I am writing a small program so that I can work some proofs of deMorgans laws using the type introduction/elimination rules from the HoTT book (et. al.). My model/example code is all here, https://mdnahas.github.io/doc/Reading_HoTT_in_Coq.pdf. So far I have,
Definition idmap {A:Type} (x:A) : A := x.
Inductive prod (A B:Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> #prod A B.
Notation "x * y" := (prod x y) : type_scope.
Notation "x , y" := (pair _ _ x y) (at level 10).
Section projections.
Context {A : Type} {B : Type}.
Definition fst (p: A * B ) :=
match p with
| (x , y) => x
Definition snd (p:A * B ) :=
match p with
| (x , y) => y
End projections.
Inductive sum (A B : Type ) : Type :=
| inl : A -> sum A B
| inr : B -> sum A B.
Arguments inl {A B} _ , [A] B _.
Arguments inr {A B} _ , A [B].
Notation "x + y" := (sum x y) : type_scope.
Inductive Empty_set:Set :=.
Inductive unit:Set := tt:unit.
Definition Empty := Empty_set.
Definition Unit := unit.
Definition not (A:Type) : Type := A -> Empty.
Notation "~ x" := (not x) : type_scope.
Variables X:Type.
Variables Y:Type.
Goal (X * Y) -> (not X + not Y).
intro h. fst h.
Now I don't really know what the problem is. I've examples of people using definitions, but they always involve "Compute" commands, and I want to apply the rule fst to h to get x:X, so they are not helpful.
I tried "apply fst." which got me
Error: Cannot infer the implicit parameter B of fst whose type is
"Type" in environment:
h : A * B
In a proof context, Coq expects to get tactics to execute, not expressions to evaluate. Since fst is not defined as a tactic, it will give Error: The reference fst was not found in the current environment.
One possible tactic to execute along the lines of what you seem to be trying to do is set:
set (x := fst h).
I want to apply the rule fst to h to get x:X
I believe you can do
apply fst in h.
If you just write apply fst, Coq will apply the fst rule to the goal, rather than to h. If you write fst h, as Daniel says in his answer, Coq will attempt to run the fst tactic, which does not exist. In addition to Daniel's set solution, which will change the goal if fst h appears in it (and this may or may not be what you want), the following also work:
pose (fst h) as x. (* adds x := fst h to the context *)
pose proof (fst h) as x. (* adds opaque x : X to the context, justified by the term fst h *)
destruct h as [x y]. (* adds x : X and y : Y to the context, and replaces h with pair x y everywhere *)
data _∈_ {X : Set} (x : X) : (xs : List X) → Set where
here! : {xs : List X} → x ∈ x ∷ xs
there : {xs : List X} {y : X} (pr : x ∈ xs) → x ∈ y ∷ xs
remove : {X : Set} {x : X} (xs : List X) (pr : x ∈ xs) → List X
remove (_ ∷ xs) here! = xs
remove (y ∷ xs) (there pr) = y ∷ remove xs pr
I am trying to translate the above definition from Agda to Coq and am running into difficulties.
Inductive Any {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) : list A -> Prop :=
| here : forall {x : A} {xs : list A}, P x -> Any P (x :: xs)
| there : forall {x : A} {xs : list A}, Any P xs -> Any P (x :: xs).
Definition In' {A : Type} (x : A) xs := Any (fun x' => x = x') xs.
Fixpoint remove {A : Type} {x : A} {l : list A} (pr : In' x l) : list A :=
match l, pr with
| [], _ => []
| _ :: ls, here _ _ => ls
| x :: ls, there _ pr => x :: remove pr
Incorrect elimination of "pr0" in the inductive type "#Any":
the return type has sort "Type" while it should be "Prop".
Elimination of an inductive object of sort Prop
is not allowed on a predicate in sort Type
because proofs can be eliminated only to build proofs.
In addition to this error, if I leave the [] case out Coq is asks me to provide it despite it being absurd.
Up to this point, I've thought that Agda and Coq were the same languages with a different front end, but now I am starting to think they are different under the hood. Is there a way to replicate the remove function in Coq and if not, what alternative would you recommend?
Edit: I also want to keep the proof between In and In'. Originally I made In' a Type rather than a Prop, but that made the following proof fail with a type error.
