How to get output in desired encoding scheme using powershell out-fil - powershell

I have a requirement, in which I need to do read line by line, and then do string/character replacement in a datafile having data in windows latin 1.
I've written this powershell (my first one) initially using out-file -encoding option. However the output file thus created was doing some character translation. Then I searched and came across WriteAllLines, but I'm unable to use it in my code.
$encoding =[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
Get-Content ABCD.SCHEMA.TABLE.DAT | ForEach-Object {
$matches = [regex]::Match($_,'ABCD')
$member = [regex]::match($_,"`"$pdsname\(([^\)]+)\)`"").Groups[1].Value
$_ -replace $([regex]::Escape($string_to_be_replaced)),$member
} | [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines("C:\Users\USer01", "ABCD.SCHEMA.TABLE.NEW.DAT", $encoding)
With the help of an answer from #Gzeh Niert, I updated my above script. However, when I execute the script the output file being generated by the script has just the last record, as it was unable to append, and it did an overwrite, I tried using System.IO.File]::AppendAllText, but this strangely creates a larger file, and has only the last record. In short its likely that empty lines are being written.
$encoding =[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
Get-Content $datafile | ForEach-Object {
$matches = [regex]::Match($_,'ABCD')
if($matches.Success) {
$member = [regex]::match($_,"`"$pdsname\(([^\)]+)\)`"").Groups[1].Value
$replacedContent = $_ -replace $([regex]::Escape($string_to_be_replaced)),$member
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText($datafile2, $replacedContent, $encoding)
else {
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText($datafile2, $_, $encoding)
#[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($datafile2, $replacedContent, $encoding)
Please help me figure out where I am going wrong.

System.IO.File.WriteAllLines is getting either an array of strings or an IEnumerable of strings as second parameter and cannot be piped to a command because it is not a CmdLet handling pipeline input but a .NET Framework method.
You should try storing your replaced content into a string[]to use it as parameter when saving the file.
$encoding =[Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding('iso-8859-1')
$replacedContent = [string[]]#(Get-Content $file | ForEach-Object {
# Do stuff
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($file, $replacedContent, $encoding)


Powershell: storing variables to a file [duplicate]

