested. If the intent is not clear from this and you need me to debug it will be delayed by a few days. I’m keeping your setup methods and SQL structure.)
with date_table as (
select '2000-01-01'::date as date
union all
select '2000-01-02'::date
union all
select '2000-01-03'::date
union all
select '2000-01-04'::date
union all
select '2000-01-05'::date
union all
select '2000-01-06'::date
users as (
select 1 as user_id
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
user_activity as (
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-01'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-04'::date as activity_date
union all
select 3 as user_id, '2000-01-03'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-05'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-06'::date as activity_date
user_dates as (
select, u.user_id
from date_table d
cross join users u
user_date_activity as (
select cal_date, user_id,
lag(max(activity_date), 1) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by date) as last_activity_date
from (
Select user_id, date as cal_date, NULL as activity_date from user_dates
Union all
Select user_id, activity_date as cal_date, activity_date from user_activity
Group by user_id, cal_date
select * from user_date_activity
order by user_id, cal_date```
This was my query based on Bill's answer.
with date_table as (
select '2000-01-01'::date as date
union all
select '2000-01-02'::date
union all
select '2000-01-03'::date
union all
select '2000-01-04'::date
union all
select '2000-01-05'::date
union all
select '2000-01-06'::date
users as (
select 1 as user_id
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
user_activity as (
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-01'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-04'::date as activity_date
union all
select 3 as user_id, '2000-01-03'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-05'::date as activity_date
union all
select 1 as user_id, '2000-01-06'::date as activity_date
user_dates as (
select, u.user_id
from date_table d
cross join users u
user_date_activity as (
select, ud.user_id,
lag(ua.activity_date, 1) ignore nulls over (partition by ud.user_id order by as last_activity_date
from user_dates ud
left join user_activity ua on = ua.activity_date and ud.user_id = ua.user_id
select * from user_date_activity
order by user_id, date

Using "UNION ALL" and "GROUP BY" to implement "Intersect"

I'v provided following query to find common records in 2 data sets but it's difficult for me to make sure about correctness of my query because of that I have a lot of data records in my DB.
Is it OK to implement Intersect between "Customers" & "Employees" tables using UNION ALL and apply GROUP BY on the result like below?
SELECT D.Country, D.Region, D.City
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Country, Region, City
FROM Customers
SELECT DISTINCT Country, Region, City
FROM Employees) AS D
GROUP BY D.Country, D.Region, D.City
So can we say that any record which exists in the result of this query also exists in the Intersect set between "Customers & Employees" tables AND any record that exists in Intersect set between "Customers & Employees" tables will be in the result of this query too?
So is it right to say any record in result of this query is in
"Intersect" set between "Customers & Employees" "AND" any record that
exist in "Intersect" set between "Customers & Employees" is in result
of this query too?
... Yes, but it won't be as efficient because you are filtering out duplicates three times instead of once. In your query you're
Using DISTINCT to pull unique records from employees
Using DISTINCT to pull unique records from customers
Combining both queries using UNION ALL
Using GROUP BY in your outer query to to filter the records you retrieved in steps 1,2 and 3.
Using INTERSECT will return identical results but more efficiently. To see for yourself you can create the sample data below and run both queries:
use tempdb
if object_id('dbo.customers') is not null drop table dbo.customers;
if object_id('dbo.employees') is not null drop table dbo.employees;
create table dbo.customers
customerId int identity,
country varchar(50),
region varchar(50),
city varchar(100)
create table dbo.employees
employeeId int identity,
country varchar(50),
region varchar(50),
city varchar(100)
insert dbo.customers(country, region, city)
values ('us', 'N/E', 'New York'), ('us', 'N/W', 'Seattle'),('us', 'Midwest', 'Chicago');
insert dbo.employees
values ('us', 'S/E', 'Miami'), ('us', 'N/W', 'Portland'),('us', 'Midwest', 'Chicago');
Run these queries:
SELECT D.Country, D.Region, D.City
SELECT DISTINCT Country, Region, City
FROM Customers
SELECT DISTINCT Country, Region, City
FROM Employees
) AS D
GROUP BY D.Country, D.Region, D.City
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM dbo.customers
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM dbo.employees;
Country Region City
----------- ---------- ----------
us Midwest Chicago
Country Region City
----------- ---------- ----------
us Midwest Chicago
If using INTERSECT is not an option OR you want a faster query you could improve the query you posted a couple different ways, such as:
Option 1: let GROUP BY handle ALL the de-duplication like this:
This is the same as what you posted but without the DISTINCTS
SELECT D.Country, D.Region, D.City
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM Customers
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM Employees
) AS D
GROUP BY D.Country, D.Region, D.City
Option 2: Use ROW_NUMBER
This would be my preference and will likely be most efficient
SELECT Country, Region, City
rn = row_number() over (partition by D.Country, D.Region, D.City order by (SELECT null)),
D.Country, D.Region, D.City
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM Customers
SELECT Country, Region, City
FROM Employees
) AS D
) uniquify
WHERE rn = 2;

