SvnTask error in Ant Eclipse Plugin - eclipse

I still encounter this error even if I included the svnant-1.3 jar in this path of my Eclipse plugin C:\Development\Java\eclipse\plugins
taskdef A class needed by class org.tigris.subversion.svnant.SvnTask cannot be found: org/tigris/
subversion/svnclientadapter/SVNClientException using the classloader AntClassLoade
What else can be done for this? I checked svnant jar ant SvnTask class is there


Eclipse's Ant needs jsch

I run ant script file in my Eclipse IDE. File contains command scp:
<scp file="myfile.txt" todir="user:password#somehost:/home/chuck"/>
This line causes error:
Cause: Could not load a dependent class com/jcraft/jsch/Logger
It is not enough to have Ant's optional JARs
Why my Eclipse's Ant does not have this class and where I can download requied library? How to know which library version is needed?
You can have a look here for JSCH
There is a Download section where you can find a .jar (jsch-0.1.54.jar at time of writing).
Then you have to setup ANT buildpath to use this jar.

Eclipse error - Cannot be resolved to type

Created a Maven Project and have set the dependencies in the pom.xml. The import statement (com.splunk.*) seems to recognize the library included in the Maven Dependencies, however when I refer to the class (for e.g. ResultsReaderXml) within that library, it shows the "error message cannot be resolved to type". Can some please explain why Spring Tool Suite (Eclipse) is doing that?

Scala project with maven in IntelliJ does not compile

I created a scala project and included Maven framework in it. After that the code doesn't compile and hence when I run the file, I end up getting the following error
Error: Could not find or load main class main.scala.TestSpark
Mark scala directory as Sources Root.

Intellij class path setting when build a jar for maven project

when running the jar in command line, throw this exception:
When building jar in intellij, we need set the manifest properties, like main class, class path, where could I find the right setting for this? it is not in the manifest file

eclipse gives error on start up after adding sbteclipse plugin

I add sbt eclipse plug-in .First I created the project named hello the in project directory i created a file named plugins.sbt and add this line in it
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.5.0")
and after the sbt> I typed eclipse then it created the project for eclipse
when I open eclipse it gives me error message
An error has occurred. See the error log for more details
The org.eclipse.jdt.ui.javaElementFilters plug-in extension "" specifies a viewer filter class which does not exist.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
please help me to how to resolve this error and when I imported the sbt project eclipse give me another error
Building workspace has encountered a problem
Errors occurred during the build.
Error instantiating builder 'org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalabuilder'.
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Plug-in org.scala-ide.sdt.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.scala-ide.sdt.core (806).
Please help me
scala version 2.11.1
sbt version 0.13
I added the scala-IDE plugin from this source
i am using eclipse juno and pasted the following location in install new software
my project compiles successfully in sbt
Are you using Eclipse Luna for Java Developers (as opposed to Eclipse Classic) AND Scala IDE 4.0 milestone 3? There is a known issue (solved in the nightly builds since then), reported on the mailing list here.
You can "fix" it by either upgrading the Scala plugin to a nightly build (they're pretty stable), or going with Eclipse Classic instead.