How are resources included in targets that are managed with Swift Package Manager 4? [duplicate] - swift

I would like to ship my library using Apple's Swift Package Manager. However my lib includes a .bundle file with several strings translated in different languages.
Using cocoapods, I can include it using spec.resource. But in SwiftPM, I cannot do it. Any solution?

The package manager does not yet have any definition for how resources will be bundled with targets. We are aware of the need for this, but don't yet have a concrete proposal for it. I filed to ensure we have a bug tracking this.

Using Swift 5.3 it's finally possible to add localized resources 🎉
The Package initializer now has a defaultLocalization parameter which can be used for localization resources.
public init(
name: String,
defaultLocalization: LocalizationTag = nil, // New defaultLocalization parameter.
pkgConfig: String? = nil,
providers: [SystemPackageProvider]? = nil,
products: [Product] = [],
dependencies: [Dependency] = [],
targets: [Target] = [],
swiftLanguageVersions: [Int]? = nil,
cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil
Let's say you have an Icon.png which you want to be localised for English and German speaking people.
The images should be included in Resources/en.lproj/Icon.png & Resources/de.lproj/Icon.png.
After you can reference them in your package like that:
let package = Package(
name: "BestPackage",
defaultLocalization: "en",
targets: [
.target(name: "BestTarget", resources: [
Please note LocalizationTag is a wrapper of IETF Language Tag.
Credits and input from following proposals overview, please check it for more details.

starting on Swift 5.3, thanks to SE-0271, you can add bundle resources on swift package manager by adding resources on your .target declaration.
name: "HelloWorldProgram",
dependencies: [],
resources: [.process(Images), .process("")]
if you want to learn more, I have written an article on medium, discussing this topic

The solution I use for this is to build the data I need into a Swift object. To this end I have a shell script that will read an input file, base64 encode it, then write a Swift file that presents it as an InputStream. Then, when I want to add a data item to my Swift package, I run the script to read the file and write the output file. Of course the output file needs to be checked in so that the resource is available to those who use the project even if they do not have the script. (Typically I place my input files in a Resources directory and write the output to the Sources directory, but the script itself does not depend on that.)
I consider this a less than ideal solution, and am looking forward to when the package manager has this ability built in. But in the meantime, it is a workable solution.
The following example shows how it is used:
First, here is the script itself:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Read an input file, base64 encode it, then write an output swift file that will
# present it as an input stream.
# Usage: <inputfile> <outputfile> <streamName>
# The <streamName> is the name presented for the resulting InputStream. So, for example,
# Resources/logo.png Sources/Logo.swift logoInputStream
# will generate a file Sources/Logo.swift that will contain a computed variable
# that will look like the following:
# var logoInputStream: InputStream { ...blah...
set -e
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: <inputfile> <outputfile> <streamName>"
exit -1
echo "Generating $outFile from $inFile"
echo "Stream name will be $streamName"
if [ ! -f "$inFile" ]; then
echo "Could not read $inFile"
exit -1
echo "// This file is automatically generated by DO NOT EDIT!" > "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "import Foundation" >> "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "fileprivate let encodedString = \"\"\"" >> "$outFile"
base64 -i "$inFile" >> "$outFile"
echo "\"\"\"" >> "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "var $streamName: InputStream {" >> "$outFile"
echo " get {" >> "$outFile"
echo " let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: encodedString)!" >> "$outFile"
echo " return InputStream(data: decodedData)" >> "$outFile"
echo " }" >> "$outFile"
echo "}" >> "$outFile"
echo "Rebuilt $outFile"
Then, given an input file t.dat shown here:
Hello World!
Running the command t.dat HelloWorld.swift helloWorldInputStream generates the following HelloWorld.swift file:
// This file is automatically generated by DO NOT EDIT!
import Foundation
fileprivate let encodedString = """
var helloWorldInputStream: InputStream {
get {
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: encodedString)!
return InputStream(data: decodedData)

