Specify connection string for a query with DbContextScope project - entity-framework

I am currently using Mehdi El Gueddari's DbContextScope project, I think by the book, and it's awesome. But I came across a problem I'm unsure how to solve today. I have a query that I need to execute using a different database login/user because it requires additional permissions. I can create another connection string in my web.config, but I'm not sure how to specify that for this query, I want to use this new connection string. Here is my usage:
In my logic layer:
private static IDbContextScopeFactory _dbContextFactory = new DbContextScopeFactory();
public static Guid GetFacilityID(string altID)
using (_dbContextFactory.CreateReadOnly())
entity = entities.GetFacilityID(altID)
That calls into my data layer which would look something like this:
private AmbientDbContextLocator _dbcLocator = new AmbientDbContextLocator();
protected CRMEntities DBContext
var dbContext = _dbcLocator.Get<CRMEntities>();
if (dbContext == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No ambient DbContext....");
return dbContext;
public virtual Guid GetFaciltyID(string altID)
return DBContext.Set<Facility>().Where(f => f.altID = altID).Select(f => f.ID).FirstOrDefault();
Currently my connection string is set in the default way:
public partial class CRMEntities : DbContext
public CRMEntities()
: base("name=CRMEntities")
Is it possible for this specific query to use a different connection string and how?

I ended up modifying the source code in a way that feels slightly hacky, but is getting the job done for now. I created a new IAmbientDbContextLocator with a Get<TDbContext> method override that accepts a connection string:
public TDbContext Get<TDbContext>(string nameOrConnectionString) where TDbContext : DbContext
var ambientDbContextScope = DbContextScope.GetAmbientScope();
return ambientDbContextScope == null ? null : ambientDbContextScope.DbContexts.Get<TDbContext>(nameOrConnectionString);
Then I updated the DbContextCollection to pass this parameter to the DbContext's existing constructor overload. Last, I updated the DbContextCollection maintain a Dictionary<KeyValuePair<Type, string>, DbContext> instead of a Dictionary<Type, DbContext> as its cached _initializedDbContexts where the added string is the nameOrConnectionString param. So in other words, I updated it to cache unique DbContext type/connection string pairs.
Then I can get at the DbContext with the connection I need like this:
var dbContext = new CustomAmbientDbContextLocator().Get<CRMEntities>("name=CRMEntitiesAdmin");
Of course you'd have to be careful your code doesn't end up going through two different contexts/connection strings when it should be going through the same one. In my case I have them separated into two different data access class implementations.


Advice needed for 'Cannot use multiple context instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance.'

I've been having an issue with one of my .net core services when using the join statement.
This is the problem code:
public List<Category> GetCategoryList()
var catlist = (from m in _mappingProductCategoryRepository.Table
join c in _categoryRepository.Table on m.CategoryId equals c.Id
select c).ToList();
return catlist;
and the error it throws is this:
InvalidOperationException: Cannot use multiple context instances within a single query execution. Ensure the query uses a single context instance.
Here is the relevant excerpt from my repository:
public partial class PSRepository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
private readonly PSContext _db;
public PSRepository(PSContext PSContext)
_db = PSContext;
public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> Table => _db.Set<TEntity>();
And here is my context being registered in the startup.cs file
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
I've changed the context registration from 'InstancePerDependency' to 'InstancePerLifetimeScope' so that it now looks like this:
And it seems to have fixed the issue. So being somewhat new to .Net Core my question is whether or not this was the correct fix for the issue? Or have I created further issues for myself further down the line?
I realise I could get rid of the repository and use the context directly but I don't really want to do this.
Any help gratefully received

Is it possible to use one database to dynamically define the ConnectionString of another?

