Reading Mongo data from Spark - mongodb

I am reading data from mongodb on a spark job, using the com.mongodb.spark.sql connector (v 2.0.0).
It works fine for most db's, but for a specific db, the stage takes a long time and the number of partitions is very high.
My program is set on 128 partitions (x2 number of vCPUs) which works fine after some testing the we did. On this load the number jumps to 2061 partitions and the stage takes several minutes to process, even though I am using a filter and the document clearly states that filters are done on the underlining data source (
This is how I read data:
val readConfig: ReadConfig = ReadConfig(
"spark.mongodb.input.uri" -> s"${mongodb.uri}/?${mongodb.uriParams}",
"spark.mongodb.input.database" -> s"${mongodb.dbNamesConfig.siteInstances}",
"collection" -> params.collectionName
), None)
val df: DataFrame ="com.mongodb.spark.sql").options(readConfig.asOptions)
println("df: " + df.rdd.getNumPartitions) // this is 2061 partitions
val filteredDF = df.coalesce(128).filter(
.and($"_timestamp".between(new Timestamp(start.getMillis()), new Timestamp(end.getMillis())))
.and($"component_type" === SITE_INSTANCE_CHART_COMPONENT)
println("filteredDF: " + filteredDF.rdd.getNumPartitions) // 128 after using coalesce
Data is not very big (Shuffle Write is 20MB for this stage) and even if I filter only 1 document, the run time is the same (only the Shuffle Write is much smaller).
How can solve this?