Due to framework bundles not being supported yet, the only way to provide bundle assets with an SPM target is through a Bundle. If you implement code in your framework to search for a particular bundle in your main project (supporting asset bundles), you can load resources from said bundle.
Access the bundled resources:
extension Bundle {
static func myResourceBundle() throws -> Bundle {
let bundles = Bundle.allBundles
let bundlePaths = bundles.compactMap { $0.resourceURL?.appendingPathComponent("MyAssetBundle", isDirectory: false).appendingPathExtension("bundle") }
guard let bundle = bundlePaths.compactMap({ Bundle(url: $0) }).first else {
throw NSError(domain: "com.myframework", code: 404, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Missing resource bundle"])
return bundle
Utilize the Bundled resources:
let bundle = try! Bundle.myResourceBundle()
return UIColor(named: "myColor", in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)!
You can apply the same logic for all resource files, including but not limited to storyboards, xibs, images, colors, data blobs, and files of various extensions (json, txt, etc).
Note: Sometimes this makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. Determine use to own project's discretion. It would take very specific scenarios to justify separating Storyboards/Xibs into bundled assets.

Important note:
Resources doesn't seem to be included in the Xcode project generated by
swift package generate-xcodeproj
But they are when you open the Package folder on Xcode (xed .) and then double click on the package to resolve dependencies.
I'm including a nice tutorial as well:


swift main run / build from command line

I will build an CLI Tool in Swift. I have created the project with this command swift package init --type executable
When I build my project and parse the read-aliases parameter in Xcode and click the "Play" Button everything worked fine.
I defined the read-aliases parameter
Then I receive the right output it is the following, the aliases from my .zsh file
These are your Aliases
zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc"
ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh"
Program ended with exit code: 0
But when I run the following command swift run inside my project in the command line
Then I receive
Which seems to work so far these are the messages from my tool.
An when I parse the same parameter like this
$ swift run read-aliases
I get this error
error: no executable product named 'read-aliases'
Here is my code
import Foundation
import ArgumentParser
struct Alias: ParsableCommand {
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "Make Editing Your .zshrc Much Easier",
subcommands: [readAliases.self])
extension Alias {
struct readAliases: ParsableCommand {
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "Reads All The Aliases In Your .zshrc File")
func run() {
print("These are your Aliases");
readFile(path: "/Users/alexanderhess/.zshrc")
func readFile(path: String) -> Int {
errno = 0
if freopen(path, "r", stdin) == nil {
return 1
while let line = readLine() {
if(line.starts(with: "# alias")){
return 0
My Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.3
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "easy-aliaser",
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", from: "0.2.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on.
name: "easy-aliaser",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser")
name: "easy-aliaserTests",
dependencies: ["easy-aliaser"]),
Here is my github repository in case you would like to reproduce it.
So why I receive this Error in the Command Line but not in Xcode?
Thanks in advance.
the problem
the command command line specify sub-command but miss the executable product
$ swift run read-aliases
the solution
you must use the executable product before sub-command
swift run easy-aliaser read-aliases
steps to reproduce
[so-test]$ git clone
Cloning into 'easy-aliaser'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 41, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (41/41), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (32/32), done.
remote: Total 41 (delta 2), reused 38 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (41/41), done.
[so-test]$ cd easy-aliaser
# [easy-aliaser (main)]$ swift package generate-xcodeproj
# edited the wired filename in your code just to refer to an existing file
# run the project in XCode without problems
# back to the command line
[easy-aliaser (main)]$ swift run easy-aliaser read-aliases
Resolving at 0.3.1
/Users/me/projects/so-test/easy-aliaser/Sources/easy-aliaser/main.swift:23:13: warning: result of call to 'readFile(path:)' is unused
readFile(path: "/Users/me/projects/so-test/65203567/myzshrc")
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[3/3] Linking easy-aliaser
These are your Aliases
who_listening='sudo lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN'
du-docker="du -h ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/Docker.qcow2 && docker images"
du-openshift=" /Users/ronda/.docker/machine/machines/openshift/disk.vmdk && du -h ~/.docker/machine/machines/openshift/boot2docker.iso"

