How to view Plugin Manager in Notepad++ - plugins

I downloaded Notepad++ from
And I installed the same. Now I need to install few plugins, but in the menu option Plugins there are only Converter and MIME tools listed, but not Plugin Manager.
Edit: They have removed Plugin Manager with the version 7.5. Still it can be added by following #johnny 's instruction in the best solution.
P.S: The plugin manager is only supporting the 32-bit version.

As of Notepad++ version 7.5, plugin manager is no longer shipped with Notepad++
From the Notepad++ release notes:
You may notice that Plugin Manager plugin has been removed from the official distribution. The reason is Plugin Manager contains the advertising in its dialog. I hate Ads in applications, and I ensure you that there was no, and there will never be Ads in Notepad++.
A built-in Plugin Manager is in progress, and I will do my best to ship it with Notepad++ ASAP.
If the above doesn't put you off, and you want to proceed and install the plugin manager anyway, it looks like there's a GitHub repository for nppPluginManager - though I haven't personally used it, so cannot comment on it's validity.
The nppPluginManager installation instructions state:
To install the plugin manager, simply download (links below) the .zip, and place the PluginManager.dll file in the Notepad++ plugins directory, and the gpup.exe in the updater directory under your Notepad++ program directory. (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\updater")
In fact, if you prefer, you can just add the PluginManager.dll to the plugins directory, then do a reinstall of Plugin Manager from the plugin itself, which will place the file in the right place! Of course, if you're already using an earlier version of the plugin manager, you'll be able to just update from the update tab (or when you get the notification that the update has happened).
The GitHub repository also contains the latest release.

Follow the steps given below:
Download Plugin Manager from here.
You can find the most updated version in the release section in the Git repository:
Extract the contents of zip file under "C:\Program Files\Notepad++"
Restart Notepad++
That's it !!

To install a plugin without Plugin Manager:
Download your plugin and extract contents in a folder. You will find a .dll file inside. Copy it.
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\pluginsand paste the .dll
Run Notepad++

You can download the latest Plugin Manager version
Unzip the file.
Start or restart Notepad++.

The way to install plugins seems to have changed, the previous answers here did not work for me.
The current (checked with 7.8.1) way to install plugins is to install it in a sub folder:
The plugin (in the DLL form) should be placed in the plugins subfolder of the Notepad++ Install Folder, under the subfolder with the same name of plugin binary name without file extension. For example, if the plugin you want to install named myAwesomePlugin.dll, you should install it with the following path: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Notepad++\plugins\myAwesomePlugin\myAwesomePlugin.dll
So PluginManager.dll goes into PluginManager sub folder.

Notepad v7.6 includes a Plugin Admin and from this you can install Plugin Manager(note1) but it doesn't work fine with npp v7.6(note2)
On the other hand Plugin Admin is only available on NPP "Setup version" and after following conditions
on Custom installation, "Plugin Admin" checkbox is enabled
on Choose Components "Don't use %APPDATA%" checkbox is disabled
Plugin Admin will place plugins at C:\ProgramData\Notepad++\plugins
(note1)Installation from Plugin Admin is not complete and \updater\gpup.exe is missing
(note2) Plugin manager is not using new plugins path and folder structure; from version 7.6 npp Plugins will be stored in individual folders (having same name than file.dll)
If you want to use npp7.6 portable, you can copy updater folder from Setup version, copy plugins from Setup version, or copy Plugins from npp v<7.6 and place each one in a individual folder.

Latest version of Notepad++ got a new built-in plugin manager which works nicely.

My system was 32 bit. I removed and re-installed Notepad++. After that from below got and extracted it.
I created a folder called PluginManager at C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\ and copied PluginManager.dll into it. I restarted my notepad++ and now I see Plugin Manager.

A direct process to install / configure Plugin Manager :
Download the latest version of NotepadPlus Plugin Manager from the
official Github handle.
Extract the zip file.
Copy the pluginmanager.dll file and paste in C:\Program Files\Notepad++\Plugins\PluginManager directory.
Restart the Notepad++
Note: Create the
PluginManager directory if it is not present.

Notepad++ v8.1.2 has it where it used to be

I changed the plugin folder name. Restart Notepad ++
It works now, a

It can be installed with one command for N++ installer version:
choco install notepadplusplus-nppPluginManager


What is the dropins folder in Eclipse/JBoss Developer Studio?

I am new to Eclipse and was wondering what is the dropins folder? Where exactly is it(I am on Windows 8)?
Basically i wanted to use this dark UI theme Roger Dudler made ( for Eclipse Juno. If you see near the bottom of this link, he says to place the zip folder into the "dropins folder". I have no idea :(
dropins directory in eclipse (Path is Eclipse_home/dropins, which is at same level as plugins folder is present in eclipse) is a default watched directory.
Instead of installing plugins you simply put them under this folder (in your case com.github.eclipsecolortheme.themes_1.0.0.201207121019.jar) and restart the eclipse they will be picked up automatically on next start.
Please note that the dropins folder is not supported or encouraged in JBoss Developer Studio.
Plugin providers should really create an update site (or update site zip) containing their plugin bundles, and then users can simply do Help > Install new ... to install correctly using the fully supported p2/Install Manager method of installation.
Note too that Tycho now supports creation of update sites from nothing more than a pom.xml and category.xml file, and you don't need to create features anymore toadd your to the category.xml.
So there's really no reason to provide a plugin w/o wrapping it with the correct p2 metadata.
The dropins folder is if not exists it must be created. The location is the same as the executable of the IDE.

Json Editor Plugin installation?

I feel really stupid by asking this question, but how can I install Json Editor Plugin in my Eclipse Helios? I looked at the Forum in sourceforge, but I can't install it neither through .zip or by adding a web site. And will I need to change the execution environment to Java 1.6?
Here is what I did to get the Json Editor Plugin to show up in the Install Dialog.
By doing a little Google-ing, I found this page which describes the steps to install JsonEditorPlugin on 3.4.
After you have followed the first 6 steps, make sure that Group items by category is un-ticked. After that, you can then choose Json Editor Plugin to be installed from the local Zip archive that you have downloaded from the net.
Edit: as a side note, you must not have the unzipped contents of the zip archive in the dropins/ folder, otherwise it will appear as if the plugin is already installed.
Simply dropping the zip contents into the dropins folder however did work also.
Note: You must right click your .json file and choose 'Open with' -> 'Json Editor'
You can install plugins by just unzipping them into the dropins folder.
It does not matter if the zip file contains the parent folders "plugins" and/or "eclipse".
I would recommend Java 1.6 as it brings a better performance and the plugin might require Java 1.6. On your desktop shortcut you use following execution arguments:
eclipse -vm <path to jre 1.6 installation folder>\bin\javaw
Download (or whatever) and put it in a folder you like.
In Eclipse Help --> Install New Software
Add --> Archive button and select the zip file.
Name it and press OK
Press button Next and Follow master of installation.
Then after opening json file possibly needed right click mouse on the file --> open with --> JSON editor

How to manually install software/plugin to Eclipse IDE?

I have downloaded a RAR file from the following location, to be (manually) installed to Eclipse (Helios). How can I perform the manual installation?
Instead of putting it directly into the plugins directory, it's better to use the dropins directory as this was created just for this purpose. Have a look here:
For sqlexplorer: do not download the full RCP version (as your link does), this one is standalone. Get this one instead:
Extract this to $eclipse_home$\dropins\sqlexplorer and restart Eclipse.
BUT: Using the SqlExplorer Update Site ( would be an even better option (Help>Install new Software)
I have tried the installation with the explanation about the dropins folder and had to tweak it like that:
Unzip the distribution into your eclipse installation directory under the folder dropins. Your structure should be:
Remove all other files and directories. There is some missing piece (file contents.xml), so that the distribution is no real p2 repository which leads to an error. The directories plugins and features are sufficient.
Restart your eclipse (I have done it with option -clean, not sure if that is necessary).
SQLExplorer is then installed and visible in the help, in different menus and with a new perspective.
I even was able to use it to have a look at my SQLite3 database of a rails3 application. Wow!! So I will give it a try.
From their website (
Eclipse Plugin
Download the Eclipse SQL Explorer plugin and extract the zip file in your eclipse directory (requires Eclipse 3.3 or better).
After restarting eclipse with the -clean option, a new SQL Explorer perspective should be available.
Eclipse Update Site
You can install and update Eclipse SQL Explorer via the eclipse update mechanism. The update site for Eclipse SQL Explorer is
I always go for the update site option if they present it, it's easier and lets you do updates easily. To use the update mechanism just select Help > Insall New Software... then enter the update site, press Add and go through the wizard.

Manual Install of GWT 2.1.0 in Eclipse Helios 3.6.1

I am behind an intranet that does not have access to the download sites. Assuming I have access to all of the correct zip and jar files. What are the step by step instructions to get Eclipse to the point where I can go to Windows -> Preferences and see the Google entry?
1) I don't have access to the site because I am on a closed network.
2) I tried using the dropins folder and when I re-open Eclipse and go to Windows->Preferences "Google" isn't listed.
Any ideas?
The official zip-file installation instructions are at
This uses the Eclipse dropins mechanism, which helps Eclipse to pick up the new plugins in a clean way, quote:
... the dropins folder can be used much like the plugins directory was used in the past. A subtle twist on old behavior here is that plug-ins and features added to the dropins folder are properly installed into the system rather than being forced in.
Make sure, that you extract the zip file into the correct destination. It can easily happen, that it gets extracted e.g. into some subdirectory - so please check twice. You should have the following structure:
eclipse (this is your Eclipse installation folder)
eclipse (this is the directory created by extracting the zip file)
(your already installed features)
(your already installed plugins)
Then (re-)start Eclipse.
Just install the plugin from here and you are set to go.
If you get a correct zip file for plugin, you will see "plugins" and "features" as soon as you open the zip file.
If your eclipse is in a location "c:\eclipse", extract the zip file into "c:\eclipse". The files will go into the corresponding folders.
Drop them in the plugins folder

Can an extra plugin directory be specified on command line

With Eclipse 3.4, is it possible to provide an ADDITIONAL plugin directory from command line? Something like:
eclipse -plugin_dir D:/myproduct/V1.1/plugins -clean
This is just to save copying of plugins everytime.
While copying can be done with script, it's possible that user may not have
write permissions to system install eclipse.
Follow up:
The solution given by #VonC is for reusing same plugins in multiple Eclipses.
I'm looking for a to use Multiple versions of plugins with Same Eclipse.
( If user has Version 1.1 and Vesion 1.2 of my plugin installed )
The directory pointed to by
should end with a directory named 'eclipse'
Inside this eclipse where should be directory called plugins,
place all the jars at in the plugins directory
create a launcher , which launch eclipse with additional command line:
One may want to add -clean also ..
As mentionned in Installing Eclipse (3.4+) plugins in a directory other than ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins, the right way is to define a bundle pools (also introduced here)
See my previous answer for more details.
It space is not a big issue, users can copy the system install of eclipse into a work directory and put additional plugins/features in the dropins/ directory.