Yahoo social/contacts api -> update contact (PUT method) - yahoo-api

So.. The application I wrote ages ago to update yahoo contacts seems to have quit working... It was using oauth1 to authenticate...
doing a PUT to
gets me a 404 Not Found on Accelerator error
<!-- status code : 404 -->
<!-- Not Found on Accelerator -->
<!-- host machine: -->
<!-- timestamp: 1506448562.000 -->
<!-- url:>
Thinking the issue may be their oauth1 api.. I switched to oauth2
same error
So I try (httpS)
I get
401 You are unauthorized for this operation
I'm using scope sdct-w (
Is Yahoo Contacts API dead or am I doing something wrong?{guid}/contacts
a) the endpoint is now https (documentation still shows http)
b) used to be able to use "me" for the {guid} ... this is no longer the case

You have to add access token on your request.


How do use ionic 6 with Auth0 ionic sample

I am using the and following the examples in the readme file to to letter
Allowed Callback URLs:
com.auth0.samples://XXXX/capacitor/com.auth0.samples/callback, capacitor://localhost, http://localhost, http://localhost:4200
Allowed Logout URLs:
com.auth0.samples://XXXXX/capacitor/com.auth0.samples/callback, http://localhost:4200
Allowed Origins (CORS):
capacitor://localhost, http://localhost
Allowed Web Origins:
And it worked twice and then all further testing I received this error
Failed to launch 'com.auth0.samples://' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
Has anyone else received this error and what was the fix?

Authenticating user request without pre auth filter in forgot password

I have a separate rest module named 'x' where I have used spring security with basic auth filter(username and password) in complete module therefore any request hitting this rest services should be logged-in but I have one page for forgot password where I am mapping in the same x module due to this auth filter I am unable to proceed. If I am logged in and going to this page and using the services of x module then its working fine but not in case of logged out users.
I tried these thing for not working
<http pattern="/forgotpass" security="none"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" access="permitAll"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" filter="none"/>
--> access="permitAll" does not work since it does permit all url but still it will authenticate with filter
and filter="none" is depricated not even able to start my jar when I put this thing.
security="none" gives 403 forbidden error sometimes or internal server error since I was changing the pattern "rest/forgotPassword" or "forgotPassword".
I resolved my problem by myself.
It was sequence that was having problem with.
I was using <intercept-url pattern="/forgotPassword" access="isAnonymous()"/>
after this <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasAuthority('USER')" />
I just order the line by putting "/forgotPassword" url on top of "/**"
Reason: It was overriding the request pattern in sequence it came first therefore it didnt allow to pass because role was missing in forgotpassword

Not able to access Coldfusion Rest Service through website url - Coldfusion

My coldfusion version is 10 and configured with iis. I have configured Rest service using the following code
<cfset restInitApplication(getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()), "myservicename") />
My cfc which is in same directory looks something like that
component restpath="test" rest="true" produces="application/json"
remote array function getResult(
required string tmpID restargsource="path",
string startDate restargsource="query",
string endDate restargsource="query"
return arguments.tmpID;
I am trying to access the rest service by url but it is giving me 404 not found error. Here is url which i have tried.
But all three is not working for me. When i try to refresh the service from coldfusion administrator, it is giving me following error.
Unable to refresh REST service.
Application myservicename could not be initialized.
Reason: The application does not contain any rest enabled CFCs.
The application does not contain any rest enabled CFCs.
I have save my cfc to webroot of iis and update the root path of rest service through coldfusion administrator. Then above error is gone and got the green message 'Server has been updated successfully'. But still not accessible through any url. Still getting 404 error. Can any one point me where i am doing wrong? Or help me to resolve this issue.

Mule Facebook Samples Invalid redirect error

I have seen a lot of these errors all over the net with different developer framework
"error": {
"message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 191
I am using Mule ESB to post a comment on a wall but get this error. I have used localhost and the IP address of my PC but nothing seems to work. I am behind a proxy server so not sure if that is the problem. It also seems that Facebook has chaned the UI of the apps page as a lot of sample refer to pages that do not exist anymore.
How do I get my Facebook page to accept my auth and then post using Mule.
Have you configured Facebook properly? They tend to change their app system every few months, so any example is usually outdated. The following works with my test app (just tests auth, does not save token):
FB App:
-> Basic
-> Add Platform
-> App on Facebook
-> Canvas URL: http://localhost:3000/
<facebook:config-with-oauth name="Facebook" appId="${id}" appSecret="${secret}" doc:name="Facebook">
<facebook:oauth-callback-config domain="localhost" localPort="3000" remotePort="3000"></facebook:oauth-callback-config>
<flow name="authorize">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="3000" path="authorize"></http:inbound-endpoint>
<facebook:authorize config-ref="Facebook"></facebook:authorize>
If you have a proxy / port forwarding in your environment, you should add the remotePort option explicitly. I run my Mule inside a virtual machine, and it produces the invalid url error without it.

.NET AdaptivePayment SDK: PaymentDetails() is throwing a ConnectionException (404)

I am calling the AdaptivePaymentService.PaymentDetails() to get the payment details for a payment, and it is throwing a ConnectionException indicating 404. In order to debug the issue, I downloaded the source for the AdaptivePayment SDK as well as the Core SDK and stepped through the code, specifically, right where the HttpRequest is executed in Paypal.HttpConnection.Execute().
It appears as if all configuration variables are being read from the web.config:
The address in the underlying httpRequest looks correct:
The payload looks correct:
However, a WebException is thrown with the following response:
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /cgi-bin/ppapi was not found on this server.</p>
<p>Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</p>
<address>Apache Server at Port 443</address>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Since you have configured both ClientId/Secret and 3-token credentials (API username, password, signature) in your configuration, the endpoint has been detected incorrectly, giving the REST API higher preference. Please remove the client id / secret configuration and you should see the endpoint set correctly to