How to restore user defined javascript functions in MongoDB? - mongodb

I restored MongoDB production database to our testing environment using the mongodump and mongorestore commands. There were 414 user defined functions in our database and none of them were restored. How can I restore the functions in the production environment in the testing environment?

It is pretty simple. The system.js function is also a collection. So you can dump the collection using the following command and restore using the mongorestore command.
mongodump --host youripaddressorlocal --port yourportnumber --username "username" --password "password" --authenticationDatabase admin --collection system.js --db databasename
mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 --username "username" --password "yourpassword" --collection system.js --drop --db yourdatabase dump/baabtra_db/system.js.bson
--drop is used so that if the function is already there, it will be deleted. Incase if you are still getting the error and if you are not able to delete it, you can use the following command to delete all the functions in the mongoDb.
Please note that the curly braces are very important.


Export the whole database on mongodb

Is there a way to export the whole database in mongodb instead of exporting a collection this way?
mongodump is a way to do this.
See the documentation
yes please use mongodump
Some parameters are as follow
--db <database>, -d <database>
If you do not specify a database, mongodump copies all databases in this instance into the dump files.
--collection <collection>, -c <collection>
If you do not specify a collection, this option copies all collections in the specified database or instance to the dump files.
so with your condition you can do it like this
mongodump --host --port 37017 --username user --password "pass" --db yourdatabasename --out /opt/backup/mongodumpdir
the default host port is localhost & 27017 .
If you haven't changed the default, you can ignore this

MongoDB - dump and restore across different host, db with oplog

Is it possible to take a mongodump and mongorestore it to a different hosts, with different DB names, with oplog enabled?
From: mongodb://user:password#source-hostname:source-port/db1
To: mongodb://user:password#dest-hostname:dest-port/db5
When I do a mongodump with oplog on the source MongoDB, it takes a dump of the entire DB.
mongodump --oplog --host <source-hostname> -u <user> -p <password> --port <source-port> --authenticationDatabase admin
Now for the restore, I want to restore to a different hostname, and the db-name is also different. Is there way to restore the data to this db, with the oplogReplay?
mongorestore --host <dest-host> --port <dest-port> --username <user> --password <password> --authenticationDatabase admin --oplogReplay --db <db5> <path-to-dump>/dump
If I use oplogReplay, I am getting the following error
Can only replay oplog on full restore
I do not want to do a full restore, as it will create the db-name as db1, whereas I want to make use of db5. Also, there are already multiple DBs on this destination host and I do not want to bombard with another new database.
Any suggestions on this issue?
You can't use two options --oplogReplay and --db at the same time.
If you don't want to restore the full DB, simply go to dump/ folder and delete files for DBs other than db5. Then retry mongorestore without --db:
mongorestore --host <dest-host> --port <dest-port> --username <user> --password <password> --authenticationDatabase admin --oplogReplay <path-to-dump>/dump
If this doesn't not work for you, you may need to import oplog collection to a temporary db, and manipulate it to remove all except records for db5.

Openshift - how to run mongoexport to export mongodb collection

I am using MongoDB on Openshift for my application. But i'm not able to locate database files. And if i use mongoexport command where those files will be saved (i'm aware about --out option). Where is mongoexport util exists? And i'm not able to successfully run mongoexport on openshift.
Can anyone help me on this?
First go to your repo folder.
cd app-root/repo/
Then run below mongoexport command.
mongoexport --host hostname --port port --authenticationDatabase admin --username admin --password password --db test --collection collection --out collection.json
--authenticationDatabase is must option when you specify username and password that exists in different database.
Refer this documentation for more options.

Mongodb's "mongodump" command, javascript execution error

Perhaps I have a complete misunderstanding of how mongodump is supposed to work, but I can't seem to get it to do anything besides returning a JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier error.
Here's what I'm doing:
Mongod is running
I want to backup a database called "mydb"
I'm inside the mongo shell
I tried the command mongodump --db mydb and get the above error
I've tried both mongodump and mongoexport, both have the same issue
What am I doing wrong here?
Try the following it will work
i.Open the terminal
ii. Enter mongodump --collection collectionname --db dbname (Don't go inside mongo shell);
iii.If default port is different(other than 27017) then go for the following command
mongodump --host --port 37017 --username user --password pass --out /opt/backup/mongodump-2011-10-24
mongodump,mongorestore is not commands of mongodb shell. It is separate mongodb utlity. You can find it under mongodb bin folder.
Usually you will need to add all mongodb utilities to the system Path variable and after this easy backup/restore databases from any place in the command line or in the terminal.
Your command looks mongodump --db mydb good if your databases in on default port(27017).
I faced the problem in taking mongo dump and I also wanted to store the dump to S3. Finally I ended up with a bash script to take mongo dump and store it to S3. I used mongodump to take backup.
Where $MONGO_HOST,$MONGO_PORT and $MONGO_DATABASE are bash variables for host, port and database-name respectively.
You can also use --username user --password pass option for mongodump command if you have username and password setup on the database.
Here is the script to take mongodb dump and store it to S3 with a cron.

How to use mongodump for 1 collection

How can I use mongodump to move a single collection from one database to another?
How should I use the command and its options?
I think it's just:
mongodump --db=<old_db_name> --collection=<collection_name> --out=data/
mongorestore --db=<new_db_name> --collection=<collection_name> data/<db_name>/<collection_name>.bson
Also see docs here and here.
Btw, the other way to move the collection from one database to another is to use renameCollection:
Here's some related SO threads:
How to copy a collection from one database to another in MongoDB
How to use the dumped data by mongodump?
Taking database (document) dump (backup)
mongodump --host <hostname-of-mongoserver> --db <db-name> --username <dbuser-name> --password <password> --gzip --out </backup/location/>
Taking collection dump (backup)
mongodump --host <hostname-of-mongoserver> --db <db-name> --collection <collection-name> --username <dbuser-name> --password <password> --gzip --out </backup/location/>
mongodump documentation
Very basic commands for dump mongodb.
Dump all collection
Dump specific database only
mongodump --db=DB_NAME
Dump database with username & password
mongodump -u=USERNAME -p=PASSWORD --db=DB_NAME
Dump from another host
mongodump --host HOST_NAME/HOST_IP --port HOST_PORT --out {YOUR_DIRECTOTY_PATH} --db=DB_NAME
Only able to dump from another host when they allow it.
If it's a replica set and you want to use the --uri you should use it like this cause documentation states that you can't specify some options when using --uri
mongodump --uri "mongodb://,,$Databasename?replicaSet=$replicasetname&authSource=admin" --collection $collectionname
Then restore it the usual way.
Here is an example of how you can export a single collection with mongodump.exe on Windows 10:
"D:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongodump.exe" -h localhost --port 27017 -d meteor --collection users -o meteor_users
The exported collection is users, the database is meteor, the host localhost, the port is 27017.
The output will be stored in directory meteor_users.
Restoring should use a command like this one:
"D:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongorestore.exe" -d meteor -c users users.bson
None of them works for me while doing dump for MongoDB atlas. Here is the minor change in the host that work for me
mongodump --uri mongodb+srv://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> --collection "user_collection" --gzip --out db_backup_folder
mongorestore --uri mongodb+srv://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -d db_name --gzip db_backup_folder