I would like to write out a hash table to a file with an array as one of the hash table items. My array item is written out, but it contains files=System.Object[]
Note - Once this works, I will want to reverse the process and read the hash table back in again.
$files = Get-ChildItem *.txt
Remove-Item $resumeFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$resumeParms.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {"{0}={1}" -f $_.Name,$_.Value} | Set-Content $resumeFile
write-host "Contents of $resumefile"
get-content $resumeFile
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
Contents of c:\users\paul\resume.log
The immediate fix is to create your own array representation, by enumerating the elements and separating them with ,, enclosing string values in '...':
# Sample input hashtable. [ordered] preserves the entry order.
$resumeParms = [ordered] #{ foo = 42; bar = 'baz'; arr = (Get-ChildItem *.txt) }
$resumeParms.GetEnumerator() |
ForEach-Object {
"{0}={1}" -f $_.Name, (
(("'{0}'" -f ($_ -replace "'", "''")), $_)[$_.GetType().IsPrimitive]
}) -join ','
Not that this represents all non-primitive .NET types as strings, by their .ToString() representation, which may or may not be good enough.
The above outputs something like:
See the bottom section for a variation that creates a *.psd1 file that can later be read back into a hashtable instance with Import-PowerShellDataFile.
Alternatives for saving settings / configuration data in text files:
If you don't mind taking on a dependency on a third-party module:
Consider using the PSIni module, which uses the Windows initialization file (*.ini) file format; see this answer for a usage example.
Adding support for initialization files to PowerShell itself (not present as of 7.0) is being proposed in GitHub issue #9035.
Consider using YAML as the file format; e.g., via the FXPSYaml module.
Adding support for YAML files to PowerShell itself (not present as of 7.0) is being proposed in GitHub issue #3607.
The Configuration module provides commands to write to and read from *.psd1 files, based on persisted PowerShell hashtable literals, as you would declare them in source code.
Alternatively, you could modify the output format in the code at the top to produce such files yourself, which allows you to read them back in via
Import-PowerShellDataFile, as shown in the bottom section.
As of PowerShell 7.0 there's no built-in support for writing such as representation; that is, there is no complementary Export-PowerShellDataFile cmdlet.
However, adding this ability is being proposed in GitHub issue #11300.
If creating a (mostly) plain-text file is not a must:
The solution that provides the most flexibility with respect to the data types it supports is the XML-based CLIXML format that Export-Clixml creates, as Lee Dailey suggests, whose output can later be read with Import-Clixml.
However, this format too has limitations with respect to type fidelity, as explained in this answer.
Saving a JSON representation of the data, as Lee also suggests, via ConvertTo-Json / ConvertFrom-Json, is another option, which makes for human-friendlier output than XML, but is still not as friendly as a plain-text representation; notably, all \ chars. in file paths must be escaped as \\ in JSON.
Writing a *.psd1 file that can be read with Import-PowerShellDataFile
Within the stated constraints regarding data types - in essence, anything that isn't a number or a string becomes a string - it is fairly easy to modify the code at the top to write a PowerShell hashtable-literal representation to a *.psd1 file so that it can be read back in as a [hashtable] instance via Import-PowerShellDataFile:
As noted, if you don't mind installing a module, consider the Configuration module, which has this functionality built int.
# Sample input hashtable.
$resumeParms = [ordered] #{ foo = 42; bar = 'baz'; arr = (Get-ChildItem *.txt) }
# Create a hashtable-literal representation and save it to file settings.psd1
($resumeParms.GetEnumerator() |
ForEach-Object {
" {0}={1}" -f $_.Name, (
(("'{0}'" -f ($_ -replace "'", "''")), $_)[$_.GetType().IsPrimitive]
}) -join ','
) -join "`n"
"# > settings.psd1
If you read settings.psd1 with Import-PowerShellDataFile settings.psd1 later, you'll get a [hashtable] instance whose entries you an access as usual and which produces the following display output:
Name Value
---- -----
bar baz
arr {C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt, C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt, C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt}
foo 42
Note how the order of entries (keys) was not preserved, because hashtable entries are inherently unordered.
On writing the *.psd1 file you can preserve the key(-creation) order by declaring the input hashtable (System.Collections.Hashtable) as [ordered], as shown above (which creates a System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary instance), but the order is, unfortunately, lost on reading the *.psd1 file.
As of PowerShell 7.0, even if you place [ordered] before the opening #{ in the *.psd1 file, Import-PowerShellDataFile quietly ignores it and creates an unordered hashtable nonetheless.
This is a problem I deal with all the time and it drives me mad. I really think that there should be a function specifically for this action... so I wrote one.
function ConvertHashTo-CSV
Param (
$hastableAverage = $NULL #This will only work for hashtables where each entry is consistent. This checks for consistency.
foreach ($hashtabl in $hashtable)
$hastableAverage = $hastableAverage + $hashtabl.count #Counts the amount of headings.
$Paritycheck = $hastableAverage / $hashtable.count #Gets the average amount of headings
if ( ($parity = $Paritycheck -is [int]) -eq $False) #if the average is not an int the hashtable is not consistent
write-host "Error. Hashtable is inconsistent" -ForegroundColor red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$HashTableHeadings = $hashtable[0].GetEnumerator().name #Get the hashtable headings
$HashTableCount = ($hashtable[0].GetEnumerator().name).count #Count the headings
$HashTableString = $null # Strange to hold the CSV
foreach ($HashTableHeading in $HashTableHeadings) #Creates the first row containing the column headings
$HashTableString += $HashTableHeading
$HashTableString += ", "
$HashTableString = $HashTableString -replace ".{2}$" #Removed the last , added by the above loop in error
$HashTableString += "`n"
foreach ($hashtabl in $hashtable) #Adds the data
for($i=0;$i -lt $HashTableCount;$i++)
$HashTableString += $hashtabl[$i]
if ($i -lt ($HashTableCount - 1))
$HashTableString += ", "
$HashTableString += "`n"
$HashTableString | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFileLocation #writes the CSV to a file
To use this copy the function into your script, run it, and then
ConvertHashTo-CSV -$hashtable $Hasharray -$OutputFileLocation c:\temp\data.CSV
The code is annotated but a brief explanation of what it does. Steps through the arrays and hashtables and adds them to a string adding the required formatting to make the string a CSV file, then outputs that to a file.
The main limitation of this is that the Hashtabes in the array all have to contain the same amount of fields. To get around this if a hashtable has a field that doesnt contain data ensure it contains at least a space.
More on this can be found here :

Powershell setting variables in foreach-object by getting contents of a batchfile

Good day,
Could someone help me with setting some variables after filtering some records from a batchfile in powershell please?
My Batch file (config.bat) looks like this :
set USR=AJ34
set YEAR=2019
My Powershell code resembles the below although I'm unsure how to set the variables ie (getting the values "WORD" and "AJ34" into $doc and $user
$vars = "c:\temp\config.bat"
get-content $vars | select-string -pattern ("set DOCTYPE=","set USR=")
foreach-object {
$doc=<should equal WORD>
$user=<should equal AJ34>
As my config file changes and has several values, I'm only interested in the values what comes after = sign for set DOCTYPE= & set USR= i.e WORD and AJ34 in this example
On another day the config values will change which is why i need to read them again into my powershell variables. Apologies in advance for any mistakes etc
The easiest way I think is by using regex on a line-by-line comparison with switch:
$user, $doc = $null
switch -Regex -File 'c:\temp\config.bat' {
'^set USR\s*=\s*(.*)' { $user = $matches[1] }
'^set DOCTYPE\s*=\s*(.*)' { $doc = $matches[1] }
Write-Host "user: $user`tdoc: $doc"
user: AJ34 doc: WORD

