I wonder is it still possible to get Facebook user ID if I got 'only' the user's profile (profile username/link)?
For instance:
I've tried to do this with SDK and Graph API but it seems that all previous solutions don't work. Could you please give me a hint? I would like to go further but I'm not sure which way is correct.
You can do it with Excel. I put the macros that I use. You have to put the name in the first column and it will generate the id in the second column when you run the GenerateFaceIds macro. (You need to be logged into Facebook in IExplorer)
Sub GenerateFaceIds()
Dim total As Long
total = 1
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(total, 1)) = True
If (Cells(total, 2) = "") Then
Call faceId(total)
End If
total = total + 1
MsgBox ("OK")
End Sub
Sub faceId(row As Long)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim appIE As Object
Set appIE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
Dim id As String
id = Cells(row, 1)
With appIE
.Navigate "https://www.facebook.com/" + id
.Visible = False
End With
Do While appIE.Busy
Text = appIE.Document.Body.innerHTML
posinter = InStr(Text, "profile_owner")
profile_owner = Mid(Text, posinter + 16, 15)
posinter2 = InStr(profile_owner, """")
If posinter2 > 0 Then
profile_owner = Left(profile_owner, posinter2 - 1)
End If
Cells(row, 2) = profile_owner
Set appIE = Nothing
Exit Sub
'MsgBox "Something's wrong"
Set appIE = Nothing
Resume ExitSub
End Sub
zuck 4
I have the following code to log off Access users automatically.
Most work will be completed in 5 minutes or less, but I would like to add a manual reset button below the counter that will restart the timer if needed.
I want to force the end user to manually start the timer over if needed.
Option Compare Database
Dim TimeCount As Long
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.TimerInterval = 1000
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
TimeCount = TimeCount + 1
Me.txtCounter.Value = 1200 - TimeCount
If TimeCount = 1201 Then
DoCmd.Quit acQuitSaveAll
End If
End Sub
How can I accomplish this task?
I have code to quit Access if the user is inactive. I know this isn't what you're looking for but it may help you out...if not, good luck!
Create a form called DetectIdleTime. Have it open when the database is loaded with the Window Mode set to Hidden.
On the OnTimer event in the DetectIdletime properties...
Sub Form_Timer()
Static PrevControlName As String
Static PrevFormName As String
Static ExpiredTime
Dim ActiveFormName As String
Dim ActiveControlName As String
Dim ExpiredMinutes
On Error Resume Next
ActiveFormName = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
If Err Then
ActiveFormName = "No Active Form"
Err = 0
End If
ActiveControlName = Screen.ActiveControl.Name
If Err Then
ActiveControlName = "No Active Control"
Err = 0
End If
If (PrevControlName = "") Or (PrevFormName = "") _
Or (ActiveFormName <> PrevFormName) _
Or (ActiveControlName <> PrevControlName) Then
PrevControlName = ActiveControlName
PrevFormName = ActiveFormName
ExpiredTime = 0
ExpiredTime = ExpiredTime + Me.TimerInterval
End If
ExpiredMinutes = (ExpiredTime / 1000) / 60
If ExpiredMinutes >= IDLEMINUTES Then
ExpiredTime = 0
IdleTimeDetected ExpiredMinutes
End If
End Sub
Set the Timer Interval event on the DetectIdleTime form to 1000
Now Access will close if the user doesn't move the mouse...
objJSO.GetField(strField).Value = (strFieldVal) - That is the line I'm recieving a 'type mismatch' error on.
I've found the code base from "My Engineering World". It is an old post.
I'm selecting a static PDF form and trying to write values from an excel doc to the PDF form which contains the same field names. The excel doc has the field names in column c20-149 with the values for those fields in d20-149. I'm trying to write the values for those fields into the selected PDF form.
Option Explicit
Sub btnToPDF_Click()
Dim objAcroApp As Object
Dim objAcroAVDoc As Object
Dim objAcroPDDoc As Object
Dim objJSO As Object
Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
Dim strFile As String
Dim strField As String
Dim strFieldVal As String 'Used to hold the field value
Dim r As Long 'Used to increase row number for strfield name
'Disable screen flickering.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Choose the Onsite Survey form you want to fill
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fd
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select the On-site survey PDF."
.Filters.Add "PDF", "*.PDF"
'.Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"
'If the .Show method returns False, the user clicked Cancel.
If .Show = True Then
strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox (strFile)
End If
End With
'Initialize Acrobat by creating the App object.
Set objAcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
'Check if the object was created.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not create the App object!", vbCritical, "Object error"
'Release the object and exit.
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Create the AVDoc object.
Set objAcroAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
'Check if the object was created.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not create the AVDoc object!", vbCritical, "Object error"
'Release the objects and exit.