Fixpoint In {A : Type} (x : A) (l : list A) : Prop :=
match l with
| [] ⇒ False
| x' :: l' ⇒ x' = x ∨ In x l'
Theorem In_iff_In' :
forall {A : Type} (x : A) (l : list A),
In x l <-> In' x l.
- intros.
induction l.
+ inversion H.
+ simpl in H.
destruct H; subst.
* apply here. reflexivity.
* apply there. apply IHl. assumption.
- intros.
induction H.
+ left. subst. reflexivity.
+ right. assumption.
In environment
A : Type
x : A
l : list A
The term "In' x l" has type "Type" while it is expected to have type
"Prop" (universe inconsistency).
The In here is from the Logic chapter of SF. I have a solution of the pigeonhole principle in Agda, so I want this bijection in order to convert to the form that the exercise asks.
Theorem remove_lemma :
forall {A} {x} {y} {l : list A} (pr : In' x l) (pr' : In' y l),
x = y \/ In' y (remove pr).
I also outright run into universe inconsistency in this definition even when using Type when defining In'.
You need to use an informative proof of membership. Right now, your Any takes values in Prop, which, due to its limitations on elimination (see the error message you got), is consistent with the axiom forall (P: Prop) (x y: P), x = y. This means that if you have some term that depends on a term whose type is in Prop (as is the case with remove), it has to only use the fact that such a term exists, not what term it is specifically. Generally, you can't use elimination (usually pattern matching) on a Prop to produce anything other than something that's also a Prop.
There are three essentially different proofs of In' 1 [1; 2; 1; 3; 1; 4], and, depending which proof is used, remove p might be [2; 1; 4; 1; 4], [1; 2; 3; 1; 4] or [1; 2; 1; 3; 4]. So the output depends on the specific proof in an essential way.
To fix this, you can simply replace the Prop in Inductive Any {A : Type} (P : A -> Type) : list A -> Prop with Type.1 Now we can eliminate into non-Prop types and your definition of remove works as written.
To answer your edits, I think the biggest issue is that some of your theorems/definitions need In' to be a Prop (because they depend on uninformative proofs) and others need the informative proof.
I think your best bet is to keep In' as a Type, but then prove uninformative versions of the theorems. In the standard libary, in Coq.Init.Logic, there is an inductive type inhabited.
Inductive inhabited (A: Type): Prop :=
| inhabits: A -> inhabited A.
This takes a type and essentially forgets anything specific about its terms, only remembering if it's inhabited or not. I think your theorem and lemma are provable if you simply replace In' x l with inhabited (In' x l). I was able to prove a variant of your theorem whose conclusion is simply In x l <-> inhabited (In' x l). Your proof mostly worked, but I had to use the following simple lemma in one step:
Lemma inhabited_there {A: Type} {P: A -> Type} {x: A} {xs: list A}:
inhabited (Any P xs) -> inhabited (Any P (x :: xs)).
Note: even though inhabited A is basically just a Prop version of A and we have A -> inhabited A, we can't prove inhabited A -> A in general because that would involve choosing an arbitrary element of A.2
I also suggested Set here before, but this doesn't work since the inductive type depends on A, which is in Type.
In fact, I believe that the proof assistant Lean uses something very similar to this for its axiom of choice.
I'm trying to use Equations package to define a function over vectors in Coq. The minimum code that shows the problem that I will describe is available at the following gist.
My idea is to code a function that does a lookup on a "proof" that some type holds for all elements of a vector, which has a standard definition:
Inductive vec (A : Type) : nat -> Type :=
| VNil : vec A 0
| VCons : forall n, A -> vec A n -> vec A (S n).
Using the previous type, I had defined the following (also standard) lookup operation (using Equations):
Equations vlookup {A}{n}(i : fin n) (v : vec A n) : A :=
vlookup FZero (VCons x _) := x ;
vlookup (FSucc ix) (VCons _ xs) := vlookup ix xs.
Now, the trouble begins. I want to define the type of "proofs" that some
property holds for all elements in a vector. The following inductive type does this job:
Inductive vforall {A : Type}(P : A -> Type) : forall n, vec A n -> Type :=
| VFNil : vforall P _ VNil
| VFCons : forall n x xs,
P x -> vforall P n xs -> vforall P (S n) (VCons x xs).