String matching in PowerShell

I am new to scripting, and I would like to ask you help in the following:
This script should be scheduled task, which is working with Veritas NetBackup, and it creates a backup register in CSV format.
I am generating two source files (.csv comma delimited):
One file contains: JobID, FinishDate, Policy, etc...
The second file contains: JobID, TapeID
It is possible that in the second file there are multiple same JobIDs with different TapeID-s.
I would like to reach that, the script for each line in source file 1 should check all of the source file 2 and if there is a JobID match, if yes, it should have the following output:
I have tried it with the following logic, but sometimes I have no TapeID, or I have two same TapeID-s:
Contents of sourcefile 1 is in $BackupStatus
Contents of sourcefile 2 is in $TapesUsed
$FinalReport =
foreach ($FinalPart1 in $BackupStatus) {
write-output $FinalPart1
$MediaID =
foreach ($line in $TapesUsed){
write-output $line.split(",")[1] | where-object{$line.split(",")[0] -like $FinalPart1.split(",")[0]}
write-output $MediaID
If the CSV files are not huge, it is easier to use Import-Csv instead of splitting the files by hand:
$BackupStatus = Import-Csv "Sourcefile1.csv"
$TapesUsed = Import-Csv "Sourcefile2.csv"
This will generate a list of objects for each file. You can then compare these lists quite easily:
Foreach ($Entry in $BackupStatus) {
$Match = $TapesUsed | Where {$_.JobID -eq $Entry.JobID}
if ($Match) {
$Output = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{"JobID" = $Entry.JobID ; [...] ; "TapeID" = $Match.TapeID # replace [...] with the properties you want to use
Export-Csv -InputObject $Output -Path <OUTPUTFILE.CSV> -Append -NoTypeInformation }
This is a relatively verbose variant, but I prefer it like this.
I am checking for each entry in the first file whether there is a matching entry in the second. If there is one I combine the required fields from the entry of the first list with the ones from the entry in the second list into one object that I can then export very comfortably using Export-Csv.

Reading strings from text files using switch -regex returns null element

The intention of my script is to filter out the name and phone number from both text files and add them into a hash table with the name being the key and the phone number being the value.
The problem I am facing is
$name = $_.Current is returning $null, as a result of which my hash is not getting populated.
Can someone tell me what the issue is?
Contents of File1.txt:
234 east 2nd street
Raleigh nc 12345
Contents of File2.txt:
2531 10th Avenue
Seattle WA 93413
Sample Code:
$hash = #{}
Switch -regex (Get-content -Path C:\Users\svats\Desktop\Fil*.txt)
'^[a-z]+$' { $name = $_.current}
'^\d{10}' {
$phone = $_.current
write-host "Nothing matched"
Remove the current property reference from $_:
$hash = #{}
Switch -regex (Get-content -Path C:\Users\svats\Desktop\Fil*.txt)
'^[a-z]+$' {
$name = $_
'^\d{10}' {
$phone = $_
$hash.Add($name, $phone)
$name = $phone = $null
default {
Write-Host "Nothing matched"
Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer explains your problem and offers an effective solution:
it is automatic variable $_ / $PSItem itself that contains the current input object (whatever its type is - what properties $_ / $PSItem has therefore depends on the input object's specific type).
Aside from that, there's potential for making the code both less verbose and more efficient:
# Initialize the output hashtable.
$hash = #{}
# Create the regex that will be used on each input file's content.
# (?...) sets options: i ... case-insensitive; m ... ^ and $ match
# the beginning and end of every *line*.
$re = [regex] '(?im)^([a-z]+|\d{10})$'
# Loop over each input file's content (as a whole, thanks to -Raw).
Get-Content -Raw File*.txt | foreach {
# Look for name and phone number.
$matchColl = $re.Matches($_)
if ($matchColl.Count -eq 2) { # Both found, add hashtable entry.
$hash.Add($matchColl.Value[0], $matchColl.Value[1])
} else {
Write-Host "Nothing matched."
# Output the resulting hashtable.
A note on the construction of the .NET [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex] object (or [regex] for short), [regex] '(?im)^([a-z]+|\d{10})$':
Embedding matching options IgnoreCase and Multiline as inline options i and m directly in the regex string ((?im) is convenient, in that it allows using simple cast syntax ([regex] ...) to construct the regular-expression .NET object.
However, this syntax may be obscure and, furthermore, not all matching options are available in inline form, so here's the more verbose, but easier-to-read equivalent:
$re = New-Object regex -ArgumentList '^([a-z]+|\d{10})$', 'IgnoreCase, Multiline'
Note that the two options must be specified comma-separated, as a single string, which PowerShell translates into the bit-OR-ed values of the corresponding enumeration values.
other solution, use convertfrom-string
{street:234 east 2nd street}
{city:Raleigh nc 12345}
{street:2531 10th Avenue}
{city:Seattle WA 93413}
{street:2531 Avenue}
{city:Seattle WA 93413}
Get-Content -Path "c:\temp\file*.txt" | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | select name, phone