I've reached a bit of a brick-wall with my current project.
I have three normalised databases, one of which I want to dynamically connect to; these are:
Accounts: For secure account information, spanning clients
Configuration: For managing our clients
Client: Which will be atomic for each of our clients & hold all of their information
I need to use data stored in the "Configuration" database to modify the ConnectionString that will be used to connect to the "Client" database, but this is the bit I'm getting stuck on.
So far I've generated the entities from the databases into a project by hooking up EntityFrameWorkCore Tools and using the "Scaffold-DbContext" command & can do simple look-ups to make sure that the databases are being connected to okay.
Now I'm trying to register the databases by adding them to the ServiceCollection, I have them added in the StartUp class as follows:
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
options.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());
services.AddDbContext<Accounts>( options =>
services.AddDbContext<Support>(options =>
// Erm?
Obviously the next stage is to dip into the "Configuration" database, so I've been trying to keep that contained in "SelectClientDatabase()", which just takes the IServiceCollection as a parameter and is for all intents and purposes empty for now. Over the last few days I've found some excellent write-ups on EFC and I'm currently exploring a CustomConfigurationProvider as a possible route, but I must admit I'm a little lost on starting out in ASP.Net Core.
Is it possible to hook into the freshly added DbContext within the ConfigureServices method? Or can/must I add this database to the service collection at a later point?
Edit 1:
I just found this post, which mentions that a DbContext cannot be used within OnConfiguring as it's still being configured; which makes a lot of sense. I'm now wondering if I can push all three DbContexts into a custom middleware to encapsulate, configure and make the connections available; something new to research.
Edit 2:
I've found another post, describing how to "Inject DbContext when database name is only know when the controller action is called" which looks like a promising starting point; however this is for an older version of ASP.Net Core, according to https://learn.microsoft.com "DbContextFactory" has been renamed so I'm now working to update the example given into a possible solution.
So, I've finally worked it all out. I gave up on the factory idea as I'm not comfortable enough with asp.net-core-2.0 to spend time working it out & I'm rushing head-long into a deadline so the faster options are now the better ones and I can always find time to refactor the code later (lol).
My appsettings.json file currently just contains the following (the relevant bit of appsettings.Developments.json is identical):
"ConnectionStrings" : {
"Accounts": "Server=testserver;Database=Accounts;Trusted_Connection=True;",
"Client": "Server=testserver;Database={CLIENT_DB};Trusted_Connection=True;",
"Configuration": "Server=testserver;Database=Configuration;Trusted_Connection=True;"
"Logging": {
"IncludeScopes": false,
"Debug": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
"Console": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
I've opted to configure the two static databases in the ConfigureServices method of StartUp, these should be configured and ready to use by the time the application gets around to having to do anything. The code there is nice & clean.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options =>
//options.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute());
services.AddDbContext<AccountsContext>(options =>
services.AddDbContext<ConfigContext>(options =>
It turns out that one can be spoilt for choice in how to go about accessing configuration options set in the appsettings.json, I'm currently trying to work out how I've managed to get it to switch to the release version instead of the development one. I can't think what I've done to toggle that...
To get the placeholder config setting I'm using a singleton to hold the string value. This is just dipping into the "ConnectionStrings" group and stuffing that Json into the "ClientConnection" object (detailed below).
Which populates the following structure (that I've just bunged off in its own file):
[DataContract(Name = "ConnectionStrings")]
public class ClientConnection
public string Client { get; set; }
I only want this holding the connection string for the dynamically assigned database, so it's not too jazzy. The "Client" DataMember is what is selecting the correct key in the Json, if I wanted a different named node in the Json I'd rename it to "Accounts", for instance.
Another couple of options I tested, before settling on the Singleton option, are:
var derp = Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings:Client");
