How to update a document in mongo db by matching user Id if it exists and insert if does not exist using upsert in meteor? - mongodb

I want to update a document when it matches user Id entered in Url and if it does not exist then insert it.Here in my code update is working fine but insert has some issue as i am matching _id with given to update .so is there any other way to match user Id in document with given user Id ?
Anyone help me with this issue.
Below is my code:
var p = Dbs.findOne({ user_id: Router.current().params._id });
Dbs.update({ _id: p._id }, {
$set: {
user_id: user_id1,
cont: cont1,
add: add1,
pth: pth1
I tried using {User_id:p._id} in place of { _id: p._id } but its not working.

If I understand your question correctly you just want to match on user_id instead of _id. Then just use that in your selector:
Dbs.update({ user_id: your_user_id_value },
$set: {
user_id: user_id1,
cont: cont1,
add: add1,
pth: pth1
{ upsert: true}
This will work if there's only one document found. If the match finds multiple documents then only the first one will be modified unless you also specify multi: true in your options. Note also that this code will only work on the server.


MongoDB - how I add a UUID column to existing collection based on values from current entries?

I have 'Users' collection which has two columns, '_id' and 'userName', both of type string.
I want to add third column 'UserId' which will be UUID wrapping the id from _id column.
Tried few ways but without any success.
For example:
_id: "fe83f869-154e-4c26-a5db-fb147728820f",
userName: "alex"
I want it to be:
_id: "fe83f869-154e-4c26-a5db-fb147728820f",
userName: "alex",
UserId: UUID("fe83f869-154e-4c26-a5db-fb147728820f")
I tried something like:
{ $set: {"UserId": UUID("$_id") } },
But it results in columns with value UUID("----")
Will appreciate any help.
Found a solution to my problem.
db.Users_temp.find().forEach(function(user) {
{"_id" : user._id},
{ "$set": {"UserId": UUID(user._id)} }
this will work
i am not sure why but this works only with set operation as an array rather than as a object
db.Users_temp.update({},[{$set: {'UserId': '$_id'}}])

Can't remove object in array using Mongoose

This has been extensively covered here, but none of the solutions seems to be working for me. I'm attempting to remove an object from an array using that object's id. Currently, my Schema is:
const scheduleSchema = new Schema({
_id: ObjectId
shifts: [
_id: Types.ObjectId,
name: String,
shift_start: Date,
shift_end: Date,
I've tried almost every variation of something like this:
{ _id: },
$pull: {
shifts: { _id: new Types.ObjectId( },
Database Format
Within these variations, the usual response I've gotten has been either an empty array or null.
I was able slightly find a way around this and accomplish the deletion by utilizing the main _id of the Schema (instead of the nested one:
{ _id: <main _id> },
{ $pull: { shifts: { _id: new Types.ObjectId(<nested _id>) } } },
{ new: true }
But I was hoping to figure out a way to do this by just using the nested _id. Any suggestions?
The problem you are having currently is you are using the same _id.
Using mongo, update method allows three objects: query, update and options.
query object is the object into collection which will be updated.
update is the action to do into the object (add, change value...).
options different options to add.
Then, assuming you have this collection:
"_id": 1,
"shifts": [
"_id": 2
"_id": 3
If you try to look for a document which _id is 2, obviously response will be empty (example).
Then, if none document has been found, none document will be updated.
What happens if we look for a document using shifts._id:2?
This tells mongo "search a document where shifts field has an object with _id equals to 2". This query works ok (example) but be careful, this returns the WHOLE document, not only the array which match the _id.
This not return:
"_id": 1,
"shifts": [
"_id": 2
Using this query mongo returns the ENTIRE document where exists a field called shifts that contains an object with an _id with value 2. This also include the whole array.
So, with tat, you know why find object works. Now adding this to an update query you can create the query:
This one to remove all shifts._id which are equal to 2.
"shifts._id": 2
$pull: {
shifts: {
_id: 2
Or this one to remove shifts._id if parent _id is equal to 1
"_id": 1
$pull: {
shifts: {
_id: 2