In powershell, i want Ioop twice through a text file but in second loop i want to continue from end of first loop

I have a text file to process. Text file has some configuration data and some networking commands. I want to run all those network commands and redirect output in some log file.
At starting of text file,there are some configuration information like File-name and file location. This can be used for naming log file and location of log file. These line starts with some special characters like '<#:'. just to know that rest of the line is config data about file not the command to execute.
Now, before i want start executing networking commands (starts with some special characters like '<:'), first i want to read all configuration information about file i.e. file name, location, overwrite flag etc. Then i can run all commands and dump output into log file.
I used get-content iterator to loop over entire text file.
Question: Is there any way to start looping over file from a specific line again?
So that i can process config information first (loop till i first encounter command to execute, remember this line number), create log file and then keep running commands and redirect output to log file (loop from last remembered line number).
Config File looks like:
<:netsh interface ip show config
My powerhsell script looks like:
$content = Get-Content C:\powershell\config.txt
foreach ($line in $content)
if($line.StartsWith("<#Result_File_Name:")) #every time i am doing this, even for command line
$result_file_arr = $line.split(":")
$result_file_name = $result_file_arr[1]
Write-Host $result_file_name
#if($line.StartsWith("<#Result_File_Location:"))#every time i am doing this, even for command line
# $result_file_arr = $line.split(":")
# $result_file_name = $result_file_arr[1]
if( $conf_read_over =1)
if ($line.StartsWith("<:")) #In this if block, i need to run all commands
$items = $line.split("<:")
#invoke-expression $items[2] > $result_file_name
invoke-expression $items[2] > $result_file_name
If all the config information starts with <# just process those out first separately. Once that is done you can assume the rest are commands?
# Collect config lines and process
$config = $content | Where-Object{$_.StartsWith('<#')} | ForEach-Object{
$_.Trim("<#") -replace "\\","\\" -replace "^(.*?):(.*)" , '$1 = $2'
} | ConvertFrom-StringData
# Process all the lines that are command lines.
$content | Where-Object{!$_.StartsWith('<#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)} | ForEach-Object{
Invoke-Expression $_.trimstart("<:")
I went a little over board with the config section. What I did was convert it into a hashtable. Now you will have your config options, as they were in file, accessible as an object.
Name Value
---- -----
Result_File_Name dump1.txt
Result_File_Location C:\powershell
Small reconfiguration of your code, with some parts missing, would look like the following. You will most likely need to tweak this to your own needs.
# Collect config lines and process
$config = ($content | Where-Object{$_.StartsWith('<#')} | ForEach-Object{
$_.Trim("<#") -replace "\\","\\" -replace "^(.*?):(.*)" , '$1 = $2'
} | Out-String) | ConvertFrom-StringData
# Process all the lines that are command lines.
$content | Where-Object{!$_.StartsWith('<#') -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)} | ForEach-Object{
Invoke-Expression $_.trimstart("<:") | Add-Content -Path $config.Result_File_Name
As per your comment you are still curious about your restart loop logic which was part of your original question. I will add this as a separate answer to that. I would still prefer my other approach.
# Use a flag to determine if we have already restarted. Assume False
$restarted = $false
$restartIndexPoint = 4
$restartIndex = 2
for($contentIndex = 0; $contentIndex -lt $content.Length; $contentIndex++){
Write-Host ("Line#{0} : {1}" -f $contentIndex, $content[$contentIndex])
# Check to see if we are on the $restartIndexPoint for the first time
if(!$restarted -and $contentIndex -eq $restartIndexPoint){
# Set the flag so this does not get repeated.
$restarted = $true
# Reset the index to repeat some steps over again.
$contentIndex = $restartIndex
Remember that array indexing is 0 based when you are setting your numbers. Line 20 is element 19 in the string array for example.
Inside the loop we run a check. If it passes we change the current index to something earlier. The write-host will just print the lines so you can see the "restart" portion. We need a flag to be set so that we are not running a infinite loop.