Unable to get Percentile_Cont() to work in Postgresql

I am trying to calculate a percentile using the percentile_cont() function in PostgreSQL using common table expressions. The goal is find the top 1% of accounts regards to their balances (called amount here). My logic is to find the 99th percentile which will return those whose account balances are greater than 99% of their peers (and thus finding the 1 percenters)
Here is my query
--ranking subquery works fine
with ranking as(
select a.lname,sum(c.amount) as networth from customer a
inner join
account b on a.customerid=b.customerid
inner join
transaction c on b.accountid=c.accountid
group by a.lname order by sum(c.amount)
select lname, networth, percentile_cont(0.99) within group
order by networth over (partition by lname) from ranking ;
I keeping getting the following error.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "order"
LINE 2: ...ame, networth, percentile_cont(0.99) within group order by n..
I am thinking that perhaps I forgot a closing brace etc. but I can't seem to figure out where. I know it could be something with the order keyword but I am not sure what to do. Can you please help me to fix this error?
This tripped me up, too.
It turns out percentile_cont is not supported in postgres 9.3, only in 9.4+.
So you have to use something like this:
with ordered_purchases as (
row_number() over (order by price) as row_id,
(select count(1) from purchases) as ct
from purchases
select avg(price) as median
from ordered_purchases
where row_id between ct/2.0 and ct/2.0 + 1
That query care of (section: "Median on Postgres")
You are missing the brackets in the within group (order by x) part.
Try this:
with ranking
as (
select a.lname,
sum(c.amount) as networth
from customer a
inner join account b on a.customerid = b.customerid
inner join transaction c on b.accountid = c.accountid
group by a.lname
order by networth
select lname,
percentile_cont(0.99) within group (
order by networth
) over (partition by lname)
from ranking;
I want to point out that you don't need a subquery for this:
select c.lname, sum(t.amount) as networth,
percentile_cont(0.99) within group (order by sum(t.amount)) over (partition by lname)
from customer c inner join
account a
on c.customerid = a.customerid inner join
transaction t
on a.accountid = t.accountid
group by c.lname
order by networth;
Also, when using table aliases (which should be always), table abbreviations are much easier to follow than arbitrary letters.

TSQL get the Prev and Next ID on a list

Let's say I have a table Sales
SaleID int
UserID int
Field1 varchar(10)
Created Datetime
and right now I have loaded and viewing the record with SaleID = 23
What's the right way to find out, using a stored procedure, what's the PREVIOUS and NEXT SalesID value off the current SaleID = 23, that belongs to me (UserID = 1)?
I could do a
FROM Sales
WHERE SaleID > 23 AND UserID = 1
and the same for SaleID < 23 but that's 2 SQL calls.
Is there a better way?
I'm using the SQL Server 2012.
You can get the previous/next SaleID (or any other field) by using the LAG() and LEAD() functions introduced in SQL Server 2012.
For example:
FROM Sales S
If you omit the PARTIITION BY clause in the LAG() or LEAD() functions in the answer of thepirat000's, you can find the related previous or next records according to the SaleID column.
Here is the SQL query
FROM Sales S
The PARTITION BY clause enables you to use these functions within a grouping based on UserID as in the thepirat000's code
If you want the next and previous records only for a single row, or at least for a small set of item following query can also help in terms of performance (as an answer to Eager to Learn's comment)
(select top 1 t.SaleID from Sales t where t.SaleID < tab1.SaleID) as prev_id,
SaleID as current_id,
(select top 1 t.SaleID from Sales t where t.SaleID > tab1.SaleID) as next_id
from Sales where SaleID = 2