Why can't Coq figure out symmetry of the equality by itself? - coq

Suppose we're trying to formalize some (semi)group-theoretic properties, like this:
Section Group.
Variable A: Type.
Variable op: A -> A -> A.
Definition is_left_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, (op e x) = x.
Definition is_right_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, x = (op x e).
Lemma uniqueness_of_neutral:
forall a b: A, (is_left_neutral a) -> (is_right_neutral b) -> (a = b).
intro; intro.
intros lna rnb.
elim lna with b; elim rnb with a.
End Group.
It works just fine, but, if we reverse the equation in either of the above definitions, i.e. replace the definitions with
Definition is_left_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, x = (op e x).
Definition is_right_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, (op x e) = x.
respectively, the proof fails at reflexivity, since one or both of the elim applications do nothing.
Sure there is a workaround for it, based on assert, but that's... too much effort and simply annoying...
Is there a reason why the involved Coq tactics (elim, case, etc.) are so much sensitive to the order? I suppose, it shouldn't slow down the tactics any noticeably (<< 2 times).
Is there a way to make them apply symmetry automatically, where needed, without bothering me about it every time? Couldn't find any mention of this issue in the manual.

First, using elim to manipulate equality is cumbersome. Here is how I would write your proof, using rewrite, and changing the definition of is_left_neutral.
Section Group.
Variable A: Type.
Variable op: A -> A -> A.
Definition is_left_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, op e x = x.
Definition is_right_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, op x e = x.
Lemma uniqueness_of_neutral:
forall a b: A, is_left_neutral a -> is_right_neutral b -> a = b.
intros a b lna rnb.
now rewrite <- (lna b), rnb.
End Group.
Notice the <- in the first rewrite: it tells Coq to rewrite from right-to-left insead of left-to-right. When you use elim, you can essentially only rewrite in one direction (right-to-left), which leads to the behavior that you saw.
I can't think right now of a reason for only trying one direction in the rewrite tactic, but I do not think it is for performance reasons. In any case, you can define your own variant of rewrite, which tries to rewrite left-to-right, and then right-to-left, if that does not work:
Section Group.
Variable A: Type.
Variable op: A -> A -> A.
Definition is_left_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, op e x = x.
Definition is_right_neutral (e: A) := forall x: A, op x e = x.
Ltac my_rewrite t :=
first [ rewrite t | rewrite <- t ].
Lemma uniqueness_of_neutral:
forall a b: A, is_left_neutral a -> is_right_neutral b -> a = b.
intros a b lna rnb.
now my_rewrite (lna b); my_rewrite rnb.
End Group.