Twilio: Not sending text message when following get started guide

As a continuation from this question I'm not receiving any text message after following this guide. I am also not getting any errors.
This is my Package.swift file:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "4.0.0")
targets: [
name: "MyProject",
dependencies: ["Alamofire"]),
name: "MyProjectTests",
dependencies: ["Alamofire"]),
This is my main.swift´file:
import Foundation
import Alamofire
if let accountSID = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MY_PERSONAL_SID"],
let authToken = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MY_PERSONAL_AUTHTOKEN"] {
let url = "\(accountSID)/Messages"
let parameters = ["From": "MY_TWILIONUMBER", "To": "MY_PERSONAL_NUMBER", "Body": "Hello from Swift!"]
Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: parameters)
.authenticate(user: accountSID, password: authToken)
.responseJSON { response in
When I run swift build && ./.build/debug/MyProject it seemingly works fine, but I'm not receiving any message.
I´m not sure what I have done wrong, but I have some questions:
These two commands:
Can I run them in terminal from where ever? Or should they be ran in a specific folder? (I changed the SID and TOKEN to my personal ones when I ran the commands)
The Package.swift should be located in the base folder of my Xcode project?
The main.swiftshould be located in .../MyProject/Sources/MyProject/main.swift?
The command swift build && ./.build/debug/MyProject
In the guide under the explanation of ´main.swift´ it says:
Run it with this command, and you should receive a text message!
Do they mean something special with run it with this command? Or can I just run the command from terminal from where ever?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you run
you need to do so in the terminal in the same window that you eventually run your application from. You can read more about setting environment variables in this blog post.
In your main.swift file you have the line:
if let accountSID = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MY_PERSONAL_SID"],
let authToken = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MY_PERSONAL_AUTHTOKEN"] {
I believe that your program is running but not sending anything because you are trying to assign variables from the environment called MY_PERSONAL_SID and MY_PERSONAL_AUTHTOKEN. If you are exporting environment variables as you describe, then this line should be:
if let accountSID = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"],
let authToken = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN"] {
Let me know if that helps at all.

Handling attributes in InSpec

I was trying to create some basic inspec tests to validate a set of HTTP URLs. The way I started is like this -
control 'http-url-checks' do
impact 1.0
title 'http-url-checks'
desc '
Specify the URLs which need to be up and working.
tag 'http-url-checks'
describe http('') do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
its('body') { should match /abc/ }
its('') { should eq 'header' }
describe http('') do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
its('body') { should match /abc/ }
its('') { should eq 'header' }
We notice that the URLs are hard-coded in the controls and isn't a lot of fun. I'd like to move them to some 'attributes' file of some sort and loop through them in the control file.
My attempt was to use the 'files' folder structure inside the profile.I created a file - httpurls.yml and had the following content in it -
- url:
- url:
..and in my control file, I had the construct -
my_urls = yaml(content: inspec.profile.file('httpurls.yml')).params
my_urls.each do |s|
describe http(s['url']) do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
However, when I execute the compliance profile, I get an error - 'httpurls.yml not found' (not sure about the exact error message though though). The following is the folder structure I had for my compliance profile.
What I am doing wrong?
Is there a better way to achieve what I am trying to do?
The secret is to use profile attributes, as defined near the bottom of this page:
First, create a profile attributes YML file. I name mine profile-attribute.yml.
Second, put your array of values in the YML file, like so:
Third, create an attribute at the top of your InSpec tests:
my_urls = attribute('urls', description: 'The URLs that I am validating.')
Fourth, use your attribute in your InSpec test:
my_urls.each do |s|
describe http(s['url']) do
its('status') { should eq 200 }
Finally, when you call your InSpec test, point to your YML file using --attrs:
inspec exec mytest.rb --reporter=cli --attrs profile-attribute.yml
There is another way to do this using files (instead of the profile attributes and the --attrs flag). You can use JSON or YAML.
First, create the JSON and/or YAML file and put them in the files directory. A simple example of the JSON file might look like this:
"urls": ["", ""]
And a simple example of the YAML file might look like this:
Second, include code at the top of your InSpec file to read and parse the JSON and/or YAML, like so:
jsoncontent = inspec.profile.file("tmp.json")
jsonparams = JSON.parse(jsoncontent)
jsonurls = jsonparams['urls']
yamlcontent = inspec.profile.file("tmp.yaml")
yamlparams = YAML.load(yamlcontent)
yamlurls = yamlparams['urls']
Third, use the variables in your InSpec tests, like so:
jsonurls.each do |jsonurl|
describe http(jsonurl) do
puts "json url is " + jsonurl
its('status') { should eq 200 }
yamlurls.each do |yamlurl|
describe http(yamlurl) do
puts "yaml url is " + yamlurl
its('status') { should eq 200 }
(NOTE: the puts line is for debugging.)
The result is what you would expect:
json url is
json url is
yaml url is
yaml url is
Profile: InSpec Profile (inspec-file-test)
Version: 0.1.0
Target: local://
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200
http GET on
✔ status should eq 200

