Split values from hash to another hash in perl - perl

I have a Hash like this. In this there are some repeated values like ID and VALUES are coming as shown in the given below code.
HASH = {
TEST => 'xxx',
STACK => 1,
'ID{0}' => '111',
'ID{1}' => '222',
'VALUE{0}' => 'Test',
'VALUE{1}' => 'Sample',
I want to take these values out to another Hash as given below.
Hash ={
0 => { ID => '111', VALUE => 'Test }
1 => { ID => '222', VALUE => 'Sample' }
How i can do this in Perl?

you need to make a hash of hashes
%hash =
TEST => 'xxx',
STACK => 1,
1 => {
'ID' => '111',
'VALUE' => 'Test',
} ,
2 => {
'ID' => '222',
'VALUE' => 'Sample',
to access them
here is a link for more info on hash of hashes LINK


Iterate an array reference and convert to hash in perl

I have an hash (Printed by Dumper) which is described below
$VAR1 = {
'items' => [
'name' => 'test1',
'id' => '1',
'desc' => 'desc1',
'name' => 'test2',
'id' => '2',
'desc' => 'desc2',
I need to convert "items" which is array reference to a hash like below. ('items' will be a hash of hash with the value of 'id' being the key)
$VAR1 = {
'items' => {
'1' =>{
'name' => 'test1',
'id' => '1',
'desc' => 'desc1',
'2' => {
'name' => 'test2',
'id' => '2',
'desc' => 'desc2',
Lets start with the below code. (Assume $data represents the original data and $newitems represents the modified items)
my $data;
my $items = $data->{items};
my %newitems;
foreach my $element (#$items) {
This looks like an XY problem to me - I'm guessing you're trying to transform some XML, so I'd suggest you want to look upstream to solve this problem.
But on the offchance you're not, then:
$data -> {items} = { map { $_ -> {id} => $_ } #{$data->{items} } };

Perl printing of a hash gives ARRAY(xxxxxxx)

I know there are many questions already with this kind of subject, but as far as I know (perl beginner so I could be wrong), I'm not using an array so I don't understand where this output comes from
$VAR1 = {
'BridgeMode' => {
'Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5' => {
'Description' => 'poort1',
'Duplex' => 'F(a)',
'Interface' => 'Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5',
'Link' => 'UP',
'PVID' => '100',
'Speed' => '10G(a)',
'Type' => 'A',
'Vlan100' => {
'UntaggedPorts' => [
'vlanID' => [
Above is the content of my dumper and this is my print statement:
my $untaggedInterface = $data{BridgeMode}{"Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5"}{Vlan100}{UntaggedPorts} ;
print "Untagged: $untaggedInterface \n" ;
I would expect that the print statement would print "Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5" but instead it shows this:
Untagged: ARRAY(0x24a8ec0)
edit - it is possible that there exists an tagged and an untagged:
$VAR1 = {
'BridgeMode' => {
'Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/12' => {
'Description' => 'poort5',
'Duplex' => 'F(a)',
'Interface' => 'Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/12',
'Link' => 'UP',
'PVID' => '100',
'Speed' => '10G(a)',
'Type' => 'H',
'Vlan100' => {
'UntaggedPorts' => [
'Vlan107' => {
'TaggedPorts' => [
edit: printing the content of the array
my #untaggedInterface = $data{BridgeMode}{"Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5"}{Vlan100}{UntaggedPorts} ;
print join(", ", #untaggedInterface) ;
stil gives
You would get the expected result if you had the following, i.e. a string instead of a string array:
'UntaggedPorts' => 'Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/12'
Otherwise, you must specify the index of the array element:
my $untaggedInterface = $data{BridgeMode}{"Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/5"}{Vlan100}{UntaggedPorts}[0];

Hashes of Arrays of Hashes of Arrays

I have the following output from hash in perl:
$VAR1 = {
'ins_api' => {
'sid' => 'eoc',
'outputs' => {
'output' => [
'body' => {
'TABLE_interface' => {
'ROW_interface' => [
'vdc_lvl_in_pkts' => 17081772,
'vdc_lvl_in_avg_bits' => 3128,
'eth_autoneg' => 'on',
'eth_speed' => '1000 Mb/s',
'admin_state' => 'up',
'vdc_lvl_out_mcast' => '65247',
'state' => 'up',
'eth_mtu' => '1500',
'eth_hw_addr' => '78ba.f9ad.b248',
'eth_mdix' => 'off',
'interface' => 'mgmt0',
'eth_ip_addr' => '',
'eth_bw' => 1000000,
'vdc_lvl_in_avg_pkts' => '3',
'vdc_lvl_out_bytes' => '3463952330',
'vdc_lvl_in_ucast' => '7653891',
'eth_ip_prefix' => '10.',
'eth_rxload' => '1',
'eth_txload' => '1',
'eth_reliability' => '255',
'eth_dly' => 10,
'vdc_lvl_in_mcast' => '8742911',
'eth_ip_mask' => 24,
'eth_bia_addr' => '78ba.f9ad.b248',
'eth_duplex' => 'full',
'vdc_lvl_out_pkts' => '8668507',
'vdc_lvl_out_avg_pkts' => '1',
'vdc_lvl_in_bcast' => '684970',
'vdc_lvl_out_avg_bits' => '1840',
'medium' => 'broadcast',
'vdc_lvl_out_bcast' => '5',
'vdc_lvl_out_ucast' => '8603255',
'eth_ethertype' => '0x0000',
'vdc_lvl_in_bytes' => '1985125644',
'eth_hw_desc' => 'GigabitEthernet'
'eth_babbles' => '0',
'eth_outbytes' => '7362149107971',
'eth_outucast' => '16348249961',
'eth_clear_counters' => 'never',
'eth_watchdog' => '0',
'eth_inpkts' => 8644872191,
'eth_inbytes' => '3415386845315',
'eth_out_flowctrl' => 'off',
'eth_bad_proto' => '0',
'eth_frame' => '0',
----- output omitted -------
What would be the best way to loop via ROW_interface array and print some of the elements? I am just trying to get the elements in the ROW_interface array.
my $ROW_Interfaces = $output->{body}{TABLE_interface}{ROW_interface};
for my $ROW_Interfaces (#$ROW_Interfaces) {
It seems there can be more than one output, so you'll have to locate the appropriate one similarly.
Similar to #ikegami's answer, but handles the multiple output entries. The if defined... is there as the structure isn't complete, and I wasn't sure if each entry had the same keys or not.
for my $output (#{ $VAR1->{ins_api}{outputs}{output} }){
for my $row_int (#{ $output->{body}{TABLE_interface}{ROW_interface} }){
print "$row_int->{eth_frame}\n" if exists $row_int->{eth_frame};