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Open the PDF file.
If objAcroAVDoc.Open(strFile, "") = True Then
'Set the PDDoc object.
Set objAcroPDDoc = objAcroAVDoc.GetPDDoc
'Set the JS Object - Java Script Object.
Set objJSO = objAcroPDDoc.GetJSObject
On Error GoTo 0
'Fill the form fields.
For r = 20 To 149
strField = Cells(r, 3)
strFieldVal = Cells(r, 4)
objJSO.GetField(strField).Value = CStr(strFieldVal)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Close the form without saving the changes.
objAcroAVDoc.Close True
'Close the Acrobat application.
'Inform the user about the error.
MsgBox "The field """ & strField & """ could not be found!", vbCritical, "Field error"
'Release the objects and exit.
Set objJSO = Nothing
Set objAcroPDDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Next r
'Save the form
objAcroPDDoc.Save 1, strFile
'Close the form without saving the changes.
'objAcroAVDoc.Close True
'Close the Acrobat application.
'Release the objects.
Set objJSO = Nothing
Set objAcroPDDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
'Enable the screen.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Inform the user that forms were filled.
MsgBox "All forms were created successfully!", vbInformation, "Finished"
End If
MsgBox "Something bad happend :(...."
End Sub
OK... found my problem but I'm not sure how to trap the problem. I may not need to as I'm hoping I won't run into this problem. Hoping isn't the best strategy though... :)
My PDF form has fields of type numeric. All my test data in my value cells were alpha-numeric. Once I changed my quantity and cost cells to numeric values in my excel doc the form was written correctly.
Perhaps I can test for the PDF form field type. If it is numeric I'll log the field name and present a msgbox at the end of the operation that displays fields that could not be filled.
I did need to correct my objJSO line to '=strFieldVal'
I'm fairly certain you want...
strField = Cells(r, 3).Value
strFieldVal = Cells(r, 4).Value
objJSO.GetField(strField).Value = strFieldVal
...instead of the three corresponding lines you have.
Below is my final code. It includes basic error handling (more like logging). One problem I did have in this; If I was writing an alpha numeric string to the PDF field and the PDF field was numeric AND there wasn't a default value in the PDF field the PDF would throw and error that my code couldn't catch. As long as there was a default value in the PDF numeric field the error handler worked as planned. Feel free to make any comments. I'm guessing this looks like kindergarten work (maybe 1st grade??)
`Option Explicit
Sub btnToPDF_Click()
Dim objAcroApp As Object
Dim objAcroAVDoc As Object
Dim objAcroPDDoc As Object
Dim objJSO As Object
Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
Dim myWB As Workbook
Set myWB = ThisWorkbook
Dim ToPDFsh As Worksheet
Set ToPDFsh = myWB.Sheets("OSSDataDump")
Dim strFile As String
Dim strField As String
Dim strFieldVal As String 'Used to hold the field value
Dim msgFail As String
Dim colVal As Variant
Dim r As Integer 'Used to increase row number for strfield name
Dim e As Integer 'Used to track the number of errors
Dim colFail As Collection
Set colFail = New Collection
e = 0
'Disable screen flickering.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Choose the Onsite Survey form you want to fill
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fd
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select the On-site survey PDF."
.Filters.Add "PDF", "*.PDF"
'If the .Show method returns False, the user clicked Cancel.
If .Show = True Then
strFile = .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
'Initialize Acrobat by creating the App object.
Set objAcroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
'Check if the object was created.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not create the App object!", vbCritical, "Object error"
'Release the object and exit.
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Create the AVDoc object.
Set objAcroAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
'Check if the object was created.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Could not create the AVDoc object!", vbCritical, "Object error"
'Release the objects and exit.
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Open the PDF file.
If objAcroAVDoc.Open(strFile, "") = True Then
'Set the PDDoc object.
Set objAcroPDDoc = objAcroAVDoc.GetPDDoc
'Set the JS Object - Java Script Object.
Set objJSO = objAcroPDDoc.GetJSObject
'Fill the form fields.
For r = 20 To 149
strField = ToPDFsh.Cells(r, 3).Value
strFieldVal = ToPDFsh.Cells(r, 4).Value
If strFieldVal = "" Then GoTo BlankVal
objJSO.GetField(strField).Value = strFieldVal
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Next r
'Save the form
objAcroPDDoc.Save 1, strFile
'Close the form without saving the changes.
'objAcroAVDoc.Close True
'Close the Acrobat application.
'Release the objects.
Set objJSO = Nothing
Set objAcroPDDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
'Enable the screen.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Inform the user that forms were filled.
