I have below given mysqli UPDATE query. I want to show different messages depending on update query successful or not.
My mysqli query is
$result = $conn->query("UPDATE ads SET adimageurl='$adurllink', adlinkurl='$adurl', adalternatetext='$alternatetext', uploaded='1' WHERE adhash='$adid' AND uploaded='0'");
I used this code:
if ($mysqli->query("UPDATE ads SET adimageurl='$adurllink', adlinkurl='$adurl', adalternatetext='$alternatetext', uploaded='1' WHERE hash='$adid' AND uploaded='0'") === TRUE) {
echo 'SUCCESS';
if ($mysqli->query("UPDATE ads SET adimageurl='$adurllink', adlinkurl='$adurl', adalternatetext='$alternatetext', uploaded='1' WHERE hash='$adid' AND uploaded='0'") === FALSE) {
echo 'FAILED';
Use the MYSQLI_USE_RESULT resultmode:
$result = $conn->query("UPDATE ads SET adimageurl='$adurllink', adlinkurl='$adurl', adalternatetext='$alternatetext', uploaded='1' WHERE adhash='$adid' AND uploaded='0'", MYSQLI_USE_RESULT);
Then you check if the $result is true or false - and follow different code paths.
The reference page gives a good examle: mysqli query example
I have a logic hook that changes a field's value, but in order to see the change I need to refresh the whole page... I want it to refresh the field in real time.
So I'm trying to accomplish something like this(https://suitecrm.com/suitecrm/forum/suitecrm-7-0-discussion/21178-refresh-sub-panel-values-when-another-sub-panel-is-updated#75194)
But instead of reloading a whole subpanel through the controller.php I'm trying to find a way to refresh a single field.
Can anyone advise what method needs to be used to reload a field?
For example to reload a subpanel it's
But what is the JS method that reload a single field?
To refresh a detailView through a logic hook, you can use an easy "hack".
In your logic_hook, place the following js code as your last "echo" before your return or exit:
echo "<script>location.reload();</script>";
Simple but effective.
I couldn't find any built-in functions in suiteCRM that do it, spent a lot of time going through the chrome debugger, but nothing worked.
Here's a video that explains what's happening and the actual code example
You need to get the new status from the back-end then update the field inside the controller.php with:
document.querySelector('div[type="enum"][field="$field_to_update"]').innerHTML = "$inventory_status_c";
The whole controller.php file example is here, it all makes sense if you watch the 5 minute video:
class un_inventoryController extends SugarController {
function action_SubPanelViewer() {
require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelViewer.php';
// only if this is creation of new sale under accounts, refresh the screen so the salerow subpanel will be refreshed too
if ( array_key_exists('module', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('subpanel', $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST) &&
$_REQUEST['module'] == 'un_inventory' && $_REQUEST['subpanel'] == "un_inventory_leads_1" && $_REQUEST['action'] == "SubPanelViewer") {
write_to_log(array("request" => $_REQUEST), "all conditions filled, custom controller called", true);
// Get the ID of the inventory unit so we can fetch the new status_c field and update the field right away (otherwise we'll have to refresh the page
$inventory = BeanFactory::getBean($_REQUEST["module"], $_REQUEST["record"]);
$inventory_status_c = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $inventory->status_c));
$field_to_update = "status_c";
// Update the status
$( document ).ready(function() {
document.querySelector('div[type="enum"][field="$field_to_update"]').innerHTML = "$inventory_status_c";
echo $js;
In WordPress as you must already known, when using get_posts() or query_posts() or even WP_Query, it is not possible to order the returned posts by specifying a list of post ID in the order we want.
Instead we have to loop through the results and re-order them on the PHP side. This is a performance hit and a bad practice. Instead we should use built-in MySQL functions to retrieve the posts in the desired order upfront.
Thankfully there is the posts_orderby which can be used to specify a custom ORDERBY statement, like this:
// My list of post IDs in my custom order
$my_post_ids = array(1,3,2);
// Apply filter to the ORDERBY SQL statement
add_filter('posts_orderby', 'my_custom_orderby');
function my_custom_orderby($orderby_statement) {
global $my_post_ids;
$orderby_statement = 'FIELD(ID, '.implode(',',$my_post_ids).')';
return $orderby_statement;
// My custom query
$my_custom_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'post', 'post__in' => $my_post_ids);
However there is a problem with the above code, is that it will affect the order of all queries on the page! Including queries made by plugins, shortcodes, and so on.
Easy fix!
The simple way to fix this, is to apply the filter only one time, and remove it as soon as it is called, by putting a remove_filter() within the filter itself, so it is run only once:
// My list of post IDs in my custom order
$my_post_ids = array(1,3,2);
// Apply filter to the ORDERBY SQL statement
add_filter('posts_orderby', 'my_custom_orderby');
function my_custom_orderby($orderby_statement) {
// Disable this filter for future queries!
remove_filter(current_filter(), __FUNCTION__);
global $my_post_ids;
$orderby_statement = 'FIELD(ID, '.implode(',',$my_post_ids).')';
return $orderby_statement;
// My custom query
$my_custom_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'post', 'post__in' => $my_post_ids);
Because I set this filter just before my custom query, once I execute my custom query it should be filtered by the posts_orderby filter set above, which is then immediately disabled so it won't affect any future queries.
In theory, that's great, and it works great in most case scenarios!
An issue with WPML
However I have encountered a case when using the WPML plugin where this filter affects other queries than mine and causes errors. I believe the WPML plugin is creating a query of its own that is executed just before my own custom query, making my filter applies to the WPML query instead of mine!