How to access array of hashes?

Hi i have an array of hashes as below, i want access hash element/elements. Say suppose i want to print doct1's name, i am not getting right result please help me how do i print that?
#doctors = (
'doct1' => {
'name' => 'abcd',
'specialization' => 'xyz',
'city' => 'pqr'
'doct2' => {
'name' => 'efgh',
'specialization' => 'mno',
'city' => 'stu'
print $doctors[0]{'name'};
Arrays don't have keys,
my #doctors = (
'name' => 'abcd',
'specialization' => 'xyz',
'city' => 'pqr'
'name' => 'efgh',
'specialization' => 'mno',
'city' => 'stu'
print $doctors[0]{'name'};
You don't have an AoH. You have an array containing both strings and references to hashes. This is a very poor data structure. It's messy and inefficient to locate the correct doctor.
my $i = 0;
$i += 2 while $i<#doctors && $doctors[$i] ne 'doct1';
die "Not found" if $i > #doctors;
say $doctors[$i+1]{name};
If you had an AoH as you say, it you look something like this:
my #doctors = (
id => 'doct1',
name => 'abcd',
specialization => 'xyz',
city => 'pqr',
id => 'doct2',
name => 'efgh',
specialization => 'mno',
city => 'stu',
That would be better.
my ($doctor) = grep { $_->{id} eq 'doct1' } #doctors
or die "Not found";
say $doctor->{name};
It's also possible that doct1 and doct2 are meaningless, and that you'd be happy using 0 and 1 instead. If so,
die "Not found" if #doctors < 0;
say $doctors[0]{name};
If doct1 and doct2 aren't meaningless, then the cleanest and most efficient solution would be to use an HoH.
my %doctors = (
doct1 => {
name => 'abcd',
specialization => 'xyz',
city => 'pqr',
doct2 => {
name => 'efgh',
specialization => 'mno',
city => 'stu',
The code would then be the simple:
my $doctor = $doctors{doct1}
or die "Not found";
say $doctor->{name};
This is a situation where using Data::Dumper is essential, what you actually have is an array of two strings and two hashrefs. If you were to print it out with Data::Dumper you would see this:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \#doctors;
'city' => 'pqr',
'specialization' => 'xyz',
'name' => 'abcd'
'city' => 'stu',
'specialization' => 'mno',
'name' => 'efgh'
Each hashref has all the data that represents a doctor, the additional key at the front doesn't make any sense. Remove those keys and you will have a structure like this:
#doctors = (
'name' => 'abcd',
'specialization' => 'xyz',
'city' => 'pqr'
'name' => 'efgh',
'specialization' => 'mno',
'city' => 'stu'
and now you can access the hash attributes like you would expect:
print $doctors[0]{name};
The right hand declaration is not very consistent (in intention) with the assignment to an array. You'd probably want to assign it to a hash instead:
%doctors = (
'doct1' => {
'name' => 'abcd',
'specialization' => 'xyz',
'city' => 'pqr'
'doct2' => {
'name' => 'efgh',
'specialization' => 'mno',
'city' => 'stu'
print $doctors{'doct1'}->{'name'};
Either this or, mpapec's answer.

How do I access certain keys in a Perl nested hash?

I dumped a data structure:
print Dumper($bobo->{'issues'});
and got:
$VAR1 = {
'155' => {
'name' => 'Gender',
'url_name' => 'gender'
How can I extract 155?
How about if I have:
$VAR1 = {
'155' => {'name' => 'Gender', 'url_name' => 'gender'},
'11' => {'name' => 'Toddler', 'url_name' => 'toddler'},
'30' => {'name' => 'Lolo', 'url_name' => 'lolo'}
I want to print one key, i.e. the first or second to see the value of the key?
So, based on the example you posted, the hash looks like this:
$bobo = {
issues => {
155 => {
name => 'Gender',
url_name => 'gender',
'155' is a key in your example code. To extract a key, you would use keys.
my #keys = keys %{$bobo->{issues}};
But to get the value that 155 indexes, you could say:
my $val = $bobo->{issues}{155};
Then $val would contain a hashref that looks like this:
name => 'Gender',
url_name => 'gender'
Have a look at perldoc perlreftut.
It is a key in the hash referenced by $bobo->{'issues'}. So you would iterate through
keys %{$bobo->{'issues'}}
to find it.