If e <> 0 Then
For Each colVal In colFail
msgFail = msgFail & colVal & vbNewLine
Next colVal
MsgBox "Not all fields were filled" & vbNewLine & "The follwoing fields failed:" & vbNewLine & msgFail, vbExclamation, "Finished"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "On site survey was filled successfully!", vbInformation, "Finished"
End If
Exit Sub
e = e + 1
If e > 7 Then
MsgBox "Something Bad happend... :(" & vbNewLine & "Form not filled", vbCritical, "Failed"
GoTo ErrHandlerExit
End If
colFail.Add strField
Resume Next
Exit Sub
'Close the form without saving the changes.
objAcroAVDoc.Close True
'Close the Acrobat application.
'Release the objects and exit.
Set objJSO = Nothing
Set objAcroPDDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
Set objAcroApp = Nothing
'Enable the screen.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
End Sub`
In LibreOffice Basic sub I use a bunch of uno properties in an array. Which is the simplest Unostructure or UnoService that I must "embed" them, in order to use the getByName "function"?
dim props(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
I want to be able to use something like:
b = props.getByName("blahblah2").Value
or something like (assuming I "assigned" them in a structure-like-object called "somestruct") :
b = somestruct.getprops.getByName("blahblah2").Value
As I understand that this can be done by creating a "UnoService" which supports the getByName and then, somehow, assigning these props to this service
Which is the "lightest" such service?
(I mean the service that uses less resources)
Thanks in advance.
Really supporting the interface XNameAccess is not as easy. The services which implement this interface are supposed using this interface for existing named properties, not for own created ones.
But you can use the service EnumerableMap to achieve what you probably want.
sub testEnumerableMap
serviceEnumerableMap = com.sun.star.container.EnumerableMap
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah1", "blahblah1Value")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah2", 3000)
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah3", 1234.67)
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah1")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah3")
'msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4") 'will throw error
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsValue(3000)
if oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah4") then
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4")
end if
end sub
But starbasic with option Compatible is also able supporting Class programming like VBA does.
Create a module named myPropertySet. Therein put the following code:
option Compatible
option ClassModule
private aPropertyValues() as com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
public sub setProperty(oProp as com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue)
bUpdated = false
for each oPropPresent in aPropertyValues
if oPropPresent.Name = oProp.Name then
oPropPresent.Value = oProp.Value
bUpdated = true
exit for
end if
if not bUpdated then
iIndex = ubound(aPropertyValues) + 1
redim preserve aPropertyValues(iIndex)
aPropertyValues(iIndex) = oProp
end if
end sub
public function getPropertyValue(sName as string) as variant
getPropertyValue = "N/A"
for each oProp in aPropertyValues
if oProp.Name = sName then
getPropertyValue = oProp.Value
exit for
end if
end function
Then within a standard module:
sub testClass
oPropertySet = new myPropertySet
dim prop as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
prop.Name = "blahblah1"
prop.Value = "blahblah1Value"
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 3000
prop.Name = "blahblah3"
prop.Value = 1234.56
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 8888
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah1")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah2")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah3")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah4")
end sub
LibreOffice Basic supports the vb6 Collection type.
Dim coll As New Collection
coll.Add("blahblah1Value", "blahblah1")
coll.Add(3000, "blahblah2")
Arrays of property values are the only thing that will work for certain UNO interfaces such as dispatcher calls. If you simply need a better way to deal with arrays of property values, then use a helper function.
Sub DisplayMyPropertyValue
Dim props(0 To 1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
MsgBox(GetPropertyByName(props, "blahblah1"))
End Sub
Function GetPropertyByName(props As Array, propname As String)
For Each prop In props
If prop.Name = propname Then
GetPropertyByName = prop.Value
Exit Function
End If
GetPropertyByName = ""
End Function
XNameAccess is used for UNO containers such as Calc sheets. Normally these containers are obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1")
May UNO objects support the XPropertySet interface. Normally these are also obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
paraStyleName = cellcursor.getPropertyValue("ParaStyleName")
It may be possible to create a new class in Java that implements XPropertySet. However, Basic uses helper functions instead of class methods.
I think the serviceEnumerableMap is the answer (so far). Creating the values and searching them was much faster then creating props in a dynamic array and searching them with a for loop in basic.
(I do not "dare" to use "option Compatible", although I was a big fun of VB6 and VBA, because of the problems in code that maybe arise).
I used this code to test time in a form:
SUB testlala(Event)
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
serviceEnumerableMap = com.sun.star.container.EnumerableMap
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
oEnumerableMap.put("pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g =oEnumerableMap.get("pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
DIM props()
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
AppendProperty(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g = GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
REM FROM Andrew Pitonyak's OpenOffice Macro Information ------------------
Sub AppendToArray(oData(), ByVal x)
Dim iUB As Integer 'The upper bound of the array.