Is there any possible way to add a check within the filter to make sure that it affects the correct query?
Thank you very much
The fix for WPML
For information, while the accepted answer for this question is correct, it didn't solve the problem I was having with WPML. Here is how I fixed the WPML conflict:
// My list of post IDs in my custom order
$my_post_ids = array(1,3,2);
// Apply filter to the ORDERBY SQL statement
add_filter('posts_orderby', 'my_custom_orderby');
function my_custom_orderby($orderby_statement) {
// Disable this filter for future queries!
remove_filter(current_filter(), __FUNCTION__);
global $my_post_ids, $wpdb;
$orderby_statement = 'FIELD('.$wpdb->base_prefix.'posts.ID, '.implode(',',$my_post_ids).')';
return $orderby_statement;
// My custom query
$my_custom_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'post', 'post__in' => $my_post_ids);
This filter takes two parameters, $orderby and &$this. "this" being the WP_Query object. I'm not sure how to detect that WPML is making the call, but we can check that your call is the one being
$my_post_ids = array(1,3,2);
add_filter( 'posts_orderby', 'my_custom_orderby', 10, 2 );
function my_custom_orderby( $orderby_statement, $object )
global $my_post_ids;
if( $my_post_ids != $object->query['post__in'] )
return $orderby_statement;
// Disable this filter for future queries!
remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ );
$orderby_statement = 'FIELD(ID, ' . implode( ',', $my_post_ids ) . ')';
return $orderby_statement;
I'm trying to see if its possible to test for a certain result specific to a boolean value in an SQL database.
if($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `work_orders` WHERE `is_open` = '1' "))
I would then want to execute:
#TRUE allows this to show
if($result = True){
echo "<p> No current work orders are open. Good Work !</p>\n";
If i change database in work_orders.is_open , the boolean is 0, meaning its "not open" .. the if statement for TRUE above, still shows...
I am sure that I'm missing something.
Seems I have solved my own question:
the if statement should just test for rows that were returned or not.
if($result->num_rows == 0)
this would allow it to show if there is nothing returned. If results are returned then it will continue moving forward.
Lets say I have a prepared statement. The query that it prepares doesn't matter. I fetch the result like above (I can't show actual code, as it is something I don't want to show off. Please concentrate on the problem, not the examples meaningless) and I get
Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in... error. The error caused in the called object.
$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
class table2Info{
private $mysqli;
public function __construct($_mysqli){
$this->mysqli = $_mysqli;
public function getInfo($id)
$db = $this->mysqli->prepare('SELECT info FROM table2 WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1');
$db_id = $id;
return $info;
$t2I = new table2Info($mysqli);
$stmt->prepare('SELECT id FROM table1 WHERE name = ?');
$name = $_GET['name'];
//This will cause the fatal-error
echo $t2I->getInfo($id);
The question is: is there a way to do another prepared statement while another one is still open? It would simplify the code for me. I can't solve this with SQL JOIN or something like that, it must be this way. Now I collect the fetched data in an array and loop through it after $stmt->close(); but that just isn't good solution. Why should I do two loops when one is better?
From the error you're getting it appears that your statement preparation failed. mysqli::prepare returns a MySQLi_STMT object or false on failure.
Check for the return value from your statement preparation that is causing the error. If it is false you can see more details by looking at mysqli::error.
I want to grab a user's uploads (ie: BBC) and limit the output to 10 per page.
Whilst I can use the following URL:
The above works okay.
I want to use the query method instead:
The Zend Framework docs:
State that I can retrieve videos uploaded by a user, but ideally I want to use the query method to limit the results for a pagination.
The query method is on the Zend framework docs (same page as before under the title 'Searching for videos by metadata') and is similar to this:
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
$query = $yt->newVideoQuery();
$videoFeed = $yt->getUserUploads( NULL, $query );
print '<ol>';
foreach($videoFeed as $video):
print '<li>' . $video->title . '</li>';
print '</ol>';
The problem is I can't do $query->setUser('bbc').
I tried setAuthor but this returns a totally different result.
Ideally, I want to use the query method to grab the results in a paginated fashion.
How do I use the $query method to set my limits for pagination?
I've decided just to use the user uploads feed as a way of getting pagination to work.
If there is a way to use the query/search method to do a similar job would be interesting to explore.
I basically solved this in the same way as worchyld with a slight twist:
$username = 'ignite';
$limit = 30; // Youtube will throw an exception if > 50
$offset = 1; // First video is 1 (silly non-programmers!)
$videoFeed = null;
$uploadCount = 0;
try {
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
$userProfile = $yt->getUserProfile($username);
$uploadCount = $userProfile->getFeedLink('http://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007#user.uploads')->countHint;
// The following code is a dirty hack to get pagination with the YouTube API without always starting from the first result
// The following code snippet was copied from Zend_Gdata_YouTube->getUserUploads();
$url = Zend_Gdata_YouTube::USER_URI .'/'. $username .'/'. Zend_Gdata_YouTube::UPLOADS_URI_SUFFIX;
$location = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoQuery($url);
$videoFeed = $yt->getVideoFeed($location);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Exception handling goes here!
The Zend YouTube API seems silly as the included getUserUploads method never returns the VideoQuery instance before it actually fetches the feed, and while you can pass a location object as a second parameter, it's an "either-or" situation - it'll only use the username parameter to construct a basic uri or only use the location, where you have to construct the whole thing yourself (as above).