The GitKraken "commit graph" contains a mix of identicons or author's avatar - gitkraken

The commit graph of GitKraken sometimes contains identicons while some others contains the author's profile avatars for commits (I'm testing with GitHub, but I don't think it's specific to this instance).
I just can't figure out what makes GitKraken to decide (if any choice?) which one to show in each cases?

GitKraken uses Gravatar to decide which icons to show. You can read this up in the GitKraken help page on profiles and their FAQ (How do I change the avatar associated with my commits?).
From the Gravater documentation:
Gravatar uses your email address to provide your image to other sites.
Thus, the committer email adress set up in your git config will decide which icon will be shown.


Why am I able to push and send/receive pull requests but not on the contributor list in github?

I'm been working in a team of four. I'm in the collaborator list. I'm able to commit, push, send pull requests and merge in our repo. My teammates can see my changes, but everyone is on the contributor list except me.
I double checked my email address, make sure the email I used in my local setting is the same with my default email in the github account.
We have changed the owner of the project once, and I'm still using the old url. Is this the reason for that?
I found the github has a complex rule for you be considered as a contributor. Here's the doc of it.
You have to commit to the main/default branch or make pull requests. To commit into other branches won't count.
Also, to use the old project url is definately one problem. In the project insight, everyone's profile is linked with their username. While mine is only a username with no user icon.
I think I just accidentally hit into one of the corner cases, but I'm still very confused of this design pattern.

How to add reviewers to GitHub repository?

I created a repository on GitHub and want to add a couple of friends to review my pull requests.
I used this source and when I enter the names of some GitHub users the Reviewers bar stays empty.
How to add arbitrary reviewers to my GitHub repository?
You can simply send the pull request link to your friends, then they can click the files changed button at the top:
Then, they can look through the diffs, and click the blue plus button on any line where they want to leave a comment:
Then they can click it, and add a comment and start a review:
You don't need to formally invite them since anyone that can read the repository can review pull requests. If you want to give them a github notification, you can mention them in the comments.

Do you lose contributions of a project if you get removed from this project?

I can't seemed to find this information anywhere, but just wanna ask that if you are a contributor of a project and you worked on it so you can see all of those contributions on the chart, but then for whatever reason the owner of the project removed you, do you lose all of those contributions? as in will those green contribution grids(the days you work on it) go back to grey?
No, the contributions are based on the commit email ID, and do not have anything to do with the corresponding GitHub account having access to the repository. GitHub attributes a commit to a particular account if the email ID used with the commit is registered under that account.
So, unless the email IDs of past commits are in some way changed later, the contributions will still be visible, as long as the repository is public.
This also works the other way around. Anyone can set any email ID in their git configuration while committing, so it is trivial to falsely attribute commits to someone else, when viewing the contribution chart in GitHub.

Does changing your GitHub username leave any leftover references to the old name?

I would like to change the username of an old GitHub account which I once used rather than making a brand new one. I don't want to do this unless it leaves no remnants of the old account name. Especially on the profile page.
there are some leftovers, as described here. The two main drawbacks are below.
You will need to manually change your repository references.
You will need to change the links to your GitHub profile in social media (or any other site).

Can I associate a GitHub user with his commits by name only, BitBucket-style?

I've seen Github shows name instead of a linked username in commits and I realise that the right thing to do is to link by email. However, I already have a repository with a whole bunch of commits whose email is "none#none".
On BitBucket, I can specify a per-project mapping of committer name to BitBucket account, and this has worked well enough. Is there anything like this on GitHub?
If not, what other options are there, short of leaving the commits unlinked and rewriting the entire history?
You can use .mailmap file in your repo, for mail aliased (as stated in "“Alias” git authors/committers?")
You also can add another email in your Email setting account.
But both solutions don't scale well when several authors use the same none#none email.