Dim iLB As Integer 'The lower bound of the array.
iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
iLB = LBound(oData())
ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
oData(iUB) = x
End Sub
Function CreateProperty(sName$, oValue) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim oProperty As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oProperty.Name = sName
oProperty.Value = oValue
CreateProperty() = oProperty
End Function
Sub AppendProperty(oProperties(), sName As String, ByVal oValue)
AppendToArray(oProperties(), CreateProperty(sName, oValue))
End Sub
Basically what I am trying to do is, sending an email for every used row on the target worksheet, each row has the details of the addresses, subject line, table with values etc.
So I can't seem to get it working, as it only dispatches one email from the first target row (2nd row).
I have tried using a combination of For Each and For i = 1 to LR which aren't working. I suspect it is to do with the cell references.
Here is the code:
Sub TestEmail1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim aOutlook As Object
Dim aEmail As Object
Dim rngeAddresses As Range, rngeCell As Range, strRecipients As String
Dim ccAddresses As Range, ccCell As Range, ccRecipients As String
Dim rngeSubject As Range, SubjectCell As Range, SubjectContent As Variant
Dim rngeBody As Range, bodyCell As Range, bodyContent As Variant
Dim Table1 As Range
Dim i As Integer
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LRow = rng.Rows.Count
For i = 2 To LRow
Set Table1 = Worksheets(1).Range("K1:R1")
Set Table2 = Worksheets(2).Range("K" & i & ":" & "R" & i)
Set aOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set aEmail = aOutlook.CreateItem(0)
'set sheet to find address for e-mails as I have several people to
'mail to
Set rngeAddresses = ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i)
For Each rngeCell In rngeAddresses.Cells
strRecipients = strRecipients & ";" & rngeCell.Value
Set ccAddresses = ActiveSheet.Range("C" & i)
For Each ccCell In ccAddresses.Cells
ccRecipients = ccRecipients & ";" & ccCell.Value
Set rngeSubject = ActiveSheet.Range("D" & i)
For Each SubjectCell In rngeSubject.Cells
SubjectContent = SubjectContent & SubjectCell.Value
Set rngeBody = ActiveSheet.Range("E" & i)
For Each bodyCell In rngeBody.Cells
bodyContent = bodyContent & bodyCell.Value
'set Importance
'aEmail.Importance = 2
'Set Subject
aEmail.Subject = rngeSubject
'Set Body for mail
'aEmail.Body = bodyContent
aEmail.HTMLBody = bodyContent & "<br><br><br>" & RangetoHTML_ (Table1)
aEmail.To = strRecipients
aEmail.CC = ccRecipients
Exit Sub
Next i
Next c
End Sub
There is an Exit Sub at the end of your inner loop that makes the code exit from the procedure after the first iteration:
Sub TestEmail1()
For Each c In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns("A").Cells
For i = 2 To LRow
Exit Sub
Next i
Next c
End Sub
Remove it and processing should continue as desired.
I've been working on this for 2 days. Basically I have 2 ListBoxes and I want a command button to compare the values and show the non-matching values (those that appear in the first listbox but not in the 2nd) and list them in the 3rd listbox. I'm not sure if this is the best way to go about it but here's my code. It errors on the line with the message:
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
My listboxes are named CompList1, CompList2 and CompList3.
Dim BoolAdd As Boolean, I As Long, j As Long
'Set initial Flag
BoolAdd = True
'If CompList2 is empty then abort operation
If CompList2.ListCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Nothing to compare"
Exit Sub
'If CompList1 is empty then copy entire CompList2 to CompList3
ElseIf CompList1.ListCount = 0 Then
For I = 0 To CompList2.ListCount
CompList3.AddItem CompList2.Value
Next I
For I = CompList2.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
For j = 0 To CompList1.ListCount
If CompList2.ListCount(I) = CompList1.ListCount(j) Then
'If match found then abort
BoolAdd = False
Exit For
End If
Next j
'If not found then add to CompList3
If BoolAdd = True Then CompList3.AddItem CompList2.Value
Next I
End If
Some notes:
Dim tdf1 As TableDef
Dim tdf2 As TableDef
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set tdf1 = db.TableDefs(Me.CompList1.RowSource)
For Each fld In tdf1.Fields
sFields = sFields & ";" & fld.Name
sFields = sFields & ";"
Set tdf2 = db.TableDefs(Me.CompList2.RowSource)
For Each fld In tdf2.Fields
sf = ";" & fld.Name & ";"
sFields = Replace(sFields, sf, ";")
Me.CompList3.RowSource = Mid(sFields,2)