Finally, the function that I want to define is
Equations vforall_lookup
{A : Type}
{P : A -> Type}
{xs : vec A n}
(idx : fin n) :
vforall P xs -> P (vlookup idx xs) :=
vforall_lookup FZero (VFCons _ _ pf _) := pf ;
vforall_lookup (FSucc ix) (VFCons _ _ _ ps) := vforall_lookup ix ps.
At leas to me, this definition make sense and it should type check. But, Equations had showed the following warning and left me with a proof obligation in which I had no idea on how to finish it.
The message presented after the definition of the previous function is:
In environment
eos : end_of_section
fix_0 : forall (n : nat) (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (xs : vec A n)
(idx : fin n) (v : vforall P xs),
vforall_lookup_ind n A P xs idx v (vforall_lookup idx v)
A : Type
P : A -> Type
n0 : nat
x : A
xs0 : vec A n0
idx : fin n0
p : P x
v : vforall P xs0
Unable to unify "VFCons P n0 x xs0 p v" with "v".
The obligation left is
Obligation 1 of vforall_lookup_ind_fun:
(forall (n : nat) (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (xs : vec A n)
(idx : fin n) (v : vforall P xs),
vforall_lookup_ind n A P xs idx v (vforall_lookup idx v)).
Later, after looking at a similar definition in Agda standard library, I realised that the previous function definition is missing a case for the empty vector:
lookup : ∀ {a p} {A : Set a} {P : A → Set p} {k} {xs : Vec A k} →
(i : Fin k) → All P xs → P (Vec.lookup i xs)
lookup () []
lookup zero (px ∷ pxs) = px
lookup (suc i) (px ∷ pxs) = lookup i pxs
My question is, how can I specify that, for the empty vector case, the right hand side should be empty, i.e. a contradiction? The Equations manual shows an example for equality but I could adapt it to this case. Any idea on what am I doing wrong?
I think I finally understood what is going on in this example by looking closely at the obligation generated.
The definition is correct, and it is accepted (you can use vforall_lookup without solving the obligation). What fails to be generated is the induction principle associated to the function.
More precisely, Equations generates the right induction principle in three steps (this is detailed in the reference manual) in section "Elimination principle":
it generates the graph of the function (in my version of Equations it is called vforall_lookup_graph, in previous versions it was called vforall_lookup_ind). I am not sure that I fully understand what it is. Intuitively, it reflects the structure of the body of the function. In any case, it is a key component to generate the induction principle.
it proves that the function respects this graph (in a lemma called vforall_lookup_graph_correct or vforall_lookup_ind_fun);
it combines the last two results to generate the induction principle associated to the function (this lemma is called vforall_lookup_elim in all versions).
In your case, the graph was correctly generated but Equations was not able to prove automatically that the function respects its graph (step 2), so it is left to you.
Let's give it a try!
Next Obligation.
induction v.
- inversion idx.
- dependent elimination idx.
(* a powerful destruct provided by Equations
that correctly working with dependent types
+ constructor.
+ constructor.
Coq rejects the last call to constructor with the error
Unable to unify "VFCons P n1 x xs p v" with "v".
This really looks like the error obtained in the first place, so I think the automatic resolution reached this same point and failed. Does this mean that we took a wrong path? Let's look closer at the goal before the second constructor.
We have to prove
vforall_lookup_graph (S n1) A P (VCons x xs) (FSucc f) (VFCons P n1 x xs p v) (vforall_lookup (FSucc f) (VFCons P n1 x xs p v))
while the type of vforall_lookup_graph_equation_2, the second constructor of vforall_lookup_graph_equation is
forall (n : nat) (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (x : A) (xs0 : vec A n) (f : fin n) (p : P x) (v : vforall P xs0),
vforall_lookup_graph n A P xs0 f v (vforall_lookup f v) -> vforall_lookup_graph (S n) A P (VCons x xs0) (FSucc f) (VFCons P n x xs0 p v) (vforall_lookup f v)
The difference lies in the calls to vforall_lookup. In the first case, we have
vforall_lookup (FSucc f) (VFCons P n1 x xs p v)
and in the second case
vforall_lookup f v
But these are identical by definition of vforall_lookup! But by default the unification fails to recognize that. We need to help it a bit. We can either give the value of some argument, e.g.
apply (vforall_lookup_graph_equation_2 n0).
or we can use exact or refine that unify more aggressively than apply since they are given the whole term and not only its head
refine (vforall_lookup_graph_equation_2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
We can conclude easily by the induction hypothesis. This gives the following proof
Next Obligation.
induction v.
- inversion idx.
- dependent elimination idx.
+ constructor.
+ (* IHv is the induction hypothesis *)
exact (vforall_lookup_graph_equation_2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (IHv _)).
Since I like doing proofs with dependent types by hand, I can't help giving a proof that does not use dependent elimination.
Next Obligation.
induction v.
- inversion idx.
- revert dependent xs.
refine (
match idx as id in fin k return
match k return fin k -> Type with
| 0 => fun _ => IDProp
| S n => fun _ => _
end id
| FZero => _
| FSucc f => _
end); intros.
+ constructor.
+ exact (vforall_lookup_graph_equation_2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (IHv _)).
Using this definition of a group:
Structure group :=
G :> Set;
id : G;
op : G -> G -> G;
inv : G -> G;
op_assoc_def : forall (x y z : G), op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z;
op_inv_l : forall (x : G), id = op (inv x) x;
op_id_l : forall (x : G), x = op id x
(** Set implicit arguments *)
Arguments id {g}.
Arguments op {g} _ _.
Arguments inv {g} _.
Notation "x # y" := (op x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
And having proven this theorem:
Theorem mult_both_sides (G : group) : forall (a b c : G),
a = b <-> c # a = c # b.
How do I write an Ltac that automates the process of left multiplying a given equality (either the goal itself or a hypothesis) by a given term?
Ideally, using this Ltac in a proof would look like this:
left_mult (arbitrary expression).
left_mult (arbitrary expression) in (hypothesis).
Building on the answer given by larsr, you can use Tactic Notations to write
Tactic Notation "left_mult" uconstr(arbitrary_expression) :=
apply (mult_both_sides _ _ _ arbitrary_expression).
Tactic Notation "left_mult" uconstr(arbitrary_expression) "in" hyp(hypothesis) :=
apply (mult_both_sides _ _ _ arbitrary_expression) in hypothesis.
Using uconstr says "delay typechecking of this term until we plug it into apply". (Other options include constr ("typecheck this at the call site") and open_constr ("typecheck this at the call site and fill in holes with evars").)
Do you really need a specific tactic for this? If you just use apply to this
Goal forall (G:group) (a b c: G), a = b.
apply (mult_both_sides _ _ _ c).
Now your goal is
G0 : group
a, b, c : G0
c # a = c # b
If you want to modify a hypothesis H, then just do apply ... in H.
I'd like to define a predicate for list uniqueness and its decidability function in Coq. My first try was:
Section UNIQUE.
Variable A : Type.
Variable P : A -> Prop.
Variable PDec : forall (x : A), {P x} + {~ P x}.
Definition Unique (xs : list A) := exists! x, In x xs /\ P x.
Here I just have specified that predicate Unique xs will hold if there's just one value x in list xs such that P x holds. Now, comes the problem. When I've tried to define its Unique decidability:
Definition Unique_dec : forall xs, {Unique xs} + {~ Unique xs}.
induction xs ; unfold Unique in *.
right ; intro ; unfold unique in * ; simpl in * ; crush.
destruct IHxs ; destruct (PDec a).
destruct e as [y [Hiy HPy]].
I've got the following nasty error message:
Error: Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition ex.
I've googled this message and seen several similar problems in different contexts. At least to me, it seems that such problem is related to some restrictions on Coq pattern matching, right?
Now that the problem is settled, my questions:
1) All I want is to define a decidability for a uniqueness test based on a decidable predicate. In the standard library, there are similar tests for existencial and universal quantifiers. Both can be defined as inductive predicates. Is there a way to define "exists unique" as an inductive predicate on lists?
2) It is possible to define such predicate in order to it match the standard logic meaning of exists unique? Like exists! x, P x = exists x, P x /\ forall y, P y -> x = y?
What you're running into is that you can't pattern match on ex (the underlying inductive for both exists and exists!) in order to produce a value of type sumbool (the type for the {_} + {_} notation), which is a Type and not a Prop. The "nasty error message" isn't terribly helpful in figuring this out; see this bug report for a proposed fix.
To avoid this issue, I think you should prove a stronger version of Unique that produces something in Type (a sig) rather than Prop:
Definition Unique (xs : list A) := exists! x, In x xs /\ P x.
Definition UniqueT (xs : list A) := {x | unique (fun x => In x xs /\ P x) x}.
Theorem UniqueT_to_Unique : forall xs,
UniqueT xs -> Unique xs.
unfold UniqueT, Unique; intros.
destruct X as [x H].
exists x; eauto.
You can then prove decidability for this definition in Type, and from there prove your original statement if you want:
Definition UniqueT_dec : forall xs, UniqueT xs + (UniqueT xs -> False).
As mentioned in Anton's answer, this proof will require decidable equality for A, also in Type, namely forall (x y:A), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
Let me provide only a partial answer (it's too large for a comment).
If we go with this definition of uniqueness which admits multiple copies (as mentioned by Arthur), then Unique_dec implies decidability of equality for type A (as mentioned by #ejgallego).
Assuming we have
: forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop),
(forall x : A, {P x} + {~ P x}) ->
forall xs : list A, {Unique P xs} + {~ Unique P xs}
We can show the following:
Lemma dec_eq A (a b : A) : a = b \/ a <> b.
pose proof (Unique_dec (fun (_ : A) => True) (fun _ => left I) [a;b]) as U.
unfold Unique in U; destruct U as [u | nu].
- destruct u as (x & [I _] & U).
destruct I as [<- | [<- | contra]];
[specialize (U b) | specialize (U a) |]; firstorder.
- right; intros ->; apply nu; firstorder.
As a rough and untutored background, in HoTT, one deduces the heck out of the inductively defined type
Inductive paths {X : Type } : X -> X -> Type :=
| idpath : forall x: X, paths x x.
which allows the very general construction
Lemma transport {X : Type } (P : X -> Type ){ x y : X} (γ : paths x y):
P x -> P y.
induction γ.
exact (fun a => a).
The Lemma transport would be at the heart of HoTT "replace" or "rewrite" tactics; the trick, so far as I understand it, would be, supposing a goal which you or I can abstractly recognize as
H : paths x y
[ Q : (G x) ]
(G y)
to figure out what is the necessary dependent type G, so that we can apply (transport G H). So far, all I've figured out is that
Ltac transport_along γ :=
match (type of γ) with
| ?a ~~> ?b =>
match goal with
|- ?F b => apply (transport F γ)
| _ => idtac "apparently couldn't abstract" b "from the goal." end
| _ => idtac "Are you sure" γ "is a path?" end.
isn't general enough. That is, the first idtac gets used rather often.
The question is
[Is there a | what is the] Right Thing to Do?
There is a bug about using rewrite for relations in type, which would allow you to just say rewrite <- y.
In the mean time,
Ltac transport_along γ :=
match (type of γ) with
| ?a ~~> ?b => pattern b; apply (transport _ y)
| _ => idtac "Are you sure" γ "is a path?"
probably does what you want.
The feature request mentioned by Tom Prince in his answer has been granted:
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.CMorphisms.
Inductive paths {X : Type } : X -> X -> Type :=
| idpath : forall x: X, paths x x.
Lemma transport {X : Type } (P : X -> Type ){ x y : X} (γ : paths x y):
P x -> P y.
induction γ.
exact (fun a => a).
Global Instance paths_Reflexive {A} : Reflexive (#paths A) := idpath.
Global Instance paths_Symmetric {A} : Symmetric (#paths A).
Proof. intros ?? []; constructor. Defined.
Global Instance proper_paths {A} (x : A) : Proper paths x := idpath x.
Global Instance paths_subrelation
(A : Type) (R : crelation A)
{RR : Reflexive R}
: subrelation paths R.
intros ?? p.
apply (transport _ p), RR.
Global Instance reflexive_paths_dom_reflexive
{B} {R' : crelation B} {RR' : Reflexive R'}
{A : Type}
: Reflexive (#paths A ==> R')%signature.
Proof. intros ??? []; apply RR'. Defined.
Goal forall (x y : nat) G, paths x y -> G x -> G y.
intros x y G H Q.
rewrite <- H.
exact Q.
I found the required instances by comparing the logs I got with Set Typeclasses Debug from setoid_rewrite <- H when H : paths x y and when H : eq x y.