Algolia Group Results - algolia

I have the following scenario of records
ProyectA APARTMENT 1 specs of the apartment
ProyectA APARTMENT 2 specs of the apartment
ProyectB APARTMENT 1 specs of the apartment
ProyectB APARTMENT 2 specs of the apartment
I will like to only show as result a group of the proyect, example:
Results 2:
*If you have another approach to this scenario that we can structure our data please let us know, keep in mind that every apartment has different specifications like pricing , measurements etc...

What you can do is using the distinct and attributeForDistinct features to group results based on one of their common attributes.
Let's imagine the following records:
"project": "Alpha",
"apartment": "Skylines"
"project": "Alpha",
"apartment": "Cozy"
"project": "Beta",
"apartment": "Skyfall"
"project": "AAA",
"apartment": "Cortana"
If you define in your index distinct: true and attributesForDistinct: project, then your results will only ever contain one of project Alpha and one of Project Beta.
Which one will it be will depend on your other relevance settings. The most relevant result for each project (according to you current search) will always be returned. So for example if you're searching for "Sky", you will have the Skylines from Alpha and the Skyfall from Beta.
If you're not searching for any keyword, then they will be ordered by what you defined in your customRanking (it can be by price, by popularity, etc).


How do I get unique values from nested Many-To-Many joins

Basically we have four tables that are joined: Malls, Stores, Brands, and Categories.
Malls can have many Stores.
Each Store is linked to a Brand.
Each Brand has many Categories.
e.g. Mall A has 2 "McDonald's Cafes", each belonging to the Brand "McDonald's". "McDonald's" Brand has "Fast Food" and "Breakfast" as Categories.
We're trying to figure out how to display all the Categories that exist within Mall A.
e.g. Mall A has "Fast Food" and "Breakfast" categories, based on the "McDonald's" stores.
Ideally this would be a query so that the Categories are updated automatically.
We've tried querying for all Stores within a Mall, and then finding the Categories via the Store-Brand join, then reducing duplicates. But some Malls have more than 700 Stores, so this process is quite expensive in terms of querying and processing the data.
I managed to figure it out! Using Sequelize, my query was as follows:
include: [
model: postgres.Brands,
as: "brands",
include: [
model: postgres.Stores,
as: "stores",
where: {

Product Catalog with MongoDB - price model

I followed Product Catalog with MongoDB, Part 1: Schema Design but i'm not sure how to use it.
My question is how to retrieve products in a specific category with their prices?(like a simple category page in an e-commerce website)
If i put prices in the same collection with products (embed it in the product model) so with a single query i can get price for each product but i don't have as flexibility as second approach(for example variant pricing is impossible).
sample product document:
id: '054VA72303012P',
name: 'women's kate ivory',
prices: [{
val: 127788.33,
startDate: '2018-12-31 23:59:59',
endDate: '2019-2-31 23:59:59',
Second option is to store prices as a separate collection (as it said in the article). But i'm wondering how to retrieve products with their prices. Is it possible to do that with a single query? as MongoDB doesn't have JOIN operation how should i select a product with the corresponding prices. Sample schemas with complete descriptions are available in the article.
Sample schemas:
"_id": '054VA72303012P',
"name": 'women's kate ivory',
"_id": "05458452563",
"itemId": "054VA72303012P",
"name": "Width:Medium,Color:Ivory,Shoe Size:6.5",
"_id": "054VA72303012P_1234",
"price": "69.99",

