android sqlite group query error:android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: - android-sqlite

My query in android sqlite is given below
MY column name topic,correct_answer and total_mark,test_id
MY database name no_question_list
My query given here
String query = "SELECT topic,SUM(correct_answer),SUM(total_mark) from no_question_list Where test_id='" + test_id + "'" + "group by topic,correct_answer,total_mark";
Cursor c = database.rawQuery(query , null);
if (c != null) {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
topic= c.getString(0);
while (c.moveToNext());
When i execute the query no error when getting error in value of Cursor
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.stepone.netquestion/com.stepone.netquestion.ResultActivity}: android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size of 0
and i tried this cursor part,it doest execute
if (c != null) {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String topic =c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("topic"));
while (c.moveToNext());
thank for answer in advance

I do not think you need this test if(c != null) try this code
public String getCol_MPW(){
db = getReadableDatabase();
String q = "SELECT * FROM masterPW";
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(q,null);
int i = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Col_IDI));
str = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(Col_MPW));
return str;
// This routine called from MainActivity determine's if a
// password has been entered in the db table named "TABLE_PW"
// See onLoad() method in MainActivity


C# ExecuteReaderAsync Sporadic Issue

I have a method that is getting a list of users. There is a store procedure that is expected either a username or null. It returns one or more users based on the parameter. It works fine most of the time, but I notice there are times it does not return any result even though I am passing the same exact parameter. I put a break point in the Execute Reader Async, and the line immediately following it. When the issue occurs, it reaches the first break point but not the second one. It does not throw an exception or prevent me from making another call. I can make the next call, and it will return the result as expected. I would appreciate some suggestions as to what may cause this issue?
public async Task<List<User>> GetUsers(string username, int accountType = 1)
List<User> users = null;
parameters = new List<SqlParameter>{
new SqlParameter{
DbType = DbType.String,
ParameterName = "#userName",
Value = username.NotEmpty() ? username : (object) DBNull.Value
new SqlParameter{
DbType = DbType.Int32,
ParameterName = "#accountType",
Value = accountType
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr))
await con.OpenAsync();
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetUsers", con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader dr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()
if (dr.HasRecord())
while (await dr.ReadAsync())
User user = new User();
user.FirstName = dr["firstName"].ToString();
user.LastName = dr["lastName"].ToString();
user.DateRegister = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DateRegister"].ToString());
user.Active = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["Active"].ToString());
if(users == null)
users = new List<User>();
catch (Exception ex)
users = null;
return users;
Yes, the error is being logged. Also, I added a breakpoint in the catch statement in case an error is thrown.
Here is the query that is used to create that store procedure:
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM SYS.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('spGetUsers') AND TYPE IN (N'PC', N'P'))
#userName nvarchar(50),
#accountType int = 1
SELECT U.firstName, U.lastName, U.DateRegister, A.Active
FROM [User] U
inner join UserAccount UA
on U.Id = UA.userid
inner join Account A
on A.Id = UA.accountId
WHERE U.Id > 0
AND UA.Id > 0
AND A.Id > 0
AND UA.AccountType IN (#accountType )
and (A.UserName in (#userName) or #userName IS NULL)
Extension Method to check if SQL DataReader has record
public static bool HasRecord(this System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader dr)
if (dr != null && dr.HasRows)
return true;
return false;

FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 201

I am getting too many SOQL queries 201 error in apex class
I tried to check the no of queries within loop
Below is exact error -
11:48:43.9 (2785518121)|FATAL_ERROR|System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 201
Class.GEN_CalculateActToWinScores.calcUserEligible: line 1343, column 1
Class.GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch.execute: line 74, column 1
11:48:43.9 (2851114444)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch
11:48:43.9 (2852614277)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
Below is the code for method GEN_CalculateActToWinScores.calcUserEligible -
// Method for set user as ready for AoF
public static void calcUserEligible(List<User> usersList ){
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actOnFactDelete = new List<Act_on_Facts__c>();
Set<String> oppOpenStageNameSet = new Set<String>();
Set<String> oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet = new Set<String>();
if(usersList.size() > 0){
List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
Integer countResult = 0;
List<User> newUserList = new List<User>();
Integer limitQuery; //10000 //2001
Integer limitResult; //2000
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('QUERY_LIMIT') != null){
limitQuery = Integer.valueOf(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('QUERY_LIMIT').Value__c);
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('MAX_QUERY_RESULTS') != null){
limitResult = Integer.valueOf(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('MAX_QUERY_RESULTS').Value__c);
Boolean eligible = true;
for (User userElement : usersList){
String logDetail = ' QUERY_LIMIT:limitQuery: '+limitQuery+' MAX_QUERY_RESULTS:limitResult: '+limitResult;
logDetail += ' ';
eligible = true;
CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c userEligible = null;
if(CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues( != null){
userEligible = CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(;
CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c profileEligible = null;
if(CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.ProfileId) != null){
profileEligible = CSH_ActOnFacts_UserEligible__c.getValues(userElement.ProfileId);
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actonfacts = [select id from Act_on_Facts__c where Lookup_User__c = : limit 1];
if(userElement.ManagerId == null){
userElement.Line_Manager_Optional__c = true;
userElement.Act_On_Facts_Manager_List__c = null;
if(userElement.Default_Macro_Segment__c == null){
userElement.Default_Macro_Segment__c = 'None';
if (userElement.IsActive == false){
eligible = false;
}else if(profileEligible != null || userEligible != null) {
eligible = false;
countResult = [select count() from Account WHERE OwnerId = LIMIT :limitQuery];
logDetail += ' Account.countResult: '+countResult;
if(countResult!=null && countResult > limitResult ){
eligible = false;
if(oppOpenStageNameSet !=null && oppOpenStageNameSet.size()>0 && oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet !=null && oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet.size()>0){
countResult = [select count() from Opportunity WHERE OwnerId = AND StageName IN:oppOpenStageNameSet AND RecordType.DeveloperName NOT IN: oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet LIMIT :limitQuery];
logDetail += ' Opportunity.countResult: '+countResult;
if(countResult!=null && countResult > limitResult ){
eligible = false;
userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c = false;
// remove user from Act on Facts
if(actonfacts != null && actonfacts.size()>0){
for(Act_on_Facts__c a : actonfacts){
userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c = true;
logDetail += ' userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c: '+userElement.Act_on_Facts_Eligible__c;
ApplicationLog.logEntry(ApplicationLog.SEVERITY_INFO, 'A2WBatch', 'GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch:'': ', logDetail);
update newUserList;
system.debug('HC Update- newUserList ' + newUserList);
delete actOnFactDelete;
system.debug('HC Update- actOnFactDelete ' + actOnFactDelete);
}catch (Exception e){
system.debug('Error updating user ' + e);
Code for GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch.execute-
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
CSH_A2W_Settings__c a2wCS = CSH_A2W_Settings__c.getInstance();
if(scope != null){
List<User> userList = scope;
if(CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('run_userTrigger') != null){
CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c run_userTrigger = CSL_ActOnFactsLimits__c.getValues('run_userTrigger');
run_userTrigger.Value__c = 'false';
update run_userTrigger;
//GEN_CalculateActOnFactsScores.calcUserEligible(userList); //Commented as part of Decommission activity of AoF
if(a2wCS != null && a2wCS.Enabled_in_Batches__c == True){
I am trying to analysis what will be the best possible ways to remove these errors or is there any alternate way to implement the same.
All these are queries in a loop:
for (User userElement : usersList){
List<Act_on_Facts__c> actonfacts = [select id from Act_on_Facts__c where Lookup_User__c = : limit 1];
countResult = [select count() from Account WHERE OwnerId = LIMIT :limitQuery];
[select count() from Opportunity WHERE OwnerId = AND StageName IN:oppOpenStageNameSet AND RecordType.DeveloperName NOT IN: oppReadOnlyRecordTypeNameSet LIMIT :limitQuery];
As a very quick & dirty solution you can change the batch's size (how many records are passed to each execute). Default is 200.
Call your class with optional parameter Database.executeBatch(new GEN_ActonFactsScoreUserEligibleBatch(), 10); and see if it helps.
"Proper" fix would require some restructuring, taking queries out of the loop, maybe using some Maps where user's id is the key...
If these were custom objects a "pro" Apex developer would cheat, make these queries in one go, pulling user and related lists, something like
(SELECT Id FROM Accounts__r LIMIT 1),
(SELECT Id FROM Opportunities__r WHERE ... LIMIT 1),
(SELECT Id FROM Act_On_Facts__r)
WHERE Id IN :scope
This won't work here because relation from Account to owner doesn't have a nice name ("Accounts" won't work). You should be still able to do it on the custom object (last subquery in my example, you can call it outside of the loop)
You might still be able to pull something like that off but it'd probably require looking at sharing-related tables... I'd say doable but if you have time to play with it. If you don't - change scope size and call it a day. Will execute bit longer but 1-liner fix is a win in my book.

Spring with Querydsl :java.lang.ClassCastException

I am trying to iterate query result of Querydsl. For iterating query result I am using for each loop.But I am getting class cast exception.
I want nBuildId for finding building name which is in building table. So how I can iterate this List<Tuple> for getting column.
I tried like this
public List<Tuple> loadUnclamiedRoomGrid(Integer nBuildId, String sFloor) {
QRoom room =;
QRoomDepartmentMapping roomDepartmentMapping = QRoomDepartmentMapping.roomDepartmentMapping;
JPAQuery<Tuple> query = new JPAQuery<Tuple>(em);
if (nBuildId != null && nBuildId !=0) {
if(sFloor != null) {
List<Tuple> queryResult = query.fetch();
for(Tuple row : queryResult) {
System.out.println("Build Id " +row.get(room.nBuildId));
return queryResult;
message: "com.spacestudy.model.Room cannot be cast to com.querydsl.core.Tuple",
Exception: "java.lang.ClassCastException"
public List<Room> loadUnclamiedRoomGrid(Integer nBuildId, String sFloor) {
QRoom room =;
QRoomDepartmentMapping roomDepartmentMapping = QRoomDepartmentMapping.roomDepartmentMapping;
JPAQuery<Room> query = new JPAQuery<Room>(em);
if (nBuildId != null && nBuildId !=0) {
if(sFloor != null) {
List<Room> queryResult = query.fetch();
for(Room row : queryResult) {
System.out.println("Build Id " + room.nBuildId);
return queryResult;

