Servicenow Rest API call to check if credentials are valid - rest

I am calling ServiceNow Rest API for tables in my application. I allow the user to enter their servicenow instance credentials and domain url in my application.
I want to know if there is a Simple API call which I can make to ensure that the credentials entered are valid.
Currently I am making a call to get sys_user table and making the check.
This call seems to take more time. Is there a simpler REST URL which I can use here?
public static HttpConnectionResponse checkConnection(String host, String username, String password) {
String CHECK_URL = "/api/now/table/sys_user";
HttpConnectionResponse response = new HttpConnectionResponse();
String completeUrl = "https://"+host+CHECK_URL;
HashMap<String, String> requestHeaders = ConnectionUtils.getDefaultInputHeader();
Credential credential = ConnectionUtils.populateCredentials(username, password);
response = HttpConnectorClient.getMethod(completeUrl, requestHeaders, credential);
catch(Exception e){
return response;

Why not just use any table or record that you've set to be accessible to any authenticated user, then make a REST API call with their credentials as the basic authentication credentials, to that resource? If you get the record rather than "access denied", the creds are valid. :-)
You could even make a simple UI page, or better yet, a Processor, just for that purpose.


Websphere Commerce Custom REST service for Login using social sign in not generating valid WC Tokens and CTXMGMT table not getting updated

In the current website, social login is implemented using the mapping in struts and it will call the custom controller command "XYZThirdPartyLoginCmdImpl" which will authenticate the details passed and it will call the out of the box "LogonCmd" for login.
For creating a REST service for the above functinality, created a custom REST handler " XYZThirdPartyLoginHandler" and from there called the existing command "XYZThirdPartyLoginCmdImpl" using the method executeControllerCommandWithContext. Once the response is generated, WCToken and WCTrustedToken is generated by the below code.
ActivityToken token = getActivityToken();
String identitySignature = token.getSignature();
String identityId = token.getActivityGUID().getGUID().toString();
Map<String, Object> identityTokenInfo = new HashMap();
identityTokenInfo.put(MemberFacadeConstants.EC_USERID, new String[] { userId.toString() } );
identityTokenInfo.put(MemberFacadeConstants.ACTIVITY_TOKEN_ID, new String[] { identityId } );
identityTokenInfo.put(MemberFacadeConstants.ACTIVITY_TOKEN_SIGNATURE, new String[] { identitySignature } );
Map<String, String> commerceTokens = CommerceTokenHelper.generateCommerceTokens(identityTokenInfo);
String wcToken = commerceTokens.get(CommerceTokenHelper.WC_TOKEN);
String wcTrustedToken = commerceTokens.get(CommerceTokenHelper.WC_TRUSTED_TOKEN);
The tokens generated using this is not valid. If we try to invoke any other rest service using this token it shows invalid user session error. "XYZThirdPartyLoginCmdImpl" authentication is success as the userId returned is correct. After executing this the user context is not getting created in CTXMGMT table.
Please guide on how to generate the valid tokens in REST flow in this use case.
If you are on v9, you might want to investigate the oauth_validate REST call (/wcs/resources/store//loginidentity/oauth_validate). See the KC article for more information: [][1]. This calls some different commands (OAuthTokenValidationCmdImpl and OpenUserRegisterCmd) than what you might be using, but it allows you to pass in a 3rd party token, and it generates the right tokens.

When using shiro to realize stateless application, do i need to login every request?

I use shiro and jwt and try to realize a stateless web application.
When i extend AuthorizingRealm, do i need to executeLogin every request?
Here is my executeLogin method:
public static boolean executeLogin(ServletRequest request) {
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
String authorization = httpServletRequest.getHeader("Authorization");
if (authorization == null || "".equals(authorization.trim())) {
JwtToken token = new JwtToken(authorization, null, null);
// 提交给realm进行登入,如果错误他会抛出异常并被捕获
Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
try {
} catch (DisabledAccountException e) {
if (e.getMessage().equals("verifyFail")) {
throw new RequestException(ResponseCode.NOT_SING_IN.code, "身份已过期,请重新登录", e);
throw new RequestException(ResponseCode.SIGN_IN_INPUT_FAIL.code, e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RequestException(ResponseCode.SIGN_IN_FAIL, e);
// 如果没有抛出异常则代表登入成功,返回true
return true;
By Stateless means that each request does not depend from the previous, however this does not mean that Shiro does not use sessions.
When the user does a successful login Shiro attaches to the HTTPResponse some cookies. When the client sends the cookies to each further request, Shiro automatically extracts the Subject (associates the cookies with the user) so, in your code, you can immediately call SecurityUtils.getSubject().
A realm is the wrong approch here as it usually have by definition a 1-to-1 correlation with a data source. What you actually want to do is to controll access to your servers resources, verifying a JWT from a client. This can be done by a AccessControlFilter, reading the authorization header and verifing its claims in the filters isAccessAllowed method. The methods return value defines wheather access is allowed or not.
You don't need to login a subject at all since the AccessControlFilter decides wheather access is granted or denied, either forwarding the user to the requested resource or redirecting a 401 - Unauthorized response.
Yes, you should log in for each request. This will attach the subject to the current thread and allow you to use features: like use annotations for authz.
As you are using stateless call, you have to login each time and generate new subject and also load authorization details with appropriate realm.
The another option you could try is, put subject in cache (ehCache) once successful login and then on every request you can get subject from Cache and use for authorization. This will avoid login and authorization object population on every request. But you have to make sure to remove object from cache on logout event.
Similar thing has been already done by one user at:

How to implement user login in Jersey API

I am implementing RESTful API using The response of the calls that I need to implement requires knowing which user is logged in currently. I tried making a separate call for the user login:
where I basically save the user information is a global variable
and then tried to make another call to retrieve information from the database based on the user that has been saved earlier but I find the value as null during the second call. What am I missing? Is my approach wrong? do you have any suggestions please?
Your code probably looks like this, right?
public class MyResource{
private String username;
private String password;
public String authenticate(#QueryParam("username") username, #QueryParam("password") password) {
if(!username.equals("zainab") || !password.equals("letmein"))
return "Incorrect username or password";
return "Sucessfully authenticated";
public String secret() {
if(username == null || password == null)
return "Sorry, not authorized";
return "You are authorized: "+username;
If so, the problem is that JAX-RS creates a new Resource object for each request. A request to "/secret" then uses a new instance of MyResource, which has username and password as null.
Then, you might think, I'll just make it static! Then, your resource can't handle concurrent requests. What if Person A calls "/authenticate", then "/secret". Then Person B calls "/secret" without authenticating. He can then access "/secret" without authenticating!
Anyways, this violates the idea of RESTful services. The S in RESTful stands for "Stateless". This means that the server should store no state per client, and possibly give the user a token to pass with concurrent requests.
One possibility is to accept the username and password for every request to secret ("/secret?username=zainab&password=letmein"). Or you could implement token-based authentication, where the user calls "/authenticate" to get a token, and they pass that token on all later requests. Here is a link to help with that.
Also, note that username and password is usually not send in the URL as a query param, but instead in the Authorization HTTP header as such Authorization: base64encode("USERNAME:PASSWORD")

rest api unauthorized Azure Data Catalog

I am using Azure Data Catalog of my organization. I am not creator/administrator/owner of the Catalog but I have access to register/delete catalogs from the web interface.
I want to use rest API for Azure Data Catalog. Is it possible with my level of permission?
I have followed all the steps from and written the following piece of code:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string url = "";
HttpWebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(url) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest;
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
catch (Exception e)
static AuthenticationResult AccessToken()
string resourceUri = "";
string clientId = "my-client-id";
string redirectUri = "my-redirect-uri";
string authorityUri = "";
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);
return authContext.AcquireToken(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), PromptBehavior.RefreshSession);
and when I try to run the search from API, I get the following error:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401)
Unauthorized. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at
HRBIADCAPI.Program.Main(String[] args) in
c:\users\naghimir\documents\visual studio
2015\Projects\HRBIADCAPI\HRBIADCAPI\Program.cs:line 32
Now I think the problem is that I have not given access to the client program created to read/write data catalog (that I did in Azure Data Factory) but that step is not there in the documentation either.
Do I need to be the owner or can I request permission from the owner to use Azure Data Catalog API?
Based on the description, you were using the OAuth 2.0 code grant flow to grant the app to delegate the user to manipulate the Azure Data Catalog.
To ensure the request works well, we need to grant the scope to the app like figure below:
And since the app only delegate the users’ permission, please ensure that user have the sufficient permission to operate the resource manfully.

Using OAuth with SforceServiceLocator

I'm looking at some code which is using the Salesforce SOAP API to create a session and access data:
SoapBindingStub binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap();
String username;
String password;
LoginResult result = binding.login(username, password);
SessionHeader sh = new SessionHeader();
binding.setHeader(new SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(), "SessionHeader", sh);
Given that I've got an OAuth access token and endpoint, is there a way to adapt this to work correctly without a username/password?
After a lot of trial and error -- the answer appears to be the following
Use the OAuth Access token as the sessionID