Which I discounted, but it's worth knowing other options (they'll probably be useful for loading other configuration options later).
I'm not keen on the way the Controller dependencies work in ASP.Net Core 2, I was hoping I'd be able to hide them in a BaseController so they wouldn't have to be specified in every single Controller I knock out, but I've not found a way to do this yes. The dependencies needed in the Controllers are passed in the constructor, these weirded me out for a while because they're auto-magically injected.
My BaseController is set up as follows:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;
using ServiceLayer.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ServiceLayer.Controllers
public class BaseController : Controller
private readonly ClientConnection connectionStrings;
private readonly AccountsContext accountsContext;
private readonly ConfigurationContext configContext;
public ClientTemplateContext clientContext;
private DbContextServices DbContextServices { get; set; }
public BaseController(AccountsContext accounts, ConfigContext config, ClientConnection connection) : base()
accountsContext = accounts;
configContext = config;
connectionStrings = connection;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
The code for selecting the database then goes in the "OnActionExecuting()" method; this proved to be a bit of a pain as well, trying to ensure that the dbcontext was set up properly, in the end I settled on:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ServiceLayer.Controllers
public class BaseController : Controller
private readonly ClientConnection connectionStrings;
private readonly AccountsContext accountsContext;
private readonly ConfigurationContext configContext;
public ClientTemplateContext clientContext;
private DbContextServices DbContextServices { get; set; }
public BaseController(AccountsContext accounts, ConfigurationContext config, ClientConnection connection) : base()
accountsContext = accounts;
configContext= config;
connectionStrings = connection;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
// Temporary selection identifier for the company
Guid cack = Guid.Parse("827F79C5-821B-4819-ABB8-819CBD76372F");
var dataSource = (from c in configContext.Clients
where c.Cack == cack
join ds in configContext.DataStorage on c.CompanyId equals ds.CompanyId
select ds.Name).FirstOrDefault();
// Proto-connection string
var cs = connectionStrings.Client;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSource))
// Populated ConnectionString
cs = cs.Replace("{CLIENT_DB}", dataSource);
clientContext = new ClientTemplateContext().Initialise(cs);
new ClientTemplateContext().Initialise() is a bit messy but I'll clean it up when I refactor everything else. "ClientTemplateContext" is the entity-framework-core generated class that ties together all the entities it generated, I've added the following code to that class (I did try putting it in a separate file but couldn't get that working, so it's staying in there for the moment)...
public ClientTemplateContext() {}
private ClientTemplateContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) {}
public ClientTemplateContext Initialise(string connectionString)
return new ClientTemplateContext().CreateDbContext(new[] { connectionString });
public ClientTemplateContext CreateDbContext(string[] args)
if (args == null && !args.Any())
//Log error.
return null;
var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ClientTemplateContext>();
return new ClientTemplateContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
I also included using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design; and added the IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<ClientTemplateContext> interface to the class. So it looks like this:
public partial class ClientTemplateContext : DbContext, IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<ClientTemplateContext>
This is where the CreateDbContext(string[] args) comes from & it allows us to create a new instance of a derived context at design-time.
Finally, the code for my test controller is as follows:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using ServiceLayer.Entities;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ServiceLayer.Controllers
public class ValuesController : BaseController
public ValuesController(
AccountsContext accounts,
ConfigurationContext config,
ClientConnection connection
) : base(accounts, config, connection) {}
// GET api/values
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
var herp = (from c in clientContext.Usage
select c).FirstOrDefault();
return new string[] {
This successfully yields data from the database dynamically selected from the DataSource table within the Configuration database!
["01/01/2017 00:00:00","derp","derp"]
If anyone can suggest improvements to my solution I'd love to see them, my solution is mashed together as it stands & I want to refactor it as soon as I feel I'm competent enough to do so.

