why does powershell script skip to the end? - powershell

I've got a little Powershell script that is supposed to deploy some service fabric applications locally:
I'm attempting to execute it like this:
.\Deploy.ps1 -ArtifactPath C:\packages\EnterpriseAPIPackages201710109749b
For some reason it skips to the last line of the script!
What am I doing wrong? How do I get all the lines to execute?
$LocalFolder = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$DeployScriptFile = "$LocalFolder\Scripts\Deploy-FabricApplication.ps1"
$ConfigFilePath = "$LocalFolder\config.xml"
$ConfigFilePath = Resolve-Path $ConfigFilePath
[Xml]$configParameters = (Get-Content $ConfigFilePath)
$services = $configParameters.DeploymentConfiguration.Microservices
if (!$ArtifactPath)
$ArtifactPath = $LocalFolder
$ApplicationPackageFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $ArtifactPath -Filter ApplicationManifest.xml -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
foreach($ApplicationPackageFile in $ApplicationPackageFiles)
$ApplicationPackagePath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $($ApplicationPackageFile.FullName)
$ProjectName = Split-Path $ApplicationPackagePath -Leaf
Write-Host "Start PowerShell script to deploy Microservice to Service Fabric: ApplicationPackageName: $($ProjectName)"
$ScriptBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("$DeployScriptFile -ApplicationPackagePath '$ApplicationPackagePath'")
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"

What am I doing wrong? How do I get all the lines to execute?
It seems there is nothing wrong with you code. I assume that there is nothing in the $ApplicationPackageFiles variable, so the foreach clause is not be executed.
You debug it with one of the following ways:
1.Print the $ApplicationPackageFiles variable to console directly
Write-Host "ApplicationPackageFiles value: $ApplicationPackageFiles"
2.Add the output info before and after foreach to check it.
Write-Host "Before loop..."
foreach($ApplicationPackageFile in $ApplicationPackageFiles)
Write-Host "After loop..."

I don't see anything immediately wrong with it. If you copy & pasted it from somewhere, the dashes, newlines, etc, might be wrong (especially if copy/pasting from rich text).
Open your script in PowerShell ISE or vscode and set a breakpoint at the top. Then you can step through line by line to narrow it down.


How does one execute a powershell script from another powershell script, with capability to wait and get error codes?

I need to call a powershell script from another powershell script. The powershell script in question, myrobocopy.ps1, is a generalised module, just tuned to our specific needs. I need to call this from another script and get the error code it returns.
I tried it with Invoke-Expression, like this:
$source = "C:/sourcefolder"
$destination = "C:/destinationfolder"
$filename = "filename /LOG+:log.txt"
$arguments = "-source $source -destination $destination -file $filename"
$robocopyscript = "myrobocopy.ps1"
Invoke-Expression "$robocopyscript $arguments"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 1){
$problems = 1
I think the issue with this is that we can't force the process to wait until myrobocopy.ps1 is finished. Additionally, if I'm honest with you, I don't even think $LASTEXITCODE works here, since Invoke-Expression isn't some global error handling tool. I'm new to Powershell, so yeah, its dumb, just showing my work here.
Next attempt looked like this:
$robocopy = "C:\testfolder\myrobocopy.ps1"
$source = "C:\testfolder"
$destination = "C:\testdestination"
$filename = "test.bat"
$arguments = "-source $source -destination $destination -file $filename"
$p = Start-Process $robocopy $arguments -Passthru -Wait
$code = $p.ExitCode
For all I know, this should work, yet when this script runs, it just opens myrobocopy.ps1 in notepad. I've seen some other answers regarding how to associate ps1 files with powershell itself, but I don't believe (could be mistaken here) that is the issue here.
Finally, I read that I need to actually start powershell itself, and then call the ps script. I'm not really sure how to do that, so I tried the following:
$robocopy = "C:\testfolder\myrobocopy.ps1"
$source = "C:\testfolder"
$destination = "C:\testdestination"
$filename = "test.bat"
$arguments = "-source $source -destination $destination -file $filename"
$p = Start-Process "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -File $robocopy -ArgumentList $arguments -PassThru -Wait
$code = $p.ExitCode
This returns the following error: Start-Process : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
So yeah I'm slightly lost. I'm sure I just don't know the syntax on how to do it. Help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
EDIT: Just to add more info, myrobocopy.ps1 accepts 3 string parameters and explicitly returns the $LASTEXITCODE after running robocopy.
Using the call operator made this work, and you use $LASTEXITCODE to retrieve the exit code.
$robocopy = "C:\testfolder\myrobocopy.ps1"
$source = "C:\testfolder"
$destination = "C:\testdestination"
$filename = "test.bat"
& $robocopy $source $destination $filename
If your "C:\testfolder\myrobocopy.ps1" put the result code on the pipeline, the call operator should do the trick:
$result = & "C:\testfolder\myrobocopy.ps1"
Another way to run robocopy and get the correct exit code would be to use Invoke-Expression with $global:LASTEXITCODE:
Function Start-Robocopy {
Param (
Try {
$result = [PSCustomObject]#{
Source = $Source
Destination = $Destination
File = $File
Switches = $Switches
RobocopyOutput = $null
ExitCode = $null
Error = $null
$global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 # required to get the correct exit code
$expression = [String]::Format(
'ROBOCOPY "{0}" "{1}" {2} {3}',
$Source, $Destination, $File, $Switches
$result.RobocopyOutput = Invoke-Expression $expression
$result.ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
Catch {
$result.Error = $_
Finally {
$startParams = #{
Source = '\\contoso\FolderA'
Destination = '\\contoso\FolderA'
Switches = '/MIR /Z /R:3 /W:10 /NP /MT:16'
Start-Robocopy #startParams

