Running powershell script against specific OU in AD - powershell

import-module activedirectory
$DaysInactive = 90
$time = (Get-Date).Adddays(-($DaysInactive))
Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $time} -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp |
select-object Name,#{Name="Stamp"; Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp)}} | export-csv C:\users\user\desktop\OLD_Computer.csv
This is the script I am trying to run to clean up some stale objects within Active Directory. I am tracking down computer objects that have not been logged into in the last 90 days or longer. This script works fine, but now I need to run it against a specific OU, I know I need to put a searchbase somewhere - but I am unsure where it needs to be placed.
-SearchBase ou=workstations,dc=,dc=
Thanks in advance for all your help, you guys are always great.

thanks for taking the time to respond, sorry for the people that got upset over this question. I was missing the quotes around my parameter - it works now.


Fill Variable with Name information from previous command

Having an bit of an issue with my Powershell script. I'm currently running this below -
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties * | FT Name,OperatingSystem, LastLogonDate -AutoSize
Which lists Computers and operating systems in my Active Directory.
I want to fill this variable $Computers with the Computer names discovered in my command above.
Anyone got any idea how I do this?
$computers = (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name
should do the trick. At least it seems to work with a list of file names as in:
$filenames = (ls).Name

Delete expired accounts in specific OUs

Trying to make a PS script that finds and deletes expired accounts in specific OUs
I've created this script, and it gets the users that is expired in the 4 OUs, so far so good, but I cant get my head around how to make it delete the users.
Foreach($OU in $OUs){
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired -Searchbase $OU | Select-Object Name
Anybody that got a solution for this? :)
This works on my machine
Foreach($OU in $OUs){
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpired -Searchbase $OU | Remove-ADObject -Confirm:$false

Powershell command, to get users with expiring passwords in the next month or 30 days?

I'm having the hardest time getting the following output from powershell. The console just stops at the blinking cursor like the command is running, but I wait 20 min or so, and I still have no output, both in the powershell console, as well as when I try to export as a csv. I'm using the following command:
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring -DateTime "01/29/2017" | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'user'} | FT Name,ObjectClass -A | Export-Csv C:\temp
Could someone help? I've scoured the internet to no avail.
You are using format-table inappropriately. Don't use any Format-* cmdlets if you need to process the data after that point - formatting makes that impossible. Always save formatting for the very end, and only for user presentation.
Also, you're going to end up with a file in your C:\ root directory named temp that's not entirely usable as a CSV file, at least from Excel and other readers, because additional information is going to be inserted by Export-CSV. This will be eliminated by the -notypeinformation switch.
Additionally, you can speed this up by specifying the -UsersOnly switch for Search-ADAccount and skipping the where-object loop - the pipeline is really useful, but constructs like this can slow it down. Filter your data as far to the left as possible, and if you can do it inside a cmdlet that offers a filter, do it there.
Corrected script which should work as you expect:
Search-ADAccount -AccountExpiring -DateTime "01/29/2017" -UsersOnly | select-object -Property Name,ObjectClass | Export-Csv C:\temp\expiring.csv -NoTypeInformation;
Forgive me if this isn't perfect code, but this script will get you accounts expiring within the next 7 days. You can change the $DaysAhead variable to alter the time frame.
$daysAhead = 7;
Get-ADUser -filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False -and PasswordLastSet -gt 0} –Properties * | where {($_.PasswordLastSet) -ge $dateMin} |where {($_.PasswordLastSet) -le $dateMax} | select CN,EmailAddress,passwordLastSet | Format-Table;

Get computers list from certain OU in active directory?

I am using the powershell command below to get a list of computers that havent been logged into in the past 60 days. This is returning all OU computers. Is it possible to change the line below to return from a certain OU?
Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $then} | FT Name,lastLogonDate
From the online help page try using -SearchBase filter
C:\PS>Get-ADComputer -LDAPFilter "(name=*laptop*)" -SearchBase "CN=Computers,DC=Fabrikam,DC=com"

powershell combine lync and AD cmdlets

I'm trying to write a single command in PS which lets me the AD account for all lync enabled users by samaccountname
I tried this:
get-csuser | where {$_.Enabled -eq $True -and $_.SipAddress -ne $null} | foreach-object {get-aduser -filter {samaccountname -eq $_.samaccountname}}
This however doesn't work
I know I can do this with a simple script, but the reason I need to do this on the command line is that I am using C# to invoke the above, and I don't want to create 2 powershell objects (for performance reason), so I would like to run the entire command in one powershell unit.
Any ideas how should I fix the above script?
Thanks in advance
Right, here I am answering my own question again (rather than deleting my post, incase it helps someone in the future).
It seems the property name is case-sensitive, so I need to replace:
works like a charm after that
get-csuser | select samaccountname