Use Apache Spark efficiently to push data to elasticsearch

I have 27 million records in an xml file, that I want to push it into elasticsearch index
Below is the code snippet written in spark scala, i'l be creating a spark job jar and going to run on AWS EMR
How can I efficiently use the spark to complete this exercise? Please guide.
I have a gzipped xml of 12.5 gb which I am loading into spark dataframe. I am new to Spark..(Should I split this gzip file? or spark executors will take care of it?)
class ReadFromXML {
def createXMLDF(): DataFrame = {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkUtils.getSparkInstance("Spark Extractor")
import spark.implicits._
val m_df: DataFrame = SparkUtils.getDataFrame(spark, "temp.xml.gz").coalesce(5)
var new_df: DataFrame = null
new_df =$"CountryCode"(0).as("countryCode"),
$"Identity.PlaceId".as("placeid"), $"Identity._isDeleted".as("deleted"),
functions.explode($"Text").as("name"), $"name".getField("BaseText").getField("_VALUE")(0).as("nameVal"))
.where($"LocationList.Location._primary" === "true")
.where("(array_contains(_languageCode, 'en'))")
.where(functions.array_contains($"name".getField("BaseText").getField("_languageCode"), "en"))
object PushToES extends App {
val spark = SparkSession
.config("", "awsurl")
.config("", "port")
.config("", "true")
.config("", "true")
val extractor = new ReadFromXML()
val df = extractor.createXMLDF()
Update 1:
I have splitted files in 68M each and to read this single file it takes 3.7 mins
I wast trying to use snappy instead of gzip compression codec
So converted the gz file into snappy file and added below in config
.config("", "")
But it returns empty dataframe
df.printschema returns just "root"
Update 2:
I have managed to run with lzo takes very less time to decompress and load in dataframe.
Is it a good idea to iterate over each lzo compressed file of size 140 MB and create dataframe?
should i load set of 10 files in a dataframe ?
should I load all 200 lzo compressed files each of 140MB in a single dataframe?. if yes then how much memory should be allocated to master as i think this will be loaded on master?
While reading file from s3 bucket, "s3a" uri can improve performance? or "s3" uri is ok for EMR?
Update 3:
To test a small set of 10 lzo files.. I used below configuration.
EMR Cluster took overall 56 minutes from which step(Spark application) took 48 mins to process 10 files
1 Master - m5.xlarge
4 vCore, 16 GiB memory, EBS only storage
EBS Storage:32 GiB
2 Core - m5.xlarge
4 vCore, 16 GiB memory, EBS only storage
EBS Storage:32 GiB
With below Spark tuned parameters learnt from
"Classification": "yarn-site",
"Properties": {
"yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled": "false",
"yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled": "false"
"Classification": "spark",
"Properties": {
"maximizeResourceAllocation": "false"
"Classification": "spark-defaults",
"Properties": {
"": "800s",
"spark.executor.heartbeatInterval": "60s",
"spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled": "false",
"spark.driver.memory": "10800M",
"spark.executor.memory": "10800M",
"spark.executor.cores": "2",
"spark.executor.memoryOverhead": "1200M",
"spark.driver.memoryOverhead": "1200M",
"spark.memory.fraction": "0.80",
"spark.memory.storageFraction": "0.30",
"spark.executor.extraJavaOptions": "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill -9 %p'",
"spark.driver.extraJavaOptions": "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+G1SummarizeConcMark -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill -9 %p'",
"spark.yarn.scheduler.reporterThread.maxFailures": "5",
"spark.rdd.compress": "true",
"spark.shuffle.compress": "true",
"spark.shuffle.spill.compress": "true",
"spark.default.parallelism": "4"
"Classification": "mapred-site",
"Properties": {
"": "true"
Here are some of the tips from my side.
Read the data in parquet format or any format. Re-partition it as per your need. Data conversion may consume time so read it in spark and then process it. Try to create map and format data before starting load. This would help easy debugging in case of complex map.
val spark = SparkSession
val batchSizeInMB=4; // change it as you need
val batchRetryCount= 3
val batchWriteRetryWait = 10
val batchEntries= 10
val enableSSL = true
val wanOnly = true
val enableIdempotentInserts = true
val esNodes = [yourNode1, yourNode2, yourNode3]
var esConfig = Map[String, String]()
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.node"-> esNodes.mkString)(","))
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.port"->port.toString())
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.batch.size.bytes"->(batchSizeInMB*1024*1024).toString())
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.batch.size.entries"->batchEntries.toString())
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.batch.write.retry.count"->batchRetryCount.toString())
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.batch.write.retry.wait"->batchWriteRetryWait.toString())
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.batch.write.refresh"->"false")
esConfig = esConfig + (""->"true")
esConfig = esConfig + (""->"identity.jks")
esConfig = esConfig + (""->"true")
if (wanOnly){
esConfig = esConfig + ("es.nodes.wan.only"->"true")
// This helps if some task fails , so data won't be dublicate
esConfig = esConfig + ("" ->"your_primary_key_column")
val df = "suppose you created it using parquet format or any format"
Actually data is inserted at executor level and not at driver level
try giving only 2-4 core to each executor so that not so many connections are open at same time.
You can vary document size or entries as per your ease. Please read about them.
write data in chunks this would help you in loading large dataset in future
and try creating index map before loading data. And prefer little nested data as you have that functionality in ES
I mean try to keep some primary key in your data.
val dfToInsert = df.withColumn("salt", ceil(rand())*10).cast("Int").persist()
for (i<-0 to 10){
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val finalDF = dfToInsert.filter($"salt"===i)
val counts = finalDF.count()
println(s"count of record in chunk $i -> $counts")
val totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis - start
println(s"ended Loading data for chunk $i. Total time taken in Seconds : ${totalTime/1000}")
Try to give some alias to your final DF and update that in each run. As you would not like to disturb your production server
at time of load
This can not be generic. But just to give you a kick start
keep 10-40 executor as per your data size or budget. keep each
executor 8-16gb size and 5 gb overhead. (This can vary as your
document can be large or small in size). If needed keep maxResultSize 8gb.
Driver can have 5 cores and 30 g ram
Important Things.
You need to keep config in variable as you can change it as per Index
Insertion happens on executor not on driver, So try to keep lesser
connection while writing. Each core would open one connection.
document insertion can be with batch entry size or document size.
Change it as per your learning while doing multiple runs.
Try to make your solution robust. It should be able to handle all size data.
Reading and writing both can be tuned but try to format your data as
per document map before starting load. This would help in easy
debugging, If data document is little complex and nested.
Memory of spark-submit can also be tuned as per your learning while running
jobs. Just try to look at insertion time by varying memory and batch
Most important thing is design. If you are using ES than create
your map while keeping end queries and requirement in mind.
Not a complete answer but still a bit long for a comment. There are a few tips I would like to suggest.
It's not clear but I assume your worry hear is the execution time. As suggested in the comments you can improve the performance by adding more nodes/executors to the cluster. If the gzip file is loaded without partitioning in spark, then you should split it to a reasonable size. (Not too small - This will make the processing slow. Not too big - executors will run OOM).
parquet is a good file format when working with Spark. If you can convert your XML to parquet. It's super compressed and lightweight.
Reading on your comments, coalesce does not do a full shuffle. The coalesce algorithm changes the number of nodes by moving data from some partitions to existing partitions. This algorithm obviously cannot increase the number of partitions. Use repartition instead. The operation is costly but it can increase the number of partitions. Check this for more facts:

How the number of Tasks and Partitions is set when using MemoryStream?

I'm trying to understand a strange behavior that I observed in my Spark structure streaming application that is running in local[*] mode.
I have 8 core on my machines. While the majority of my Batches have 8 partitions, every once in a while I get 16 or 32 or 56 and so on partitions/Tasks. I notice that it is always a multiple of 8. I have notice in opening the stage tab, that when it happens, it is because there is multiple LocalTableScan.
That is if I have 2 LocalTableScan then the mini-batch job, will have 16 task/partition and so on.
I mean it could well do two scans, combine the two batches and feed it to the mini-batch job. However no it results in a mini-batch job that the number of tasks = number of core * number of scan.
Here is how I set my MemoryStream:
val rows = MemoryStream[Map[String,String]]
val df = rows.toDF()
val rdf = df.mapPartitions{ it => {.....}}(RowEncoder.apply(StructType(List(StructField("blob", StringType, false)))))
I have a future that feeds my memory stream as such, right after:
Future {
blocking {
for (i <- 1 to 100000) {
and then my query:
trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("1 seconds"))
I wonder why the numbers of Tasks varies ? How is it supposed to be determined by Spark ?

In Spark structured streaming how do I output complete aggregations to an external source like a REST service

The task I am trying to perform is to aggregate the count of values from a dimension (field) in a DataFrame, perform some statistics like average, max, min, etc then output the aggregates to an external system by making an API call. I am using a watermark of say 30 seconds with a window size of 10 seconds. I made these sizes small to make it easier for me to test and debug the system.
The only method I have found for making API calls is to use a ForeachWriter. My problem is that the ForeachWriter executes at the partition level and only produces an aggregate per partition. So far I haven't found a way to get the rolled up aggregates other than to coalesce to 1 which is a way to slow for my streaming application.
I have found that if I use the file based sink such as the Parquet writer to HDFS that the code produces real aggregations. It also performs very well. What I really need is to achieve this same result but calling an API rather than writing to a file system.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have tried this with Spark 2.2.2 and Spark 2.3 and get the same behavior.
Here is a simplified code fragment to illustrate what I am trying to do:
val valStream = streamingDF
expr("event.clientTimestamp / 1000").cast("timestamp").as("eventTime"),
.where($"eventName" === 'MyEvent')
.withWatermark("eventTime", "30 seconds")
.groupBy(window($"eventTime", "10 seconds", $"assetClass", $"eventName")
.select($"window.start".as("windowStart"), $"window.end".as("windowEnd"), $"assetClass".as("metric"), $"eventCount").as[DimAggregateRecord]
.option("checkpointLocation", config.checkpointPath)
val session = (if(config.writeStreamType == AbacusStreamWriterFactory.S3) {
.option("path", config.outputPath)
else {
valStream.foreach(--- this is my DimAggregateRecord ForEachWriter ---)
I answered my own question. I found that repartitioning by the window start time did the trick. It shuffles the data so that all rows with the same group and windowStart time are on the same executor. The code below produces a file for each group window interval. It also performs quite well. I don't have exact numbers but it produces aggregates in less time than the window interval of 10 seconds.
val valStream = streamingDF
expr("event.clientTimestamp / 1000").cast("timestamp").as("eventTime"),
.where($"eventName" === 'MyEvent')
.withWatermark("eventTime", "30 seconds")
.groupBy(window($"eventTime", "10 seconds", $"assetClass", $"eventName")
.select($"window.start".as("windowStart"), $"window.end".as("windowEnd"), $"assetClass".as("metric"), $"eventCount").as[DimAggregateRecord]
.repartition($"windowStart") // <-------- this line produces the desired result
.option("checkpointLocation", config.checkpointPath)
val session = (if(config.writeStreamType == AbacusStreamWriterFactory.S3) {
.option("path", config.outputPath)
else {
valStream.foreach(--- this is my DimAggregateRecord ForEachWriter ---)

