How to trigger REST request in SOAPUI with Groovy script test step - rest

With the below script I'm able to send the data/payload to my POST request. However, notable to run the post request from the script. Need post request in loop.
def POSTForgivness = testRunner
Other info from comments:
each time in loop I have different data for post request
not load testing, but post request with different input data
have got some 900+ records, able to read and send the data to post request but the post request in not triggering/running after that in the loop.

Here you go: sudo code
get the test step by name
set the new request to next step
run the step
need to disable the rest step as every thing is controlled by step1 (which is groovy script step)
//Get the next step
def nextStep = context.testCase.getTestStepByName("postforgivness")
//Set the new request
nextStep.httpRequest.requestContent = ForgivnessPayload
//run next step, context)
Just loop thru the above code until you finish the data

Re Need post request in loop.
This sounds like a data-driven test as opposed to a load test.
Place your post-forgiveness request between a 'Data Source' step and a 'Data Source Loop' step.
You can then 'loop' over your post-forgiveness step as many times as there are rows set up in your data source step. For each row you have set up, you can define the payload to 'squirt' into your request.
There is an excellent article on the SoapUI website


Specify Google Task ID on insert

I am working with Google Tasks, using the PHP library:
I am trying to insert a task with a custom ID.
I found this topic:
Setting id to task using Google Task API returns 400 invalid value
which points to this topic:
Google tasks update error
They suggest to send the Task ID with the Task title. I think I have done that.
This is the code info from the Google API reference
$task = new Task();
$task->setTitle('New Task');
$task->setNotes('Please complete me');
$task->setDue(new TaskDateTime('2010-10-15T12:00:00.000Z'));
$result = $service->insertTasks('#default', $task);
echo $result->getId();
This is my code, I got setID() from the library itself.
$taskNew = new Google_Service_Tasks_Task();
$taskNew->setDue(new TaskDateTime('2018-10-27T00:00:00.000Z'));
$results3 = $service->tasks->insert('.....', $taskNew);
I keep getting an error and it refuses to make the task.
Using this API tool:
I can insert tasks successfully, so long as the system makes the ID. The Google Task API will insert the task, but assign its own ID.
If I specify a custom ID, then I get a 400 error "Invalid value".
I am making tasks to correspond to events saved in my program's database. I need to be able to find the task that matches a database event when I need to make changes to the due date or completed.
The reason I want to set my own ID, is so I can find the specific task and make changes.
I could add a new field to the database with the ID that google generates. But I would prefer to not have to change the database and the rest of the program as well.
Thanks so much for any help,
- Jon
Task Id is the read-only parameter.
I solved this question by using a prefix for the task`s Title.
For example: "[my_id] Task Title".

How to automate dynamic token generated by a URL for Rest API in SOAPUI?

For my project
I have created test cases in SOAPUI for Rest project.
I have to pass token in header for each test steps that I have added in the test cases.
Also the token validity only for 1 hour. So every hour I have to enter the token in the headers.
I want to know is there any way automate this token entry and generation dynamically ?
For now what I am doing is getting token every time by refreshing the URL in every 1 hour and putting it manually in header of every test case and test steps.
You could use something like the following Groovy script as the first test step of your test case. This gets your authorisation token from whatever service you use and sets it in your request header:
def authorisationToken = // Retrieve a new token from your authorisation service
// Get the headers for the request
def restRequest = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName('REST request')
def headers = restRequest.httpRequest.requestHeaders
// Set the token as a header. Remove it first in case it already exists
headers.remove("Authorisation") // Or whatever your header is called
headers.put("Authorisation", authorisationToken)
restRequest.httpRequest.requestHeaders = headers
If you need to, you could also create a custom property at, say, the test suite level, then set this property after you retrieve it:
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue("Authorization", authorisationToken)
Then, you could use it anywhere you need with ${#TestSuite#authorisationToken}

How to pass parameter to SOAP request in SOAPUI

I'm newbie to soap and soapui, I'm trying to create a test case in which I will send the same request(XML attachment) many times(about 500), the problem is that each time I need to increment/change a value in the request (the id).
Therefore, I wonder if the is a way to pass this parameter to the attached xml file ? or if there is another ways to do the test case.
Thank you in advance
here is the content of the xml file :
<mod:sendMSG xmlns:mod="http://test.soap/service/model">
<firstName>AT </firstName>
<lastName>AT </lastName>
which is included in the soap request, ass shown in the following image :
Test steps:
Groovy Script
SOAP Request (disabled)
I disabled the SOAP Request because it runs once more after the script has already looped the request x times.
Groovy script:
int loops = 500;
for ( iter in 1..loops ) {
//Overwrite the 'parameter1' property at project level
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue("parameter1", iter.toString())
//"iter: " + testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getPropertyValue("parameter1"));
// Run the teststep named 'SOAP Request'
def testStep = testRunner.testCase.testSteps['SOAP Request']; testRunner, context )
Now you should be able to run your TestCase. I recommend saving your project before, I had some problems with SoapUI crashing on me when running.

store and setRequest

I have a jobque mechanism in ZF.
The jobque simlpy stores the the function call (Class, Method and params) and later executes it as CLI daemon. The daemon works, however at places the application looks for information from the request object, and when called from the CLI these places fail, or get no info.
I would like to store the original request object together with the job and when the job is processed set the request object back as if the job was done by the originall request, somethin along the line of the following pseudo code:
$ser_request = serialize(Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->getRequest ());
-->save to db
-->retrive from db
$ZCF= new Zend_Controller_Front;
$ZCF::getInstance ()->setRequest (unserialize($ser_request))
The aim is to store and replay the jobs later withouth having to change the rest of the application.
Any suggestions how to do that?
I am not sure if this works, but here's an idea. Try to implement _sleep and _wakeup magic methods for the request object. Haven't tried it out, but maybe it's at least a starting solution.

How to write/update session data before a request end in Perl Catalyst MVC Framework

How can I write or update session data before a request ends in Perl MVC Catalyst Framework.
I am using Session::State::Cookie and Session::Store::FastMap
I need to ensure that the data is available before the long-running request completes
This is what worked for me.
To ensure the information is updated at the time it is set in the long running request, I do a $c->finalize_session just after updating some importante information related to the session:
$c->session->{important_info} = "new value";
I verified that the other requests are gathering the right value after that.
I did not observed any side effects calling $c->finalize_session many times during a request just to ensure the session data to be updated, but I am not certained about this.
One of the informations that I am setting in this way is a counter to update a progress bar to feedback the user (because this task takes a long time). I do not know if it is the best way to do that, I will appreciate any suggestion.
You can do some last-second processing just before a request is completed and the response sent to the client by overriding the handle_request method in your application's main module or a plugin.
sub handle_request {
my ($c, #args) = #_;
my $status = $c->next::method(#args);
# Do some last minute processing before the request is completed.
return $status;
I've overridden this method before to collect stats about a request or restart a worker process if it uses too much memory. Let me know if this is helpful or if you have more questions about it.