I am trying to connect to the "CrewSense" API (https://developer.crewsense.com/#introduction) from a ColdFusion intranet. According to the documentation, the first thing I need to do is request an access token using the CFHTTP equivalent of the following cURL example.
curl -v https://api.crewsense.com/oauth/access_token \
-d "client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \
-d "client_secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials"
So I tried the following CFHTTP request
<cfhttp url="https://api.crewsense.com/oauth/access_token" result="qResult" resolveurl="no" method="post">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="client_id" value="YOUR_CLIENT_ID">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="client_secret" value="YOUR_SECRET_KEY">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="grant_type" value="client_credentials">
<cfdump var="#qresult#">
According to the documentation, if the request is successful and the credentials are correct, I should receive a JSON response like this in the CFDUMP:
"access_token": "DZs3IeaMP5uEAc2I19kJYl8Tbvsmgq9GaPQPaMjN",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires": 1426274440,
"expires_in": 86400
But instead, I am getting the following error....
What am I doing wrong, if anything? Or is this error on their side?
ColdFusion needed to be updated. Once I updated the server, this error disappeared. Thanks everybody for your help.
Im trying to create a Jenkins job from the terminal
I downloaded the config file of another project without issues
curl -X GET --user <username>:<api-token>/ http://<jenkins-server-address>:<port>/job/<job-name>/config.xml -o mylocalconfig.xml
the to create the job
curl -s -X POST --user <username>:<api-token> 'http://<jenkins-server-address>:<port>/job/createItem?name=<job-name>' --data-binary #mylocalconfig.xml -H "Content-Type:text/xml"
But I'm getting a 404
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<title>Error 404 Not Found</title>
<body><h2>HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found</h2>
<tr><th>MESSAGE:</th><td>Not Found</td></tr>
<hr/>Powered by Jetty:// 10.0.11<hr/>
I rember to do in this way a few months ago without issues I don't what's wrong do I missing something?
create a jenkins job from the cli interacting with the jenkins rest api
I'm setting up Keycloak as an authentication server https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/releases/download/12.0.0/keycloak-12.0.0.zip
Java 11
Documentation: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-documentation/blob/master/securing_apps/topics/oidc/oidc-generic.adoc
I can generate the access_token via /realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/token
but I cannot call the userinfo endpoint /realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo using a valid access_token which I get from the first API.
client_secret: ...,
grant_type: ...,
client_id: ...,
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICIxOE..."
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_expires_in": 0,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"not-before-policy": 0,
"scope": "create"
But here is the result when I call the get user info API
Header: Bearer ${access_token}
Are there any suggestions?
Thank you
Post man test
Keycloak server's log is same
Keycloak bug
I think this is an issue on KC 12.0
When I use KC 11.0.3, above APIs work fine
The Jira story:
Make sure you are calling the endpoint as follows.
First getting the token:
curl -d "client_id=$YOUR_CLIENT_ID" \
-d "client_secret=$YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
Extract from the JSON response the access_token field (e.g., jq -r .access_token)
Then call the userinfo as follows:
curl -X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"
With Postman:
For a setup with Realm Name = "test", client_id = "test", client_secret = "63b61af0-5a99-41d7-8f9b-4e3059b8b9ab" and using client_credentials grant_type.
Getting the token:
and getting the userinfo:
The approach below works with Keycloak 10.0.x, and 11.0.x, but gets exactly the same issues as OP's for the version Keycloak 12.0.x (including the latest release Keycloak 12.0.2).
This seams to be regression added with Keycloak 12.0.0 follow this issue for update information.
I am attempting to run a simple REST api with ColdFusion and receiving same error regardless of attempt.
The call works fine in Postman with the 4 params. But cant recreate in ColdFusion CFHTTP.
<cfhttp url="https://api.sandbox.scoutrfp.com/v3/contracts" method="GET" result="ITEM_INFO">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-Api-Key" value="#variables.API_KEY#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-User-Token" value="#variables.USER_TOKEN#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/vnd.api+json">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-User-Email" value="#variables.USER_EMAIL#">
I have replaced the header with type cgi as
<cfhttpparam type="CGI" encoded="false" name="Content_Type" value="application/vnd.api+json">
I have added all temp headers that postman sends.
Always same error: Missing or incorrect Content-Type header for JSON:API: Expected request to include 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Seems CFHTTP tag not properly sending value "application/vnd.api+json" - perhaps encoding it incorrectly in some fashion? Is there another means to send this Content-Type via CFHTTP to get a response?
The content-type application/vnd.api+json might be too new for ColdFusion.
Another way to send the content-type header via HTTP is to use Curl
(The intention in the code is to save the result in the current directory. That is, the directory containing this CFM file)
<!--- Use your own path to the Curl executable --->
<cfexecute name = "C:\bin\curl-7.35.0-win64\bin\curl.exe"
arguments = ' -H "X-Api-Key:#variables.API_KEY#" -H "X-User-Token:#variables.USER_TOKEN#" -H "Content-Type:application/vnd.api+json" -H "X-User-Email:#variables.USER_EMAIL#" https://api.sandbox.scoutrfp.com/v3/contracts '
outputfile="#expandPath('.')#\ITEM_INFO.html" />
using an extra header for X-HTTP-Method-Override = GET after changing method to POST worked. The Curl solution also worked with an inserted after the cfexecute and before attempting to read the newly created file written with the returned api content.
<cfhttp url="https://#variables.ENVIRONMENT#/v3/contracts" method="POST" result="ITEM_INFO">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-Api-Key" value="#variables.API_KEY#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-User-Token" value="#variables.USER_TOKEN#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/vnd.api+json">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-User-Email" value="#variables.USER_EMAIL#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="X-HTTP-Method-Override" value="GET">
Rundeck supports triggering jobs via their API. The API documentation is available under documentation.
We are using API version 13 which does not yet support application/json. Therefore i need to use the XML based request.
In my previous attempts, i always get the response:
<result error="true" apiversion="13">
<error code="api.error.job.options-invalid">
<message>Job options were not valid: Option 'container' is required. Option 'version' is required.
Since there is no example request provided, i am searching for an example payload to trigger the job.
As seen in the response i have to provide the parameters "container" and "version" since they are required.
My most recent request payload was:
<argString>-container containerName -version 1234567</argString>
I also tried different variations of this payload, every time with the same response.
This should help you, assuming you have a token to access Rundeck with authorization to run the job
curl -D - -X "POST" -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Rundeck-Auth-Token: <TOKEN>" \
-d '{"argString":"-arg1 val1 -arg2 val2"}' \
I am trying to consume a Rest API from ColdFusion and I ran into this error. The code and the error is below
<cfset theURL = "https://api.dev.net/rest/test/encrypt/124123">
<cfhttp url="#theURL#" result="value" method="get" username="XXX" password="XXX">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Accept" value="application/xml">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/xml">
400 Bad Request. Content Type not specified
Any help on this would be really appreciated.
<cfhttpparam> can accept XML as the type (type="XML"), which sets content-type of the request to 'text/xml'. the value attribute in this case should contain the body of the xml request. so try
<cfhttpparam type="XML" value="#your_XML_string#">
and see if that works.
Your first issue is that you are setting the method to "get". This is used to retrieve a file. If you are using resftul services you "post" to the service.
The next issue you will have is that as it is a SSL service, you will need to install the SSL cert into your trusted key store. (Google this).
The next issue you might come across is where the service 'zips' up the response. If this happens google for cfhttp compression and you will get your answer.