Chng Execution Policy in RemotePSSession

I am trying to write something that will prompt for a PC name and then remotely perform a folder permission change. Everything is chaotic looking but I am struggling with changing the execution policy after the Enter-PSSession - it seems it just gets stuck and won't proceed further to my function.
This is the rough draft of what I have thus far. Any help is appreciated.
$PromptedPC = Read-Host -Prompt "`n `n Enter PC Number"
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $PromptedPC
Write-Host `n"Do you want to change folder permissions?" -ForegroundColor Green
$ReadAnswer = Read-Host " ( y / n ) "
PowerShell.exe -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
switch ($ReadAnswer)
Y {
function Grant-userFullRights {
$rule=new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($UserName,"FullControl","Allow")
foreach($File in $Files) {
if(Test-Path $File) {
try {
$acl = Get-ACL -Path $File -ErrorAction stop
Set-ACL -Path $File -ACLObject $acl -ErrorAction stop
Write-Host "Successfully set permissions on $File"
} catch {
Write-Warning "$File : Failed to set perms. Details : $_"
} else {
Write-Warning "$File : No such file found"
Grant-userFullRights -Files 'C:\ProgramData\New World Systems\' -UserName "BUILTIN\Users"
I did get the function information from: http://techibee.com/powershell/grant-fullcontrol-permission-to-usergroup-on-filefolder-using-powershell/2158
I am just trying to put something together that will work for a programdata folder our users need full control of that keeps reverting permissions to something lower than full access.
You start a new PowerShell with the ExecutionPolicy Bypass.
Sine you are already in PowerShell, the proper way to configure the Execution Polcy is Set-ExecutionPolicy.
However, since you don't invoke any script file, there is no need to change the Execution Policy.

Install program remotely using Invoke-Command

The variable at the top of the script defines several commands/variables for New-PSDrive, as well as connection and installation.
After this, a function is created to open a text file and extract information out of it. I know this part works because I use it in 2 other scripts.
Lastly, The script executes the commands in the first variable.
The script will show as running successfully, but checking the remote computer reveals that nothing happened.
Prior to doing any of this activity, the remote computer has a script run against it that:
enables PSRemoting (setting firewall rules and starting WinRM), and
bypasses execution policies.
After those steps, the script below is run to install a piece of software.
$eAudIT2014V2Install = {
$eAudIT2014V2password = ConvertTo-SecureString "PasswordHere" -AsPlainText -Force
$eAudIT2014V2cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('domain\user', $eAudIT2014V2password)
$eAudIT2014V2drive = New-PSDrive -Name eAudIT2014V2 -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\Server\Share" -Credential $eAudIT2014V2cred
$eAudIT2014V2job = Start-Job {"eAudIT2014V2:\Setup.cmd"}
Wait-Job $eAudIT2014V2job
Receive-Job $eAudIT2014V2job
Function Get-OpenFile($initialDirectory) {
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") |
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = $initialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.ShowHelp = $true
$InputFile = Get-OpenFile
if ($InputFile -eq "Cancel") {
Write-Host "Canceled By User"
} else {
$Computers = #(Get-Content -Path $InputFile)
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
Write-Host "Installing eAudIT 2014V2 on Selected Computers"
Invoke-Command $eAudIT2014V2Install
I'm noticing that if I tell this script to run something basic like notepad.exe, a dllhost process starts on the machine, but notepad never does. What am I doing wrong?
The answer is pretty simple here. All of your script is for naught if you don't tell the Invoke-Command cmdlet what computer you want to execute the code on. As it is you are simply iterating a loop and invoking that command X number of times on the local machine. You need to change that second to the last line to specify the machine to execute the code on:
Invoke-Command $eAudIT2014V2Install -ComputerName $computer