Entity Framework: DbContext and setting the ProviderName

When you derive from DbContext and use the parameter-less constructor it will load a connection string from web.config. You also have the option of explicitly specifying the connectionString using one of the other DbContext constructors.
My particular situation dictates that the connection string CANNOT be specified in the web.config, as the location of the server/username and password are determined at runtime. Easy fix right? Just use the above mentioned constructor to specify the connection string? Wrong.
The problem is that when you specify the connection string using said constructor, it still attempts to use the default provider, so if you're using one or more non standard providers, as I am, it will not work.
I'm sure I can change the default provider in the web.config, but I want to use multiple providers so this will not do.
The only possible way around this that I can see is to use ObjectContext instead of DbContext, which seems to allow you to specify the provider along with the database connection string.
Is there any other way to do it? Is my workaround fairly reasonable?
I believe I can also create a DbContext from an ObjectContext instance.
Create your DbConnection manually and pass it to the DbContext constructor as follows:
var conn = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("MY_CONN_PROVIDER").CreateConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "MY_CONN_STR";
new DbContext(conn, true);
Notice the second parameter bool contextOwnsConnection is true. Since you don't re-use the connection elsewhere, it lets the context manage the connection and Dispose() it when needed.
You can get to the ObjectContext through IObjectContextAdapter:
DbContext ("context" above) still wraps ObjectContext, so don't worry that you will have a new instance.
You can instantiate DbContext using this overload
public DbContext(ObjectContext objectContext, bool dbContextOwnsObjectContext) {}
for example:
public class YourDbContext : DbContext
public YourDbContext() : this(new YourObjectEntities(), dbContextOwnsObjectContext: true)
Then you can set your connection string inside of YourObjectEntities:
public partial class YourObjectEntities : ObjectContext
public const string ConnectionString = "name=YourEntities"; // Get it from somewhere
public YourObjectEntities() : base(ConnectionString, "YourEntities")
// Some initialization, e.g. ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
How you specify the provider there is your exercise.
Try like this ,
public DBDataContext _dataContex;
public DBDataContext DBContext
if (_dataContex== null)
_v= new DBDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["yourConnectinString"].ConnectionString);
return _dataContex;

Entity Framework Object not allowing Connection String to be passed as parameter

I am trying to initialize an Entity object (ADO.NET EF Object), but it does not allow me to choose what connection string I want to use. I need to change connection string in order to give different access levels to users.
There are no overrides in the Entities Object, just a parameterless constructor.
If anyone can give me any pointers, it is appreciated.
If you have used the designer to generate an .edmx file for you, you will have something like below:
public MyEntities() : base("name=MyEntities", "MyEntities")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
This will by default, get the connection string from your configuration file.
What you could do in this case is set the connection string
public partial class MyEntities
partial void OnContextCreated()
//Dynamically Building a Connection String
this.Connection.ConnectionString = "myconnectionstring";
Bear in mind though that this will first use the base constructor to pull the connection string from config, then set it with your custom version, basically overriding the connection string. This is typically good when you always want a default connection string.
Another option if you want a bit more control, is pass the connection string in via the constructor as shown below:
public partial class MyEntities
public MyEntities(string connectionString) :
Now you are passing in the connection string down to the base class and this is the only one it will use. This does mean however that you will most often need to supply this each time.
Hope this helps...

EF 5 Changing Connection String at Runtime

Ok, I want to recreate a project that I created using EF 4.1 to EF 5.0, simple enough or at least I thought. One of the things in my old project is that I was able to change the database connection string at runtime in EF 4.1:
using (var myContext = new MyEntities(ConnectionString))
Easy-peasy but in EF 5.0 you have to do this differently:
string connectionString = "data source=LocalHost;initial catalog=MyDatabase;user id=MyUserName;password=MyPassword;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework";
using (var myContext = new MyEntities())
myContext.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
Now, this took me a better part of two hours to figure out, so I guess my question is this the proper way of changing the connection string at runtime or not? If it is why did they make this change?
I did find this Link but it didn't work. I received the error as detailed in the first comment of the first answer by Ladislav Mrnka. I later found this Link which seems to work fine.
I re-read the first link I posted and I found another solution, I simply created a partial class:
public partial class MyEntities : DbContext
public MyEntities(string connectionString) : base(connectionString)
Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
Use the context constructor overload that takes the connection string as a parameter.
Create a class with the same name as the Target ContextClass class next to the main class
like this :
public CustomerContext( string connectionString)
: base(connectionString)
For using :
using (var context = new CustomerContext("connectionString"))
var customerContext=new CustomerContext("yorConnectionString");
var customer=CustomerContext.customer.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.id==1).FirstName;
Have a look at other link Setup Entity Framework For Dynamic Connection String.
It says - " you can do it by creating another partial class as the Entities class is declared partial"