Verify if a user typed a word from a ReactiveList with Reactive Extension - system.reactive

I have a ReactiveList with keywords. The user can add or remove keyword from that list. The app needs to verify if the user typed one of the keywords.
There was already a similar post but it doesn't take in account a flexible list:
Using Reactive Extension for certain KeyPress sequences?
var keyElements = new ReactiveList<KeyElement>();
IObservable<IObservable<int>> rangeToMax = Observable.Merge(keyElements.ItemsAdded, keyElements.ItemsRemoved).Select(obs => Observable.Range(2, keyElements.Select(ke => ke.KeyTrigger.Length).Max()));
IObservable<IObservable<string>> detectedKeyTrigger = rangeToMax
.Select(n => _keyPressed.Buffer(n, 1))
.Merge().Where(m => keyElements.Where(ke => ke.KeyTrigger == m).Any());
//Here I want to end up with IObservable<string> instead of IObservable<IObservable<string>>
I can get rid of the outer IObservable by reassigning the detectedKeyTrigger each time an element in the reactive list changes, but then I lose all my subscriptions.
So, how can I end up with just an Observable of strings?

First off, both Max and Any have overloads which takes a selector and a predicate respectively. This negates the need of the Select.
Next, I changed the Observable.Merge to use the Changed property of ReactiveList which is the Rx version of INotifyCollectionChanged. I also changed the Select to produce an IEnumerable of ints instead; it just felt more Right™.
var keyElements = new ReactiveList<KeyElement>();
IObservable<IEnumerable<int>> rangeToMax = keyElements.Changed
.Select(_ => Enumerable.Range(2, keyElements.Max(keyElement => keyElement.KeyTrigger.Length));
IObservable<IObservable<string>> detectedKeyTrigger = rangeToMax.
.Select(range => range
.Select(length => _keyPressed.Buffer(length, 1).Select(chars => new string(chars.ToArray()))) // 1
.Merge() // 2
.Where(m => keyElements.Any(ke => ke.KeyTrigger == m)) // 3
.Switch(); // 4
Create an IObservable<string> which emits the last n characters typed by the user. Create such an observable for each of the possible lengths of an combo
Merge the observables in the IEnumerable<IObservable<string>> into one Observable<string>
Only let strings which mach one of the KeyTriggers through
As rangeToMax.Select produces an IObservable<IObservable<string>> we use Switch to only subscribe to the most recent IObservable<string> the IObservable<IObservable<string>> produces.


use Intersect into IQueryable and EfCore

I'm trying to use LinQ Intersect (or equivalent) into an IQueryable method but it seems like I'm doing it wrong.
I have some PRODUCTS that match some SPECIFITY (like colors, materials, height...), those specifications have different values, for example:
color : blue, red, yellow
height : 128cm, 152cm...
I need to get the products that match ALL the list of couple specifityId / specifityValue I provide.
Here what I'm trying to do:
// The list of couple SpecifityID (color, material..) / SpecifityValue (red, yellow, wood...)
List<string> SpecId_SpecValue = new List<string>();
int filterCOunt = SpecId_SpecValue.Count;
var query =
.Include(pd => pd.ProductsSpecifity)
.Where(z => SpecId_SpecValue
.Intersect(z.ProductsSpecifity.Select(x => (x.SpecifityID.ToString() + "_" + x.SpecifityValue)).ToList()).Count() == filterCOunt);
I got the error : InvalidOperationException: The LINQ expression 'DbSet() could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information. which mean it can't be translated to SQL and I need to ToList before my filter.
The problem is, I don't want to call ToList() because I got huge number of products in my Database and I don't want to load them in memory before filtering them.
Is there an other way to achieve what I need to do?
I ended up using a solution found in the link #Gert Arnold provide here.
I used BlazarTech.QueryableValues.SqlServer #yv989c's answers
Here's what is now working like a charm :
// The list of couple SpecifityID (color, material..) / SpecifityValue (red, yellow, wood...)
Dictionary<Guid, string> SpecId_SpecValue = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();
SpecId_SpecValue.Add(new Guid("3535a444-1139-4a1e-989f-795eb9be43be"), "BEA");
SpecId_SpecValue.Add(new Guid("35ad6162-a885-4a6a-8044-78b68f6b2c4b"), "Purple");
// BlazarTech.QueryableValues.SqlServer
var queryableValues = DbContext.AsQueryableValues(SpecId_SpecValue);
var query = Products.Include(pd => pd.ProductsSpecifity)
.Where(x => x.ProductsSpecifity
.Where(e => queryableValues
.Where(v =>
v.Key == e.SpecifityID &&
v.Value == e.SpecifityValue
).Count() == dynamicFilter.Count);
The query expresses "products of which all x.SpecifityID.ToString() + "_" + x.SpecifityValue combinations exactly match some given combinations".
Set combination operators like Except often don't play nice with EF for various reasons I'm not going into here. Fortunately, in many of these cases a work-around can be found by using Contains, which EF does support well. In your case:
var query = Products.Include(pd => pd.ProductsSpecifity)
.Where(z => z.ProductsSpecifity
.Select(x => x.SpecifityID.ToString() + "_" + x.SpecifityValue)
.Count(s => SpecId_SpecValue.Contains(s)) == filterCount);
Please note that the comparison is not efficient. Transforming database values before comparison disables any use of indexes (is not sargable). But doing this more efficiently isn't trivial in EF, see this.