Defining functions inside proof scope

I'm trying to prove that injective functions are left invertible in Coq. I've reached a point in my proof where my goal is an "exists" proposition. I want to define a function that uses terms from proof scope (types and functions I've intro'ed before) and then show the function to the "exists" goal. Here's what I wrote so far:
(* function composition *)
Definition fun_comp {A B C: Type} (f:A -> B) (g:B -> C) : A -> C :=
fun a: A => g (f a).
Notation "g .o f" := (fun_comp f g) (at level 70).
Definition nonempty (A: Type) := exists a: A, a = a.
(* identity function for any given type *)
Definition fun_id (A: Type) := fun a: A => a.
(* left invertible *)
Definition l_invertible {A B: Type} (f: A -> B) :=
exists fl:B->A, fl .o f = fun_id A.
Definition injective {A B: Type} (f: A -> B) :=
forall a a': A, f a = f a' -> a = a'.
(* is a given element in a function's image? *)
Definition elem_in_fun_image {A B: Type} (b: B) (f: A -> B) :=
exists a: A, f a = b.
Theorem injective_is_l_invertible:
forall (A B: Type) (f: A -> B), nonempty A /\ injective f -> l_invertible f.
intros A B f H.
destruct H as [Hnempty Hinj].
unfold l_invertible.
unfold nonempty in Hnempty.
destruct Hnempty as [a0].
(* here would go my function definition and invoking "exists myfun" *)
Here's the function I'm trying to define:
Definition fL (b: B) := if elem_in_fun_image b f
then f a
else a0.
Here's what the proof window looks like:
1 subgoal
A : Type
B : Type
f : A -> B
a0 : A
H : a0 = a0
Hinj : injective f
========================= (1 / 1)
exists fl : B -> A, (fl .o f) = fun_id A
How do I do this? I'm very new to Coq so other comments and pointers are welcome.
This definition cannot be performed in the basic logic. You need to add in a few extra axioms:
(* from Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality *)
functional_extensionality : forall A B (f g : A -> B),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g
(* from Coq.Logic.Classical *)
classic : forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P
(* from Coq.Logic.ClassicalChoice *)
choice : forall (A B : Type) (R : A->B->Prop),
(forall x : A, exists y : B, R x y) ->
exists f : A->B, (forall x : A, R x (f x)).
The goal is to define a relation R that characterizes the left inverse that you want to construct. The existentially quantified f will then be the inverse! You will need the classic axiom to show the precondition of choice, and you will need functional extensionality to show the equation that you want. I'll leave it as an exercise to find out what R needs to be and how to complete the proof.
Your script should start with the following line.
Require Import ClassicalChoice FunctionalEquality.
Because, as suggested by #arthur-azevedo-de-amorim, you will need these axioms.
Then, you should use choice with the relation "R y x" being
"f x = A or there is no element in A such whose image by f is y".
You will need the axiom classic to prove the existential statement that is required by choice:
assert (pointwise : forall y: B, exists x : A,
f x = y \/ (forall x : A f x <> y)).
choice will give you an existential statement for a function that returns the value you want. You only need to say that this function is the right one. You can give a name to that function by typing destruct (choice ... pointwise) (you have to fill in the ...).
You will have to prove an equality between two functions, but using the axiom functional_extensionality, you can reduce this problem to just proving that the two functions are equal on any x.
For that x, just instantiate the characteristic property of the function (as produced by destruct (choice ... pointwise) with the
value f x. There is a disjuction, but the right-hand side case is self-contradictory, because obviously f x is f x for some x.
For the left-hand side case, you will get an hypothesis of the form (I name the function produced by (choice ... pointwise) with the name it:
f (it (f x)) = f x
Here you can apply your injectivity assumption. to deduce that it (f x) = x.
This pretty much spells out the proof. In my own, experiment, I used classic, NNP, not_all_ex_not, functional_extensionality, which are lemmas coming from ClassicalChoice of FunctionalEquality.

Casting from a to b then b to a is identity?

Given the definition:
Definition cast (a b:Type) (p:a = b) (x:a) : b :=
match p with
| eq_refl _ => x
I was hoping that the following lemma would be provable:
Lemma cast_cast_is_id : forall (a b:Type) (x:a) (p:a = b) (q:b = a),
cast b a q (cast a b p x) = x.
However, I do not seem to be able to carry out a proof for this. I can destruct p successfully, but cannot destruct q after that. Replacing the lemma's statement with eq_sym p instead of arbitrary q does not help me either it seems.
I fear I have unwittingly stumbled into some subtle point of HoTT.
Can anyone prove this lemma or is it known to be unprovable without further axioms?
I am not completely sure, but it seems to me that what you are trying to prove is no different from forall a (p:a=a), p = eq_refl. If so, you cannot prove it in Coq, unless you know something about a, e.g., decidable equality. In that case, you can use the results on UIP (unicity of identity proofs) from the standard library.