Powershell: Update-TfsWorkspace cmdlet how to update two workspaces

I want to update 2 workspaces from two different tfs in one script using powershell.
The first Workspace is updating without any Problems. After the update is finished powershell connects to the second Workspace, but isn't updating the local data like the first time.
I guess the old Connection might still block the pipe or something like that, but I haven't found any cmd to clean the pipe. My code looks like this:
[string]$TestTFS = "http://TestTFS",
[string]$ProdTFS = "http://ProdTFS",
# Import Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell Snapin
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell
# Connect to production-TFS
$ProdEnvServer = Get-TfsServer -Name $ProdTFS
Write-Host "tfsConnect ="$ProdEnvServer
# Get prod teamprojekt
Get-TfsChildItem $Teamprojekt -Server $ProdEnvServer
# Update files in local prod workspace
Update-TfsWorkspace -Force -Recurse $LocalProdWorkspace
# Connect to test-TFS
$TestEnvServer = Get-TfsServer -Name $TestTFS
Write-Host "tfsConnect ="$TestEnvServer
# Get test teamprojekt
Get-TfsChildItem $Teamprojekt -Server $TestEnvServer
# Update files in local test workspace
Update-TfsWorkspace -Force -Recurse $LocalTestWorkspace
After 3 months and noone coming up with an answer. I just assume that the Cmdlets don't work as they should. The only option here seems to be a Workaround.
# Copy Team Project from Prod to Test TFS
param([string]$TestTFS = "http://TestTFS",
[string]$ProdTFS = "http://ProdTFS",
$LocalTestProjectPath = $LocalTestWorkspace + $Teamproject.Substring(1)
$LocalProdProjectPath = $LocalProdWorkspace + $Teamproject.Substring(1)
# Connect to production-TFS
Write-Host "Getting latest of $ProdTFS"
$tfsColProd = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($ProdTFS)
[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer] $vcsProd = $tfsColProd.GetService([type] "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer")
# TryGetWorkspace is sometimes buggy and doesn't return an existing workspace
# Delete existing workspace manually before if that happens
$workspaceProd = $vcsProd.TryGetWorkspace($LocalProdWorkspace)
$isProdTempWorkspace = $false
# create Workspace if it doesn't exists
if (-not $workspaceProd) {
Write-Host "No workspace found, creating temporary for prod"
$workspaceProd = $vcsProd.CreateWorkspace("Temp_" + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
$workspaceProd.Map($Teamproject, $LocalProdProjectPath)
$isProdTempWorkspace = $true
$itemSpecFullTeamProj = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.ItemSpec($Teamproject, "Full")
$fileRequest = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetRequest($itemSpecFullTeamProj,
$workspaceProd.Get($fileRequest, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetOptions]::GetAll)
if ($isProdTempWorkspace) {
Write-Host "Deleting temporary workspace for prod"
Write-Host "Getting latest of $TestTFS"
$tfsColTest = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory]::GetTeamProjectCollection($TestTFS)
$vcsTest = $tfsColTest.GetService([type] "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer")
# TryGetWorkspace is sometimes buggy and doesn't return an existing workspace
# Delete existing workspace manually before if that happens
[Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.Workspace] $workspaceTest = $vcsTest.TryGetWorkspace($LocalTestWorkspace)
$isTestTempWorkspace = $false
# create Workspace if it doesn't exists
if (-not $workspaceTest) {
Write-Host "No workspace found, creating temporary for test"
$workspaceTest = $vcsTest.CreateWorkspace("Temp_" + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())
$workspaceTest.Map($Teamproject, $LocalTestProjectPath)
$isTestTempWorkspace = $true
$workspaceTest.Get($fileRequest, [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetOptions]::GetAll)
# Remove local test folder and copy prod folder into test workspace
Write-Host "Copying over Prod to Test"
# Delete updated test project folder
Remove-Item -Path $LocalTestProjectPath -Force -Recurse
# Copy prod folder to test workspace
Copy-Item -Path $LocalProdProjectPath -Destination $LocalTestProjectPath -Force -Recurse
# Calling tfpt is the only thing that works
Write-Host "Comparing for changes"
$ps = new-object System.Diagnostics.Process
$ps.StartInfo.Filename = $env:TFSPowerToolDir + "tfpt.exe"
$ps.StartInfo.Arguments = "online /adds /deletes /diff /noprompt /recursive $LocalTestProjectPath"
$ps.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $false # careful, only output works, has hanging problems (2k Buffer limit)
$ps.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = $false
$ps.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
# Check in new test project folder into test environment
$wsCheckinParams = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.WorkspaceCheckInParameters(
#($itemSpecFullTeamProj),"Update project to production environment version")
# CheckIn better manually to check for errors
if ($isTestTempWorkspace) {
Write-Host "Deleting temporary workspace for test"
Remove-Item -Path D:\Development -Force -Recurse
catch [System.Exception]
Write-Host "Exception: " ($Error[0]).Exception
My approach is very similar to Zittelrittel. Just send the path and it will automatically figure out the workspace.
This will not work in PowerShell ISE (x86), I had to use the 64-bit version!
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell
Write-Host "Updating Workspace1, please wait..."
Update-TfsWorkspace -item C:\dev\Workspace1\code -Recurse | Format-Table
Write-Host "Updating Workspace2, please wait..."
Update-TfsWorkspace -item C:\dev\Workspace1\code -Recurse | Format-Table
In your calls to update TFS workspace, pipe the result to out-null. This should effectively remove any data that would otherwise be stored in the pipeline.
Update-TfsWorkspace -Force -Recurse $LocalProdWorkspace | Out-Null
Update-TfsWorkspace -Force -Recurse $LocalTestWorkspace | Out-Null