Debounce Until in Rx.Net

I have 2 streams of events:
1. Stream of mouse drag and drop events (drag start ... drag end ... drag start ... drag end)
2. Stream of key press events ('a' ... 'b' .... 'c' .... 'd')
I need to combine into a stream that only contains events from the second streams (so only key presses) but it needs to filter out all key presses that occur between a drag start and drag end, except for the last one.
So if the sources are like this:
... Start ............... End .............. Start .............. End
The result should be like this:
Is something like this possible using in C#?
The answer is yes. Answer first, then explanation:
public static class X
public static IObservable<T> GatedDebounce<T>(this IObservable<T> source, IObservable<bool> gating)
var finalStream = gating
.Publish(_gating => source.Publish(_source => Observable.Merge(
.Window(_gating.Where(b => b), _ => _gating.Where(b => !b))
.SelectMany(o => o.LastAsync()),
.Window(_gating.Where(b => !b), _ => _gating.Where(b => b))
return finalStream;
Then, given an IObservable<T> representing your values, and an IObservable<bool> representing where drags start and stop (true meaning drag-start, and false meaning drag-end), you would call it like this:
var throttledStream= valueStream.GatedDebounce(gateStream);
To understand it better, let's throw out the Publish calls, and break it up into pieces:
Piece 1,
.Window(gating.Where(b => b), _ => gating.Where(b => !b))
.SelectMany(o => o.LastAsync())
This Window function means call means we start a sub-set observable (or window) whenever gating emits true, and end that window whenever gating emits false. From that window, we select the last item, if it exists. This will only be emitted when the window closes.
Piece 2,
.Window(gating.Where(b => !b), _ => gating.Where(b => b))
.Merge() //Equivalent to .SelectMany(o => o) if you prefer
This Window function does the opposite: Start a window whenever gating emits false, and end it whenever gating emits true. From that window we emit everything when it arrives.
Put these two together with Merge and you get 90% of the way to your solution. The rest:
The .StartWith(false) is to make sure we open a window when you initially start the observable, otherwise values that happen before the first gating item are lost.
The DistintUntilChanged() is a cheap way to make sure our gates are t, f, t, f and never two of the same value in a row, which would cause two simultaneous windows to open.
The Publish calls are good practice to prevent multiple subscriptions. You can find better explanations for that in some other Q&A's on here.

Need help - How to loop through a list and/or a map

Scala is pretty new for me and I have problems as soon as a leave the gatling dsl.
In my case I call an API (Mailhog) which responds with a lot of mails in json-format. I can’t grab all the values.
I need it with “jsonPath” and I need to “regex” as well.
That leads into a map and a list which I need to iterate through and save each value.
At first I wanted to loop the “checks” but I did’nt find any to repeat them without repeating the “get”-request too. So it’s a map and a list.
1) I need every value of the map and was able to solve the problem with the following foreach loop.
.foreach("${id_map}", "idx") {
exec(session => {
val idMap = session("idx").as[Map[String,Any]]
val ID = idMap("ID")
session.set("ID", ID)
2) I need every 3rd value of the list and make a get-request on them. Before I can do this, I need to replace a part of the string. I tried to replace parts of the string while checking for them. But it won’t work with findAll.
.check(regex("href=3D\\\\\"(.*?)\\\\\"").findAll.transform(raw => raw.replace("""=\r\n""","")).saveAs("url"))
How can I replace a part of every string in my list?
also how can I make a get-request on every 3rd element in the list.
I can't get it to work with the same foreach structure above.
I was abole to solve the problem by myself. At first I made a little change to my check(regex ...) part.
.check(regex("href=3D\\\\\"(.*?)\\\\\"").findAll.transform( => raw.replace("""=\r\n""",""))).saveAs("url_list"))
Then I wanted to make a Get-Request only on every third element of my list (because the URLs I extracted appeared three times per Mail).
.exec(session => {
val url_list =
session.set("url_list", url_list)
At the end I iterate through my final list with a foreach-loop.
foreach("${url_list}", "urls") {
exec(http("Activate User")