Pivot Runner: force delete of existing constraint that match a constraint needed for the new model

Facing same issue, is there any progress on this one :
Thanks for your answer,
EDIT: this is the code used to delete all the constraints
private static void RemoveCodeFluentConstraintsTable(IList<PivotRunnerConstraint> constraints, String connectionString)
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Set up a command with the given query and associate
// this with the current connection.
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT as tableName, as constraintName FROM sys.all_columns INNER JOIN sys.tables ON all_columns.object_id = tables.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas ON tables.schema_id = schemas.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.default_constraints ON all_columns.default_object_id = default_constraints.object_id", con))
foreach (PivotRunnerConstraint constraint in constraints)
String tableName = constraint.ParentName;
String constraintName = constraint.Name;
if (tableName != null && constraintName != null)
SqlCommand cmdConstraint = new SqlCommand("ALTER TABLE [MySchema].[" + tableName + "] DROP CONSTRAINT [" + constraintName + "]", con);
I went for using a custom naming convention using table name prefixing the generated constraint name.
public class MyNamingConvention : FormatNamingConvention
public override string GetName(INamedObject obj, IDictionary context)
Column column = obj as Column;
if (column != null && column.Table != null)
var name = context["name"] as string;
if (name != null && (name.StartsWith("DF_")))
return column.Table.Name + base.GetName(obj, context);
return base.GetName(obj, context);
At the same time, I also had to delete existing constraints to avoid collision:
private static void RemoveCodeFluentConstraints(string connectionString)
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// Set up a command with the given query and associate
// this with the current connection.
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT, FROM sys.objects c, sys.objects t, sys.schemas s WHERE c.type IN('F', 'PK', 'FK', 'UQ', 'D') AND c.parent_object_id = t.object_id and t.SCHEMA_ID = s.schema_id AND t.type = 'U' AND = 'MySchema' ORDER BY c.type", con))
using (IDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
using (SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
while (dr.Read())
String constraintName = dr[0].ToString();
String tableName = dr[1].ToString();
if (tableName != null && constraintName != null)
String cmdConstraintSql = "ALTER TABLE [MySchema].[" + tableName + "] DROP CONSTRAINT [" + constraintName + "]";
ActivityLog.Write("Execute " + cmdConstraintSql, ActivityLogsFile);
SqlCommand cmdConstraint = new SqlCommand(cmdConstraintSql, con1);
Other problem were related to definition of pivot file not being picked correctly: Pivot Runner null command

Pagination not working for a Lazy Loaded Data Table on First Loading

I am using JPA named queries for Loading a Lazy Loaded DataTable. and setting first and Max results as shown below.
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("StudyplanCategory.findByStatusAndLimit");
int end=(start*pageNumber);
query.setParameter("status", status);
query.setParameter("start", start);
query.setParameter("end", end);
query.setMaxResults(end - start);
The load method is given below:
public List<StudyplanCategory> load(int first, int pageSize, String sortField, SortOrder sortOrder, Map<String,String> filters) {
List<StudyplanCategory> data = new ArrayList<StudyplanCategory>();
//System.out.println("Page First Value:"+first+"PageSize Value:"+pageSize);
for(StudyplanCategory studyplanCategory : datasource) {
boolean match = true;
for(Iterator<String> it = filters.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
try {
String filterProperty =;
String filterValue = filters.get(filterProperty).toLowerCase();
String fieldValue = String.valueOf(studyplanCategory.getClass().getDeclaredField(filterProperty).get(studyplanCategory)).toLowerCase();
if(filterValue == null || fieldValue.startsWith(filterValue)) {
match = true;
else {
match = false;
} catch(Exception e) {
match = false;
System.out.println("The Exception occured at"+e);
if(match) {
if(sortField != null) {
Collections.sort(data, new LazySorter(sortField, sortOrder));
int dataSize = data.size();
if(dataSize > pageSize) {
try {
return data.subList(first, first + pageSize);
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return data.subList(first, first + (dataSize % pageSize));
else {
return data;
But when the table is loaded Next Buttons are not active because I am loading only those data required to load the first page. How can I Solve this.
You need to fire another query which sets the total rowcount. Basically, in LazyDataModel#load():
public List<StudyplanCategory> load(...) {
return studyplanCategoryService.list(...);
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you should actually be using Query#setFirstResult() to set the first record index.