MongoDB: Filter on _id == obj._id without setting obj._id to null on insert

I'd like to configure an upsert. If _id already exists on my object, it recognizes that and updates the match. If _id doesn't exist, it should insert the new document and generate an _id. I'd expect { _id: obj._id } to work, but that overrides the auto-generation of _id. The document appears with _id: null. Is there a filter that would work for this? Do I need to route to insert/update in-code?
Edit: add query.
{ _id: entity._id },
{ $set: entity },
{ upsert: true }
Edit: try delete.
Even when I delete the property, no luck.
const upsertTest = (collection) => {
const entity = { date: new Date() };
// { date: 2019-11-19T22:16:00.914Z }
const _id = entity._id;
delete entity._id;
// { date: 2019-11-19T22:16:00.914Z }
{ _id: _id },
{ $set: entity },
{ upsert: true }
// { date: 2019-11-19T22:16:00.914Z }
But the new document is this:
screenshot of new document
You have to use $setOnInsert to Insert _id
let ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
{ _id: entity._id },
{ $set: entity,$setOnInsert:{_id:new ObjectID()}},
{ upsert: true }
As the name suggests it will set the _id on insert
If you are using mongodb then new ObjectID() should work,
If its mongoose then you can use mongoose.Types.ObjectId() to generate new ObjectID
Well I Found your Issue
Changed in version 3.0: When you execute an update() with upsert: true and the query matches no existing document, MongoDB will refuse to insert a new document if the query specifies conditions on the _id field.
So in a nutshell you cannot insert a new doc using upsert:true if your query is using _id, Reference
First of all, the _id property WILL always exist, whether you set it yourself or let it auto-generate. So there's no need to check if it exists.
The syntax for upsert is as follows:
_id: 'the id you want to check for' // can put any valid 'find' query here
}, {
$set: {
foo: 'bar',
biz: 'baz'
}, {
upsert: true
If a document with the given _id exists, it will be updated with the $set object. If it does not exist, a new one will be created with the properties of the $set object. If _id is not specified in the $set object, a new _id value will be auto-generated, or will keep using the existing _id value.
The key here is using $set, rather than putting the object right in there. Using set will merge and replace the properties. Without $set it will replace the entire document, removing any unset properties.
Edit: Now seeing the actual query you made, I would suggest you delete the _id property from the entity before setting it. This will make sure it is left alone.
const _id = entity._id;
delete entity._id;
// now do your query using the new `_id` value for the ID.
From our comments you mentioned you were using the local database. The local database allows _id to be null. Using any other DB should fix your issue.
If the entity._id is null then it will create a doc with _id null, We can solve this issue by adding Types.ObjectId(). If the _id doesn't exist then it will create a new document with the proper _id. otherwise, it will update the existing document.
const { Types } = require("mongoose")
collection.updateOne({ _id: Types.ObjectId(entity._id) },{ $set: entity },{ upsert: true})

FindOne followed by updateOne, using a single query

By using the "findOne" method of mongoDb driver (no mongoose), can I use the retrieved document to update it later?
For example:
document.collection('myCollection').findOne({ _id: myId }, (err, foundDoc) => {
// **I need to do some multiple checks in between**, so I don't want to use "findOneAndUpdate()"
// foundDoc is the retrieved document. Can I use it directly for update? (something like "foundDoc.update()")
document.collection('myCollection').updateOne({ _id: myId }, { $set: { name: 'John' } });
As you can see I am basically doing a second query by using the "updateOne" method (first it searches for the document and then it updates it). Can I avoid that somehow, and use the foundDoc directly for update?
If you want to update the same document, you don't have to call .findOne() followed by .updateOne() method. By default, upsert option is set to false in .upadateOne(), so it will refuse to insert the document if not found else it will update.
document.collection('myCollection').updateOne({ _id: myId }, { $set: { name: 'John' } });
.updateOne should be sufficient in your case.
Also if you want to add some filter conditions, .updateOne() supports that as below :
<filter>, // you can place filters here
upsert: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>,
arrayFilters: [ <filterdocument1>, ... ]
Link :

Updating the path 'x' would create a conflict at 'x'

This error happens when I tried to update upsert item:
Updating the path 'x' would create a conflict at 'x'
Field should appear either in $set, or in $setOnInsert. Not in both.
I had the same problem while performing an update query using PyMongo.
I was trying to do:
> db.people.update( {'name':'lmn'}, { $inc : { 'key1' : 2 }, $set: { 'key1' : 5 }})
Notice that here I'm trying to update the value of key1 from two MongoDB Update Operators.
This basically happens when you try to update the value of a same key with more than one MongoDB Update Operators within the same query.
You can find a list of Update Operators over here
If you pass the same key in $set and in $unset when updating an item, you will get that error.
For example:
const body = {
_id: '47b82d36f33ad21b90'
name: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith'
MyModel.findByIdAndUpdate(body._id, { $set: body, $unset: {name: 1}})
// Updating the path 'name' would create a conflict at 'name'
You cannot have the same path referenced more than once in an update. For example, even though the below would result in something logical, MongoDB will not allow it.
{_id: ...},
{$set: {'address': {state: 'CA'}, '' : 'San Diego'}}
You would get the following error:
Updating the path '' would create a conflict at 'address'
{ _id: 1 },
$set: { item: "apple" },
$setOnInsert: { defaultQty: 100 }
{ upsert: true }
Below is the key explanation to the issue:
MongoDB creates a new document with _id equal to 1 from the
condition, and then applies the $set AND $setOnInsert operations to
this document.
If you want a field value is set or updated regardless of insertion or update, use it in $set. If you want it to be set only on insertion, use it in $setOnInsert.
Here is the example:
Starting from MongoDB 4.2 you can use aggregate pipelines in update:
_id: 1
x_field: {
$cond: {
if: {$eq:[{$type:"$_id"} , "missing"]},
then: 'upsert value', // it's the upsert case
else: '$x_field' // it's the update case
upsert: true
db.collection.bulkWrite() also supports it
With the Ruby library at least, it's possible to get this error if you have the same key twice, once as a symbol and once as a string:
{_id: ...},
{$set: {'name': "Horse", name: "Horse"}}
I recently had the same issue while using the query below.
TextContainer.findOneAndUpdate({ blockId: req.params.blockId, 'content._id': req.params.noteId }, { $set: { 'content.note': req.body.note } }, { upsert: true, new: true })
When i have changed 'content.note' to 'content.$.note' it has been fixed. So my final query is :
TextContainer.findOneAndUpdate({ blockId: req.params.blockId, 'content._id': req.params.noteId }, { $set: { 'content.$.note': req.body.note } }, { upsert: true, new: true })