spark streaming - use previous calculated dataframe in next iteration

I have a streaming app that take a dstream and run an sql manipulation over the Dstream and dump it to file
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
.filter("value = 1")
now I need to be able to take into account the previous calculation (from eaelier batch) in my calculation (something like the following):
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
{val df =
val prev_df = read_prev_calc()
is there a way to write the calc result in memory somehow and use it as an input to to the calculation
Have you tried using the persist() method on a DStream? It will automatically persist every RDD of that DStream in memory.
by default, all input data and persisted RDDs generated by DStream transformations are automatically cleared.
Also, DStreams generated by window-based operations are automatically persisted in memory.
For more details, you can check
If you are looking only for one or two previously calculated dataframes, you should look into Spark Streaming Window.
Below snippet is from spark documentation.
val windowedStream1 = stream1.window(Seconds(20))
val windowedStream2 = stream2.window(Minutes(1))
val joinedStream = windowedStream1.join(windowedStream2)
or even simpler, if we want to do a word count over the last 20 seconds of data, every 10 seconds, we have to apply the reduceByKey operation on the pairs DStream of (word, 1) pairs over the last 30 seconds of data. This is done using the operation reduceByKeyAndWindow.
// Reduce last 20 seconds of data, every 10 seconds
val windowedWordCounts = pairs.reduceByKeyAndWindow((a:Int,b:Int) => (a + b), Seconds(20), Seconds(10))
more details and examples at-

How to Persist an array in spark

I'm comparing two tables to find out difference between them (i.e Source and destination), for that I'm loading those tables to memory and the comparison happens as expected in the machine of configuration 8GB memory and 4 cores but when comparing large amount of data the system hangs and runs out of memory, so I used persist() of storagelevel DISK_ONLY
the machine is capable of holding 100,000 rows in memory to store that to DISK at a time and do the rest comparison operations, I'm trying like below:
var partition = math.ceil(c / 100000.toFloat).toInt
println(partition + " partition")
var a = 1
var data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(""))
var offset = 0
for (s <- a to partition) {
val query = "(select * from destination LIMIT 100000 OFFSET " + offset + ") as src"
data = data.union(, query, connectionProperties)","))).persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
offset += 100000
val dest = data.collect.toArray
val s = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(dest, 1).persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
yes off-course I can use partition but the problem is I need to supply Lowerbounds,Upperbounds,NumPartitions dynamically for fetching 100,000 I tried like:
val destination ="url"), options("dbtable"), "EMPLOYEE_ID", 1, 22, 21, new java.util.Properties())","))
it takes too much of time and storing those files into partitions though comparing operation is Iterative in nature its reading all the partitions for each and every step.
Coming to the problem
val dest = data.collect.toArray
val s = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(dest, 1).persist(StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY)
the above lines convert all the partitioned RDD's to Array and parallelizing it to single partition so I don't want to iterate through all the partitions again and again. But val dest = data.collect.toArray can't able to convert some huge amount of lines because of shortage in memory and seems it won't allow to Persist() an array in spark.
Is there is any way I can store and parallelize to one partition in DISK
Sorry for being a noob.
Thanks you..!