Qbs: Can Module install files?

I want to have a module which will export all needed dependencies like include path, library path and will install needed runtime libraries.
Module {
Depends { name: "cpp" }
property path libLocation: ""
cpp.dynamicLibraries: [
cpp.staticLibraries: [
cpp.includePaths: [
libLocation + "include/",
cpp.libraryPaths: [
libLocation + "lib/",
Group {
name: "runtime libraries"
qbs.install: true
prefix: 'lib_location/'
files: ["*.dll"]
Everything works, but files are not installed. Is it possible to do that?
Update 1:
Files are correctly installed:
if full or relative paths are specified directly(as literals)
by using Project's properties.
Working solution:
Module {
Group {
name: "runtime libraries"
prefix: "D:/Projects/MyProject/Dependencies/SDL2pp/mingw/bin/" // works!
//prefix: project.dependenciesPath + "SDL2pp/mingw/bin/" // also works!
files: "*.dll"
qbs.install: true
But when I'm trying to use Module's property it says: "Reference Error: Can't find variable: ..."
Module {
property bool installDlls: true
property string libPath: ""
Group {
name: "runtime libraries"
prefix: libPath // Can't find variable
files: "*.dll"
qbs.install: installDlls // Can't find variable
Also, It is not work if FileInfo module is used for building a path. Outside the Group path was corectly resolved.
import qbs
import qbs.FileInfo
Module {
Group {
name: "runtime libraries"
prefix: FileInfo.joinPaths(project.dependenciesPaths, './SDL2pp/mingw/bin/') // silently not works
files: "*.dll"
qbs.install: true
I've found 2 solutuins of it:
hadrcoded path as a literal. Unportable solution
using Project's property. Portable, but depends on Project item.
I don't know why Module's properties can't be used inside a Group. Are there some limitations or it's a bug?
Late but found this post trying to do the same, maybe it helps other people.
Found out that using a Module's property inside a Group can be done by giving the Module an id and referencing the property using the id like this
Module {
id: mymodule
property bool installDlls: true
property string libPath: ""
Group {
name: "runtime libraries"
prefix: mymodule.libPath
files: "*.dll"
qbs.install: mymodule.installDlls
I'm using Qbs 1.12.1

How to include assets / resources in a Swift Package Manager library?