Why I am getting only one item out of this Observable?

I have a cold observable with static number of items, I needed some time delay between each item, I have combined it with another IObservable I got through Observable.Timer. I am using Zip .
var ob1 = Observable.Range(1, 100);
var ob2 = Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0));
var myObservable = Observable.Zip(ob1, ob2, (a, b) => b);
myObservable.Subscribe(a => Console.WriteLine("Item encountered"));
///Allow enough time for Timer observable to give back multiple ticks
But output only prints "Item encountered" once. What am I missing ?
To confirm the commentary, Observable.Interval is the way to go for just a single argument - and thus it has always been!
I found the solution. Observable.Timer takes two arguments for my scenario, first one is due time for first item and second due time is for all subsequent items. And if only one TimeSpan argument is supplied, it would yield only one item.
Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0));

data-based buffering in Rx

Let me explain what I want to achieve first.
Lets say I have the following data incoming form the event stream
var data = new string[] {
When I subscribe the data source, I would like to get the following result
"begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events"
Basically, I want to get whichever data that start with ok or error and the data between begin and end.
I have tried this so far..
var data = new string[] {
var dataStream = Observable.Generate(
e => e.MoveNext(),
e => e,
e => e.Current.ToString(),
e => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1));
var onelineStream = from d in dataStream
where d.StartsWith("ok") || d.StartsWith("error")
select d;
// ???
// may be need to buffer? I want to get data like "begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events"
// but it is not working...
var multiLineStream = from list in dataStream.Buffer<string, string, string>(
bufferOpenings: dataStream.Where(d => d.StartsWith("begin")),
bufferClosingSelector: b => dataStream.Where(d => d.StartsWith("end")))
select String.Join(" ", list);
// merge two stream????
// but I have no clue how to merge these twos :(
mergeStream .Subscribe(d =>
Since I'm very new to Reactive programming, I can't make myself to think in reactive way. :(
Thanks in advance.
You were so, so very close to the right answer!
Essentially you had the onelineStream & multiLineStream queries just about right.
Merging them together is very easy. Just do this:
However, where your queries fell short was in the Observable.Generate that you used to introduce the delay between values. This creates a observable that, if you have multiple subscribers, kind of "fans out" the values.
Given your data and your definition for dataStream look how this code behaves:
dataStream.Select(x => "!" + x).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
dataStream.Select(x => "#" + x).Subscribe(Console.WriteLine);
You get these values:
Notice that some got handled by one subscription and the others got handled by the other. This means that even though your onelineStream & multiLineStream queries were just about right they would only see some of the data each and thus not behave as you expect.
You can also get race conditions that can skip and duplicate values. So it's best to avoid this kind of observable.
A better approach to introduce a delay between values is to do this:
var dataStream = data.ToObservable().Do(_ => Thread.Sleep(100));
Now this creates a "cold" observable, meaning that every new subscriber will get a fresh subscription of the observable so starting from the first value.
Your multiLineStream query will not work correctly on a cold observable.
To make the data stream a "hot" observable (which shares values amongst the subscribers) we use the Publish operator.
So, multiLineStream now looks like this:
var multiLineStream =
dataStream.Publish(ds =>
from list in ds.Buffer(
ds.Where(d => d.StartsWith("begin")),
b => ds.Where(d => d.StartsWith("end")))
select String.Join(" ", list));
You can then get your results like so:
onelineStream.Merge(multiLineStream).Subscribe(d =>
This is what I got:
begin:events 1:232 2:343 end:events
Let me know if that works for you.