MongoDB many-to-many relationship logic

I'm trying to design a schema for Products, Suppliers and Manufacturers:
A product can have many suppliers but only 1 manufacturer.
A supplier can have many products and many manufacturers.
A manufacturer can have many suppliers and many products.
I've reviewed this page where 10gen indicates "To avoid mutable, growing arrays, store the publisher reference inside the book document". In my example I consider the product-->manufacturer relationship to be equivalent to that of book-->publisher. I would therefore do this:
_id: "widgets",
manufacturer_name: "Widgets Inc.",
founded: 1980,
location: "CA"
_id: 123456789,
product_name: "Steel Widget",
color: "Steel",
manufacturer_id: "widgets"
_id: 223456789,
product_name: "White Widget",
color: "White",
manufacturer_id: "widgets"
What is the best way to handle the SUPPLIER (with relationships to many products and many manufacturers) such that I "avoid mutable, growing arrays"??
Note: This is one way to model it. Data modeling has a lot to do with the use cases and the according questions you want to ask. Your use case might need a different model.
I'd probably model it like this
name: "ACME Corporation"
manufacturer: "ACME",
name: "SuperFoo",
description: "Without SuperFoo, you can't bar or baz!",
Now comes the problem. Since potentially, if we embed all the products in a supplier document or vice versa, we could break the 16MB size limit easily, I'd use a different approach:
"name": "FooMart",
"location: { city:"Cologne",state:"MN",country:"US",geo:[44.770833,-93.783056]}
This way, each product can have gazillions of suppliers. Now here come the drawbacks.
For finding a supplier for a certain product, you have to do a two step query. First, you have to find all supplier IDs for a given product:
db.productSuppliers.find({product:<some ObjectId>},{_id:0,supplier:1})
Now, let's say we want to find all suppliers of SuperFoo near Cologne,MN at a max distance of 10 miles:
_id:{$in:[<ObjectIds of suppliers from the first query>]},
"location.geo": { $near :
$geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 44.770833, -93.783056] },
$maxDistance: 16093
You need to do quite some smart indexing to make these queries efficient. Which indices you need depends on your use case. The problem with indices is that they are only efficient when kept in RAM. So you really should be careful when creating your indices.
Again: The way you model data heavily depends on your use cases. In case you only have a few products per manufacturer or only a few suppliers per product or if each supplier only supplies products by a certain manufacturer, the model may look quite different.
Please have a close look at MongoDB's data modeling documentation. Most problems with MongoDB stem from wrong data modeling for the respective use case.

How can I model my meteor collection to feed three different reactive views

I am having some difficulty structuring my data so that I can benefit from reactivity in Meteor. Mainly nesting arrays of objects makes queries tricky.
The three main views I am trying to project this data onto are
waiter: shows order for one table, each persons meal (items nested, essentially what I have below)
kitchen manager: columns of orders by table (only needs table, note, and the items)
cook: columns of items, by category where started=true (only need item info)
Currently I have a meteor collection of order objects like this:
Order {
table: "1",
waiter: "neil",
note: "note from kitchen",
meals: [
seat: "1",
items: [ {n: "potato", category: "fryer", started: false },
{n: "water", category: "drink" }
seat: "2",
items: [ {n: "water", category: "drink" } ]
Is there any way to query inside the nested array and apply some projection, or do I need to look at an entirely different data model?
Assuming you're building this app for one restaurant, there shouldn't be many active orders at any given time—presumably you don't have thousands of tables. Even if you want to keep the orders in the database after they're served, you could add a field active to separate out the current ones.
Then your query is simple: activeOrders = Orders.find({active: true}).fetch(). The fetch returns an array, which you could loop through several times for each of your views, using nested if and for loops as necessary to dig down into the child objects. See also Underscore's _.pluck. You don't need to get everything right with some complicated Mongo query, and in fact your app will run faster if you query once and process the results however many times you need to.

Paginate sub document MongoDB

I'm trying to make a paginate mechanism for our product documents stored in MongoDB. What makes this tricky, is that each document can have several colors, and I need to paginate by these instead of the document itself. E.g. the example below has two colors, and should then count as 2 in my paginate results.
How would anyone go around doing this the easiest / most affective way?
Thanks in advance!
"_id": ObjectId("4fdbaf608b446b0477000142"),
"created_at": newDate("14-10-2011 12:02:55"),
"modified_at": newDate("15-6-2012 23:55:43"),
"sku": "A1051g",
"name": {
"en": "Earrings - Celebrity"
"variants": [
color: {
en: "Blue"
color: {
en: "Yellow"
I like Sammaye's solution but another approach could just be pulling back more results than you need.
So for example, if you need 100 variants per page and each product has at least 1 variant, query with a limit of 100 to try and get 100 products, and therefore, at least 100 variants.
Chances are, you will have more than 100 variants (each product having more than 1) so build a list of products as you iterate over the cursor keeping track of the number variants.
When you have 100 variants, take note of how many products you have in the list, out of the 100 you retrieved, and use that as the skip for your next query.
This will eventually get expensive for large skips as you will have to seek over the number of documents you skip but could be a good solution for now.