I would like to ship my library using Apple's Swift Package Manager. However my lib includes a .bundle file with several strings translated in different languages.
Using cocoapods, I can include it using spec.resource. But in SwiftPM, I cannot do it. Any solution?
The package manager does not yet have any definition for how resources will be bundled with targets. We are aware of the need for this, but don't yet have a concrete proposal for it. I filed to ensure we have a bug tracking this.
Using Swift 5.3 it's finally possible to add localized resources 🎉
The Package initializer now has a defaultLocalization parameter which can be used for localization resources.
public init(
name: String,
defaultLocalization: LocalizationTag = nil, // New defaultLocalization parameter.
pkgConfig: String? = nil,
providers: [SystemPackageProvider]? = nil,
products: [Product] = [],
dependencies: [Dependency] = [],
targets: [Target] = [],
swiftLanguageVersions: [Int]? = nil,
cLanguageStandard: CLanguageStandard? = nil,
cxxLanguageStandard: CXXLanguageStandard? = nil
Let's say you have an Icon.png which you want to be localised for English and German speaking people.
The images should be included in Resources/en.lproj/Icon.png & Resources/de.lproj/Icon.png.
After you can reference them in your package like that:
let package = Package(
name: "BestPackage",
defaultLocalization: "en",
targets: [
.target(name: "BestTarget", resources: [
Please note LocalizationTag is a wrapper of IETF Language Tag.
Credits and input from following proposals overview, please check it for more details.
starting on Swift 5.3, thanks to SE-0271, you can add bundle resources on swift package manager by adding resources on your .target declaration.
name: "HelloWorldProgram",
dependencies: [],
resources: [.process(Images), .process("")]
if you want to learn more, I have written an article on medium, discussing this topic
The solution I use for this is to build the data I need into a Swift object. To this end I have a shell script that will read an input file, base64 encode it, then write a Swift file that presents it as an InputStream. Then, when I want to add a data item to my Swift package, I run the script to read the file and write the output file. Of course the output file needs to be checked in so that the resource is available to those who use the project even if they do not have the script. (Typically I place my input files in a Resources directory and write the output to the Sources directory, but the script itself does not depend on that.)
I consider this a less than ideal solution, and am looking forward to when the package manager has this ability built in. But in the meantime, it is a workable solution.
The following example shows how it is used:
First, here is the script itself:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Read an input file, base64 encode it, then write an output swift file that will
# present it as an input stream.
# Usage: <inputfile> <outputfile> <streamName>
# The <streamName> is the name presented for the resulting InputStream. So, for example,
# Resources/logo.png Sources/Logo.swift logoInputStream
# will generate a file Sources/Logo.swift that will contain a computed variable
# that will look like the following:
# var logoInputStream: InputStream { ...blah...
set -e
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: <inputfile> <outputfile> <streamName>"
exit -1
echo "Generating $outFile from $inFile"
echo "Stream name will be $streamName"
if [ ! -f "$inFile" ]; then
echo "Could not read $inFile"
exit -1
echo "// This file is automatically generated by DO NOT EDIT!" > "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "import Foundation" >> "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "fileprivate let encodedString = \"\"\"" >> "$outFile"
base64 -i "$inFile" >> "$outFile"
echo "\"\"\"" >> "$outFile"
echo "" >> "$outFile"
echo "var $streamName: InputStream {" >> "$outFile"
echo " get {" >> "$outFile"
echo " let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: encodedString)!" >> "$outFile"
echo " return InputStream(data: decodedData)" >> "$outFile"
echo " }" >> "$outFile"
echo "}" >> "$outFile"
echo "Rebuilt $outFile"
Then, given an input file t.dat shown here:
Hello World!
Running the command t.dat HelloWorld.swift helloWorldInputStream generates the following HelloWorld.swift file:
// This file is automatically generated by DO NOT EDIT!
import Foundation
fileprivate let encodedString = """
var helloWorldInputStream: InputStream {
get {
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: encodedString)!
return InputStream(data: decodedData)
Due to framework bundles not being supported yet, the only way to provide bundle assets with an SPM target is through a Bundle. If you implement code in your framework to search for a particular bundle in your main project (supporting asset bundles), you can load resources from said bundle.
Access the bundled resources:
extension Bundle {
static func myResourceBundle() throws -> Bundle {
let bundles = Bundle.allBundles
let bundlePaths = bundles.compactMap { $0.resourceURL?.appendingPathComponent("MyAssetBundle", isDirectory: false).appendingPathExtension("bundle") }
guard let bundle = bundlePaths.compactMap({ Bundle(url: $0) }).first else {
throw NSError(domain: "com.myframework", code: 404, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Missing resource bundle"])
return bundle
Utilize the Bundled resources:
let bundle = try! Bundle.myResourceBundle()
return UIColor(named: "myColor", in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)!
You can apply the same logic for all resource files, including but not limited to storyboards, xibs, images, colors, data blobs, and files of various extensions (json, txt, etc).
Note: Sometimes this makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. Determine use to own project's discretion. It would take very specific scenarios to justify separating Storyboards/Xibs into bundled assets.
Important note:
Resources doesn't seem to be included in the Xcode project generated by
swift package generate-xcodeproj
But they are when you open the Package folder on Xcode (xed .) and then double click on the package to resolve dependencies.
I'm including a nice tutorial as well: