I am having this error when I opening page with Reportviewer, and ideas
Server Error in '/' Application.
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.]
AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditExtender.set_CultureName(String value) +708
AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditExtender.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) +326
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +88
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +160
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +160
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +160
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +160
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +985
Please note the below stack trace error we receive at times while updating the database.
Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.EndCall(String action, Object[] outs, IAsyncResult result)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeEndService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at Eco.Wcf.Common.IPersistenceMapperWCF.EndUpdate(IAsyncResult result)
at Eco.Wcf.Common.WFCWrapProxyAndActSync.Update(Datablock datablock, UpdatePrecondition precondition, IdTranslationList& translationList, Int32& version, SyncVersion& syncVersion, UpdateResult& result)
at Eco.Wcf.Client.PersistenceMapperWCFClient.Eco.Persistence.IPersistenceMapper.Update(Datablock datablock, UpdatePrecondition precondition, IdTranslationList& translationList, Int32& version, SyncVersion& syncVersion, UpdateResult& result)
at Eco.Framework.DefaultImpl.PersistenceHandlerImpl.InternalUpdateDatabaseWithLocators(ICollection`1 LocatorsToUpdate, List`1 seensysasyncticketsthatpointsatnewobjects)
at Eco.Framework.DefaultImpl.PersistenceHandlerImpl.<>c__DisplayClass35_0.<UpdateDatabaseWithList>b__0()
at Eco.Services.Impl.AsyncSupportServiceImpl.WrapTaskInStandardExceptionHandling(Action task)
at Eco.Services.Impl.AsyncSupportServiceImpl.PerformTaskNowIfInAsyncThread(Action task)
at Eco.Framework.DefaultImpl.PersistenceHandlerImpl.UpdateDatabaseWithList(ICollection`1 LocatorsToUpdate)
at Eco.Services.Impl.PersistenceServiceImpl.UpdateDatabaseWithList[T](IEnumerable`1 list)
at RetroNET.SyncManager.ApplySyncPackage(XDocument syncPackage, ISiteSyncServiceProvider es)
Could you please assist further?
The stack trace show an update operation failing - if this update is being executed towards a persistence mapper that currently is in an evolve process it is somewhat expected - if the schema change mid update there is no guarantee the update operation address things that exists after the evolve.
The current preferred way to communicate with the PeristenceMapper is over WebAPI as described here https://wiki.mdriven.net/index.php/WebApi
The Above stack trace seems to show you use the old WCF (WindowsCommunicationFoundation) way - but that is not important for the error I think.
Trying an OpsHub migration on TFS2013.3 to VSO, the utility fails on the User Mapping screen before any data can be shown. The screen's white areas stay blank and eventually after about 5 minutes, and error is thrown via an alert box.
OpsHub Version: Latest - downloaded and installed today, 1/23/2015.
The contents of my OSVMU.log file show this:
2015-01-23 14:00:41,442 [1] ERROR com.opshub.eai.metadata.MetadataException: OpsHub-014371: Could not instantiate metadata implementation for For User List | TFS Source 1422039041211 ALM TFS 1422039041213, due to ; nested exception is:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
System.ServiceModel.FaultException: com.opshub.eai.metadata.MetadataException: OpsHub-014371: Could not instantiate metadata implementation for For User List | TFS Source 1422039041211 ALM TFS 1422039041213, due to ; nested exception is:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at TFSMigrationUI.ViewModel.UserMappingViewModel.worker_RunWorkerCompleted(Object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) in e:\OVSMUBranch\TFSMigrationUI\ViewModel\UserMappingViewModel.cs:line 416
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
I don't know how or why, but I deleted the VSO server registration using Visual Studio, and re-added it back via Visual Studio, and this seemed to correct the ObsHub Utility, because now it correctly pulls in all the users / mappings.
I have setup the Nuget.Server and the SymbolSource Server Basic in one solution when I run the "self diagnostics tool" I get the following exception, anyone have a clue what this is?
The URL I am accessing is
Method not found: 'Void NuGet.PackageServer.PushPackage(System.String,
System.IO.Stream, Int32)'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of
the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more
information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found:
'Void NuGet.PackageServer.PushPackage(System.String, System.IO.Stream,
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the
current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of
the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
I am using Visual Studio 2012 to build a web application. The application uses webforms, Entity Framework 5 with an IBM DB2 database server. I have the latest IBM Drivers v10.1.2 installed on both my development machine and my web server. The web server is running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64bit OS.
Problem Im having is running the app under Visual Studio's IIS Express on my local machine works fine, however when I deployed the app the web server I am getting problems EF and DB2 Drivers. Here is the error and stack trace. What am doing wrong?!
Server Error in '/' Application.
ERROR [] [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0000W Statement processing was successful.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Exception: ERROR [] [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0000W Statement processing was successful.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[DB2Exception (0x80004005): ERROR [] [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL0000W Statement processing was successful.]
IBM.Data.DB2.ConnSettingsFromXmlConfig.ProcessFromXmlConfig(DB2Connection connection, String dbname, String host, String port, String tmpClientEncAlg, String tmpAuthentication, String prevdb, String prevdb_ori, DB2ConnSettings& sSettings, DB2ConnSettingsInternal& sSettingsInternal, StringBuilder& modifiedValue) +21370
IBM.Data.DB2.DB2ConnPool.ReplaceConnectionStringParms(DB2Connection connection, String szValue, DB2ConnSettings& pSettings, DB2ConnSettingsInternal& pSettingsInternal, Boolean bAttach, Boolean pushDownStrAppended) +19113
IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Connection.set_ConnectionString(String value) +187
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.ChangeConnectionString(String newConnectionString) +325
[EntityException: The underlying provider failed on ConnectionString.]
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.ChangeConnectionString(String newConnectionString) +391
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection..ctor(String connectionString) +43
System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalConnection.InitializeFromConnectionStringSetting(ConnectionStringSettings appConfigConnection) +78
System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalConnection.TryInitializeFromAppConfig(String name, AppConfig config) +32
System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalConnection.Initialize() +127
System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalConnection.CreateObjectContextFromConnectionModel() +13
System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalContext.InitializeContext() +281
System.Data.Entity.Internal.InternalContext.GetEntitySetAndBaseTypeForType(Type entityType) +18
System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.Initialize() +52
System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.get_InternalContext() +15
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery`1.System.Linq.IQueryable.get_Provider() +37
System.Linq.Queryable.Where(IQueryable`1 source, Expression`1 predicate) +63
I had the same problem and changing the app pool to Network Service did the trick.
I'm trying to integrate nopCommerce into a third party system but am hitting a problem when I try to access any nopCommerce pages. Because I'm integrating with a third party system I've had to merge web.configs and copy all files over. I have a standalone install of nopCommerce aswell and that is running fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The error I am getting is as follows:
The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.PermissionDemand() +5038498
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection) +20
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +126
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +125
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.OpenStoreConnectionIf(Boolean openCondition, DbConnection storeConnectionToOpen, DbConnection originalConnection, String exceptionCode, String attemptedOperation, Boolean& closeStoreConnectionOnFailure) +52
[EntityException: The underlying provider failed on Open.]
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.OpenStoreConnectionIf(Boolean openCondition, DbConnection storeConnectionToOpen, DbConnection originalConnection, String exceptionCode, String attemptedOperation, Boolean& closeStoreConnectionOnFailure) +161
System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.Open() +98
System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.EnsureConnection() +81
System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery1.GetResults(Nullable1 forMergeOption) +46
System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery1.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() +44
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(IEnumerable1 source, Func2 keySelector, Func2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer1 comparer) +151
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(IEnumerable1 source, Func`2 keySelector) +90
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Configuration.Settings.SettingManager.GetAllSettings() +542
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Configuration.Settings.SettingManager.GetSettingByName(String name) +121
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Configuration.Settings.SettingManager.GetSettingValue(String name) +49
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Configuration.Settings.SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean(String name, Boolean defaultValue) +54
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.Configuration.Settings.SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean(String name) +41
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.BusinessLogic.CustomerManagement.CustomerManager.get_UsernamesEnabled() +45
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.LoginPage.ApplyLocalization() +108
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Administration.LoginPage.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +40
System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +14
System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +35
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +91
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.BaseNopAdministrationPage.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +44
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +74
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2207
You need to have a valid connection string.
After you pass the database installation phase (when you fill in the database settings) nop commerce is keeping the database information in a file that is not within the project, you can find it within the App_Data folder in the Presentation\Nop.Web\App_Data\ named Settings.txt, update it if you need and run the application again.
You need to have a valid connection string for the NopCommerce database in web.config, and you need to ensure that it gets read.
At Application_Start in global.asax NopCommerce reads in the connection string and injects it into the business logic DLL. If that doesn't happen, the data access layer (in the business logic DLL) won't be able to open a connection and you'll get the error you just posted. I suggest check web.config and global.asax; if both look good put a breakpoint in Application_Start.
The connection string is not held in the web.config file in nopcommerce... it is in the ConnectionStrings.config file. You might want to check for that file and copy it over if it is not there or put your connection string in there if the file is there and the string is not.