Apply a function to both sides of equality in a Coq hypothesis

The question I have is very similar to the one presented in the link below, but on a hypothesis instead of a goal.
Apply a function to both sides of an equality in Coq?
Say I have the following definition :
Definition make_couple (a:nat) (b:nat) := (a, b).
And the following lemma to prove :
a, b : nat
H : (a, b) = make_couple a b
(some goal to prove)
I would like to generate the following hypothesis:
new_H : fst (a, b) = fst (make_couple a b)
One way is to write explicitly an assert, then use eapply f_equal :
assert (fst (a, b) = fst (make_couple a b)). eapply f_equal; eauto.
But I would like to avoid, if possible, to write explicitly the assert. I would like to have some tactic or equivalent that would work like this :
apply_in_hypo fst H as new_H
Is there anything in Coq that would come close to that?
Thanks for the answers.
You can use f_equal lemma to do that.
About f_equal.
f_equal : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (x y : A), x = y -> f x = f y
Arguments A, B, x, y are implicit
Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope function_scope _ _ _]
f_equal is transparent
Expands to: Constant Coq.Init.Logic.f_equal
Here is how you can apply it to a hypothesis:
Goal forall a b : nat, (a, b) = (a, b) -> True.
intros a b H.
apply (f_equal fst) in H.
The above snippet can be rewritten in a more concise manner using intro-patterns:
intros a b H%(f_equal fst).

List uniqueness predicate decidability

I'd like to define a predicate for list uniqueness and its decidability function in Coq. My first try was:
Section UNIQUE.
Variable A : Type.
Variable P : A -> Prop.
Variable PDec : forall (x : A), {P x} + {~ P x}.
Definition Unique (xs : list A) := exists! x, In x xs /\ P x.
Here I just have specified that predicate Unique xs will hold if there's just one value x in list xs such that P x holds. Now, comes the problem. When I've tried to define its Unique decidability:
Definition Unique_dec : forall xs, {Unique xs} + {~ Unique xs}.
induction xs ; unfold Unique in *.
right ; intro ; unfold unique in * ; simpl in * ; crush.
destruct IHxs ; destruct (PDec a).
destruct e as [y [Hiy HPy]].
I've got the following nasty error message:
Error: Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition ex.
I've googled this message and seen several similar problems in different contexts. At least to me, it seems that such problem is related to some restrictions on Coq pattern matching, right?
Now that the problem is settled, my questions:
1) All I want is to define a decidability for a uniqueness test based on a decidable predicate. In the standard library, there are similar tests for existencial and universal quantifiers. Both can be defined as inductive predicates. Is there a way to define "exists unique" as an inductive predicate on lists?
2) It is possible to define such predicate in order to it match the standard logic meaning of exists unique? Like exists! x, P x = exists x, P x /\ forall y, P y -> x = y?
What you're running into is that you can't pattern match on ex (the underlying inductive for both exists and exists!) in order to produce a value of type sumbool (the type for the {_} + {_} notation), which is a Type and not a Prop. The "nasty error message" isn't terribly helpful in figuring this out; see this bug report for a proposed fix.
To avoid this issue, I think you should prove a stronger version of Unique that produces something in Type (a sig) rather than Prop:
Definition Unique (xs : list A) := exists! x, In x xs /\ P x.
Definition UniqueT (xs : list A) := {x | unique (fun x => In x xs /\ P x) x}.
Theorem UniqueT_to_Unique : forall xs,
UniqueT xs -> Unique xs.
unfold UniqueT, Unique; intros.
destruct X as [x H].
exists x; eauto.
You can then prove decidability for this definition in Type, and from there prove your original statement if you want:
Definition UniqueT_dec : forall xs, UniqueT xs + (UniqueT xs -> False).
As mentioned in Anton's answer, this proof will require decidable equality for A, also in Type, namely forall (x y:A), {x=y} + {x<>y}.
Let me provide only a partial answer (it's too large for a comment).
If we go with this definition of uniqueness which admits multiple copies (as mentioned by Arthur), then Unique_dec implies decidability of equality for type A (as mentioned by #ejgallego).
Assuming we have
: forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop),
(forall x : A, {P x} + {~ P x}) ->
forall xs : list A, {Unique P xs} + {~ Unique P xs}
We can show the following:
Lemma dec_eq A (a b : A) : a = b \/ a <> b.
pose proof (Unique_dec (fun (_ : A) => True) (fun _ => left I) [a;b]) as U.
unfold Unique in U; destruct U as [u | nu].
- destruct u as (x & [I _] & U).
destruct I as [<- | [<- | contra]];
[specialize (U b) | specialize (U a) |]; firstorder.
- right; intros ->; apply nu; firstorder.

Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type "or":

I am trying to define a relatively simple function on Coq:
(* Preliminaries *)
Require Import Vector.
Definition Vnth {A:Type} {n} (v : Vector.t A n) : forall i, i < n -> A. admit. Defined.
(* Problematic definition below *)
Definition VnthIndexMapped {A:Type}
{i o:nat}
(x: Vector.t (option A) i)
(f': nat -> option nat)
(f'_spec: forall x, x<o ->
(forall z,(((f' x) = Some z) -> z < i)) \/
(f' x = None))
(n:nat) (np: n<o)
: option A
match (f' n) as fn, (f'_spec n np) return f' n = fn -> option A with
| None, _ => fun _ => None
| Some z, or_introl zc1 => fun p => Vnth x z (zc1 z p)
| Some z, or_intror _ => fun _ => None (* impossible case *)
And getting the following error:
Incorrect elimination of "f'_spec n np" in the inductive type "or":
the return type has sort "Type" while it should be "Prop".
Elimination of an inductive object of sort Prop
is not allowed on a predicate in sort Type
because proofs can be eliminated only to build proofs.
I think I understand the reason for this limitation, but I am having difficulty coming up with a workaround. How something like this could be implemented? Basically I have a function f' for which I have a separate proof that values less than 'o' it either returns None or a (Some z) where z is less than i and I am trying to use it in my definition.
There are two approaches to a problem like this: the easy way and the hard way.
The easy way is to think whether you're doing anything more complicated than you have to. In this case, if you look carefully, you will see that your f'_spec is equivalent to the following statement, which avoids \/:
Lemma f'_spec_equiv i o (f': nat -> option nat) :
(forall x, x<o ->
(forall z,(((f' x) = Some z) -> z < i)) \/
(f' x = None))
<-> (forall x, x<o -> forall z,(((f' x) = Some z) -> z < i)).
- intros f'_spec x Hx z Hf.
destruct (f'_spec _ Hx); eauto; congruence.
- intros f'_spec x Hx.
left. eauto.
Thus, you could have rephrased the type of f'_spec in VnthIndexedMapped and used the proof directly.
Of course, sometimes there's no way of making things simpler. Then you need to follow the hard way, and try to understand the nitty-gritty details of Coq to make it accept what you want.
As Vinz pointed out, you usually (there are exceptions) can't eliminate the proof of proposition to construct something computational. However, you can eliminate a proof to construct another proof, and maybe that proof gives you what need. For instance, you can write this:
Definition VnthIndexMapped {A:Type}
{i o:nat}
(x: Vector.t (option A) i)
(f': nat -> option nat)
(f'_spec: forall x, x<o ->
(forall z,(((f' x) = Some z) -> z < i)) \/
(f' x = None))
(n:nat) (np: n<o)
: option A
match (f' n) as fn return f' n = fn -> option A with
| None => fun _ => None
| Some z => fun p =>
let p' := proj1 (f'_spec_equiv i o f') f'_spec n np z p in
Vnth x z p'
end eq_refl.
This definition uses the proof that both formulations of f'_spec are equivalent, but the same idea would apply if they weren't, and you had some lemma allowing you to go from one to the other.
I personally don't like this style very much, as it is hard to use and lends itself to programs that are complicated to read. But it can have its uses...
The issue is that you want to build a term by inspecting the content of f'_spec. This disjunction lives in Prop, so it can only build other Prop. You want to build more, something in Type. Therefore you need a version of disjunction that lives at least in Set (more generally in Type). I advise you replace your Foo \/ Bar statement with the usage of sumbool, which uses the notation {Foo}+{Bar}.