How to test writing to a file share path using credential?

I have an array of Credential objects and I would like to test that these credentials have permissions to write a file to a file share.
I was going to do something like
$myPath = "\\path\to\my\share\test.txt"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
"Testing" | Out-File -FilePath $myPath -Credential $cred
but then I discovered that Out-File doesn't take Credential as a parameter. What's the best way to solve this?
You can use New-PSDrive:
$myPath = "\\path\to\my\share"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
New-PSDrive Test -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $myPath -Credential $Cred
"Testing" | Out-File -FilePath Test:\test.txt
Remove-PSDrive Test
Here is asituation where an old exe (net.exe) seems to do better than powershell...
I guess you could try to map a network drive with the credential provided then test to write a file to that drive :
net use q: \\servername\share $pass /user:$cred.username
Use this script taken from Microsofts TechNet Script Center : http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Lists-all-the-shared-5ebb395a
It is a lot easier to alter to fit your needs then to start completely from scratch.
Open up ListSharedFolderPermissions.ps1, and find the three $Properties vars. add a line at the top of each one so you can tell which user your looking at, so it should now look like this:
$Properties = #{'Username' = $Credential.UserName
'ComputerName' = $ComputerName
. . . . . }
Next, add your new Username property to the select-object line (3 times) :
$Objs|Select-Object Username,ComputerName,ConnectionStatus,SharedFolderName,SecurityPrincipal, `
Once youve added those small pieces in the six appropriate places your script is ready to use:
cd c:\Path\where\you\put\ps1\file
$permissions = #()
$myPath = "computername"
foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
$permissions += .\ListAllSharedFolderPermission.ps1 -ComputerName $myPath -Credential $cred
$permissions += " "
$permissions | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Permission.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Try using the Invoke-Command function. It will take a credential object and allow you to run an arbitrary script block under that command. You can use that to test out writing the file
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { "Testing" | Out-File $myPath } -Credential $cred
I think the Invoke-command approach should work. But if nothing works you can try the powershell impersonation module. It successfully impersonates a user for most Powershell commands without the -Credential switch.
A few ideas:
Create your own PowerShell Provider
Impersonate a user and then write to the share (not sure if possible in powershell)
Use net use d:... as #Kayasax has suggested
Use WScript.Network
I'm very interested in the PowerShell provider myself, but I decided to make something real quick so I went with using the WScript.Network library. I used a hash table to track whether a user would be "authenticated" or not.
$credentials = #() # List of System.Net.NetworkCredential objects
$authLog = #{}
$mappedDrive = 'z:'
$tmpFile = $mappedDrive, '\', [guid]::NewGuid(), '.tmp' -join ''
$path = [io.path]::GetPathRoot('\\server\share\path')
$net = new-object -comObject WScript.Network
foreach ($c in $credentials) {
if ($authLog.ContainsKey($c.UserName)) {
# Skipping because we've already tested this user.
try {
if (Test-Path $mappedDrive) {
$net.RemoveNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, 1) # 1 to force
# Attempt to map drive and write to it
$net.MapNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, $path, $false, $c.UserName, $c.Password)
out-file $tmpFile -inputObject 'test' -force
# Cleanup
Remove-Item $tmpFile -force
$net.RemoveNetworkDrive($mappedDrive, 1)
# Authenticated.
# We shouldn't have reached this if we failed to mount or write
$authLog.Add($c.UserName, 'Authorized')
catch [Exception] {
# Unathenticated
$authLog.Add($c.UserName, 'Unauthorized')
# Output
Name Value
---- -----
desktop01\user01 Authorized
desktop01\user02 Unauthorized